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D&D 5E The City of Is'Merith

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Yeah, well, you were about 20mins from the crates to the cave at normal pace, then another 10 through the caves, so about 1.5 miles from the crates, which are just about 100ft from the canal.


I wanted to take a stab at dividing loot.

Okay, here was my attempt to divide loot earlier. You can see how I valued it this way in the earlier post. I’ve added in the new items.

Isaac - the magical sword, chain shirt (for wearing now),
Total value: 60 gp

Al - the Lizardfolk shield, breastplate, golden tusk+teeth (he ripped 'em out so it seems fair to keep them), thieves' tools, and one healing potion (already used)
Total Value: 255 gp

Shen - healing potion, thieves guild magic armor
Total Value: 136 gp 5 silver

Mina –

Daedarai – Poisoner’s Kit
Total Value: 25 gp

Remaining loot:
Antidote potions (x2) – up for grabs at 25 gp (ea) or party loot
Healing Potions (x2) – up for grabs at 25 gp (ea)
Invisibility Potion – party loot
Wand – hard to price. My guess with the earlier formula somewhere between 100-150 gp. This is the first item we’ve seen that actually increases numerical effectiveness though so it’s hard to gauge.

Broken Half Plate - sell
The spare shield – sell
-a 50gp ruby - sell
-a silver beaded necklace worth 20gp - sell
-2 non-magical gold rings each worth 40gp – sell
- a homemade arcane focus made from a human skull containing 2 50gp rubies in the eye sockets – sell

151 cp/5 = 30 cp (1 cp remaining)
432 sp/5 = 86 sp (2 sp remaining)
1022 gp/5 = 204 gp (2 gp remaining)

Okay, so what I did is went back to the original list and added up the value of all the treasure that was divided as above (476gp 5 sp). I did not factor in items to be sold (because we don’t know how much we’ll get for it). Then, I added just the gold to that total. That gives us roughly 1,498 gp worth of loot (dropping the silver because I don’t think it’s worth arguing over pennies and dimes at this point).

If we divide 1,498 by 5, we have 299 gp each (again dropping silver). If we take 299 and subtract the loot costs from each person, we have the following:
Isaac: 299-60=239gp

Add up that and we have 1,019 gp that would be given out. That would leave 3 gp undivided along with the sp, cp, and unsold items. My thought is to take the remainder of the money and divide it as evenly as possible. Then, do the same for the items being sold.

3 gp/5 = 6sp
432 sp/5 = 86sp 4 cp
151cp/5 = 30cp (1 cp remain – vote we make a group wish and toss it in the ocean)

So, assuming everyone is okay with that distribution of items (I don’t know if TGG ever mentioned if Alejandro wanted that armor), each person would get in coin:
Isaac: 239 gp, 92sp, 34 cp
Al: 44 gp, 92 sp, 34 cp
Shen: 163 gp, 92 sp, 34 cp
Daedarai: 274 gp, 92 sp, 34 cp
Mina: 299 gp, 92 sp, 34 cp

If anyone wants to purchase one of the unclaimed items, let’s have them pay the group and we’ll divide that money 4 ways to the other party members.

Does that make sense at all? I feel like that’s a lot of math. If that's agreeable, let's go with that.

Also TGG, if during the next scene you have Alejandro mention wanting to go back to the Undercity to check on someone, I would like for Daedarai to volunteer to accompany you (maybe the whole party if they wish). I don't know how or if you want to introduce that. I just want you to know scene wise that if you bring it up, I'll offer to come along.


First Post
Your estimate on the wand seems good to me. It's a once-per-rest thing, assuming the user wants to take that damage every time, so I would put it in the same league of usefulness as a cantrip-casting armor or weapon.

Are your gold estimates what we get from this haul, or running total of all loot?

Edit: also, OOC, do we want to have a "quarterly meeting" to assess goals and customer feedback IC, or would y'all rather keep up the pace and continue with the next thing? Which I would guess means check on Nora, and after/during that check on Tro'leera (Shen would rather deliver her autopsy report and find out more about the goblins than check whether someone important to Alejandro is dead or just living in squalor and disease, unless you want to keep the party together.)
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All the gold estimates are from the sand goblin mission. I think that's the first time we've really had loot. Before that, we just got paid individually.

A meeting might be good. I think it's worth taking a moment and getting our characters on the same page. What are the outstanding goals for the team right now?

- Some (all?) probably want to be able to spend some money
- Tro'leera needs to be visited and some poison possibly commissioned (any kind of sleeping poison could make our next side missions much easier). We need to pass off the report and the goop to him for study. I also have a vial of something that I took off the undercity attackers that needs identifying.
- Alejandro wants to check on his friend in Peer'at.
- Mina is having visions/dreams (but we don't know that yet)
- The next side mission was to take out a rival gang of half-orcs without killing them.
- The last side mission was the warehouse job
- Our big mission of infiltrating the inner city.

We could split up, but I don't know how much of a headache that would be for the DM. I don't want to send Isaac to Peer'At alone though. There's bound to be some kind of complication there especially if the friend is sick. The trip to Tro'leera should hopefully be peaceful. If we feel safe with three teams, we could probably use someone to start tailing the half-orcs to find some possible 'extraction' points.


First Post
Add to that, Mina preparing the party to be all fancy. Though I don't remember if there was a specific reason we needed that training, or if it was just general precaution.

Speaking of that, I have a vague recollection that something was happening at the end of the week, and we were only expecting to finish one or two of the contracts, but I can't find what that was. Can someone remind me? Or am I misremembering?

I figured splitting up would help share spotlight, since tackling each scene in order might give some characters much more to say than others, as well as draw things out given the variable poster schedules. But you're probably right, it would be much harder to handle/follow.


The end of the week is when we make our move into the inner city. Mina is supposed to be training us to blend in with the nobility. Splitting up, I think will be fine as long as we're safe about it. Tro'leera and tailing the thugs could probably be combined into one team since the alchemist visit shouldn't take very long. Maybe the right call is to see how Sezarious would like to run it? If he is okay with a brief split of the party, we can do it.


First Post
Ok, I'm feeling better. Suddenly I'm a lot more concerned about this disease, though. If it won't be too cumbersome narratively I think Shen and someone else (with more of a brain in their head) could have the goblin bits and Daedarai's poison vial checked out, and grill Tro'leera about his crazed yammering, while the rest get a head start with the disease. Otherwise, I vote we stock up on anything that helps counter poison/disease and head downward. I seem to remember "heightened aggression" being one of the symptoms, anyway.

The ONE TIME Detect Poison and Disease is useful...

Voidrunner's Codex

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