"Keep it up Soldier, lets focus our efforts on Brander and take him out. Maybe we can flank him." Kama'zer shouts to the Warforged before leaping into the air with her mental powers to fly over the terrain and land on the other side of Brander and the Orc. Swinging at Brander with her sword, Kama'zer strikes home and knows that her distraction will give Soldier a better chance to hit this foe as well.
Minor Action: Inspiring Word on Soldier, heals him
1d6=6 plus his healing surge value.
Move action: Telekinetic Leap to fly over difficult terrain through H16, G16, F15, F14, to land at G13.
Standard Action: Warlords Favor vs Brander's AC (1d20+7=25, 2d8+4=11) AC 25 for 11 damage to Brander and Soldier gets +4 power bonus to attack rolls against Brander until the end of my next turn.
OOC: Anybody with action points better use them and get the +1 to attack and +3 to damage from Kama'zer!
[sblock=stat block]
Kama'zer Anma'giduu- Female Githyanki Warlord 2
Passive Perception: +10, Passive Insight: +10
Init: +7, Speed: 5, AP: 0, Second Wind: not used
AC:19, Fort:16, Reflex:15, Will:14
HP:24/31, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:6/9
Viper's Strike, Wolf Pack Tactics
Warlord's Favor, Inspiring Word, Inspiring Word, Aid the Injured, Telekinetic Leap
Lead the Attack, Exalted Armor
Commanding (Tactical) Presence: When ally who can see warlord spends an action point to make an attack, they gain +1 bonus on attack roll (1/2 Int modifier) and +3 bonus to damage from Tactical Assault feat[/sblock][/sblock]