• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Charming Warden


The 8th Evil Sage
The next morning Tibard prays to Hyrag to help and renew the party.

"Okay, lets see how much Hyrag likes me today." With a spoken prayer he lays his hands on Reis, but there's little change. "Hmm, not much. Let's try one more time." This time the results are better.

He spreads Hyrag's healing around the party, healing Christopher fully and helping Jamilee.

"Hopefully today will be uneventful, because that's pretty much all I've got. Now let's get a move on."

[sblock=OOC]First spell only cures 2 hp.
The second cures 5 hp
Two cure minor wounds to Christopher and one to Jamilee.[/sblock]

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First Post
Reis nods his thanks as the worst of his wounds knit together and heal. "Right, let's move. Earlier tomorrow we get there, the better."

Jonah has spent the morning sitting off at the edge of the woods, perhaps still regretting the fight with the wolves the day before. He and Blue stand and join the rest of the party as they prepare to set out.

[sblock=ooc]Jonah will do his hour of meditation while Tibard is praying. He prepares the same 5 spells as the day before (lvl0: Know Direction, Detect Poison, Virtue lvl1: Goodberry, Calm Animals).[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] I didn't miss much (very kool) spell selection looks great, I am ready when everyone else is. [/sblock]

Christopher Greeneyes, Katara Sorcerer 1

"Thank you," breathes Christopher to Tibard as he weilds Hyrag's power to cures the last of his injuries.

[sblock=OOC]I am back and ready to adventure. I know the absence of a player can slow things down, so I am gratiful for everbody's understanding.[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]I'm back up, too, if you'll still have me. Sorry about the sudden absence; RL dumped a load of trouble on me, and for a good while I was too stressed to even remember I was involved in a PBEM game. Fortunately most of it is behind me. I'll see if I can catch up.[/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

[sblock=OOG]Hi everybody, I'm sorry for the silence. I've been caught up in this awful European travel mess over the last few days, but now I'm finally where I want to be, so I'll be posting sometime within the next 24 hours.

Now that we're all back, let's get this show on the road!

And Merry Christmas to everybody![/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

[sblock=OOC]I figured out your rest healing for you. Christopher only needed 1hp after a night's rest, so I reassigned Tibard's CmW to Jamilee instead.


Reis [11/16 HP] (7 from Tibard, 2 from resting)
Jamilee [9/15 HP] (2 from Tibard, 2 from resting)
Tibard [11/11 HP]
Jonah [9/13 HP] (1 from resting)
Blue [13/13 HP]
Christopher [4/4 HP] (1 from Tibard, 1 from resting)[/sblock]

It is the third day of your journey. With the help of Tibard and a good night's rest, you're not limping nearly as much as you should be, but Reis, Jamilee, and Jonah are still hurting from last night.

The road on which you travel is overgrown with lack of use. You pass a path that leads to an ancient looking watchtower, its ramparts peeking above the tree canopy. And shortly after that, you hear music, a fiddle in fact, playing somewhere in the distance ahead of you.

After only a few moments, you see that up the road a ways, two tiny creatures are dancing. One is playing the fiddle, while the other claps its hands with delight and flits about with its tiny wings.

Knowledge (Nature) checks, if you please.


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] Jonah will watch for berry bushes that he was taught can be used to help make you feel better. If found he casts (without knowing it) Goodberry as he picks them, getting 4 that can be used to heal. [/sblock]

[sblock=Knowledge Check]
1d20+3 = 15[/sblock]

lvl-0: Know Direction, Detect Poison, Virtue
lvl-1: Goodberry, Calm Animals [/sblock]


The 8th Evil Sage
"It seems Hyrag has sent us fairies. Be careful. Right?" Tibard looks around. "I mean, they're tiny people with wings, so fairies? And they can do stuff, I think."

[sblock=ooc]Tibard has to knowledge (nature). He's vaguely guessing based on my assumption that fairies are well-known in general, similar to how he'd recognize a 20-foot-tall person as a giant and suspect that they're strong and tough.[/sblock]

Christopher Greeneyes, Katara Sorcerer 1

"It seems Hyrag has sent us fairies. Be careful. Right?" Tibard looks around. "I mean, they're tiny people with wings, so fairies? And they can do stuff, I think."

"Fairies? Are you sure? They don't look like any faries that I have seen before." Christopher reflects for a moment, then reluctantly adds, "I suppose we can talk with them, if they are fairies, it would be best to ask their permission to pass."

Christopher looks at the varied, and for the moment, unfortunately interesting group and sighs, resigned to an interessting encounter.

[sblock=OOC]Christopher knows Sylvan and it is stated in his backstory that he is on good terms with the fey living near his native home. I went ahead and rolled an untrained knowledge(nature) check. Untrained Knowledge(Nature) check. (1d20+1=4) I decided that this meant that the creature ahead are not any type of fey that he has encountered before, and that he would not know how to deal with them, what he has just said then is then just partly rumor and partly made up.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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