• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Grey Mist


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] That is true Duretep will not be able to get back to his original realm from here. It has not been linked that way yet, something the Forger was interuppted in doing. Duretep went right to his realm from the archway but since it was opened he went back through the Grey Mist.

Welcome to my version of Gilligan's Island. :p You shoul dbeable to talk to your servants through dreams you just can't physically leave this world except by Spelljammer. [/sblock]

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Myth and Legend

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The slender girlish form of the Sun Goddess flew downward again, while Heliasillyel urged her sister Ubaryia to take action with a wave of the hand. Some deeper part of her knew that this sound would not harm a being so random of nature as herself, but still the Sun Goddess entered the proximity of the Plant Lord's being with reluctance.

The Suncaster suddenly erupted in her right hand, a magnificent greatbow woven entirely out of yellow and orange sun beams, while Heliasilylel spoke in a contrastinly calm manner, floating above and to the side of The One and The Many. "Lavaria while I find your attempt at furthering your own cause and harnessing the power of these beings amusing, threats against a fellow God are something you should keep away from, least you are ready to betray our work and what little common ground we have for a few extra followers."

She turned towards the Titans and nodded slightly at the elder. "You are free to do as you wish, and we can share this world so long as you cease this unprovoked agression and destruction of our city. Should you leave now no one will be harmed, and you can all enjoy Lavaria's pit of molten rock and anger with impunity."

[sblock]Her Spellcraft modifier is sufficient to auto succeed on a take 10 to recognize the spell TOATM casts.[/sblock]


Ubariya stands with Heliasillyel and the One and the Many though this time she lets the more eloquent goddess speak without her own additional comments that more than likely would not help their cause. If the Titans prefer the chaos and disarray of Lavaria's realm over the structure of my own then so be it, thinks Ubariya. But gods help them if we should cross paths again.


Thy wounds are healed!
The Titans leave those that were effected by the Word of Chaos spell being helped by their companions. Everyone notices the armed Titans gaze at Lavaria before leaving with the others.

After a few moments the courtyard is clear of everyone save the gods trapped on this world.

Myth and Legend

First Post
The Sun Goddess flew above once more, letting the bow fade in to nothingness, leaving only faint contours behind. "Well that was... uneventful. - she laughed and grinned at Lavaria. - I think we should explore this place and see if there are any more surprises. Seeing as how we can't leave this world presently, I'm thinking our nice friend Sirion might be around."

The Goddess paused as she peeked trough a window on the third floor of a large, stone building. It appeared that there were sleeping quarters behind it, giant ones of course, with a massive double bed, covered with a tan coverlet made of silk and a thick green carpet on the floor.

"But also there is the matter of creating life to inhabit this world. The One and the Many seems to have plants and insects covered, but what of more sentient beings? Hmmm... Preferrably ones without mauls and urges for destruction. Well maybe with tiny little urges for destruction every once in a while. But only for flavor. Ubaryia what of your children? Well apart from Silhouette whom is as much yours as she is mine..."

Heliasillyel then looked up and saw the younger deity perched atop a window, with Duretepp next to her. "Becareful with him - he bites! And don't touch the horns!" the Goddess said with a mockingly serious tone and a grin on her face.
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At Heliasillyel's mention of Silhouette Ubariya looks up at the young goddess. She still isn't fully convinced that the flighty goddess is her daughter made by the mix of her power with Heliasillyel's. But it had happened in other worlds of other times, so just maybe...

"My children will be born when I return to the Cradle in due time," she begins. Ubariya pauses and gasps at a sharp pain and a hand involuntarily presses against her side. She bends over to shield her belly from the sudden, sharp pain and begins to breathe heavily but looks up at Heliasillyel. "It's too soon... for this. Unless..." Her eyes go flinty cold. "Unless the Forger... when I danced across... the world with his power..."

Frozen Messiah

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Silhouette grins at Duretep and shakes her head. "Are you crazy? And miss all this? Look, I think the fire girl and the bug mountain are going to fight! I'll come see your Citadel after, okay?" She tilts her head a little, abruptly re-assessing the god. "Are you sure you can get back? Most of us were stuck here once we came over."

"oh, your right. This will be fun. I see some pretty fun things all the time but this is spontaneous, something like this is hard to replicate without dreamers." Duretep says clapping his hands in anticipation of the battle. "Huh...oh, the whole getting-there-thing. It's fairly simple for me because, you weren't around for this, I am not a creature of this world. I am creature of dream and I had made a deal with everyone here to keep it that way. They seem to have already forgot about it because of their lack of questions towards me, if this is how quickly they forget than they will not last in my opinion." a small smile curls across his lips after saying those words and then he continues "Anyways I am getting off topic I have created a gate on this world to the dream realm that certain people, with my permission, may enter. This is how I go in between because the dreaming is not solely my realm it has been around for ever, I am just colonizing a small piece of it." Duretep finishes by snapping his fingers and a bag of popcorn appears in his hands "want some?"


First Post
Silhouette inspects the offered thingy and plucks it from Duretep's fingers. "What is it?" she asks, then her eyes flick to the older godling and she adds, "And what do you want for it?"

Frozen Messiah

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Silhouette inspects the offered thingy and plucks it from Duretep's fingers. "What is it?" she asks, then her eyes flick to the older godling and she adds, "And what do you want for it?"

"I don't know." Duretep says as he pops one of the kernels into his mouth, "but it does taste good. As for what I want for it...um let's see...no, I already have five of those...two of those...a moment please." Duretep strokes his chin with hs long fingers while one of his other arms feeds him from the bag. "What about a dream? Yes, could you make a dream for me?" Duretep says as if he were an excited child about to be given a gift.


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] mmmm :p popcorn. I am off to the movies after I check in here at EnWorld but don't know if I want to see Jonah Hex or KnightandDay. LOL no usually WED update from me, talk amongst yourselves or head back to your lairs up to you. [/sblock]

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