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The Jade Frontier (DM: Ukingsken, Judge: Lord Sessadore)


[sblock=OOC]I reckon Brewar or Shayla would be best as our mouth-peice[/sblock]

I'm OK with that.[/sblock]

[sblock=Working Stat Block]
Mr, Bricks
Human Rogue 1
Init +4/Passive Insight 16 - Passive Perception 17
HP 24/24 Bloodied 12 Surge Value 6; Surges Per Day 7/7
Action Points 1 Second Wind Unused
AC 16 Fortitude 12 Reflex 17 Will 13 - Speed 6 Size Medium Saving Throws +1
Str 12 (+1) Dex 18 (+4) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 12 (+1) Int 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)
Basic Attack: Dagger/Short Sword Attk: +5/+4 Dmg 1d4+1/1d6+1
Ranged Basic Attack: Sling/Dagger Attk: +6/+8 Dmg: 1d6+4/1d4+4
Range: 10/20 and 5/10
Sly Flourish
Piercing Strike
Deft Strike

Positioning Strike
Trick Strike


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First Post

I'm OK with that.[/sblock]
I will try though I am out of practice in PbP so I'm playing a lower key character.

Brenwar looks himself over one more time before going through the gate and following the aide.


First Post
Miranna followed the others through the doorway, albeit a bit cautiously. Had she heard that correctly- they were going to be brought before the Shogun personally by their "employer"? Really, what last minute preparations could they make before an event like that... She wanted to maintain a confident smile, but wasn't sure she could hold that, so she settled for a grim visage- that felt more assured.


First Post
Welcome to the embassy. Unfortunately time is tight and we must hurry through to the camp. This circle behind us He gestures at a large circle of Draconic runes inscribed in the floor Will allow us to travel to the Kingdom of Jade in a span of time shorter then a single breath. Be aware you may experience some vertigo, and know that on the other side you will be in the presence of the Platinum Shogun. Decorum demands that you kneel, and under no circumstances are you to meet his eyes. Do you understand?

After looking around for a moment Hedorai steps into the circle, and gestures for you to follow. Once you are all within the circle he begins his incantation, drawing power from the fabric of the air and focusing it through the runes inscribed on the floor. Slowly a pulsing red light builds under your feet, and suddenly with warning the runes burst into brilliant red flame, and your stomach lurches up as if you had just fallen a great distance. After a mere moment of weghtless, nothingness the roar of the flames die and you find yourself standing on a platform of stone identical to the one in the embassy.

All around you a military encampment stretches, but your eye is immeditely drawn to the massive tent in front of you. Two Dragonborn guards stand outside the tent, halberds crossed in front of the door. As Hedorai steps towards them, the guards step aside saluting as he steps inside the tent.


First Post
Patronis sighed softly.... he was never one to deal with authority well.. but he knew screwing this up would lead to more than just unemployment this time... Once led into the tent he would go where instructed and remain silent unless called upon.. silent he could do..... he knelt before the Shogun his head lowering to touch the dirt(or whatever floor surface there is below him) before rising again in a static kneel... no movement... no sound his eyes downcast not daring to even look at his companions at the current moment....


Cheysuli Sage

Chey tries to restrain her excitement as the aide diseminates the proper protocal. Kneel, do not look him in the eye, got it! She nods emphatically.

After the slightly disconcerting; more than slightly flaming, teleportation, Cheys eyes widen at the sight of the camp. She quivers with excitement, and perhaps a little bit of nerves. By the Spirits! So many of these dragon-people, my they look fierce with their scales and claws. Oh! they only have three!? I wonder if that causes difficulties for them? As she follows the group toward the tent, her eyes dart back and forward, trying to take in everything new and unusual.
[sblock=Perception Check]
Perception (1d20+1=13)[/sblock]
Her intense curiosity is interrupted, or rather diverted, when she hears Patronis' sigh, and feels him withdraw into himself. This seemed somewhat at odds with how he had presented himself earlier this morning in the tavern. Worried that he is perhaps scared about the impending meeting with the Shogun, she quickly caught up to him before the group entered the tent, and grasping his hand in hers for a fleeting second she whispered words of encouragement.

