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The Four Lands - The Great North

J. Alexander

First Post

Gentlemen Roll a spot check

Rolls 1-10
[sblock]You notice nothing out of the ordinary[/sblock]

Rolls 11-15
[sblock]You observe while stowing your geer that the entire first deck level has been converted over to passanger cabins perhaps capable of carrying upward to 50 people.[/sblock]

Rolls 16-20
[sblock]While stowing your gear and walking aboard ship you notice that their appears to be an unsualay large contigent of marines aboard.[/sblock]

Roll 21 +
[sblock]While boarding, you happend to glimpse a series of iron chests with large locks being stowed below decks[/sblock]

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"A pleasure to meet you, Anniston, and you as well Betrand. I am Finnian. As for speaking a proper language, Bertrand, I already speak many for you will find that all languages are proper depending on the location and circumstances."

Finnian takes the wine bottle and pours a glass for Anniston and Bertrand before filling his own.

"As for how I come to be here. That is a tale that will require a little refreshment to make palatable to tell.
"After serving and traveling for years among the lands of the south, I now find myself heading north at the behest of a man whom I consider to be like a second father to me. It seems he has become ill recently and can no longer travel the way he is wont to do. So it has fallen to me to travel to the north to deliver his correspondences and receive the replies that they will entail.
"I welcome the opportunity to see the lands of the north and hear new tales and songs, but I wish it did not have to be presaged by such a circumstance."

[sblock=Spot Check]
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First Post
Vadric enters the dining chamber, a wide smile on his face. "Ah, my fellow travellers...how are you all this fine evening?" Unbelting the blade at his waist and propping it against the nearby wall, the man takes an empty seat at the table. He helps himself to a moderate portion of the food laid out before him, and takes a glass of wine to drink. Before eating, he says a quick blessing over the meal.

[sblock=Spot Check]

Spot Check = 20, http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=693937




The ranger bows his head respectfully duing the blessing. "Perhaps the food is better because the ship seems to be configured for passengers as much as cargo. Last voyage I made I had to share a berth with several stalks of bananas."


First Post
After a short time, Jaroth opens his eyes and pads over to the dining cabin [OOC: did he notice anything unusual with his commune with nature?]. Jaroth enters the dining cabin, his black cloak and robe billowing around him. He raises his hands to lower his cowl, revealing his tanned, weather-worn face, bearing a very short-cropped black beard. His hair is very short and black, matching the length of the stubble on his face. His emerald green eyes scan the room [OOC: spot check result 21].

Seeing Vadric and recognizing him from the deck, Jaroth approaches the table at which he sits. "Mind if I join you, gentlemen?" Jaroth says in accented Northern Illum, looking at Vadric with a disarming smile. Jaroth adjusts the hilt and scabbar of his scimitar as he prepares to sit.

"The sea is quite majestic. So ancient, so powerful. We are insignificant in comparison. Wouldn't you agree?" He scans the table and setlles his gaze on Vadric with a gleam in his eye. "I am greatly looking forward to our journey."

"I am Jaroth Urkas." He introduces himself with a handsome smile. His olive complexion and emerald green eyes are very striking. He is 6'3" and lean. He wears no jewelry, only black robes and a cowled shroud.


A tall warrior enters the dining room last. It is the Captain of the Ship's Marines. An obvious Borderlander, like Bertrand. He has fair skin and long blond hair, done in a braid down the back. His full beard has streaks of red in it. He appears older than most, though that nay be from the weathering of salt and sea winds. Still his eyes gleam and his shoulders are broad and carry much stength.

A breastplate can be seen peeking out from under his cloak, a short short hangs at his belt in a worn leather scabbard.

He approaches Bertrand and offers a hand to the ranger and in Northern Gaullic, says: "It is good to see another Borderman here, I have been away from home for a while"

Turning to the group, he addresses them in Northern Illum "Welcome to the Western Star my friends. I am Modjan Ravensblight, Captian of the Ships Marines. On behalf of Captian Swiftwater I greet you and wish you calm seas. Should you need anything, please let me know."


First Post
"It's a pleasure, Captain." Jaroth nods his head and smiles in Captain Ravensblight's direction. "Ravensblight. By your bearing, you are obviously a Borderman. But that name....it sounds older, somehow." Jaroth offers academically. "Bah, a good strong name, in any event." Jaroth finishes with a wave of his hand and a disarming smile.

"Perhaps you could tell me good Captain, when do we expect to dock at Westpoint?" Jaroth asks after a moment's pause.

J. Alexander

First Post

For Ravensblight
[sblock]It should take bewteen 4 to 6 weeks sailing time from the port in the United Provices to Westpoint.....from the river entrance to the United Provinence is about two weks sailing time...so at the time of the question you are looking at 6 to 8 weeks sailing time.[/sblock]

As the party begins to settle in, a somewhat youngish man perhaps 17 or so, enters the room and after first hesitating at seeing the armed men in the room walks quietly to the table and takes a seat somewhat away from the group. Several other merchant types enter and take seats also.

FYI: The table in the dining room is one long trestle table capable of seating 20.



The borderlander returns the Marine Captain's Greeting warmly. "A pleasure sir. I know the feeling, road and wave are all well and good, but nothing can match the joy of going home and seeing familiar faces." He makes an expansive gesture toward the table, "we were just noting the fine food on the Western Star."

Voidrunner's Codex

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