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The Chaos Effect updated 10/11/05 Exit the Dungeon + New Players intro


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Clang stands ready to blast the leader and anyone near it.!

ooc: actions remain the same as before energy missile with 2 additional power points on it until all cretures are toasted!

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"That creature seems to be the leader of the group. Perhaps if we slay it, the others will let us leave. Here's how we do it, people.
Spike strides forward towards the massive beast with his greatsword ready while yelling some orders about the creature's possible weak spots.

OOC: Spike activates his motivate ardor (+1 on damage rolls) aura and tries to get in for some good hits on the beast. He'll try flanking with any of the others if at all possible.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
ooc: How far away is he?

Tamin moves forward, weapon still in hand, trying to scare the creature away. "I hope he's not wanting a one-on-one battle...?"

Intimidate +7

They are VERY close. each square = 5 ft


  • BIGFOOT encounter.JPG
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The man with the probe
Vander AC: 27 (28 vs BG)

Jdvn1 said:
ooc: How far away is he?

Tamin moves forward, weapon still in hand, trying to scare the creature away. "I hope he's not wanting a one-on-one battle...?"

Intimidate +7
"It seems we'll find out" Vander says, steping up to him (and only him) in a defensive stance. (He's my dodge target too)


Tamin tries his best to look fierce to the hulking creature but it will not even take the time to recognize him. It pays all of its attention to the leader and Vander. Rash castes Bless onto the party while watching the creatures. The apparent leader however goes to grapple Vander. He latches onto him and they begin to wrestle. Vander breaks free of his grasp with a great deal of effort. This creature seems incredibly strong and obviously it knows something about grappling.
Kerrick holds his action in case any of the others attack. He understands this is a battle of honor for the creature and a rite of leadership. The other creatures split their attention between the battle and watching for dirty play. Speaking of which- Spike jumps into the battle and badly cuts the creature. Clang glows breifly then fires out multiple beams into the watching creatures. Several scream and drop and do not get up. The others growl and scream then attack. Rash and Vander become consumed by irrational fear of the creatures and their presence.

Tamin is convinced of the threat and attacks the creature closest to him. However he misses with each swing. Rash freezes up and nearly falls off the path into the water below. The Leader slams Vander very hard (for 10 points) and tries to hit him again but misses. Vander , fearful of the creature's strength, misses wildly with his weapon. Kerrick seems frozen yet ready to attack anything that lunges for him. The creatures retaliate. One slams Clang (for 9 damage). Spike is forced to take down protective creatures instead of the leader. He hits one which staggers and sways in pain. Clang fires again destroying the one before him.
Suddenly the leader creature staggers as if struck solidly by Vander. Its eyes close then open with bloody tears. Angered it looks around from party member to party member and grunts in discomfort.

Next two actions?

Only three remain upright along with the leader. Two others stumble to and fro (at 0). The others are down.

Tamin 19
Rash 17
Bigfoot Leader 17
Vander 16
Kerrick 12
Bigfoot 12
Spike 11
Clang 08


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Disappointed at not being able to scare them away--thereby avoiding any fight--Tamin spins his blades in the proper fashion, slicing and dicing.

ooc: I'll attack the one closest to me--if that's the leader, that's fine.
Attack +8/+8 (d4+5/d4+4, 18-20/x2)


First Post
Clang stands ready.

ooc:22 power points left, 11 hp's.
continues to fire his energy missile (fire) +2 power points for 5d6 dmg.
Fire: A missile of this energy type deals +1 point of damage per die

By the way mega did you include my damage reduction 3/adamantine for my damage taken or not?

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