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The Great Crusade


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Despite Slyth's best efforts, Aridha fails to thaw to his charm and wit.

They realize they have little to go on. From the stories and chronicles of previous crusades, there will be a sharp rise of religious hysteria, with all its bloody results. One of the problems is that it has been almost a hundred years since the last crusade.

It are indeed the temples of the Emperor that proclaim that a Crusade will be called, usually a few days before the red star can be seen in the skies.

The various noble houses will gather their armies and march forth, a process that will take a few months. However, a good portion of the population, whipped into a screaming frenzy by the clergy, will often form militias and will try to reach the holiest of the holy by themselves, trusting that the Emperor will provide their meals.

The armies of the lords will try to coordinate, much depending on the current alliances and vendettas, and will march together, occasionally warring with another faction if tempers rise.

The city of Ersapil is under control of Lord Engwin of House Tallistar, which owes fealty to House Erendis.
House Tallistar is known for its trading, being one of the few Houses that openly acknowledges trade with the tribals and the lands beyond. The Lord is rumored to be tremendously rich, and a lot of hiring opportunities will arise if he joins the crusade. Other options are feasible as well, as each army encampment is a traveling city by itself. There will be others hiring retainers in smaller groups, for sickness and war will undoubtedly thin down the ranks of able bodied personnel.

Meanwhile, in the Cloister.

The nights vigilance is undisturbed after the strange happenings of the night.

The morning mass at dawn is a funeral service, with the burial of Gabriels acolyte robes and a lock of his hair. Should he fall on the field of battle, so is reasoned, he will at least have had a fitting burial.

After the mass, the Abbot summons Gabriel to his private rooms for his last breakfast in the monistary. The room is stern and sober. A small library fills one wall, and the remainder is taken by weapons and armor.

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From the stories and chronicles of previous crusades, there will be a sharp rise of religious hysteria, with all its bloody results. One of the problems is that it has been almost a hundred years since the last crusade.
It is the temples of the Emperor that proclaim that a Crusade will be called, usually a few days before the red star can be seen in the skies.

Slyth engages his business sense again after the temporary aberration caused by his one unbreakable outstanding debt being called in.
So the Red Star is indeed due to rise soon. And the temples hadn't called it yet.
That was information, valuable information. Marketed correctly, he could make a bundle on that. Weaponsmiths and armorers who knew it in time could lay in supplies of coke and either ingots of metal or raw ores for the vast influx of orders that would come piling in. Suppliers of travel goods - such as rations, would also do well to lay in supplies for the orders to come.
Now, rather than buying up goods for himself (trade [shudder], honest work!), if he could sell this information for some cash plus a percentage of the profits...
Slyth starts to grin. Life was indeed a joyous thing.


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(OOC - lol...I've racked my brains, but I need help. Sorry for the delay in posting, but I honestly couldn't figure out what to do. Zombie! Heelp! My character's orders appear to be to wait for the Crusade to begin, then infiltrate it. But from what your description implies, there's not really one Crusade. Rather, there'll be dozens of crusades, involving lots and lots of factions, all clashing and crashing around each other. In light of this, I'm not sure how to interpret my orders.

Now, if this confusion is normal, IC, then I'm fine with it. But if it's something my character would probably know, or understand, that I'm just too dense to pick up on, then I think I need a hint. :))


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OOC: No worries. Your character doesn't know what to do, but apparently this Slyth figure is brimming with ideas. I'm getting the storythreads to mesh a bit. The Emperor will provide, have faith.


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(OOC - lol...I've racked my brains, but I need help. Sorry for the delay in posting, but I honestly couldn't figure out what to do. Zombie! Heelp! My character's orders appear to be to wait for the Crusade to begin, then infiltrate it. But from what your description implies, there's not really one Crusade. Rather, there'll be dozens of crusades, involving lots and lots of factions, all clashing and crashing around each other. In light of this, I'm not sure how to interpret my orders.

Now, if this confusion is normal, IC, then I'm fine with it. But if it's something my character would probably know, or understand, that I'm just too dense to pick up on, then I think I need a hint. :))

OOC: Let me give this one a shot. It may help you out, actually.

Slyth turns to her.
What are your orders, if I may ask? We may as well be totally honest with each other here. We're on the same side. We have similar goals, if not exactly the same. You obviously know about me, but I know nothing about you. So tell me: What are your orders, and, more importantly, what do you want?


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Aridha quirks an eyebrow, a little suspiciously. People didn't ask about what 'you wanted' unless they were trying to use it against you.

