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the Jester's OLD story hour, UPDATED AT LAST!


First Post
A whole plethora of updates, cool!

Originally posted by the Jester I forgot a very important bit when the party first met Droidi two posts back, if you haven't read that post since I edited it you should go back and check out the Spukoni/Droidi chaos interaction really quick...

That part was great! How could you forget it? I'm going to miss Spukoni if does have to leave for good.

Random Comments and questions:

Keep posting links to the stuff you create, like the Mist spider and Glumring, nice to look at the very least.

What inspired Clambakes player to take the captain outfit and start talking like a pirate? Was it just spur of the moment or was there more to it?
He?s like a piratical Captain America now, and really funny! My intuition on the funny bit was right it just took a bit to come to fruition.

Here's the tale of another pirate of unusual origins, link.

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the Jester

Re: A whole plethora of updates, cool!

Welverin said:
Keep posting links to the stuff you create, like the Mist spider and Glumring, nice to look at the very least.

What inspired Clambakes player to take the captain outfit and start talking like a pirate? Was it just spur of the moment or was there more to it?
He?s like a piratical Captain America now, and really funny! My intuition on the funny bit was right it just took a bit to come to fruition.

Well, if you haven't seen it yet I posted a poll about statting things out in the story hour itself, what's your opinion on that'n? Here's the link in case it falls off the main page: Stats in story hours?

As to Captain Clambake and the pirate outfit- well, let's just say that there's more to it, which you'll see as time goes on...

the Jester

Enter Zenvo!

The Drinking Dwarves is a cheery establishment, and though there are only a couple of dwarves inside (one of whom is the bartender), the prices are fair, the ale is excellent, and the clientele seems happy. There’s no music as our friends arrive (other than the drunken group singing sea shanties, of course), but there are several dice games along one wall. Vito immediately moves over to the gamers to try his hand at dice while the party’s dwarves move up to the bar to order. It takes the bartender only a few minutes to get to them, and he introduces himself as Longburns. The name seems to suit him, as his red sideburns flow down to his shoulders. He serves them a fantastic dwarven ale and they order some food and ask for some rooms. Unfortunately, he tells them that the Drinking Dwarves is a tavern only, not an inn; but he recommends a place called the Mulled Mead as a local inn of some repute.

“You aren’t eating, Clambake,” notes Krunkshank. “Aren’t you hungry?”

“Arr, not really.” In fact, Captain Clambake suddenly realizes he hasn’t eaten since the battle with the orcs. It’s been several days... hmm. He decides to eat regardless. Scratching his head, he mutters, “Arr.”

Vito, meanwhile, is dicing with the folk in the corner, chatting them up and trying to catch the local rumors. He comes to the party’s table about twenty minutes later with a better understanding of the local politics.

It seems that the election has four contenders trying to be voted in as the new Governor. In addition to Tangus the Brilliant, a priest of Galador who is campaigning largely on a “keep adventurers out of Poppin” sort of platform, there is a rich fellow named Ooluts (the guy who’s throwing the party in a few days) who, as near as Vito has been able to ascertain, has no program to speak of; Vastter Holmes, a peasant whose campaign centers around redistributing wealth to the poor; and some halfling named Zenvo Dalais. “Apparently this Zenvo frequents this bar,” Vito tells the group, “and I hear he’s quite the performer. But again, I’m not sure that he has much of a program.”

The party downs a few rounds of drinks, relaxing and enjoying the atmosphere despite the suspicious looks they draw from some of the locals. After all, it’s hard to conceal the fact that they’re adventurers between their armor and weapons, travel gear, scars and obviously travel-worn gear. Still, nobody hassles them. Evening is falling outside when the room falls into a hush as a halfling enters the tavern with a flourish.

“Good evening, friends!” he cries brightly to the crowd, and a cheer goes up. He beams at the room in general, tosses a wink at Longburns and whips his gaze across the party of strangers. “Well, it’s good to see you all again! Why, if I didn’t know better, I’d say the drinks were on me!” There’s some good-natured laughter, and then the halfling calls out, “Longburns- a round for the house on me, my good dwarf!” The crowd cheers again as the halfling- clearly, this must be the Zenvo Dalais that Vito heard about- says, “Not that I’d try to buy your votes, oh no; I don’t have the money to compete with Ooluts. I hear he’s throwing a big party to try to get us all to vote for him.” He pauses, looks about craftily, and continues, “If you ask me, the way to do it is to go to his party, drink his wine, eat his food, smoke his pipe weed- and vote for me!” There’s some more laughter. “In fact, he surely doesn’t stand a chance in this election. Why, we all know whose side God’s on, don’t we?” He chuckles. “Yes, if you ask Tangus, we might as well skip the election. But... well... if God’s on his side, I have just one question.” He pauses again, making sure the crowd’s attention is on him. “Why is he on Dorla at all?” The bar bursts into collective laughter again. “Yes, I may get a laugh or two, but at least it’s on purpose, my friends!”

