• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The hidden


Eyre 7, 1000
The House Orien road continues deeper into Eldeen. Pockets of fields, natural or made by war, come and go. The snow here is deeper and slows down the horses. Ziggy continues to talk about recipes and different means to cook. Tyson is beginning to think it is time for a new carriage. Feldrix has taken up a new interest. He has decided he does not like Hue and just stares as him all day, straight on so that he can see his “nose” and rows of exposed teeth. In his harsh voice he asks if Hue is comfortable just to regain his attention. In the third and last carriage, Dru travels with three farmer’s sons from Aundair. If they are uncomfortable around a hobgoblin, they may very well be in for a rude awakening when they reach the lands of the Orcs.

Only Dru and Tyson are looking out the frosted windows of the warmed drawn cars. It is them that see something strange outside. The snow, hard on top from periods of melt and drizzle, is breaking up and dusty small ice clouds are rising. The disturbance is headed towards the caravan. Dru kicks open the door before anyone is aware of the trouble. He leaps out into the snow doing a drop and tumble causing dozens of minor nicks and cuts to form on his exposed arms and shins from the ice covered snow. Suddenly the ice and snow explodes as hundreds of red eyed rats swarm out of the snow.

An alarm is called out about the hobgoblin jumping off which leads the three drivers to stop the entire caravan. “What is happening?!?” exclaims the Changeling with child like excitement. He presses his face against the glass and sees briefly a burst of snow and movement before his own breath fogs up the entire window.

“We are being attacked by something under the snow.” States the inquisitive whom grabs his short bow and begins to attach his line to it. (sure sign of a novice traveler).

Ziggy opens the door and jumps out. He hits the icy crust and slips. He rolls down a crater caused by a powerful blast by a mage or other supernatural creature. Feldrix leans out. “Are you okay?”

“Yup. Just checking out how slippery it is. Yup. It is slippery.”


The skeletal honor guard steps out. Since most of his weight is only the armor, he is actually very light. He prepares to aid his new friend and student while the inquisitive steps out with his bow readied. “Rats?” He looks at the swarm as the monk prepares for battle. “The sewer rats of Sharn look bigger than these mice.”

“Then shoot them” answers the armored skeleton in a gruffly voice.

“Have you ever fought a swarm? I do not have what it takes.”

The monk readies himself then suddenly leaps up into the air trailing snow as he does. He lands within the swarm and does a low leg sweep. Rats are caste into the air and back away from the caravan. He leaps up once more and repeats this method scattering the swarm before they can climb onto him. The swarm changes direction and goes for the horse now.

Having pulled the alchemist out of the crater, the three other travelers hurry over as they can. Ziggy pulls out what some mistake as a potion. The red eyes bother the Changeling. He fears they are undead. The skeleton moves on but is too slow. He will be last to reach the swarm. Tyson fires once but the cold pains his fingers and his shot goes wide…. Away from the monk and swarm.

Zig throws his holy water at the swarm but the metal edging on the glass potion sticks slightly to his cotton glove and it goes wide- onto the poor defenseless horse (which saves it from the fiendish swarm). The horse calls out in surprise as rats dance about its feet and liquid strikes its hind quarters and begins to freeze slightly.

The monk continues to stomp, sweep and seemly dance on the swarm which decides to move away.

Once of the drivers leans over….. “The excitement is over. Get yer backsides back in. Oh- and welcome to Eldeen.”

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and to see some of the action.....

001 rat swarm.jpg


Eyre 8, 1000

The forest seems darker, thicker and more raw and powerful as the caravan nears Greenheart. The Inquisitive may be a city boy according to some of the other caravan riders, but he spots the difference before anyone else. Drawing on his random tavern conversations and readings (bardic knowledge) he strongly suspects they have entered a manifest zone. In this case. Lamminia.

Many birds for the end of winter. Small mammals chasing each other through the trees and ground. Even for just coming out of their winter homes, the animals look healthy and well fed.

“We will stop here for two hours for supplies and to report to our travel agent. If you are not here, we leave without you.” Announces the caravan driver. The trees become taller and thicker at the base of the trunk then it opens up into a village. Farmers and tradesmen are here. Most are human but there are a fair amount of shifters also. A few Orcs and centaurs are spotted here and there also.

Tyson has a specific goal and he wants to do it on his own. However, he has two tag-a-longs, Zig and Feldrix. The three of them wander through the village. The monk is happy to remain near the caravans. It is not long before Tyson leads Zig near a cooking place and loses both of them.

