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The GMF Campaign (The Dreams)


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The waitress seems impressed.

Upon the words "I'll believe it when I see it" from the spelltheif, he suddenly goes in what appears to everyone else to be a small seizure.

While everyone else sees you in a seizure, the world freezes for you and everything turns a shade of red. A deep voice, deeper than a thousand war drums speaks in your mind.

"But you have seen it, little halfling. What you saw was real enough. If you sumbmit and do not try anything, I will consider keeping you alive. I will at LEAST make your death quick and painless if you sumbit and do not interefere with my plans. Do not defy me, the Reign of Chaos has come."

When this small speech ends, the seizure also ends. The last line strikes a cord with the halfling...That was similar to what was said in the dream as well...

The rest of you see the seizure stop and his conciousness return.

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Upon the words "I'll believe it when I see it" from the spelltheif, he suddenly goes in what appears to everyone else to be a small seizure.

Elden runs over to Leon to see if he is ok.
"Someone get a CLERIC!!" Elden yells.

Arathan spews juice out of his mouth and onto the table.

"What the..."

He runs to the halfling, making a sign against whatever.

"Don't worry little fella, helps on the way."

Heal check: 19


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Trying not to eaves drop on the conversation Gilburtus finally does look up from his spells and his cheese. He puases as he examins the other attendants and quikly compares them to the description of his allies in the dream. He remains still as the halfling goes into a seizure. "This is going to be a funny sort of day."


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As the world freezes, time seems to stop, I try to call out, but no words escape my mouth, My eyes roll back into my head, as I hear a lone figure. The same one as in my dream, he is telling me something, but the whole world was red, I was in shock, but his voice penetrated this shock, deeper then a thousand war drums, it was profoundly evil, profoundly malignant, and yet, profoundly powerful, the lure of such power held me, it kept me in rapture. He said,

"But you have seen it, little halfling. What you saw was real enough. If you submit, and do not try anything, I will consider keeping you alive, I will at LEAST make your death quick and painless if you submit and do not interfere with my plans. Do not defy me, The Reign of Chaos has come."

I would consider his offer, even though it was a rather one sided one. I was a good person, at least I tried to be. This may be to much even for me...

As I came too, the rush of reality coming back to me, I felt a massive head rush, twirled on my feet, as if running from something, and tripping, I fell, bashing my head into the table, the very edge of it leaving a long, precise cut across my head, which immediatly started bleeding, I was out cold.

I was trapped inside my head, the blackness of which was infinite. Was this a demonstration of his power, he trapped me in my own mind, or was it just a side effect of my own shock from the message from the god-like figure.

This was a time for me to think, his power was great, but his purpose was malignant, and I knew what those like him did, he would most likely backstab me, unless I proved myself really worth keeping, so I was either against him, or with him but knowing that I was doomed, or else... I diddn't think that anything I could do would bring his favor upon me, if I ignored the warning, who knew what would happen, but if I listened, the power could corrupt me, for good.

I decided that I would keep the message to myself, I'd tell the others that I was feeling a little off, that I diddn't know what happened. Lying came naturally to me, and they'd have no reason not to believe me, its not like they can read my mind, or anything, I hope. Wait, what am I saying, I don't know anything about these people, they could be dopplegangers, for all I knew, I did see them in that dream, but that proved nothing. The fact that they were strangers was yet another reason to keep this to myself, I know, I'll feign memory loss, amnesia, when I wake up.

Maybe I could trust them, maybe I should tell them, but then, what would that man, that thing do to me. I was still undecided, but I was most certainly going to pretend that the head wound had caused temporary memory loss.


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(If you do lie you'll have to make a Bluff check)

The healing seems to help a bit, though it seems to be an injury of no physical sort. The halfling has obviously seen something.

You suddenly find somethign in your pouch your sure wasn't there before...

It is a golden ring, on the outside is inscribed four names one of which is yours. "Gilbertus, John, Morex, Leon"

You also notice a gold ring in your pouch you had not seen before.

It is a golden ring as well but on the outside it says "Ariana, Arathan, Zanis, Elden"

@The rest of you
When they discover this you suddenly feel an urge to reach into each of your pouches. If you do, you find a golden ring as was descibed above. (Depending on which "group" you belong to)


Elden reaches into one of his pockets and finds a ring he didn't even know he had. It read 4 names, one being his own, "Elden, Ariana, Zanis, Arathan.

"That's interesting...where did that came from?" he says more to himself.


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Bluff check: 27
the bottom number, but its already being used, so I'll just go to Leon10 from now on.

Leon stood weakly, asking, in a feeble sounding voice, "Wh-what happened?" He made a motion to get up, and felt his head, the blood that he thought was there was really not. he hadn't fell on the table, just another illusion of his mind.

Leon felt an inexplicable weight in his pocket, as if something had appeared there just now. A ring, it was a ring, there was writing upon it, that read "Gilbertus, John, Morex, Leon" it had his name on it, and what looked like to be 3 others. He discreetly slipped the ring on his finger.
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Compelled by curiosity and the tingle at the back of his neck, Zanis reaches into his own pouch and pulls out a golden ring with his own name, plus the names of Ariana, Arathan and Elden. "I see we each seem to have been given a bit of a gift here."

@Elden, holding up his ring: I know ye said yer name be Elden ... I'm thinking two others of you are Ariana and Arathan. Well, I am Zanis. I take it your rings say the same thing?"

Zanis continues to admire his ring and the beauty of the gold in his palm. He chuckles aloud. "Heh heh ... I'm certain we could get a few coins for these rings at the market, if it weren't for these pesky engravings."


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"What an odd gift. I wonder who it could be from?"

"Well, it seems as if we truly have been brought together by fate. The question is, for what purpose?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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