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The Jade Frontier (DM: Ukingsken, Judge: Lord Sessadore)


First Post
[sblock=ooc] Dont ever feel bad about nitpicking. I do about 90% of my posting without access to my books, digital or hardcover copies. Although I own all my books nice and legit :p

Definitely right on the non-stacking temp hp there.

They have been trying to avoid provoking the OA's as a general rule. And as for the shifting, I understand it as one immediate action per round, not 1 immediate action each time a turn comes around. So maybe I'm just misreading or mistaken. I'd be glad to learn different as I'll be the first to admit that while loving 4ed I have little 4ed experience.

Miranna's extra HP were remembered just not listed until now.

Finally all I have to say is kobolds are cowards who like to gang up on one person. That being said these particular kobolds also want to prove themselves so consider it taken under advisement.

BTW you guys are doing quite well :p

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Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Just a little clarification, if I might.

You only get one immediate action per round, and you can't take immediate actions on your turn. So, if you use an immediate action, you can't use another one until after your next turn.

However, you get one opportunity action per combatant's turn. You still can't take an opportunity action on your own turn, though.

And I agree with Uking - you guys are doing just fine so far. 4e can feel like a big hit point roller coaster at times, but PCs have plenty of ways to bounce back. It often looks worse than it is early in a fight ;)[/sblock]


Mr. Bricks' injury is clearly affecting him, that and the lack of room as he wastes two attacks on the grey scale kobold. He lets out a scream of frustration and anger.
Standard Trick Strike against Grey Scale Kobold Roll (1d20+8=16) if that hits then Damage (3d4+4=13) and slide it 1 square to T6 (also every time I hit it I get to slide it 1 square if I wish).

Move Slide 1 square to S6

Spend Action Point. Standard Sly Flourish against Grey Scale Kobold (serves it right for being such a dreary colour) Sly Flourish (1d20+8=17) damage Damage (1d4+6=8) + Backstab damage (2d8=6) = 14 - I won't slide it this turn.

If the first attack was successful then the second attack was made as a sneak attack/backstab (due to flanking with Brenwar).

If the first attck fails - I'll still go ahead with the second attack but with no movement and no backstab.[/sblock]

The original flavour text was a lot more exciting.

[sblock=Working Stat Block]
Mr, Bricks
Human Rogue 1
Init +4/Passive Insight 16/Passive Perception 17
HP 17/24 Bloodied 12 Surge Value 6; Surges Per Day 7/7
Action Points 0 Second Wind Unused
AC 16 Fortitude 12 Reflex 17 Will 13 - Speed 6 Size Medium Saving Throws +1
Str 12 (+1) Dex 18 (+4) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 12 (+1) Int 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)
Basic Attack: Dagger/Short Sword Attk: +5/+4 Dmg 1d4+1/1d6+1
Ranged Basic Attack: Sling/Dagger Attk: +6/+8 Dmg: 1d6+4/1d4+4
Range: 10/20 and 5/10
Sly Flourish
Piercing Strike
Deft Strike

Positioning Strike
Trick Strike

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First Post
[sblock=ooc]Trust me.. I'm moving around the battlefield a bit to cause some sort of attraction to me I hope.... for a caster I AM pretty meaty heh[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc] Unfortunately for you neither one of your attacks hit Rum, so I'll let you edit that flavor text appropriately. I want to make a sad face for you but I like monsters! Just waiting to hear back from Sessadore about something before I carry on[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc] Unfortunately for you neither one of your attacks hit Rum, so I'll let you edit that flavor text appropriately. I want to make a sad face for you but I like monsters! Just waiting to hear back from Sessadore about something before I carry on[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Neither of them? Neither of them worked? Do you think Mr Bricks should change his dagger?