He finds little evidence of the Dragonmarked houses here. Vadalis and Orien have outposts but that is all. Frowning, he begins to ask around. There is no Sending Stone Services here. To send out a communication, there is Orien messengers. He finds a mage that will send a message but it is costly. Huuurm…….

They all remeet at the caravan in time to leave. Zig has purchased a few new spices to replenish his spent ones and a few new ones.

Eyre 10, 1000

The caravan comes to a fork in the road. At the “Y” of the road is a short tower. Tyson Murray looks carefully at the two men. Details are difficult at this range and perspective. They are wearing Aundairan colors. Perhaps soldiers from the Fiend / Barbarian / Dragon battle? Inquisitive Murray ponders the many possible possibilities of these two guarding a watchtower clearly within Eldeen territory.

Eyre 13, 1000

It is nearing time to stop and set up a defensive camp. The knight is walking instead of riding. Even after all of this time, some of the others still find it uncomfortable around the undead. Especially Hanjak of Aundair. He bitterly goes on about the undead and how Aundair should have finished off Karrnath if only to end the threat of undead. Ziggy is going on about recipes between Hanjak’s tirades while Tyson looks over his notes again. He is reviewing and cross referencing the people he is searching for. Each ignores the other as they go on about the long day’s trip through the Eldeen forest.

Then the Honor Knight hears something. A deep hoot. Then another. Then it begins as a hoot and ends as a growl. A caravan worker, Gregdean, calls to the others as the brush nearby begins to thrash about. As the first head pokes out of a carriage the Owlbear bursts into the opening.

The undead knight intercepts its charge as it goes for the easiest food source- a horse. The monk nimbly steps out and rolls to a stop near the raging creature. Ziggy spots the creature and prepares to throw an alchemical mix through the window at it. Instead, he bounces it off the window sill and over his head onto the third person in the cart (Hanjak), the same person complaining about the undead. Even as he screams in pain, the inquisitive grabs his bow and string.

“Hurmmm” comments the Inquisitive as he pushes open the door. He hopes this will silence the Aundarian for a while at least. He is about to jump out when the carriage bumps twice before stopping. He looks over his shoulder and his eyes go wide. The acid killed the kid and ate away the floor. The two bumps was the wheels going over him!

The undead warrior and monk both flank the hulking monster. Neither know what it is but recognize the danger it represents by the power and claws it wields. The monk has little effect against the creature as it attacks the horse forcing the carriage to stop suddenly. Ziggy, hoping for better luck this time, pulls out another of his “specials” and launches it. It strikes the creature’s beak but sprays down instead of over it’s head. The effect is nearly as horrifying as Hanjak’s death. Feathers and melting flesh drip off the bones even as the horse falters from a fatal blow. Tyson spots a slight glow on the knight’s sword as he strikes down the dying beast.

“Let’s set up camp and clean up here folks. It’s been a day.” Offers Gregdean staring at the oozy soft bone remains of the kid.


Eyre 14, 1000

The sun is setting now. The air is cold and crisp. It is threatening to snow or worse- rain tonight. The skeletal warrior and one caravan leader are setting up for their night watch. The others are ready to sleep early. The meal prepared by Zig was very good once more. Strips of venison in onion and potato with a plum sauce on the side. The small biscuits he makes has spices and cheese melted and mixed into it. (pro: cook 28)

The second watch begins as another caravan worker sets up. It is otherwise another cold night. That is until the intruders arrive- Forest Trolls!

Six of the rubbery skinned creatures attack out of the brush. The knight steps up and begins to attack. As the caravan worker (Yu-gord). Dru is the first to awake and leap into action. Not good for him. The full plate black armor of the skeletal warrior is very hard for the trolls to overcome. They try for a horse but are blocked. So, the next easiest is the silly creature with no weapons of course.

The monk’s attacks take them by surprise but do little true damage to them. Tyson climbs onto the top of a caravan (not cowardly- strategic ;) )and fires arrows at them. He needs to improve his aim some. A bottle of acid takes a bad bounce and only injures one troll. Ziggy fumbles for anything else he has prepared in his pack.

Surrounded by four of the six trolls, the monk from Darguun goes down. Feeling this is their best bet for food, the trolls take his body (and possessions) with them into the night.

“Well that sucked.” Says the cook unhappily.



