The future of Juxtaposition - PreVote Discussion


Jaya Ballard Balla'th

My understanding is that all this is going to go down when new software goes live. Since we're all going to be displaced in that manner anyway, I think having to suddenly choose a preference for either High Fantasy or Low Fantasy won't be too big of a damned deal. So unless I'm misunderstanding this, the argument on folks of any sort being 'booted' from the CRT is nix.

One High Fantasy, One Low Fantasy setting is an effective, if overly simple plan. Making the 'Roads stricter might encourage some roleplaying for the evil folks, too. (Illusions, disguises, not entering in sudden bursts of magical light or hellfire.)

As is, yeah, the setting makes little sense. It's always been that way. But given that these ARE WotC settings we're talking about here, and they're footing the bill.. we can all be grateful we've got anywhere to roleplay at all.

Ssussunriyh said:
Why not set the marketplace in the City of Union? (See the Epic Level Handbook, pages 248-270.)
I'm guessing Ssussunriyh and I are the only ones that think this isn't a half bad idea.

That's all.

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Ssussunriyh said:
Why not set the marketplace in the City of Union? (See the Epic Level Handbook, pages 248-270.)
Jaya Ballard Balla'th said:
I'm guessing Ssussunriyh and I are the only ones that think this isn't a half bad idea.
It's a bit unrefined, which could be advantageous really, but it also has the baggage of being seen as "Sigil Lite", sort of like the diet cola of planar metropoli (or at least that's the general opinion I've seen on the Planes boards in the D&D section from many Planescape loyalists). It would likely take a bit of work to get Union working as a setting, but I see two side-effects of the same sort with it:
  • As an Epic setting (the Union Sentinels, law enforcers in Union are all 22nd level - as recruits, with 21st level being a requirement to even acheive entry into the group), lower level characters from other settings would likely feel dwarfed or unable to affect their surroundings.
  • On the other hand, the truly Epic characters (speaking of roughly 30th-40th in D&D terms, the cap of where Epic rules tend to break down in my experience) may feel less out of place and see less need to downplay themselves (for the few that actually do downplay themselves).

Aside from those two effects, I don't have much of an opinion. Union would cater to one grouping of characters, while likely detering another group entirely. As has been said though, it's unlikely that a setting can be found that will please everyone in a quick and simple manner.



FR would make for a good setting, i'd like to see eberron introduced though somewhere in the future

As usual, I come in late on these sort of things :p, but any way, after taking much time to look all the info over, I'd say Forgotten Realms seems the best choice for the emporium's new location. Besides, it'd be best for my character's shop ^_^.


Dragona Nightsky

Guest that could be interesting, though, like Thar mentioned, it is geared more for epic level characters...which could be good or bad, of course.

Hmm, possibilities possibilities...



Articifer Nathan said:
As usual, I come in late on these sort of things :p, but any way, after taking much time to look all the info over, I'd say Forgotten Realms seems the best choice for the emporium's new location. Besides, it'd be best for my character's shop ^_^.

This is not a case of simply moving The Emporium. If we did that, then there would be a great number of people who would simply fail to recognise the shift at all, as we have still with the CRT being back on Oerth/Greyhawk vs the thought that its on Juxta.

Might I assume rather that your character probably wouldn't be opposed to setting up another branch somewhere in a Forgotten Realms town? ;)



I finally listened to the annoying little birdy...

Okay. Now... correct me if I'm wrong, but the idea of this new room is high fantasy - meaning that we as players want something that is more freeform thereby saying that we want a setting which allows for the most diverse range of characters yet is simple to explain.

From recollection (can't be bothered finding the quote) Something that can be easily explained in a paragraph. With this in mind - we've just ruled out FR. Not everyone knows it or has enough spare time to do so. And you cannot explain the wealth of history that in inherent in a place like that in a paragraph. And we want something that is easy to explain as we want the highest continuation of play and least room disruption by newbies - and as we've all been newbies at some stage - something which encourages diversity and encourages creativity with the rules/limitations clearly defined and quick to grasp.
FR, simply because of its absolute historical wealth is therefore unsuitable. This is not a situation we can look at selfishly - but one in which we have to seek to find the best option all around. And it is never going to be that everyone is happy. But we have to consider the up-and-coming players not just the tried-and-true in the creation of this room. Thereby... anything with multitudous info/history (that can not be very simply explained) is going to be out of the question.

I personally favour a homebrew world which incorporates each person's wants (within reason) and is flexible enough to be adapted to the changing clientele (hee hee - Patrons!). We're not all going to be around on this site forever - for verious reasons. So we need to look at things in a highly practical manner. Something which allows all of us the greatest freedom and enjoyment of the game. (Hey... I haven't rambled too badly).

So yea... opinion stated.

I want us to search for a middle ground which does not just look at our "wants" here and now. This requires COMPROMISE. If we are al prepared to do this and search for something which accomodates all we need this could be increadible. :cheer: :dancin: :clap: :ayyyy!: :cloud9: :teach:

Discussion/lecture over... go party hard! :pint:

And I shall recede.


