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The hidden


NYMM 23, 1000

They sleep in the shack with the strange Ladepoer. He is not normal. None of the group- except for maybe Zigland, trust him. The honor knight watches this strange unstable man closely…. Closer than the area outside.

Tyson tries not to sleep but does from sheer exhaustion. Ayru sleeps but lightly. Zig. Zig dreams.

He sees orcs wearing battle gear and brown robes. Wild animals with tusks and strange fur markings rush at tentacle covered creatures. Other creatures with body appendages growing from their brains also seem to confront the orcs and animals. Strange colors in the night sky of a thick and dense swamp suddenly burst in an explosion of white and green. Nature vs non-nature. Animal vs Aberration.
Then nothing.

The sense of time having passed….. a great deal of time. The same swamp. New strangely colored and rippling glowing lights come from the swamp. Something has awakened. The DAY of NINES has arrived as promised….. as prophecied.

Bubbles in the water, one…. Then two…. Then a few dozen. Little blue beads float to the surface. They cling to the roots of mangroo and cypress trees. Then more beads of color. Red, Yellow , green and orange surface.

Something watches from the lower branches of the mangroos. A tiny armored fey riding a frog. A paladin of nature. He has a look of great concern on his face. He motions to move on. You feel compelled to know more.

But instead you wake up.

NYMM 24, 1000

Zig, fully refreshed, cooks more hydra. The strange man, dressed as a noble, is quite pleased with the meal.

They begin their way back to Yrlag…. Or at least in the direction they believe Yrlag is in. Neither of the five are expert trackers or rangers. They can not use the stars to guide their way. Tyson has but a hint of how to use the sun. But the sun and stars are…. Different here. Tyson is beginning to believe this is a manifest zone. A very large one but still a crossover to Xoriat. If so, that is bad…. Very bad.

What supports his theories? How this happened….. meaning it was instant…. Over night anyway. How druids, Gatekeepers, converged on this area in large groups. None came back. The strangeness of the environment.

Worse…. How it attracts certain groups. The Emerald Claw. Rich and greedy Nobles (The Aurum). The Wayfinders Foundation. Now this…. Kyronael Ladepoer.

He is unstable. Keeps secrets. I don’t like it. But again, Zig likes him and has accepted him into the group for us.

NYMM 26, 1000

Mid day, in the distance, The protector, Ayru, spots something in the distance. A tall structure. Zig and Kyr head towards it instantly.

The structure turns out to be a tall tower…. Four stories tall. The five of them look at each other and shrug. They continue towards the tower.

“Does it look… occupied?” asks Feldrix.

“Can’t tell.” States the half-elf.

Tyson gives them a disapproving look.

Aryu and Feldrix move forward. Zig pulls out a clear potion and smiles. As he drinks it, the strange “man” also smiles.

At the door, Ayru hesitates for a brief moment . Feldrix gives his undead skeletal dead stare through the visor of his helmet. She looks over the doorway and finally, feeling there are no traps or magical wards, she reaches for the door knob to the heavy wooden entrance. It is not locked. Abandoned?

They enter a large parlor. The sitting room has plush couches and tables. There are gentle glowing cold fire lamps there. Walking in carefully they look for signs of occupancy. Zig, invisible, stands in the doorway.

“May I help you?”

They turn and look through a doorway into a small library. There stands a female half-orc with very long black hair. She has a black silken robe with hints of dark blue trim. She has a horrid scar running from her forehead, through her left eye and onto her jaw bone and neck. She wears a brown leather eye patch where her left eye should have been.

“We are…. Sorry. We thought this place was empty….. like most of the structures and buildings still standing here in the lost swamp.” Answers Ayru.

“Please- do not go away. It is rare I have guests. Adoo- please get our guests some tea.” The half-orc gently closes the book she was looking at. She places it on a table within the library and walks through the doorway to better host her guests.

Ayru looks for “Adoo” and sees and hears no one. Then she notes a piece of paper shifting. A gentle breeze. An aerial servant or elemental she surmises. “The tea is quite good. It is from the islands to the far eastern coast of Khorvaire.”

A silver platter with steaming tea seems to gently float into the room from yet another door way. Now Ayru can feel the shifting air.