Eyre 20, 1000

The trip has become much harder. Now they have only two horses so they can only pull two large carriages. They have also lost a person and one worker is injured (though looked at by Ziggy). The good news is they have reached the edge of the Byfshk Mountains. These mountains act as a natural barrier between the Eldeen Reaches and the Droaam and Shadow Marches territories. Tyson recalls a tale sung by a fellow bard in Wroat about the Mountains. He is only a novice storyteller but he tries his best. He gives song to legends of hollowed areas of the mountains ruled by Harpy Queens and Gargoyle Kings. Mountain Trolls lumber about the ridges while deep under the mountains are more tunnels and caves where hags and unnatural planar creatures live and thrive. There is said to be an immortal guardian whom contains these creatures from Eldeen. If so, he failed- they are escaping from the swamps- not the mountains.

“Good tale. Parts are true. Seen a few flyers above us watching. Being in the forest still keeps them away however.” Adds the caravan leader Andrews ir’Orien. “Coming to the small village of Wine Tree. I’ll be there for about two or three hours talking to the Post leader. He’ll want an update especially with losing a horse and carriage.”

“and a client.” Adds Tyson.

“Yes. Of Course…. And the kid.”

Letting it go, the Inquisitive looks over his notes again. Ziggy begins to talk to himself about what foods they may have and even new ways of preparing known foods. Feldrix continues to walk outside of the carriage but now also looks up at random in case a gargoyle should attack.

There is but one street and maybe eight or nine buildings here. A tavern, a supply store, an Orien post a few cabins and strangely enough, a Silver Flame temple. A few insulated tents mark squatter’s rites for future buildings and lots.

“Remember- two hours as a minimum. When my business is done, we leave- with or without you.” Andrews gives as a final reminder and warning. The two carriages stop before a small but well built cabin and stable that is clearly marked as a Dragonmarked house.

The Inquisitive and a few of the other travelers go to the tavern. Ziggy and the knight go the supply store.

The elf- Ceareaun , runs Shard’s Supplies. It is never stated why the name but it matters little- especially to the cook on a mission. “Well met and welcome to Shard’s Suppppp…..ah.” The elf was quite lively and happy to see the changeling come in but the knight with his Karrnathi armor….

“Is there anything….ah… I can do for you folks?”

Feldrix turns and politely but in a deeply gruffy voice answers “no…. just looking.” The elf nearly faints when he sees the teeth and eye sockets through the narrow slits of the helmet for his eyes, nose and mouth. Ziggy is looking for spices and finds a few to replace what he has used on the trip for meals. Then he looks to replenish his alchemy goods. He has little luck with this. Feldrix is less than impressed by how clean the store is. Dust and cobwebs are everywhere. Ziggy “flicks” a strangely bright colored green beetle from a drum of molasses. (yup- Dragon Beetles from The Hidden They are spreading)

“Do you have any wine?” Asks Ziggy looking around.

“Red or white? Aundarian?” asks the elf while warily moving to keep some distance from the Honor Knight.

“Aundarian would be nice. What else? I was looking for something…. special”

“I have these but Sir John has wines from Aerenal. “

Ziggy buys several bottles of wine, some spices and few common alchemy items before hurrying to The Wine Tree Tavern and Inn.

He can not help it. Tyson looks at everything here and evaluates it for possible threats, secrets and of course- answers to the secrets he looks to unlock. Strange…. As he walks up to the tavern’s entrance he spots a dog house. It is large and looks as if it has not been used this winter. Scratch marks suggest it was not a dog that used it either (badger animal companion  ). Tracks suggest there is regular foot traffic here which is why he chose this spot to begin. The building, though well kept, also appears to be the first one built here.

A small bell jingles as he enters the tavern. Several farmers are seated together whom collectively watch the stranger enter.

“Hello. I am looking for someone whom may have come in here in the past year.”

“I am John ir’Gunther. The owner of this establishment. The locals call me Sir John. How can I help you…..”

“Master Inquisitive Tyson Murray of Sharn, Breland. I have been asked to locate a few people that are believed to have traveled this way…. Possibly through this very town.”

“Do you have names?” asks the older man with a pipe he begins to light up. He expects this to be a long talk.

“Even better, I have pictures. If I may- a drink also?”

The man looks at the collected papers. Names, pictures, notes and dates. This inquisitive is thorough. Sir John knows he must be careful with his words.

“Brit Dumbee….. with hair like that I would remember him. Sir John puffs his pipe and turns the page. Amabee ir’ Haden. Says she was going this way …. As he turns the page he stops. I saw this one. This warforged was here last fall. Remember he beat up a stable hand from Orien for spilling water on his foot. Mean spirited as they come.”

Tyson notes the smoke rings form a vague image of a warforge. Interesting.

