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The Charming Warden

Rae ArdGaoth

The time is just around midnight. A chill wind blows at your backs as you flee this eerie scene, with wolf bodies strewn about, some twitching, some limp, and not a little bit of blood, both human and lupine.

As you have traveled for two days, you have covered just over half the distance to Trimble's. You have just under two days left. (That's 32 miles out of 60.)

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Rae ArdGaoth

[sblock=OOC]No problem, HM. Will someone volunteer to play Jonah and Blue while HM is away? I'd rather not NPC a player long-term, but neither do I want to send them back to the RDI.[/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

[sblock=OOG]I suppose I should mention that I moved to the UK this past weekend and will be particularly harried in real-life, leading to reduced activity here. Sorry about it![/sblock]


The 8th Evil Sage
Tibard Mountainbore, Cleric of Hyrag 1

"Well, I need to rest if I'm to be able to receive Hyrag's power tomorrow. So I say we find the nearest acceptable spot and rest for eight hours. Whoever's rested, you're on watch. If anyone's still hurt, I'll be able to help you in the morning."

Tibard will camp and go to sleep as soon as he gets a chance. The next day he'll keep moving until he gets where he's going.


First Post
Reis shakes his head. "We should find a place to stop when we can, but I'd rather get as far away from this place as possible. I'm not sure what was going on there, but something seemed amiss... normal wolves don't attack a group of our size with a campire, not unless they're starving."

Having said this, he sets off down the road after Tibard. Reis will keep an eye out for possible campsites, but probably won't want to stop for at least a mile or two.

Blue also lopes along behind the dwarf, looking worriedly at his unconscious master.

[sblock=ooc]Rae, can you describe the next reasonable-looking campsite to us? Also, when will Jonah recover from the color spray?[/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

Jonah awakens after a short period of time, about a minute after you depart from the campsite. He's a bit dazed, but no worse for the wear from Christopher's spell.

A few miles up the road, there are no obvious campsite spots like the one you were just at, but there are places where the road widens and the forest is not so dense.

You choose one of these places to make a second camp, and pass the remainder of the night uneventfully.


It is now morning. The sun shines easily through the sparse trees where you made camp, and the road ahead is clear...

[sblock=OOC]Can you figure out any healing that needs to be done, figure out spells for the rest of the day, and choose a marching order?

Sorry again for my absence.[/sblock]

Christopher Greeneeyes, Katara Sorcerer 1

Christopher is grateful for the nights's rest. And for the chance to recover a bit from his injuries. He is happy to see that the party is okay, and that JOnah has recovered from the spell.

[sblock=OOC]I don't think that Christopher really needs any healing, he only lost 2 hps, and he should recover soon enough.

I am going on vacation for the next week, and will not be in communication. I apologize. I guess that Christopher can be NPC'd as appropriate. At least he is a sorcerer, no choices about spells prepared. Just let them rip as appropriate. If anything he now a little more wary since he was injured in the attack.[/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

[sblock=OOG]Ok, thanks for telling us. This means we're down to 2 PCs, since HM is still away and Robichaud is missing. Though we only have 50% attendance, I think it's dangerous to put things on hold, because inertia will make it harder to get started again.

So I'll send Robichaud an email. In the meantime, let's keep truckin'![/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Here are the stats from the end of the fight:

Reis [2/16 HP]
Jamilee [6/15 HP]
Tibard [11/11 HP]
Jonah [8/13 HP]
Blue [13/13 HP]
Christopher [2/4 HP]

After camping at the new site, you heal your level in hit points:

[sblock=From the SRD]Natural Healing

With a full night’s rest (8 hours of sleep or more), you recover 1 hit point per character level. Any significant interruption during your rest prevents you from healing that night.[/sblock][/sblock]

Though the sun is shining, most of the party is still wounded. Reis came close to death, Jamilee's leg is still bleeding heavily, and Jonah and Christopher are cut up as well.

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