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D&D 5E The Fall of Blackmoor (IC)



Lattimer is observing Andus and the other recruits cleaning up the practice yard when Ngoya arrives. The scarred fellow squints in the morning sun as Ngoya approaches, "You interested in a side job? Strictly off the books?"


One of the guards smirks, "Yeah, I know an Erevan. He was hanged for treason and inciting violence two weeks ago. You wouldn't be an associate of his would you? That might not go well for you." He holds his hand out for another gold piece.


The Mugatu Estate is one of seven opulent estates in the Second Wall District, its luxury and excess only surpassed by the palaces of the city's rulers in First Wall. Here, Lord Charles stands at the main double doors of the mansion, watching as his son descends the stairs, "Go and do what you feel you must. Sate your curiosity. Feed your desires. Indulge your fantasies. Just remember that you are on your own until you prove to me that you are worthy of the Mugatu legacy." He smiles, an unpleasant smile that is not reflected in his eyes, "Then your true destiny will be revealed."

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Books? Ngoya thinks to herself, those dusty old things the Shaman kept.
Not too sure what Lattimer meant she nods and smiles, "My favourite kind of job."

"Has warrior Andus recovered well?"she asks guesturing to the young man.


First Post

"Oh goodness, no! As I said, all I had was a name to ask for. I've never even been to Blackmoor before, good sir. Here take another gold for your excellent and current information. Is there anything else?", the gnome asks, visibly nervous but seemingly cowed by the guard's threatened implications.

Steve Gorak


"Thank you father", those words, uttered with the proper decorum and deference expected from his position still echoed in his head.

So it begins, Jacobim thought to himself. Although he had been preparing for weeks now, his head still raced with everything that must be accomplished. First, to Lhusu.

"I will need an adequate place to stay outside of the second walls. please see to it now." His apparent politeness meant only as an artifice of civility. Jacobim knew that as one of the few non-indentured servants, Lhusu would solve this problem normally only affecting the lower classes.

First a place to stay, second, a way to get out of the city and explore the ancient temple referred to in the promising tomes he had been reading. He felt the Garrison might be an elegant solution to his dilemma: be in the company of armed guards outside the city walls, while testing his skills against the enemies of the city, and therefore his family.

Once a place secured, Jacobin will head to the Garrison to offer his services.

[sblock=occ] Tring to make the character meeting-up a bit easier ;-) [/sblock]


Ngoya and Jacobim

OOC: @Steve Gorak, what sort of lifestyle does Jacobim intend to maintain? See page 157 of the PHB for details on lifestyle expenses. If he's going to have a Wealthy or Aristocratic lifestyle, he can find several options in the Second Wall District. Third Wall District has accommodations for Poor to Comfortable lifestyles, while everything from Wretched to Modest can be found in Fourth Wall District.

Lattimer is about to answer Ngoya when he suddenly stiffens and mutters under his breath, "Bloody hell. A noble. And a whelp at that. What the hell does he want? Nothing good I'll wager." He considers something for a moment, then says to Ngoya, "Better play it cool around this one."

Once Jacobim is within range of hearing, Lattimer stiffens up and calls the recruits to attention. They all set down their cleaning supplies and stand stiff and straight as well. Lattimer smiles, a garish sight on his scarred face and addresses Jacobim, "What may the militia do for you, my lord?"

Jacobim, as he approaches the garrison, notes the presence of recruits cleaning the training yard and their captain speaking with a dark skinned woman from one of the nomad tribes that wander the eastern wilderness. Jacobim's father had spoken of them with a mixture of praise and disdain - he admired their skill at survival and warfare, but was quite critical of their "unquestionable barbarism" in his words.


The guard plays at considering the gnome's question for several moment before saying, "Nah, you're good. Go on in."

The main gate through the metal wall is divided into two sections, to better prevent a breach. Upon passing the guards, Jeremiah has to take a sharp left and proceed 30 feet through an enclosure with murder holes above and spear lines to the sides (similar to arrow slits where warriors can shove spears through relatively small holes to attack any one passing through the gate area while being relatively protected from counter attack). Another sharp right brings Jeremiah to the secondary gate, manned by another pair of guards, though their duty seems to be simply to observe as they do not stop anyone passing through.