Sir John turns another few pages with little interest but stops when he sees the leader of the second group. He rapidly turns the page and begins to speak about the warforged again. The smoke rings burst with a violent like array…. When he read Gussa. He knows something about her. Something that strongly bothers him. (Eldeen Heroes Storyhour)

Before he trys to return to the gnome instead of the warforged with a thing for lightning, Ziggy bursts in. “I was told you sell TRUE elven wine!”

The three dwarves frown and leave quickly when seeing a “naked” changeling enter the tavern. Tyson finishes his drink and places down several coins for the info and drink while the cook gives him a good reason to ignore talking about the gnome.

The inquisitive goes to talk to the Orien post people now. He learns little more here. The warforged with a thing for electricity named “Zap” made an impression on them. The stable boy was out of work for three weeks and still has no feeling in his left arm. The post officer is more concerned with the raiding barbarians in the north and northwest. He is thankful they are here to clear them.

Tyson feels slightly used. He was hoping not to be “muscle” for Orien but that is how it appears it will be.

He returns to the inn and tavern to collect Zigland and Feldrix and finds…. The changeling is giving a quick cooking lesson. The smoke rings are incredible from Sir John’s pipe. They change shape and even color. (rolled a 36 total with action point included to cook) Ziggy leaves with expensive elven wine as payment for the single best meal the inn keeper has ever had.


Eyre 22, 1000

It is late afternoon now as the caravan nears a large clearing. Tyson notes the recent work here. New cuts of wood and the recent movement of earth. They are near the end of the first leg of this trip…. And he is barely any closer to the whereabouts of the two groups.

“There are soooooo many mushrooms out here. Even this early in the spring. I wonder what kind of mushroom soup or sauce I can create?” Ziggy goes on more to himself than anyone else.

“You may want to consult a local druid or ranger before you experiment. Some of these mushrooms may be poisonous.” Adds Tyson as he watches two squirrels racing around as they do in the spring.

“Or psychedelic ….” Smiles the changeling as he thinks of his many trips experimenting in the past.

They climb a slight rise in the trail. The road is incomplete here. Many tree roots remain and even stones.

As the carriage driver begins to wave into the forest, a bright blue beetle skittles across his seat. It stops as if to smell him then moves on in an attempt to enter the carriage.

Unseen by anyone, a large humanoid figure watches the carriages. Its black eyes seem to barely register what it sees. His friend will want to know and it slowly and silently moves away despite its great bulk and size.

The group enters a field. Dozens of tents are set up. A small fire is near the center where a half-orc is walking about. Wagons, horses and fencing are set to the side. Bigger tents are to the right. They look better than the average tent does and one has the sign of an unicorn on it (House Orien).

Workers, most look like they just got off duty, are shambling around the site. Some stop and watch as the carriages arrive and come to a stop, others drift towards them. Still others spit at the ground, scowl, and enter their tents angerly. It’s a work camp for sure.

A human with a sword strapped to his hip wielding a small buckler with an unknown heraldry walks up to the front most carriage. “You are late.”

Yu-gard replies hastily- “Twas a rough trip. Lost a horse.”

The man frowns as he looks at the second and the last carriage. He spots a changeling wearing a cloth head piece whom looks like a child in the city for the first time. If his frown could grow deeper, it does. “A horse aye……”

“We got more supplies at Wine Tree.”

“Tell Williams…. Not me. I see something that requires my attention.” The second in charge manager of the camp and in charge of the camp safety walks directly in a straight line to Feldrix.

Ziggy hurries over to the fire. There is a large pot of grayish brown fluid here. The half-orc is now carrying a few mangled rabbits (one a Dire rabbit) and a short nobby club. “What is this?!?” asks the chef with a barely hidden look of disgust.

“Rabbit stew” answers the half-orc. A bright green beetle leaps off the suddenly raised carcasses of rabbits.

“How old are they?” He notes how the fur is coming off the Dire rabbit. “And is that a Dire creature?”

“Huh?!? Dire…… yes.”

“Dire creatures tend to be so tough and boney.”

He holds up his short club. “Tenderize them I do.” He says this with a smile of pride.

“And this…. Where are the tators? Carrots?”

“tators? What are tators?” He stops and half closes his eyes with suspicion.

“PO-TA-TOES. You know- bake em, fry em, boil em.” Says the chef as he hesitantly samples the soup base. He spits it out. “laundry day?”

“NO.” says the half-orc camp cook with hurt feeling. “STEW.”