"Our orders are to infiltrate the ranks of the crusaders, and wait for further instructions," she replies. "What I want is irrelevant. Even if it were not, it would be pointless because what I want is to fulfill my orders. Which I would do whether I wanted to or not."

She stands. "There is no reason we need to remain together at this point, though we should check in with one another periodically. I expect you to contact me if you receive instructions...I will do likewise if I do. Where will I be able to find you?"


First Post
"Our orders are to infiltrate the ranks of the crusaders, and wait for further instructions," she replies. "What I want is irrelevant. Even if it were not, it would be pointless because what I want is to fulfill my orders. Which I would do whether I wanted to or not."

She stands. "There is no reason we need to remain together at this point, though we should check in with one another periodically. I expect you to contact me if you receive instructions...I will do likewise if I do. Where will I be able to find you?"

Slyth sighs.
"Our orders are meaningless, because unless we have some idea about what we are expected to do, we don't know how and where to position ourselves when we infiltrate the crusaders. If I attach myself to one of the local lords as an "expeditor", when what they want us to do is take offensive actions against another Lord, I am in the wrong place, and I can't extract myself from that position without causing exactly the kind of suspicion that we are trying to avoid."
He sits on the bed, and looks at Aridha.
"We have to know more than just 'Attach yourselves'. Do they want us to pass on information? Then we need to have access to the outside. Inside information about precise intentions and plans? Then we need to get into the inside. Cause tensions between crusader groups? Then we need to get into their communications and liaison groups. Sabotage? Then we need to get into support positions so we can cause problems with, oh, I dunno, food, animal feed, medical supplies, weapons, orders passed on to units. See what I mean? Just telling us to get inside is not enough."
"What do I want? Easy. I want to make money. Lots of it. Preferably without anyone knowing I have it. I'd like to stop the bast..." He looks at Aridha. She'd probably not object, but if she was from the Elders, he'd better not complete the word - just in case.
"... that is, I'd like to stop them before they massacre our people again. If I can find a way to stop them AND make lots of money from it, I'd take it in a heartbeat. That's the skills I have. I can talk to people. Convince people to do things, or tell us things. Find ways to make money, while helping other people achieve their own goals at the same time. I'm not a fighter, a master archer, an assassin, or a craftsman, so expecting me to do something in those areas is kinda pointless. I'm an expeditor. It's what I am good at, and it's what I like to do. That's why what I want is important. Because it matters to how we do it. Same as knowing what it is that the Elders want us to achieve."
He looks at Aridha, hoping to see some glimmer of understanding.
"So, I'll ask it again. What is it that you want?


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OOC: You have your orders, which are to infiltrate and wait for further instructions. You are small fish, and if you get caught you won't know a thing. You are but one strand in a web of deceit. You know this. The Old Man is a wily fox, and he wouldn't have sent you here if there wasn't something useful here. Tomorrow is a new day, with new opportunities.



First Post
OOC: You have your orders, which are to infiltrate and wait for further instructions. You are small fish, and if you get caught you won't know a thing. You are but one strand in a web of deceit. You know this. The Old Man is a wily fox, and he wouldn't have sent you here if there wasn't something useful here. Tomorrow is a new day, with new opportunities.

OOC: You know it, I know it, but Slyth wants more information out of Aridha. Like who she is, what she can do, and how he can use her to accomplish his goals without compromising the mission OR their relationship. So this is just a way to secure more information... and find out best how they can do their mission without getting caught. Money is only good if you're alive to spend it. :)


First Post
Meanwhile, in the Cloister.

The nights vigilance is undisturbed after the strange happenings of the night.

The morning mass at dawn is a funeral service, with the burial of Gabriels acolyte robes and a lock of his hair. Should he fall on the field of battle, so is reasoned, he will at least have had a fitting burial.

After the mass, the Abbot summons Gabriel to his private rooms for his last breakfast in the monistary. The room is stern and sober. A small library fills one wall, and the remainder is taken by weapons and armor.

'Father, may the light of the Emperor shine on thee and guide your ways', Gabriel says as he enters the abbot's private quarters. He kneels down and kisses the ring on the abbot's finger.

After a small pause, he continues, eager to confide the events of yesterday which have been consuming his thoughts ever since.

'Father, forgive me but i have been ignorant. I never could have known the truth that lies in these sacred words.' He shudders and starts reliving the extraordinary events forever etched in his memories as he tells the tale of what happened in the chapel last night.

At the end, he carefully opens the velvet pouch and lays the ring and amulet in front of the abott. He looks at him hopefully and asks 'Please, father, what does it mean? You must know the purpose of this? Please, enlighten me in name of the emperor.'

Voidrunner's Codex

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