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The Dungeon:The City of Clocks


Living EN World Judge
As you walk down the hillside, the grassy but wild terrain begins to change, abruptly in fact. One moment you are walking upon soft grasses and dirt, and the next you travel upon brick and cobblestones.
The City looms impossibly tall, towers and other building jammed together in a dizzying array, though the newly rised Sun shines down brightly from above, despite the smoke and steam from this most Industrious of cities.
Before long, you stride along an avenue, The Street of the Main along with hundreds of others, elves,humans, dwarves, lizardfolk and others less common. Tall blue beings,luminous eyes of green walk in resplendant robes of deepest purple, squat two headed creatures looking like nothing so much as bipedal walruses (albeit two headed walrusus), an occassional insectfolk, ants and beetles and even a Centaur or two. And everywhere, amongst them all, more numerous than all others together, Gnomes.
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Argent Silvermage

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Wow! This is cool! Kaxareen says as he wanders over to people borrowing their things. He walks up to one of the Walrus people and asks Excuse me. Where do we find the Clock King?
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First Post
Valendir looks around at the city in amazement. The Gnomes were such accomplished Tinkers, but he never imagined they would create a City such as this! He smiles at the passersby, happy to be walking amongst such varied creatures. Spotting an elf, he approaches him, carefully avoiding one of the walrus-men's tusks. "Excuse me sir, have you seen or heard of the Zemalin? They are a band of elves, my kinsmen. I was separated from them, by the Portals."

Valendir's asked this question so many times before. He's never gotten a positive answer.


Living EN World Judge
The Two-Headed Walrus Man sputters, all afluster at Kaz' abrupt manner.
'What a strange statement! Have you no propriety of a proper introduction!?! Antalli! Come here right this instant!'
A Gnome in red tights runs up from where he had been chatting with several other gnomes and produced a small notepad, winking at Kaz. He awaited the Walrus man's response.It was the second (formerly silent) head that spoke.'Well, I think that perhaps we may have sometime next Friday to set up an appointment to meet with this young...whatever-it-is' Page to set up a date to discuss a date to have a proper introduction. Yes...that is a goos day, I think.' The other head, having produced a monacle and inserted it in a quite dashing manner in front of his eye 'No,no,no! We have a meeting to discuss a possible dinner with the head of the Sprockett Corps to discuss the financial viability of a proposed venture to secure funds, after the proper meeting, of course, for that project that we were...er, where were those notes...'. The gnome sighs and waits as the second head addresses him again 'Antalli, tell this bold young fellow that we may be able to set up a meeting with his Page to discuss a possible meeting sometime next week, although friday is out (or so I have been told).'
The Walrus-Man then harumphs and waddles off. The gnome briefly smiles at Kaz and follows, saying 'Welcome to Centrifigus Deriol, City of Clocks...you can find the Residence of the King in the center of the City, just follow this Avenue.' He then runs off, following the bellows of his employer.

The elf addressed (a young elfess, perhaps a hundred and possessed of an efervescent smile) tilts her red tressed head and rubs her chin. 'That name seems familiar,friend. It seems that may have heard of such a tribe, though I can't place where. Perhaps you should try the Library of Possibilities at 2431-A Tomehome Avenue. They have may answers for questions not even asked as-of-yet. I am so sorry to be abrupt, but there is a dwarf that needs tending to, and this Sopu is getting cold. Goodbye, friend. i hope that you fid your answers! remember, 2431-A!' With that, the lovely young elfess runs off, dodging and spinning amongst traffic, a small pot (Soup,presumably) held high to avoid spilling.
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First Post
After James finishes recovering from that walrus headed whatzit...Damn, and I thought I had troubles....Well that makes sense...look for a king at a castle...never would of thought of that....

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Kazareen just stands there with his mouth open when the Walrus (Now called a Confuse-a-Kender) Starts on his diatribe and doesn't stop stareing even after the Gnome tells him where to go. It's only when Aska walks up to him shuts his little mouth and drags the Mage by the hand back to the party.
I think our Mr. Bricklebottom has had a sezure.


