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The Four Lands - The Great North Part 2

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First Post
Vadric puts a hand on Anniston's shoulder and smiles at Jaroth. "Do not fear friends. For if Jaroth does not know, the Light shall certainly guide us on our way."

J. Alexander

First Post

Having consulted with each other and having made a decision the party exits the tent to find a festival taking place as the plainsmen celebrate their narrow but weird escape.......in the distance the party sees the same circle of tribal chiefs sitting on the white rabbbit skins deep in thought.



"I believe the said Shaman's are once again in conference. Shall we approach and see if they can provide us some wise council?" Bertrand will set off toward them if the group assents.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Vorian Tolgar

Vorian goes along, scouring his memory for any mention of lost citadel (regardless of name) deep in the north.

J. Alexander

First Post
The Haze


The party prepares to leave the sheltered valley when a grey haze begins to envelope their positon...before the party can react the haze has encompassed everthing bringing visiablity down to nothing...children begin to cry and scream and animals begin to bleate in terror. The smell of iron from tremedious amouts of blood begins to assault your nosrils and the sense of great evil and danger runs down your spine in waves of cold. Seperated as it is the party is unsure of everyone until the figure of Finnian can be seen standing on a small rise. Finnanians voice can be heard above the fray and it's sound brings small comfort and warmth to the party as they face thier own nightmares. The refrain of "Mine eys have seen the majesty of the Brilliant Rising Sun, Shadows fleeing it's presence as it's rays are spelling their doom" is the last thing the party hears when their world turns black.

For Anniston
[sblock]Drawing your sword you begin to combat minions from the deepest depths of hell...you see your fellow traverls battling for all that they are worth against similar foes yet the press of enemies is so that you can not come to their aid. Standing alone you exchange blows with a multiude of opponets.. hack adn slash...hack and slash until it feels as if yoru arm is to heavy to lift. Then after what seems to be seveal risings and settings of the sun you engage your last opponet. To weary to fight effectively you call upon some inner core of strenght adn land a might blow only to feel a sharp searing pain in your side as your opponets black metal short stabbing spear pierces your left side.[/sblock]

for Vadric
[sblock]As the haze descends you feel as if you have been transported to the deepest level of the abyss as the evil seems to be so crushing. Glancing arond you see yoru travel companions locked in mighty struggles against unconted and indescriapble foes. Summoing your faith you prepare to move to their aid only to find your way blocked by a large demon. Engaging this foe you find yoruslef locked into an endless stuggle of combat and test of fiath as you valianlty summon for the light to do battel with this hellspawn..Slowly the great demon wears you down until you felel the evil blackness being to eat away at your very soul. knowing that it is now not just his life hanging in the balance but his very Soul, Vadric unleashes an obscure prayer that comes to his mind in desperation "Light of Heaven heed thy servants call, unleash they mite......" (You will not be able to recall the closing words) and Vadric stretches forth his hand which ignites in blazing light as it touches the demon bending down to take his life...the world goes black...[/sblock]

For Bertrand
[sblock]His senses as a hunter kick into overdrive as teh haze descends. Bertrands sees his friends being set upon by various foes but he senses the beginning of a cat and mouse game with an more than worthy opponet. Fighting blindly in the haze against a creature that appears to be hunting him. Bertrand begins a series of quick skirmesehs against an elusive foe that he can somehow never seem to land a killing blow on. Tiring of this long game he summons all his patience and lays a trap for his foe. Stanind quietly for what seems to be days Bertrand wiats for his foe to take the bait. As he foes finaly moves to witiing stiking distance.. Bertrand lauches his attack only to late to realize that he has fallen prey to a sacrafiacl trap. His opponet takes Bertrands blade deep and falls while Bertrands true opponet stikes the hunter. Bertrand feels a deep piercing pain in his back as the dagger is drove home thru his armour...and as he falls he realizes that his great hound has come to his aid and has engaged his true foe in a life and death struggle as he slowly falls into a deep sleep.[/sblock]

For Voriain
[sblock]The haze descends and the mighty dog at his side begins to bay with all his mite trying to dispel the evil that it brings. Quickly mounting his steed and preparing for the worst Vorain sees that his friends are enganged in deadly battles. Their forms shimmering in light agianst an every encroaching blackness. Trying to move to their aid he finds his way barred by a mounted figure in black wielding a blood red sword. Taking up the challenge of single combat. Vorain beings a neverending struggle against the foe in a series of hack and slash horseback encounters. For what seems to be days the battle rages bewteen him and his foe until at last tired and almost overcome Vorian makes on last charge. Sriking his opponest mount broadside. vorain lands a mighty blow with his sword on to find that his opponet has produced a hand of dark energy with which he reaches out and touches Vorain causing him to cry out in pain and slip from his saddle. As the blackness begins to take him vorain feels the prescence of Arrwulf who begins to battle the blackenss taking his master with his inborn abilities..and the world goes black.[/sblock]

For Jaroth
[sblock]With the mist descending Jaroth knows that he is to be engaged in a life and death strugle. The presence of evil and inblance is so overwhelming that even the elder druid is for a moment stunned. Knowing that battle is soon to be joined Jaroth stretches forth his senses to discover his friends engaged in life and death struggles of their own. Accepting the fact that he can render no aid to them in their individual fights Jaroth awaits for his foe to appear and challange him. Within moments of his acceptace of combat, Jaroth senses his foe and is stunned. It is and Elder Demon..thougth to have been locked away and banished thousands of years before.Taking up the gauntlet Jaroth begins to battle using all his stenght and skill but to no seemginly great effect. something is mising from his understanding of how best to combat this evil as his current efforts have little or no effect on the creature. As despair begins to overtake him Jaroth feels the cold touch of a soft hand upon his own. Realizing that deSion has taken his hand. jaroth is numbed by relazition the deSion is a very powerful necromance...one steeped in the darkerst lore or life and death. Feeling the coldness of understanding thru deSion of true death. Jaroth acts upon the knowleged and takes the power desion offers of cold death and weaves it within his druids fire and lashes out at the Elder Demon. The enhanced fire strikes the foes and a masive explosion rips thru both jaroth and desion causing them to fall.[/sblock]

For Finnian
[sblock]The haze encompasses the valley and Finnian feels nothing but despair. It is to much for the young lord to fathom but he knows it is a test of strenght and faith. For some reason he begins to sing in an attempt to throw back the evil. Barley remembered songs from childhood and his teachers come to his mind. He can tell power is building in his voice but he does not know it's effect. for what seems to be ages he sings until his voice goes and he falls in great wearniness to the ground and his world goes black.[/sblock]
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