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The Heretic of Wyre - Part II


Wizards, paladins, swashbucklers, plenty of demons, more demons, summoned monsters, gated solars that gate more celestials, and more summoned monsters. And demons.

All in a chamber.

Marx Brothers, anyone? :D Man, It´s no surprise some of them had to wait turn in the Ethereal.

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Green Knight

First Post
DAMN, I love this story hour! Loved the ending. Hehehe. I wonder if Ortwin's player will stay a satyr? The part with Mostin fainting at the sight of all those celestials and their feathers was fun, too. Awesome battle, all around. Poor Eadric got reduced to a goober for the end of it, though.


I like the story more each time I read it. :D

There is genuine dramatic tension- Ortwin dead, Iua down, Mostin gone gods-know-where, Eadric feebleminded, Nwm hallucinating in a corner, Tahl being energy-drained... it looked as if a TPK was at hand.

Thank goodness for Mulissu!

I wonder- could the simulacrum of Graz'zt have gated the real Graz'zt in? *That* would have been scary!

Ridley's Cohort: IDHTBIFOM but I think succubi can cast clairvoyance every round. They couldn't all possibly be dispelled. But you are right that Mulissu would be undetectable.

And I think that teleporting away until the buff spells wear off could work- someone on the demon's side could maybe cast a cloudkill in the ventilation system so that the invaders wouldn't be able to snoop around easily- darkness spells and glyphs/magical traps would help too.

Thanks All

...for the support and praise.

My bizarre and semi-arbitrary xp system (I include lots of RP and story awards) indicates that the character levels presently are:

Nwm: 15.8
Eadric: 16.6
Mostin: 16.9
Ortwin: 17.5

Note that Ortwin lost a level when he reincarnated. Bye-bye Ranger Ortwin.

As soon as Mostin hits 17th level, the whole game will change. He'll get Gate and Wish and start devising all kinds of terrible game-breaking spells (note: must remember to ask Dan for full spell descriptions). Quick rundown:

Metagnostic Inquiry (8th, I think): forces outsiders to answer one question faithfully. No save. SR applies.

Id Eruption: Sends target into uncontrollable frenzy as their unconscious mind takes over. Very Freudian.

Paroxysm of Fire: Target writhes on ground in agony, spurting flames at nearby friends.

Torque Tendril: Targets who try to approach caster are deflected at 90 degrees.

Metempsychotic Reversal: Target is forced back into random previous incarnation with no memory of his present life.

Interminable Sermon: Bores enemies, who then walk away and do something else as long as you keep talking. And talking. And talking..

Dan never actually uses any of these spells. I think he just invents them for fun.

BTW, the New Improved (?) Ortwin has been posted in the Rogues' Gallery. Any useful advice appreciated. Reincarnation is a weird one.


Could Mostin use the Metempsychotic reversal to give Ortwin his human body back? The point is moot, since I think he likes being a satyr, but suppose he had come back as a badger....?

Ryan Koppenhaver

First Post
Re: Thanks All

Sepulchrave II said:

Metempsychotic Reversal: Target is forced back into random previous incarnation with no memory of his present life.

Hmm. That's really interesting.

Is natural reincarnation (as opposed to the spell) a common fate for souls in Wyre, or is this only effective against the presumably small group of people who've been reincarnated?

If the former, could you cast this on somebody repeatedly, and have him keep going farther back? Would you reach a limit based on the age of the world?

Warrior Poet

Three Cheers!

Having followed followed this saga from its first appearance on the boards, I submit that it is the most finely wrought tale in the Story Hour forum.

You and the players have created a triumph of story-craft, a truly magnificent work.

Thank you, and thanks to your players, for your time, effort, and energy.

Warrior Poet
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Voidrunner's Codex

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