First Post
Valendir nudges James with his elbow. That elf chick is pretty hot, huh? Save me a spot at the castle, ok? He runs after the elf maiden, Excuse me miss! I'm a doctor of sorts... maybe I can help?

Wynter Wolf

First Post
Damien looks around in wonder at all the things to be seen.

"What kind of a place is this??"

Damine feels mildly uncomfortable at the spectacle of this place.


First Post
No problem with that....just as long as you find out if she has a sister or sweet little cousin.... Turning to DamienIts the type of place a man can truely loose himself...forget the dame that brought him down and turned him into the bulls....just the place for people like us..right friend?
Jason blanks out for a second and turns and pats the shoulder of the midget sized replica of himself that appeared next to him..

OOC: summon astral construct I...


Living EN World Judge
Valendir runs after the Elf maid, who, truth be known, is making an astounding time through the crowd . as if she had been doing this alll her life.
After three or four minutes, Valendir finally has to concede that he has indeed lost her, and his way among th Labyrinthine streets of the City of Clocks. Everywhere are strange and odd shops, sellers of foods hawking their wares, peddlers and colorfull-attired Gnomish Pages. Suddenly, a massive form looms before valendir, standing some twelve feet tall. A Golem, or something like one is barrelling down right on top of him, as if he were not there,blades awirl along the street,pulsing lights flashing, dazing the Elf.
Something hits him from the side, knocking him into a pile of crates,sprawled,sitting onhis bottom.
It is the Elf Maid, grinning at Valendir. 'What's your damage,handsome, haven't you ever seen a Sweeper-Golem before? It almost made mulch of you. No, you haven't...I'm sorry, they are servants, they clean up the place,trash and such. Look, do you want to have a coffe or something? I delivered my Soup to the gruff old Dwarf and I have half an hour before I need to get back to work.'
The Elfess stood there, offering a helping ahnd up, giving Valendir a very advantageous view of her long,lean legs and slight, if well-muscled physique.'Oh, I am sorry, I am Cerri, and your name is...?'


Damien stands agape, wondering at the marelous,if maddening place, watching the Gnomes run pell-mell everywhere. In fact, they were everywhere. The building were crawling with them, like Ants, it seemed. Gnomes cleaning, Gnomes tinkering, Gnomes adjusting. Nearly every tower, every business had at least one Clock, some several, and each seemed to have a Gnome doing something with it.
Damien noticed a man staring at him. He had pale silver skin and a scaly face, as well as small horns and a ride upon his head. He was another Half-Dragon..The Silver was dressed in green and yellow robes with the Symbol of the Shielder, a Priest it would seem. He bore a spear and large shield , though both were slung upon his back. With a smile he nodded politely and then turned, making his way slowly through the crowd towards what appeared to be a Marketplace.


Jason pats his midge, the little Construct sticking out it's tongue, then mimicking Jason as he lit up one of the Cubans. Ahhh, what an aroma, the taste, exquisite. Taklinn walked up and smiled, saying 'I don know how things are whwere ye come from, Jason, but where I come from we likes a good drink with our smoke...' Taklin produces a bottle of the Jameson's Whiskey that he had found so many days back, it seemed, as well as two small glasses from his satchel.He looked hopeful regarding getting to try one of the Cubans.


Kaz's befuddlement lasts only a moment, as the Kender's eyes alight upon the oddest contraption that he had seen in many a day.

A great creaking and whistling machine was wending it's way through the streets, many pipes and levers in evidence. Three Gnomes in orange hose and grey jackets were furiously working the various switches and levers, as well as another one that steered the great Thing, it being carried upon four massive wheels. The means of power remained a mystery, but it's purpose became clear...it was a restaurant. The odd thing was, it didn't stop for it's customers.
Folk would jog along, hands fumbling in theirs pockets for coin, while a Gnomeinside would dispense some sort of food wrapped in bright yellow or blue paper. The customers seemed to enjoy the whole thing, like some mad game.
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