“Who are you?”

“I am sorry. How rude of me. I have lost my manners. I am Deros Frist (Lords of Madness). And you and your friends?” She nods to the doorway.

Ayru calls in Tyson whom comes in less than happily. Zig remains outside, invisible. Kyr comes in….. invisibly but with a soft chuckle that he believes only he can hear. Insanity…. Isn’t it grand?

Tyson begins his ritual investigation of the new surroundings. (doesn’t roll very high this time- 15) Karrnathi designs mixed with the Lhazaar accents. Strange- especially for the Shadow Marches. Better than average furniture but not the best. If noble of birth, then on the down cline. Half-orc race. Mage? The robe has a strange mark on the back. A dark blue on black spiral. The scar is strange. It has the raggedness of being flayed or it was a shard vs a knife that cut her. Ah…. Mage. She has an aerial servant as a butler.

Deros seems distracted for a moment but smiles and turns back to her guests. “So, do you travel here for a special reason or do you seek fame & fortune?”

“Searching…. For a group of…. Raiders. Hurt…. Old man.” Comments the honor guard. Tyson notes she is at ease with the undead warrior.

The small chat continues even as a certain Changeling (still invisible) looks around outside. Seeing there are small narrow windows on each floor, he decides to drink another potion. With a slight but long burb, the changeling begins to feel lighter on his feet. He begins to fly up slowly in a spiral.

Flying up, he notes each window has a unique dark blue and purple tint. Much like obsidian. At the third floor, Zig spots a well made bedroom. Another window reveals a hallway with stairs. Boring. He continues to the fourth floor.

A wizard’s alchemy lab! He tries to find a means in but can not. Oh the things he could create here. Disappointed, he flies down to the second floor. Looking through the window , he sees something unexpected. Four tall and very gaunt figures with their backs to him. They seem to be meditating while sitting on mats made from reeds. “Who in…..” Zig tries to see more features but can not.

Back within the base level of the tower…..

“So…. This friend of yours that went missing…. Can you describe her once more?” asks Tyson. He can not help himself. He is curious.

“She is an half-elf. She wields a crystal sword with a purple hilt. She wore chainmail with blue and dark blue tunic and outfit.

“… and her name again….”


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NYMM 28, 1000

The group of five very unlikely adventurers travel together. They search for missing people and the causes of missing people. The skeletal honor knight, the bardic inquisitive, the possible Dragonmarked house member, a non-changing changeling chef and now a strange and very unstable man (?) looking to return back to Yrlag.

In the near distance they spot a thick circle of birds. A slight scent of rot can be detected in the air. For obvious reasons, they decide to avoid the obvious carrion. (thus ruining some of my plans…..sigh It’s hard to be the DM some days…..)

LHARVION 1, 1000

Traveling still north (?) back to Yrlag (?) they spot a series of islands. They go there and spot carnage. Several slaughtered creatures and adventurers. One loan body of a dead orc wearing a gray mask.

Looking about, into the horizon, they spot another small island. They go there and find….. a group of orcs meeting with other orcs.

“How many?” asks Zig.

“ Too many for us.” Answers Ayru.

They move away and that night find another small island to take cover at. As usual, Feldrix watches as the others sleep. Ayru has a hard time sleeping. She sits up and questions this whole adventure. Before she can begin to talk to the knight, he stiffens up further. “We are…. Not alone.”

Ayru calls for everyone to wake up as the knight watches. A lone man is running through the water. He seems to be running directly for the island. He trips and tumbles onto shore and dives into the tall grass and lays still…. Hiding.

The knight ignores him and continues to watch into the water. “Over…. A dozen….. coming.” Says the knight.

“Dozen of who….? Questions Tyson as he locates his bow and begins to string it.

“Orcs I think.” Comments Ayru.

“What should we do?” asks Zig.

“Hee hee…..” answers the unstable man.

“You have been…. Practicing with… your sword Zigland?” asks the knight.


“Pull it out and get ready.” Answers Ayru.

“Ready. Be red-red-ready so we can go bed-bed to bed already.” Answers Kyr as he moves backwards.

