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The Four Lands - The Great North Part 2

Rath Lorien

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"I have not attacked you for what you are. It is difficult for me to imagine that I would attack you for what you say."

"In civilized lands your words or beliefs might be enough to convict you of the crime of endangering the souls of the faithful or of sedition. But here in this wilderness and among these companions you and I are not bound by such laws."

"Upon my word you are safe from me until this venture is over. However, if you deliberately mislead this company or attempt to harm us or our mission then you will forfeit this contract."

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Vorian Tolgar

I won't attack you, whatever you say, but any treachery cancels this obligation. We are all in this and we already waived written rules and laws in favor of this specific problem. That doesn't mean you can do what you want.

Any information on this is appreciated however.

As for the dead, I suggest we collect them in several groups and channel into them with as much light as we can while performing burial rites and giving blessings. Anything else that might prevent such horde of becoming source of undead army for The Drakkar or passing-by necromancers.

Of course, my power in this area is by far surpased by Vadric and Anniston, but I still can help.

With this last he looks directly at deSion.



"Man enough has hanged for simply hearing heresy spoken, but on this occasion I will listen and not raise a hand. For all that has happened hearing a 'truth' that is not to the liking of the church is the least of our worries." He also looks to the sky and considers what he know of time and the seasons. Has more than a day or two passed since the battle started?

J. Alexander

First Post
"Then it is agreed" deSion says..

"As most of you are aware the Church over the years has been ever vigiorus in their assault on those who do not practiced sactioned magic. The great schools of learning are no longer there to give advice and support should it be needed. It is possilbe that agents lead the Church Leaders many centuries ago into outlawing arcane magic in a long term plan to weaken the Church during the next great conflict. There are no great mages to take up the cause of the light and those that still exist and who may be willing to help dare not raise their hand and offer aid in fear of their life. I would summarize that this attack was but a testing on many levels to see what forces could be summoned in defense of the Lands should the North once again invade."


Bertrand considers these words and responds. "An interesting premise. I gather from this that you are suggesting that the book may not have been central to the attack after all? Or are you merely suggesting that book would have been a nice prize but it wasn't the ultimate goal? I guess the more important question of you theory is, what did the opposition discover? We survived but a huge number of the locals didn't. Ultimately, did anybody win? Can we expect them to find that the time is right for a new attack from the north based on what happened here? How great were their losses?"

J. Alexander

First Post
"I make no such suggestion we are dealing with very complex layers here and nothing can be taken at face value..as our opponets are masters of misdirection and deception. As to the other questions I do not know...I do not think they expected defeat but who really knows...


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Vorian Tolgar

Well, let's see what we can find out about them. There should be some trace on their dead or on the opponent I defeated. Assuming he was real ofcourse. I saw you all fighting so I guess you were victorious too.

At least, while we clear this out, we can think on what happened.

Arrwuh, would you try to find people, I mean corpses who don't belong to barbarians?

[sblock=For JA]
Did Arrwuh found traces of evil lingering?

Is Morgan deSion evil?

Anything magical or invisible in sight?


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"Anniston, as I have said, I can locate the Fortress of Balance, given time. It is a very arduous and time-consuming spell. It will require the Light, the Dark, Balance, Free Spirit and Order. Therefore, I will need the assistance of Vadric, Anniston, DeSion and Finnian. The spell could take quite some time and we should be rested before beginning. Bertrand and Vorian will need to guard us while we are entranced. Any disturbance can ruin the spell and may be disastrous. But I can explain the basics to those that would need to participate."


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For DM

[sblock=For JA Only] I intend to cast limited wish, reaching into my reserve to grant the use of the cooperative spell feat to DeSion, Vardric, Anniston, Finnian and myself for the ritual we are about to perform. Then, as Balance (and the anchor for this ritual), I will cast legend lore. During the casting, Finnian, as the Free Spirit, will cast legend lore (if he has it) or will lend his voice to weave it around the magic, making it stronger. As Finnian adds his magic, so too will Anniston, as the agent of Order, lend his magic through the blessings of the Light. Next, DeSion as the agent of Dark, will bring his magic to bear with some divination spell (great, if he has legend lore or vision). Finally, Vadric, as agent of the Light, will add the miracle find the path, to the mix. At the conclusion of the spell, we should have the location of the Fortress of Balance and hopefully the right path to get there! :) Obviously there is a fair amount of "going on faith" put into this mix and generous, if not creative application of the RAW, but it's flavorful....and fun for all the girls and boys! I suppose, if necessary, I can do multiple castings of limited wish to grant my companions the spells needed for this ritual, if they don't have them already. [/sblock]

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