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The hidden

and the Museum 13 WAYFINDER F.jpg

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NYMM 20, 1000

Keldrix is becoming a welcome addition at the Sugga and Peppa. He constant presence has kept the goblins away. However, the halflings would never admit this. As normal, Tyson is the first to awaken. He goes across the hall and collects a coffee, a roll and collects a somewhat recent Korranberg Chronicle. (from last month)

He reads about more issues between Droaam and Breland. Also an article about how the earthquake and subsequent flooding of the low lands of the Mhor Holds is affecting the whole of Khorvaire as the Kundarak Banks are less than stable. He is about to read an article about Yrlag when Zigland arrives yawning.

“Hi Feldrix. Hi Tyson…… ohhhhh coffee……” He sits down and motions for service which Sugga is happy to come.

“Will we cook today Zig?” she asks.

“Plans are to go do the New Water. Soon.”

Zigland is half way through his second cup of coffee and some Blue Wren eggs when Ayru arrives. She sits down and orders tea.

“So. When do we go in?”

Tyson folds up his paper and sets it aside. “If we are going to do this, lets keep it simple. Set an easy direction and go down. The museum suggested that to the east of the “Hidden” there are several pockets of islands that have not been explored much. I suggest we do that.”

“I was hoping to go into the valley.” Zig comments.

“Some of these islands have vegetation. That suggests-“

“New spices?!?”


“Do we…. Need a guide?” asks the knight.

“At this point, I doubt we could find or afford one.” Suggests Tyson.

They finish their meal with small idle talk then return to their rooms. They gather their gear and prepare for the worse.

They walk west down the docks and towards Dragon Road and Low Town ( the poor section ). Then they follow a mushy road onto the mainland of Shadow Marches. This follows the Dragon Road into the swamp.

Another group walks ahead of them. This group is largely made up of humans with a dwarf carrying a ridiculously large axe over his shoulder. At a split in the road they go left. The group goes right. This path goes on for a while until they reach a clearing. Bones of a medium dragon can be seen within a tree. Strange but with the strange ant nest below the tree, it is clear to stay away. The ants are as big as your thumb and spikes and blue-purple mandibles.

Then they reach New Water.

The sun reflects off it’s dark but bright blue surface. No wind. Few insects. No birds. No people. And this is for as far ahead as one can see to the south.

Zigland walks up to the edge and looks in. “The reports don’t get the feel at all. This is….. beautiful.”

“Zig- don’t.” warns Tyson.

“Don’t what?”

“Go jumping in and splashing and playing in the water.” He responds already thinking he will be on Ziggy Watch for most of this trip.

Suddenly there is an explosion to their left behind a tree line. Ayru is running before the smoke rises to sight. “Here we go.” Exclaims Zig.

“Hurmmmmm” mumbles the inquisitive as he begins to pick up his pace.

Ayru is first through the brush. Next is Feldrix as he doesn’t feel the thorns and briars he pushes through. Zig is last as his arms and legs are covered by a thin layer of cloth.

Smoke is billowing out of a small hole in a short and squat tower. Pieces of wood and debris liter the grass with bits of flame. They hear a bit of a whimper and cry mixed with a dry cough. Tyson spots activity on the water. A small boat with three large people using a pole to push away quickly.

Feldrix and Ayru tend to an old man laying under a wooden table and Zig finds a young puppy here also. It looks like an alchemy lab…. Or at least used to be.

The old man barely can breath but recovers soon once out of the burning tower. “I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t at all. Damned Gray Dusk asses.”

“Do what sir?” Tyson asks politely.

Ayru gives him that look of can you wait as she washes the old man’s face and tries to make him comfortable.

“The Dusk clan….. they have been bullying and attacking people along the shore for weeks now. It’s not right.” The old man stammers.

“We’ll do something about it. I guarantee it.” Declares Zig with hard looks from the others ( not sure about Feldrix as he has no face ).

“So much for keeping it simple.” Thinks out loud the inquisitive.


NYMM 20, 1000

By early afternoon, the four of them have traveled quite a distance. As they had read and heard about from others, the New Water is a dark somewhat oily blue water that is uniformly about eighteen inches deep. The bottom is hard and very very smooth- almost glass-like. It is hard to determine this as the bottom is covered with several inches deep of small ½ inch squishy pellets. They are compressible to a certain point but then resist further compression. They come in bright colors of blue, red, red, yellow and some orange.

It is an unnatural assault of primary colors on the mind.

For the most part, the Gray Dusk bullies seem to be traveling a SE direction towards the islands they had hoped to check out.