“Move aside before you hurt yourself.” And he adds in his head “poisons someone.” He lays out his bag and begins to pull out spices, some alchemical (used to neutralize poison).

A well dressed man with the heraldry of Orien on it steps out of the largest tent. As he does so a series of small bells jingle. Tyson’s sharp eyes spot a well dressed woman and a small boy within. Curious. “Hello and well met. I am Lt. Cass Williams and I am in charge of this ca….. DRIVENS!”

Carly Drivens, the second in charge, has rushed up to a man dressed in black plate mail. The unique design suggests karrnathi in origin. Not good. Carly fought them many times during the war. He lost his father and one brother in the war against their undead forces. Both swords are out as Drivens demands the undead to leave. “I have paid passage ….. and wish to complete ….. my agreement…. With Orien.” Says the undead knight. (not to be confused with a special undead skeleton of similar name and appearance)

“What is your…. Name sir knight?” asks Williams.

“Honor Guard and Knight of the 387 FELDRIX ir’DRAGOR” He says lowing his sword. He thumps his fist off his chest and raises it to the sky as the Knight’s custom would have it.

Looking to ease and defer the tension, the Inquisitive steps up. “I am High Inquisitive Tyson Murray of Sharn, Breland. Thank you and your house.” He gives a nod of thanks and looks to the tent again. The woman is outside now and trying to keep the excitable boy there. Either the boy has not seen the skeletal knight or doesn’t fear him.

“Carly- these are our new recruits. Please show them Orien courtesy and show them their tents and a brief tour. “Suggests the leader. “Oh- and keep the knight away from the druid’s tent until I talk to him. I’m not sure what the dwarf will think of a Karrnathi knight being with us.”

The tour is brief but ends well as a pleasant smell begins to drift through the camp. “Is that Foel’s cooking?” asks one worker.

“Welcome to Zigland. Eldeen’s best chef.” Answers Tyson with a happy smile.


EYRE 23, 1000

Part of Ziggy’s life has come full circle. Foel follows him like a puppy dog. The half-orc is awed and amazed by what Ziggy does with spices. He follows and tries to mimic the changeling (pun- kinda funny) as they begin breakfast made from winter berries and some oats. There are plenty of oats to use as Foel didn’t know what they were or that one could eat them once water was added to them. Amazing!

So, Ziggy is no longer on a work detail. He is the camp cook’s “aid” (put as such so not to hurt the half-orc’s feeling of being so readily replaced). Feldrix is obviously placed on scouting duty to avoid any further discomfort within the camp. Tyson doesn’t like manual labor so he talks his way into working with the knight. The other would be adventurers are either picked to join them scouting or are given duties of tree removal or worse- ditch and digging duties.

There are two camp druids here. A human and a dwarf. The human, Adson, usually leaves at day break and returns after dark. The dwarf, Orthos Caldorn, takes some time to agree with walking with the knight.

It is explained to the four new scouts and druid aids that much of their work is about presence. By walking about freely, it often pushes the creatures that may be a danger away. Other creatures require some finesse and further suggestion. But they are also in charge of checking the lay of the land and best routes for the road if it needs to curve or move away from a natural obstacle. There are also ruins to check. Some of these ruins house dangerous creatures which need to be driven away. Tyson raises an eyebrow as the druid lists some of the threats found within these ruins. There are bears and in the summer giant woodland spiders and scorpions. There are wasp nests of incredible size and variety. There are wolverines and panthers. An occasional rapid raccoon or rabbit happen. Maybe even a fiend or planar creature. “Oh- and don’t forget the dragons, Linnorns, Giants and barbarians with fiendish leaders.”

“Must not forget those” Tyson thinks silently to himself. What has he gotten himself into? “At least there are no volcanoes here.” He suggests for humor.

“Not active ones. Still get the occasional creature trapped here from another plane however.”

They walk for most of the morning without incident. Tyson thinks about his multiple missions in his head and Sir Johns’ strong reaction to the gnome Gussa. The knight walks. He has little to say and if he thinks, it is not made clear. The two young men, Asson and Clark, try to act like this is not overwhelming them. They fail miserably.

The druid waves for them to stop. Maybe its lunch? The dwarf squints into the trees and motions to move on but quietly. The ground is wet and the mud cold. The sounds of water rumbling underground can be heard if one calms their thoughts and listens carefully. As they come to a narrow clearing, they see ruins next to a soggy stream overflowing from the winter melt.