Text amended [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc] Mr. Bricks dagger is fine, they're just jerks. That and both abilities targeted their best defense, AC. But mostly they are jerks. Also books checked and totally in agreeance on 1 immediate reaction between each time a monster acts. I dont mind being wrong. To avoid having to change the map I'm just having red shift into that square this round and Grey's attack hit with or without flanking bonus so we're good to go.[/sblock]
1) Pink Kobold (22)
2) Yellow Kobold (22) Deceased
3) Patronis (20) 30/30 HP
4) Blue Kobold (19) Fled
5) Green Kobold (19) Deceased
6) Shayla (19) 20/20 HP
7) Gray Scale Kobold (18) 8 Damage Warlocks Curse (Chey)
8) Mr. Bricks (18) 24/24 HP
9) Red Scale Kobold (17) 11 Damage Divine Challenege (Bren)
10) Aqua Kobold (14) Deceased
11) Cheysuli (12) 26/26 HP
12) Brown Scale Kobold (12) 8 Damage
13) Sling Kobold (9)
14) Miranna (8) 14/29 HP
15) Brenwar (2) 29/29 HP

The shadowscale shifts into the space vacated by Shayla and makes a swing at Brenwar, still grinning with glee at having deflected his blow earlier. But Brenwar easily bats aside the kobolds short sword.

[sblock=Actions]Red (1d20+7,1d6+3=[10, 7], [4, 3])
Red - Move Action to shift from T6 to U7


Cheysuli Sage

With her companions kept busy with the more heavily armoured foes, Chey takes a moment to survey the fight from seclution in the undergrowth. Those stragglers could easily make the situation worse, but I have stalked and flanked with my pack; time to strike quickly and aggresively!
With a sudden resolve, Cheysuli bursts from the shrubs, making straight for the weakest prey; seperated from his herd. Green, otherworldly flames play over her hands and forearms and a look of pure anger falls upon her as she half screams at the kobold:

"The land will never again give you sustinence, nor the air give you breath!"

As her scream reaches it's climax, Chey lifts her arms and a torrent of faerie-fire spews from her outstretched fingers; first one hand, then the other. As the magic consumes the draconic scavenger, Chey's earings throb brightly; her skin seems to turn first to bark, then to leaves. A slight gust of wind disturbs the leaves and they turn to autumn colours before floating to the ground leaving Chey nowhere in sight.
Move - move s10-r10-q9-p8
Minor - Warlock's Curse on Pink kobold.
Standard - Eldritch Blast on Pink kobold Eldritch Blast + prime shot. (1d20+4+1=11 vs. Ref, 1d10+4=12 damage)
[sblock=If Blast doesn't hit]Spend an action point
Standard - Eldritch Blast on Pink kobold Eldritch Blast + prime shot, second attempt. (1d20+4+1=25 vs. Ref, 1d10+4=(crit) 14 damage), Yey for the crit, pity it was only a minion.[/sblock]
Free - if that hit's and takes the kobold down, Misty Step to teleport to M4.[/sblock]


First Post
3) Patronis (20) 30/30 HP,7 Temps
6) Shayla (19) 20/20 HP
7) Gray Scale Kobold (18) 8 Damage Warlocks Curse (Chey)
8) Mr. Bricks (18) 17/24 HP
9) Red Scale Kobold (17) 27 Damage Bloody, Divine Challenge (Bren), Warlocks Curse (Patronis)
11) Cheysuli (12) 26/26 HP
12) Brown Scale Kobold (12) 15 Damage
13) Sling Kobold (9)
14) Miranna (8) 14/29 HP,Second Winded, ongoing fire (2 points)
15) Brenwar (2) 29/29 HP
The kobold dives to the ground rolling wildly and screeching, just as it manages to extinguish the first blast of fey flame, Cheysuli sends another gout towards it, covering its prone body and leaving nothing but a pile of dust and its primitive equipment.

The final scale shield, still reeling a bit from the blow it took scuttles quickly around Miranna's side letting her get a swipe at him as he attempts to engage Shayla screaming at the top of his lungs No More Firess!! No More Fires!!

[sblock=Actions] Brown (1d20+7,1d6+3=[3, 7], [5, 3])[/sblock][sblock=Actions]
Brown - Move action to move to U9 and Flank Shayla
Standard action to swing at Shayla (miss)
Miranna & Bricks get an OA

[sblock=map] Will be updated once I resolve the OA[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=OOC on OA's]I don't know how other people feel but due to the use of Invisible Castle, I'm perfectly happy allowing the DM to roll any OA's I am given during the enemies turn. As long as nothing bad will happen I'll take them and my base attack is all I use and it's listed on my character sheet. Just thought I'd put that out there to help speed things up if needed[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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