Don't worry Patronis, this is just the begining of our first grand adventure, and already we're meeting the King! It's just like in the stories my father used to tell me when i was young; he'll tell us what he wants and dismiss us without a thought. But when we return as heroes... Ah, then he will throw a great feast in our honour, maybe you or one of the other guys will get to marry the princess! She gives him a wink and a hopeful smile. Then as they are led past the guards she bows her head respectfully and kneels beside the others.


First Post
OOC: This would be before we get to the Shogun methinks... talking in his presence... baaadd heh...

Patronis winced when she touched him.... his hand felt as if to pull away for a mere second before he came to realize where he was and more importantly where he was no longer at... he smiled to her softly... though with all the scarring tattoos over the exposed person... the smile was less effective than it would have been earlier in his life...

"I did not mean to pull away m'lady... it's been a LONG time sense I've been touched by another... and when I was.. it was not a welcomed one... you'll excuse me if I am not used to it... I will in time.. and you're right... tis an honor to be meeting royalty first venture into my new found purpose... adventuring.... lets hope we can make it fruitful for us all.." the less than enthused human spoke softly....

He tried to envision this going well for him and the rest here but something just told him this was not to be an easy task to complete... no matter what was asked of them to do..


Cheysuli Sage

Patronis' reaction to her touch struck a chord somewhere in Chey's mind;
[sblock=In Character Musings]
It seems that this life of adventuring is never one that is chosen by you, only for you. I, certainly would be back with father alive and safe if it were in my power. Something awful must have happened to Miranna, she seems to harbour a deep anger within her; something was done to her most likely. And now it seems that this man who stood so bravely to my defense in the tavern, was himself forced into this life by some unpleasant happenings... It's not very much like the stories father told; in them the heroes were always happy fellows who struggled against adversity, but did it happily; for a greater good, not because their life as they know it has been turned upside down and shaken.
It makes me wonder; what about the other three? While i could hazard a guess that that Bricks fellow is keeping out of sight of one of those 'thinkers', the other two i cannot figure. Shayla seems nice enough; she certainly has an air of confidence about her, and she appreciates nature. And Brenwar is quiet but seems, almost hesitant. Hmmm... There has got to be something though, this after all is real life; not a tale of faeries.


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Oh look, a second page, where did that come from. :)[/sblock]

Shayla smiles at each of the members who their names as an official greeting and takes Chey's hand with a polite bow.


"Well Brenwar perhaps your God has put you in just the right place at just the right time. I myself could not have asked for a more fitting assignment than to vanquish creatures of shadow in the name of Phoebus, he who is responsible for the sun and light. And to do so in the name of a kingdom in need of such...I feel almost humbled by the opportunity."


Shayla is taken aback by the actual experience of the gate travel, having heard such stories she was aware of the idea involved but to actually experience it was another thing entirely. However all of her training was starting to come back to her and she held herself up high, still not standing as tall as the rest of the party but trying to present the regal bearing of her heritage she was so out of practice with. Specifically the eyes. For over the last year she had constantly surveyed everything around her, wanting to be aware of everything and yet in such meetings it was seen as a sign of distrust of your host and lack of faith in your own personal retinue to let your eyes wander and Shayla forced herself to keep her eyes focused forward as she proceeded with the confident elagant stride forward she had used so many times before. A joke her father had once told her returned to her mind. "The mouth of someone important is always moving, try to focus on that when it is improper to make eye contact" Shayla fought the urge to smile at the thought. "The higher you can keep your gaze without offending the person by presenting yourselves as an equal, the better impression you make on them of your own position."

It would be fine to be seen staring confidently straight forward at eye level upon entrance as protocol demanded that the Platinum Shogun would not be standing their waiting on them to arrive, but he would be informed of their arrival and present himself after they had done so. She only hoped her limited experience in such matters would carry over to a kingdom of military minded Dragonborne as well.

Shayla continued to follow the aide to the spot where they would kneel and waited for their presence to be announced. Should by some chance a man immediately identifiable as the Platinum Shogun be present and watching them her eyes would immediately drop in a reverent bow.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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