“Who knows what is inside there. And this stream can be a problem. Its why we are here.” He lacks the humor in his smile as the dwarven druid makes his way around the boulders that line the edge of the flood area. Whatever the stone building was, it is in ruin now. There is no ceiling left. One side has walls still standing about ten feet tall while the other side has walls only three feet tall and littered with debris.

Tyson looks it over. Ever curious, he asks what the druid knows of the area and this ruin. Orthos has little to add. He was brought up in North Eastern Eldeen after leaving Breland during the war. Tyson finds an image that reminds him of a dragon hawk head on a shield. Wings or sprigs of wheat on the sides. “Could this be Aundarian?”

“Not this far west. They held sovereign over the Eldeen but didn’t build very far into it. Too many unruly types.” Answers the dwarf with a smile. Unruly includes his fellow druids.

Tyson notes it in his mind then follows up with the knight whom has already entered the open ceiling ruin.

Several rooms make up the small stone structure. That fall’s leaves and debris remain within the cracks and corners of the collapsed ceiling and walls that lie on the floor. As they enter the very center the druid and Tyson both hesitate. “Did you hear that?” the inquisitive asks. “Shhhhhhhh” answers the druid.

Wolves. They hear wolves. “Did I mention wolves, dire and regular and even worgs live in packs out here? We should take a better defensive place…..” The dwarf doesn’t finish what he was saying when the knight steps on a section of loose debris. It clatters to the lower side and a new sound can be heard. The knight looks up to the druid for advice. He gets none.

Skittering can be heard. As the knight moves about, there is crunching heard also. Then another wolf call…. Closer now. Asson and Clark begin to stare with fear on they face. The sound of skittering is everywhere. Suddenly thousands of centipedes erupt from under the rubble. They seem centered on the armored knight as they climb over his boots and thigh pieces.

“Relax- the undead can not be harmed by the likes of them.” Comments the dwarf with little to no regard for the knight. “Protect yourselves first.”

“More!” calls out Asson and he runs to the center of the ruins. Another swarm of centipedes rise from the room next from them. They seem to be directed at them. The second young man, Clark, screams in near panic.

“damned city folk.” Grumbles the dwarf. “Why further disturb them?”

“They didn’t. It’s like someone else commanded them to rise and attack.” Says the inquisitive as he follows the “city folk” into the center of the ruins. “And the way I feel trapped in here isn’t relieving me of that theory.”

Tyson turns back to the entrance they used. It flares up suddenly in yellowish-orange flames. The brush there has suddenly caught onto fire with a burst of flaming goo. All of this IS intentional.

A third swarm of centipedes rise out of the rubble and circle around the group. The howls of wolves are closer…. Much closer.

“We need to escape these confines!” Yells the Inquisitive as the light begins to dim. He looks up and frowns. “Hurrrmmmmm” He growls to no one in particular. The sky begins to darken and thick dark clouds form. The dwarven druid has climbed onto the top of one ruined wall to better see what is happening. Three swarms of centipedes and wolves rushing. Someone is controlling or at least calling these together.

The centipedes suddenly shift and consume (literally) one of the young adventurers. The armored knight does his best to stomp and damage the swarms but merely disturbs more from under the debris. Lightning begins to crackle and a small bolt strikes a swarm. It waves and arcs dangerously near the knight. “Move away there yah Bucket of Bones!” calls out the dwarf as he tries to whip up another strike. Winds gust and disrupt the centipedes and scatter them into debris or to crack against the stone ruin walls.

“Climb higher if you wish to live!” calls out the dwarf as he begins to quickly walk the ruined edge hoping to locate whomever is causing this attack of creatures. Even as the last young man begins to run he is overtaken by the centipedes. A wind gust slams into the mass and he has already been reduced to red bones and fat. It is not pretty.

The inquisitive climbs up the broken wall with less stealth and speed than the dwarf had but makes it. Instead of moving alone the edge however, he drops and tumbles in the wet ground below outside of the ruins. He slides in the mud to the edge of the collected water from the flooding stream. Another lightning bolt strikes and the hard shells of the centipedes burst and crack black and dark yellow from the heat.

A small pack of wolves rush into the ruins. The dwarf calls down more lightning and wind and pummel and fry the summoned creatures. Orthos just barely catches a glimpse of the main attacker- another druid!

Several more blasts ends the battle as the surviving insects crawl for cover under the debris and the wolves flee into the forest, their fur still warm and smoldering.

The scouts group up and agree to head back to the camp. Once there, Orthos locates the camp leader- Williams. “Sir- we have a problem. The Children of Winter have targeted us for destruction.”

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