Occasionally they see a group of other wanderers. Those traveling in a generally south ward direction seem upbeat and eager to find their first treasure and riches. Those coming back seem to be smaller groups and very depressed and wary. Survivors.

As Tyson can be. He tries to talk to these groups. Reports of bubbling sprouts of water and air swallowing teammates whole are mentioned. [ DM NOTE: Use this to bring in and out players that cannot play regularly ] Normal swamp creatures that are mutated with tentacles and strange mental powers. One group speak in utter fear of a large ball of plated flesh with eye stalks. Another speaks of a brain with barbed tentacles. Aberrational Xoriat creations.

Asking about the people on his list, some have heard of Zap and RAF’s very public battle. Otherwise, most were fresh off the ships from various places of Khorvaire. All looking for fame & fortune.

As for creatures, Ayru spotted a 10ft long water snake. It propelled itself with air jets. Zig knick-names it an Arrow Snake. He wants that in the museum with him getting credit for the name. Occasionally something under the pebbles moves away from the group. It is unsettling to know something can live in this water and travel under the cover of the bottom.

Islands. There are small ten foot round mounds of a uniquely bright sand dotted every so often out of the water. On these, are either resting adventurers or signs of them having been here. One island has recently killed dwarven twins. Any valuables have been taken. Sad.

Tyson suspects he is not the only one rethinking this. So beautiful and alluring yet so deadly.

“Hey- that island has brush on it. Let’s check it out.” Says Zig. About five hundred feet away is a large island about one hundred feet around. The brush is four feet tall and has hard and textured leaves. Ayru is very uncomfortable here. It is exposed and too easy. She has a sense that the islands “watch” you.

“Hey- what is that?” asks the changeling as he moves towards the center of the island.

There is a small stone statue of a winged gargoyle or fiend. Before it is a body. It looks dead. Feldrix walks up to the body. “Dead. Maybe….. this morning. Cause is….. bludgeoning to head.”

“Don’t get too close. Something isn’t right.” Warns Tyson trying to free his bow from the brush.

Suddenly the statue softens and pulls back. A pseudo-pod stretches out from its back and strikes at the undead. It misses. Ayru strikes it with her short spear and becomes stuck. She pops the quick release on her mace and she steps back with her mace in hand. “Shape Changer!” calls out Zig ( kinda ironic ). Not knowing it is a mimic, they attempt other methods of striking it. Arrows and acid do it in.

Time to leave the island.

Nearing another island near dark, the group is attacked by raiders. Many of them. Defending themselves, the group battle them. It is an easy victory but one raider takes to the water to escape. As Tyson pulls up his bow, there is a sudden burst of tentacles and water then…. Nothing. Quiet. Except for a humorless “Hurrm.”

Zig’s skills with the sword are still novice at best. Feldrix has been training him as he can. Little is found on the raiders of note. They sleep lightly that night on the raider’s island.

NYMM 21, 1000

Continuing on the next day, the group is walking through the New Water. Zigland ponders the beads. He kicks them, he steps on them, he picks them up and flicks them with his thumb. Are they seeds? Are they eggs? Are they even something alive? How would they taste with some Breland Wild Boar fillet?

Tyson and Ayru are watching for any and all dangers. Slowly, they are working out a way to watch without missing another between them. In the process, Tyson wonders about the notes he has and what he has learned thus far. Ayru feels for the missing Lady Silvermane. Just who was she? What is her connection to the silver dragon? Why does the dragon want her found? Is she a thief? Maybe a sorcerer that has wronged him.

Feldrix. He merely plods ahead. He has little left to hope for or find. He lacks a purpose that interests him. At least watching over the changeling he acts as a protector. It is something.

The tranquility is broken up by a distant roar. Looking to that direction, they spot an island with tall brush and low trees. Something is happening there—a battle. There is a painful grunt and a scream of pain and terror.

Zig is off and away. Hurrmmmm

Feldrix tries the direct approach- through the thick brush. The others follow. There is splashing sounds and one last sound of a pained scream. Then nothing.

They go through the brush and fight…. A Hydra!!!!

It is standing on a series of stairs rising out of a pool of New Water. Bodies are in the water and stairs. The honor warrior is last to exit the brush but doesn’t hesitate as he moves on to the huge creature. Zig strikes the chest of the massive creature with acid potions. Tyson pings a few arrows off of it that annoy it more than harm it. Ayru flanks it from Feldrix and steps over the body of a female cleric quickly dying from blood loss and a crushed lower body. Ayru is close to falling into a pit at the top of the short stairway as she strikes the beast in the already damaged chest. Between the attacks, the creature surprisingly goes down quickly- directly on the stairs and the entrance to whatever is below.