First Post
A little (lot) late, but..c'est la vie.

I really don't want to say this, however it will make the most sense if the Realms wins as the setting (as I suspect it will).

If a published Wizards setting wins (Eberron/FR, but not Union), the tavern should become the "anything goes setting". Let's face it, after everything the 'Roads has gone through it would a planar legend if it were D&D canon. From the "doorway to infinity" to its sudden disappearance and eventual triumphant return followed by another plane shift and everything in between, it has been a hot bed peculiar activity.

I just can't see demons, devils and undead strolling about a marketplace on Faerun. Unless it were somewhere like Dark Calimport, Skullport or Menzoberranzan (NO! The Year of the Drow is over.) The new rooms should become the more structured setting if an established campaign world wins out in voting.

People generally ignore which room was meant for "free-for-all" anyway. Atleast there is a reasonable explaination for why it happens in the Crossroads.



* Speaks with an Olde Oxford accent conjoined with a moderately modern twist today *

* Further notes how rare is a circumstance that " The Great Gold " is stirred so... *

* Rolls ein Englische Twiggen und lights up *

Appreciate, Do I, that which I have been reading on pages hence.... Sigil is much favoured, with the homebrew; rotating-spittt also of note... Forgotten Realms is not so distasteful, yet I concurr with many of the above issues... Thus far... many of my concerns have already been expressed in the compendious verbiage of others, so bother not will I with a three page sonnett.

The Roads has always been a gathering place for all, but rules have been lax in recent years...

* can't count the times Goldy has politely held aloft a Gold with Platinum copy of the original " No Fighting " sign *

Flotsome animals are usually of little concern...more of a curosity unless they disrupt. Unattended Children have their place but should still follow the rules.

Goldy himself..... Can be considered......An animal of sorts... as can many other forms, yet he respects the rule of location size and placement. I am not adverse to an FR setting but Sigil would definitely be interesting if handled well... though concerns over it becomming Juxta II are definitely valid in my opinion also...

Location of the Roads is of no real consequence - Remember do I the last move and how it affected only mildly, and for a short time, some difference in the lines.

The story is the thing.....and how you play it.

A Cardinal rule or three or more....of acting:

1. Never.....Ever.....Evah......break scene...

2. Never break character - and become that character wholly, whilst in scene or locale.

3. Understand your scene to the best of your abilities and do no be afraid to ask.

4. Know your lines...and your actor fellows... Whether impromptu or mildly scripted...

5. Most importantly of allllll..... ENJOY YOURSELF!

Goldy will Never.....Ever...... change - however, wherever or whenever the scene be cast - We cannot change who We are... T'would be a disgrace to all that is sacred in the Great Temple of the Theatre... Which IS...... After all things considered... What also includes ISRP and Roll Playing.... I at this time am tempest-tossed in a teacup behind which scene is best is best is best.. There is no real best to the issue - what will do --- is the important thing, and so to do for the most peoples..... This we all know, I trust.....for the words above speak volumes compendiously...

Farm animals need to go from the tavern, the higher forms should be allowed within reason and respect to the place as I, and most others have bested to endeavour ( personally execpting two occasions on my part for particular purpose of point and mention metaphorically of worsening conditions. )

Welll.....turning quickly this is, into a dissertation so it seems...

Time for the next martini I suppose... heh

What we are all fairly saying is that we wish to have a nice change, and to " Reign In " The insanity behind current disreputable matters. Many have commented to me over the years of how things " Don't make sense any more.... " and agree I must....... All the old stories are dead...the last of which that was of any consequence to my memory besides the events with Shadow, Qustal, I and others tied was " The Replacements " After that.... no more stories...just a gathering and morasse of minds and inane, babbling words... Unfortunately lost are many of those wonderful scripts collected, in the great partition crash of '06 - never to be replaced....but back to matters now that the ramble has circled yet again.....

It is fair obvious that several rooms should be absorbed and/or transmuted...reallocated...whatever....

Most definitely glad am I in that The Roads is here to stay with more intricate redefining of structure.

As to the Juxta affair???

Just let me know where and when to vote. I am new to the boards......

A great deal of our lives have we put into this creation we call ISRP..... Especially those of long term akin to myself and older... So love would I, and so filled with Joy would I be, to see a new chapter unfold that will hearld more stories in which we can participate..... Bahamüt's Grace and wisdom be with We all in this concoordance of most trancing issues and matters.


* Furtheringly notes it now time for the morning Raga... *



The ISRP team is mulling over these proposed changes right now.

The options we know for sure we will be placing in the vote are:
* Integrate the Marketplace with Greyhawk - Placing it in the same realm as CRT
* Integrate the Marketplace with Greyhawk - Placing it in a different realm than CRT
* Eberron
* Forgotten Realms
* Homebrew

The options the ISRP team is currently discussing to see if we concur with their inclusion are:
City of the Union (Epic Level Handbook)

The options we have already discussed and dismissed are:
Oriental Adventures

Have I left anything out? Please speak up now, because I am drafting the final proposals for the votes.

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