The secondary gate opens onto a main thoroughfare with shops lined up on either side and a crowded marketplace atmosphere as vendors try to sell their wares to newcomers. A halfling baker selling pastries and cakes offers Jeremiah a donut, "Free to my fellow small folk!"

Beyond the immediate rush of vendors, there are several taverns and inns catering to travelers. The main thoroughfare continues beyond the taverns and the city quiets some after that, as the buildings become residential - tall buildings with stairways on the outside, apparently housing multiple families. Alleys and narrower streets branch off here, creating a dizzying labyrinth. Homeless beggars line the main thoroughfare in this area, hoping for a few coins or a bit of food.

Steve Gorak


OOC: Jacobim will remain inside the 3rd wall, to make it on his own with the gold he currently has. He is intent on heading towards the old ruined temple he read about, so the accommodations, in his mind, are only temporary. This implies a comfortable lifestyle, which he will perceive as beneath him, but acceptable given the circumstances.

IC: "I wish to join a group that will head east to reach a ruined temple." He says curtly. "Surely this falls within your mandate as militia-men", he says, glancing at the dark woman.


First Post

Jeremiah tucks his belt pouch back behind his belt with it's 2 remaining gold pieces inside it, deciding to leave the remaining 10 buried in his backpack unless he needed them for lodging or something. No use taking chances in this city of thieves. He made his way through the gate defenses, marveling at the skill used in making them.

Exiting the gates to the marketplace area, Jeremiah accepted the free snack from the Halfling baker as he scans the area for a likely place to purchase temporary residence at. Preferably someplace with multiple floors so that he has access to a high vantage point to look around the city from later on tonight. A modest Inn or Tavern where he can stay a day for a gold piece or less should be easy enough to locate in this part of the city, he figured. If Erevan was dead and gone, then his associates would be in hiding as well and difficult to find easily. If they were any easier to find, then Jeremiah wouldn't feel secure in revealing himself to them.

The search might take some time though, and his meager funds would quickly run out if he didn't find some means of employment. Perhaps the tavern or inn he stays at will have some rumors or job opportunities available to help him find a way to earn some more funds so he could further finance his research. He had most of the day to work with still, so he had plenty of time to search for gainful employment after securing a room for the coming day and night.



Ngoya notes the approach of the child-tribeless male with some distaste. It was painfully obvious that one such as him has been cared for like a pet, pampered and over-fed. As he speaks to Lattimer, she silently calls out to the spirits of her departed ancestors. Please, no!

She looks to Lattimer and a sinking feeling develops in the pit of her stomach.


Ngoya and Jacobim

Lattimer frowns but remains polite, "Begging your pardon my lord, but our next patrol is headed north, not east. We're investigating rumors of elf sightings in the area near the Needle."

The Needle is a structure from before the Shattering that somehow survived the destruction of the old world, unlike most of the buildings from that time. It is said that a great domed circle once rested at the top of the Needle, but it fell during the Shattering and has long since been taken apart and scavenged for raw material like the rest of the building ruins from that era.


There are several boarding houses in the Third Wall District that would seem to suit Jeremiah's needs, though unless he wants to spend a gold per night, he'll have to share a room with other travelers. Jeremiah finds many of the boarding house landlords to be outright rude due to his non-human nature and stature. There are two short-folk friendly places in Third Wall, however. The home of Bareil Glassfoot, a retired halfling adventurer who took it upon himself to provide a safe place for short folk in the sometimes hostile human city, and The Hive, a somewhat seedy place that admits anyone who can pay and asks no questions.

OOC: See page 157 of the PHB for lifestyle costs. Anything below a modest lifestyle will require sharing a room with strangers.


First Post

Jeremiah heads to the Glassfoot boarding house, willing to spend the gold for a private room, at least for the first night or two in town. Hopefully, he'll be able to find work enough to avoid having to downgrade to that Hive place that he saw. Even that might be preferable to dealing with the bigoted humans in the other boarding houses though.

Voidrunner's Codex

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