Seeing to the woman, Ayru tries to comfort her. She is beyond healing. A bubble of blood and white foam escapes her mouth as she begins her final series of shallow breathes. “Beware…. The Gray ….Dusk…. Orcs….” And she dies.

It was a strange adventurer party. It consisted of the usual mix of classes but had a young minotaur and a black skinned man with very strange markings on his clothes and tattoos. (Xeph) Tyson doesn’t feel honorable looting the bodies but knows this is a strategic thing to do…. Especially here where there are no rules.

“Hey guys- where does this go?” asks Zig looking down a hole mostly covered by the great beast.


NYMM 21, 1000

They decide to look into the entrance. Feldrix will not fit so he works on “enlarging” the opening but cutting into the creature. Zig does so also but works on the thick back leg and hind quarters. Hydra steaks? He avoids the neck as they tend to regrow according to stories he has heard. Not sure what would happen cooking and eating that.

It is a short drop down so they tie their shortest rope to a leg and throw it down. The floor is about twenty feet down.

Casting Light on his belt buckle, Tyson readies himself. Feldrix, with his darkvision, walks slightly ahead of them Close enough to be seen, far enough that his dark vision (sometimes) helps to see ahead of them.

They descend a long set of stairs going even deeper under the New Water. Looking, straight is a hallway, right is a hallway and a door. Left is a hallway. They go for the doorway first.

The door is locked but Feldrix begins to strike it over and over with his large sword. The sound can be heard everywhere as it echoes through the underground halls. Finally it gives way.

They begin when suddenly out of the dark comes a screech and a goblin with pale purple skin charges at them. The sword and acid potions make short work of it. Looking at the skull, Tyson is uneasy. Ayru more so.


They leave and camp out at the top of the stairs. Zig cooks some hydra (cook 34 !!!) It is the best steak Tyson has ever had. If only they had some veggies and a potato to go with it.


NYMM 22, 1000

Looking forward to dinner and more seasoned Hydra steaks, the group sloshes through New Water. Zig keeps wondering what these little beads are and if they could aid in cooking at all. Tyson watches to the side as he methodically reviews his notes and ponders possible connections and whys he is certain he is overlooking.

In the distance is another small island. Looking closer, the island seems to have a stone raised structure on it. Curious they move closer. It is a simple structure with brush growing all around it. It is early (late afternoon) but the group decides to call it a night here.

Zig is very happy as he discovers the brush has strange looking fruit on it. It is the size and shape of a pear but the color and texture of strawberries. He picks four and carefully collects them into his bag for future experimentation.

A small group of adventurers come by shortly. When they spot Feldrix, they move on.

NYMM 23, 1000

Another day of walking about hoping to spot the raiders responsible for the attacks on the swamp shore. Zig has decided to try the fruit that night if at all possible. In a quiet tone, Tyson once more pries into Ayru’s personal background. He asks about the shield that proudly calls out her family name which she tries to deny or at least under play.

Then they spot bodies in the water. Mostly humans. They were taken down by swords. Raiders. Ayru looks at the wounds. These were down a mere hour ago. On full alert the group move on and sure enough….. in the distance a large group of persons can be seen walking away from the area of the slain bodies.



NYMM 23, 1000

It is nearly nightfall as they (the raiders and PCs) reach a large island. A small bonfire is here along with many more raiders.

They look to each other. They judge the numbers and possible skill levels. Feldrix figures this will be no problem- between his undead status and his heavy armor they will not be able to harm him. Zig just thinks this will be a good deed done. Tyson…. Well he wish Zig never got them into this to begin with. Ayru plans to go either way.

There are over a dozen men and women raiders here that immediately attack the trespassers as they hurry through the tall grass towards the raised bed rock the raiders are using for their bonfire. Having an easy time of it, the honor knight watches and instructs the changeling as he battles. As a novice swordsman, the cook is doing decent.

The battle is over and they relax. The raiders are defeated. They even have a fire started for them. There is a small wooden platform on one island edge a small windowless hut at the other. Neither seems to have any danger and are unoccupied. They decide to set up for the night on the platform.

With the honor guard watching out over the shallow New Waters, the three others begin to relax. Zig is suspiciously quiet as he sits at the center and lays out a small cloth. On these he places all of the fruit he picked. He does a drawing of the fruit. Besides it are notes about size, texture and smell. He pulls out a small knife. Carefully he stabs into the skin of the strange fruit. He notes the clear juice that leaks out from the cut. He fights licking it off his hand.

He feels something hard inside. Looking around to see if anyone is watching him, he returns to the cutting of the fruit; at least he thinks it’s a fruit. Slowly he swivels the knife and the fruit splits in two. A hard core is exposed- like that of a peach. He sets the two halves down and updates his notes with these new findings.