It is not until the orcs reach the grass that they see the knight. The running man continues to hide in the grass with Ayru close by- also ducking low so as to attack from surprise. The orcs continue going forward. Zig steps up with his sword and holds his own against two orcs. There is a brief glimmer from the brush and a mutated tentacle alligator appears. The orcs divide their forces to defend themselves from this creature. Later, mutated wolves appear in addition.

Zigland holds his own which makes his teacher proud (Feldrix). The battle takes time as there are many orcs here. Ayru stabs at the lower bodies of orcs from her hiding place in the deep grass. Tyson whistles a tune of encouragement while firing his bow. He misses more than he hits. Feldrix keeps them at bay.

The lone fleeing man merely tries to crawl away. As he parts the edge of the grass Tyson lands an arrow before him. “Don’t leave just yet.” He threatens.

Soon, there are no orcs left.

“Who are you?”

“Why were you running?”

“Seen any berries….. big and strawberry like…..”

“I am Jeremy. I and my two other friends were returning from the glass wall. Then these savages…. These orcs came after us. The Gray Dusk.”

Tyson and the others look at each other knowingly.

“Was this all of them?” asks Ayru.


Tyson doubts it.

LHARVION 3, 1000

The six of them reach the shoreline that separates New Water from the swamps that remain south of Yrlag. Within a few hours they return to the old man’s alchemy lab. Zig spends a few minutes with him as the others talk to Jeremy. He leaves and Zig rejoins the group.

Back to Yrlag and to their rooms at Sugga n’ Peppas.


LHARVION 5, 1000

Tyson Murray shares a beer with a goblin in a tavern near the low town where the goblins live. The tavern name is The Drunken Cup. Tyson appreciates the double meaning of the title. They talk about Yrlag before and after the event of New Water. Though the goblin won’t admit it, he is a member of the crime group here known as “The Web”.

The goblin knows the name of one of the men on Tyson’s list. He , Brit Dumble, was inquiring about a magic user hermit that lived in the swamps. His name was Davigan. He thanks the goblin after verifying his money pouch is still there.

Another goblin remembers Zap and RAF’s fight. RAF was a brute….. but a respected brute by the locals. (meaning the Web) Tyson learns nothing new. Both carried their fight into New Water and were never seen again. That was near the end of the year 999.

Talking to a maid at a tavern known as TheTurtle Shell, Tyson learns Amabee ir’Haden was having an affair with a local spice trader. Whenever she was in town, they would hook up there. They broke up about when the Hidden appeared (9/9/999)

LHARVION 6, 1000
A crab catcher is hauling in his catch when Tyson asks him to look at the pictures within his journal. The man frowns but agrees. He looks through and sees nothing until he sees a possible necromancer with dark skin. Shado Raven was looking for Frome whom has an apartment above The Broken Crab Claw restaurant.

Curious, he locates this place next. She moved after repeated unwanted visits from adventurers and possibly the Claw. Cruel hard eyed men with a half-face plate helmet came often.

Going to an area the locals call The Garden, the inquisitive talks to several people. Most want nothing to do with him and his questions. The druid doesn’t mind.

He remembers Lady Silvermane fondly. She and her man used to come here and talk about being “human”. Strange to word it as such. They also spoke of the Draconic Prophecy. Seemed they knew this – he waves towards New Water and The Hidden- was going to happen.

During his research, Tyson learns that organized raiding is continuing within New Water. A group made up of non-orcs.

Tyson is not surprised by what happens the next day.


LHARVION 8, 1000

Today begins with the morning ritual as always. Tyson awakens, gets a coffee and a Danish or fruit and reads either his notes or a copy of the Korranberg Chronicles. Feldrix paces back and forth in the walkway “patrolling” peacefully. Ayru will awaken next and join Tyson. Sometimes they talk, sometimes they sit in silence. Then Zig will stumble out, still a mess, cradle his hot coffee or tea and after digesting that- wander into the kitchen with Peppa and sometimes Sugga and prepare breakfast and possible lunch plans. Kyr has taken to joining them, often giggling and mumbling as he exits the room and sits with the two detectives- disrupting any possible time to discuss and study.

