D&D 5E The Fall of Blackmoor (IC)


991 A.S. (After Shattering), 17th Day of Spring Dawning (4th month)


The smell gave Ngoya her first impression of Blackmoor. Human and animal waste, dumped just outside the eastern wall of the city and left there to turn into a disturbing semblance of a swamp. 15 foot walls surround the city, the most recent of 5 sets of walls, the city outgrowing each over the years. The most recent outer walls are strange to behold - metallic and formed by magic rather than human hands. The north and south gates to the city host a steady line of wagons, riders on horseback, and those on foot. The noble in the line was readily obvious, carried in a levitating chair, surrounded by guards armed with what Ngoya's tribe used to call lightning staffs, strange weapons of technology that fired arrows seemingly made of energy.

Guards armed with similar weapons patrolled the top of the walls and manned the checkpoints in to the city. Ngoya noted that the guards allowed travelers who gave them gold to pass, while those who had no gold to give had their wagons and saddlebags and everything else inspected and rummaged through. One guard at the south gate seemed fond of the word "contraband" and kept everything identified as such. His collection of "contraband" included quite a few valuable looking items.

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The sight of the massive Tribeless' villiage was breathtaking, For more than one reason, Ngoya thought as she crinkled her nose. She hid behind the rocky outcrop and observed the rituals of entry and then smiled to herself as she finally worked out the meaning of "contraband". Clearly some sort of tithe to the settlement.

Noting that other guards didn't seem to be making such demands, Ngoya hides most of her gold around her person, leaving a couple peices to jingle in her pouch. Once she ensures her items are affixed securely she joins a line, listening to people as they converse. After a while she comes to understand most are here looking for "work". However, she also notes that there is talk of elves and that there may be a looming conflict with them. Yes, here I will find a chance to strike at my enemy!

When it is her turn at the front of the queue she carefully recites the phrase required by the ritual. "I a looking for 'work'".



The guards look at Ngoya skeptically. The "contraband" guard's voice is laced with venomous sarcasm, "What kind of work?" The other guard is eyeing Ngoya's coin pouch.



Casually brushing the money pouch to elicit a jingle, Ngoya turns to "contraband". "Do you lead here?" she asks and before he can respond continues, "I am a hunter and scout. We of Forest Deer are skilled in such arts. It is my hope to get work with your protectors ahh, your warriors"

Reaching into the coin pouch she removes a gold coin she scavenged from amongst the dead elves and holds it out to the guard, hoping the ritual would be completed.



"Contraband" guard snatches the coin and examines it, then leans over to the other guard, "Just like the ones Lattimer's Patrol took off those dead elves a few weeks back." His companion nods, then turns to Ngoya, "Got any more of those? And where did you get 'em?"



"From the ones I hunted, they attacked my tribe east of here." As she speaks she takes out the other coin from the pouch and hands it over. "I hunted them for a week and took those as trophies of my kills. Did this Lattimer kill many?



The guards seem impressed as they pocket the coins. The "contraband" guard points his thumb back behind him through the gates, "I don't know, but maybe you could ask him. He's on the lookout for new recruits. You can find him at the garrison, a few blocks that way. You're clear to enter the city. Have a nice day." This last is said with a smirk as the guards turn their attention to the next person in line.

The main gate through the metal wall is divided into two sections, to better prevent a breach. Upon passing the guards, Ngoya has to take a sharp left and proceed 30 feet through an enclosure with murder holes above and spear lines to the sides (similar to arrow slits where warriors can shove spears through relatively small holes to attack any passing through the gate area while being relatively protected from counter attack). Another sharp right brings Ngoya to the secondary gate, manned by another pair of guards, though their duty seems to be simply to observe as they do not stop anyone passing through.

The secondary gate opens onto a main thoroughfare with shops lined up on either side and a crowded marketplace atmosphere as vendors try to sell their wares to newcomers. Ngoya is almost immediately accosted by a fruit merchant selling what he says are rare and exotic apples from the eastern realms. Just beyond him is a woman selling fabrics and after that a halfling selling pastries.

Beyond the immediate rush of vendors, there are several taverns and inns catering to travelers. The main thoroughfare continues beyond the taverns and the city quiets some after that, as the buildings become residential - tall buildings with stairways on the outside, apparently housing multiple families. Alleys and narrower streets branch off here, creating a dizzying labyrinth. Homeless beggars line the main thoroughfare in this area, hoping for a few coins or a bit of food.

Ngoya can see the fourth wall of the city ahead, a partially dismantled stone wall, its pieces obviously used in the construction of some of the buildings Ngoya just passed.



Ngoya nods to the two guards and enters the large settlement. As she passes the walls, she pauses to admire the brutal efficiency of the entrance. A foe would lose many warriors trying to attack the gates, she thought to herself. Taking a moment she has a look to see if the murder holes had seen any use recently.
Passing through she awkwardly pushes through the uncomfortably close press of the tribeless, ignoring offers of food and wares. Approaching the guards on duty, "I seek one called Lattimer who is in the garrison. It is said by the guards that he is seeking warriors?”



The guard nods, "Just past the third wall, big black building on the left. Good luck. There's a reason he's always looking for new recruits."



Somewhat taken aback by the guards frankness, Ngoya pauses for a moment to consider her next step. The guards' nonchalance about their casualties screamed of a lack of care for their warriors, perhaps this Lattimer was careless with the lives of his charges? What if he was incompetent and not fit for the task of acting as a pathway for her vengeance? A swift arrow in the night could claim a fool but the risks were palpable now. But then the faces of her dead people came to the fore.

Stiffening her resolve she resolutely strode towards the building indicated by the guard. As she walks, she palms another one of the gold coins.

[sblock=ooc] I am keeping track of how many of my gold coins I use up :) [/sblock]

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