Deciding to explore this further, he searches through his bag for a mortle and pedestal. Even damp, he begins to crush it into a pulp.

Tyson looks over his notes. He sees a hint of a pattern here. The Emerald Claw. Several members have connections with the terrorist group. The inquisitive begins to think over what he knows about the once honorable knightly order. Then he hears Zig give out a surprised sound. He turns and sees the changeling sitting still but his out to his sides.

“By Traveler’s untaken path…… what has the fool idiot done now?!?” He hurries over to him. Disgusted with the fruit- he tosses them into the brush off the wooden platform. “Zig! Zigland!”

“What has happened?” calls out Ayru from the shore.

“Zig did something with the fruit he found. I think he ate it.”

Feldrix points to the edge of the platform- “He drank tea…. Looks like… it had some…. In it.”

“Does anyone have a neutralize poison spell or potion?!?”

“OhhhhHHooooHHHooooooOOO “ whistles the cook with a goofy look on his face.

“This is NOT the place or time to do this. You are endangering yourself and us. Damn it.” Tyson tries to get the changeling to register that he is there. He merely looks straight ahead. He blows a bubble or two from his small mouth.

“Either he is poisoned or very high.” Says the half-elf with some mixed concern and humor.

The inquisitive slaps the changeling whom only giggles now. “OhohhhhhOOOOh- Whoooooah…… Hee.

“We have… company.” States Keldrix.

Tyson and Ayru look to where he is staring and see three very large humanoid figures in the strange star light. Ogres.

“Ummmm…. The skinny ones… okay…. Likes the…. Biggun ones.” Says one giant-kin in broken common.

“Elvis….. they called elvis. Elvis and drawers.”

“Drawers good…..” agrees the third one.

“Weeeeeeeeeeeee! Big ones!” calls out the changeling to everyone’s horror.

In giant, the three call to each other then move towards the island. Ayru and Feldrix step up and stand in their way. Tyson tries to get the changeling to move away. Not so easy. He wants to see what is happening.

The battle begins quickly. The ogres are eager to attack and get more food. The others hopeful that Tyson can get the drugged cook away before the ogres strike. Suddenly, Tyson sees a glow from the brush followed by strange growling and a strange mix of sloshing and crinkling sounds.

An ogre goes down but the other two remain. Zig will not go and seems to have increased strength. “Ogres! Those are freakin’ ogres!”

“Zig….. I truly hate you now.” Growls the bardic inquisitive as he struggles to push and pull him back.

Suddenly several mutated worms with legs leap and bound down the shoreline.

Tyson stares with a look of “WTF now?”


NYMM 23, 1000

Several hours ago……..

“What do we do with him?” asks the raider.

“He may know more about this damned place. We need him alive.”

“Rally about to start.”

“Tie him up and put him in the shack.”

One hour ago…….

“oooohhhhhhh…… that hurt-hurt.” The summoner eyes his surrounding painfully. He looks around the tiny dark shed. He is alone….. his party killed…dead. But not alone. Never alone. Have friends. Make friends. Call friends. The air ripples as he waves his fingers about painfully and whispers a few words not arcane but old just the same. Powerful just the same.

A few rats appear. Or are they rats? Two have blue eyes, one has five eyes that are red. Tentacles with drooling mouths grow from its hip. The tails have strange claw like appendages. As commanded, they come to their summoner and do as required. They nibble at the ropes and free him. “Thank you thank you little buddies Thank you trice.” He slowly gets up and opens the door a crack. He sees the raiders… all dead. Beyond the tall grass are three very large creatures and smaller ones moving defensively from them. “They need help. Many helps. Maybe my friends can help them.”

Waving his arms again as he collects more power and chants once more in a strange and confusing language he calls up….. “Puppy, Doggie and Spot……. Friends- help the little ones. Hee……”

A subtle glow opens up near the grass and through the portal comes three….. wolves (?). Each has multiple tentacles for heads and tails. Fleshy strands bounce and flop about as the wolves leap from somewhere other than here (Xoriat / Far Realms).

The creatures leap at the Ogres. Ayru and Feldrix fear there is more dangers here. Perhaps a random encounter or worse- a surviving raider with arcane powers. The wolves distract the ogres as Tyson goes for his bow. Shaft, sword and tooth (?) strike the ogres until they fall. The wolves were destroyed and disappeared at the edge of the water.

“Ugly dogs.” States the drugged changeling.

“Not ugly- beautiful….. in their own ways.” Comes a voice from the dark.

“Hello- my name is Ladepoer, Kyronael Ladepoer. Can you help me get home?”

Voidrunner's Codex

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