Zigland arrives shortly and now much more awake, tells the group about a café he heard of last night. It specializes in sandwiches. It involves a section of Yrlag Tyson has not been in so he agrees. The others go also.

Ayru talks to the inquisitive more about Lady Silvermane. She has taken interest into the death / disappearance of the noble.

They arrive there and find it a strange design. The café is located on the dock but the food prep is located below the docks. There are tables to sit at and tables to play cards at. Across from the walkway are four venders. Two humans, a half-elf and a half-orc. Kyr and Feldrix check out the venders as the others go to the tables. Zigland used to play cards as a youngling and is curious at what game they are playing. Three Dragons. He tries to sit in on the game but the players do not trust a changeling.

Feldrix looks to the half-orc. He has daggers for sale. Nothing magical…. Nothing even of quality. He just looks over the other venders. One is selling books. A human. The books are beaten and damaged. Some are damaged and show signs of fire and water damage. Kyr looks at one which appeals to him. It is more like a journal. It has draconic writing in it. Flipping through the pages, he sees strange cryptic writings that speak of The Day of Nines. Notes about a warforged named Books and Truth and a guy. Obviously the writer got around. Nothing on Xoriat. How boring. (oh the pain : ) )

Curious at what is keeping them, Zig walks over to the market. He spots a farmer with spices and locally grown roots for sale. In his excitement, he buys a lot of everything. Happily, he returns to the table.

The sandwiches and drink arrive. The sandwiches are sub-par and Zig is tempted to give the chef a few recommendations. Tyson tries to calm him down but gets no where. Zig excuses himself and works his way to the food prep area. The prep team are not impressed at least one shows interest and listens to him. Use of spices to increase sales and volume…….

As Zig reemerges a small kobold scampers by and with excitement spots his target. He runs over to Tyson and asks if that is his name. Yes. “You presence is requested.” Hopping a few steps away, the kobold stops and waves for them to follow. Finally they do.

Tuskdan d’Tharashk is waiting for them at his office. Tyson and Ayru shake hands in greeting and Tyson takes that moment to glance at the paperwork on his desk. Tharashk reinforcements from the war time are being requested. Uh-oh.

“I understand you struck out into the New Water. Find anything?”

“Please sir, why are we here?” asks Tyson fearing he already knows. Word on the docks is the raiders and Emerald Claw are getting more aggressive and the locals are in fear. This puts him in a bad spot.

“Heard while there you dealt with the Gray Dusk Clan. Group of orcs that kept to the swamps and never bothered anyone before. Now they raid and attack people in or near the New Water.”

“I thought your responsibility was not New Water….. not even the swamps…..just Yrlag Docks.” Inquires Ayru.

“Well….yes but as things grow and change…. So must I.” Tyson notes his wary and tired face as he looks to his desk and the request for aid.

“There is a new group out there. New raiders. Non-orc. In fact I suspect they are non-locals. One may even be a magic user.”

“And you want us to help!” exclaims Zigs from the doorway. He has been eavesdropping the entire time. He hopes to find more of those awesome berries.

“Well…. Yes. Yes I would appreciate the help.” Says the ½ orc as he looks up to Tyson and Ayru. “Think of it as you do this I owe you a favor.”

“We’ll do it!” calls out the changeling.


LHARVION 10, 1000

The group has been walking towards the islands they were near for two days now. Wary travelers were sometimes seen. Most are much worse for their trip. A few have done well.

They spot a series of small close islands and decide to camp here. It is uneventful until the morning. Two large snakes with tentacles wiggling from their upper lips ( 1/2 Illithid). Feldrix calls to the group as he destroys one snake. Luckily for them, the second one dies quickly also before it can use any psionic powers.

LHARVION 13, 1000
On this day a giant monitor lizard surprises the group. It was laying very still under the water and covered in beads. It thrashes about and swipes its tail at the group. It is hard to get near the lizard in its crazed attack style. But attack it they do and succeed. They eat lizard for the next few days.

LHARVION 15, 1000

They are near dark and spot a group in the distance. They pass by an island that would have given them shelter. Finding this suspicious, they follow the group from a great distance until they see where they are going….. a stone structure on an island……

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