“This guy’s funny,” says Vito at the party’s table. The rest of the party nods agreement as they watch Zenvo whip out a pair of spoons and start playing the entire bar as an instrument, telling jokes and satirizing his opposition the whole time. His display is impressive, captivating the room. Soon the room is buying him rounds of drinks, and when he pauses from his display, Vito decides to join in on that. “A drink for our friend Zenvo,” he calls out to Longburns. “And could you ask him to grace us with his presence for a moment?” The dwarf bartender makes no promises for Zenvo, but gladly takes the halfling’s money and passes the message to Zenvo.

Zenvo is making the rounds, clapping shoulders, shaking hands, telling jokes; but soon enough he winds his way to the party’s table. “Hello, strangers!” he cries cheerily. “Thank you for the drink!”

“Why, thank you, Zenvo, for your fabulous entertainment,” Vito answers. “From one halfling to another, it seems only right that I repay you with a fine malted beverage.” The two shake hands, and Vito introduces the rest of the group, then settles down to business. “So tell me, Zenvo,” he says expansively, “I can’t help but notice the anti-adventurer sentiment in your town. How do you feel about such matters?”

Zenvo looks the group over shrewdly. “Well, adventurers do bring danger into town, and they have, in the past, caused problems. But of course, they’ve also done great favors for Poppin in the past. Why, Poppin was originally founded by adventurers. And they tend to help the economy by bringing in more money and lots of business. Why do you ask?”

“My friend,” Vito answers ingratiatingly, “it seems that your town is getting ready for an election. My other friends here and I couldn’t help but notice all the posters outside featuring a fellow named Tangus. Well, a lot of these seem to be inciting anti-adventurer sentiment. I can’t help but think that your town would be better-served by another, different Governor than him. A kind fellow, less likely to bring down the wrath of adventurers on this fine place. Someone, perhaps, like yourself.”

“Ahh... you’re offering to help me, then?”

“Perhaps. One favor deserves another, if you know what I mean.”

“Ah, of course. And what is it you need, my friends?”

“Well, we aren’t really all that interested in staying here for long. In fact, we’re seeking transportation to Dorhaus. We really just want to go home, where we have many matters requiring our attention. Perhaps you could help us find a ship?”

A shadow seems to fall over Zenvo’s face. “Unfortunately, my friend, there are no ships leaving Poppin at the moment.”

“Why’s that, arr?” asks Clambake.

Zenvo sighs heavily. “There are... troubles at the harbor. But I’m no expert on such things. Some sort of fungus or something. The person you should ask about these problems is the harbormistress, Bentricle.”

The group and Zenvo chat about local conditions and politics for some time, with the halfling bard impressing them all with his quick wit and insight. He laughs at their suggestion that he join them; “I’m no adventurer,” he protests, “I’m just an entertainer! Besides, if I was an adventurer, no one in this place would vote for me!”

“Well, is there any way we could help you?” asks Krunkshank, quite drunk by now.

“Hmmm...” Zenvo seems thoughtful for a moment, then says, “Well, first off, due to the unpopularity of adventurers around here, I’d say the first thing you can do is not admit to be associated with me. Now, if you were to clear up the mess at the harbor and let Bentricle know I ‘talked you into it’ it might improve my standing considerably with the sailors and fishermen around here.” He winks at them.

By this time, full dark has fallen. Droidi, looking somewhat uncomfortable (and still disguised by the orc ring), tells the group he’ll meet them at the Drinking Dwarves in the morning; he’s not comfortable sleeping in a town, and departs with his riding lizard to find a nice tree out of town to sleep under. Zenvo moves back to the center of the room to do some shadow puppets, and the rest of our heroes finish their drinks and head off down the street, a little drunk, to find this Mulled Mead place and sleep it off. Come morning, they decide, after they break their fasts they’ll meet up with Droidi and then go to check out the problem at the harbor.

Vito, however, is mulling over the message that Zenvo innuendo’d to him. It seems he may be able to make some valuable friends in this place....

Next update: More of Zenvo, the return of Horbin the Holy, and what's up at the harbor? And, most importantly, how can I post harbormistress Bentricle's dialogue??? She's got the foulest mouth of any npc or pc I've ever seen since I started gaming in 1980! Well, we'll see what I can do....

Oh yeah, for anyone who hasn't already done so, please vote in my poll about whether to stat things out in story hour threads....
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the Jester

Well, here's a link to the thread where I'm going to be posting stats and stuff from this story hour: Stuff from my story hour

If anyone's interested, there it is! I've posted the Fairy Avengers (from very early on in the story), and plan to post a bunch more stuff, some of which will be reposts from the homebrews and house rules forums, prolly including the mist spider, glumring, glum creature template, Titus and his buddies (including the gear hounds), the clockwork master prc, etc. I'll prolly also repost the elementalist class since both Anvar and Krunkshank are elementalists. And I'll post Anvar's stats... er, once he reappears in a little while, with the [SNIP] stuck on him, as well as Titus.

Didn't forget about those two, did ya? :D

the Jester

Time for some SALTY dialogue!

MODERATORS: I did a little self-censoring here, but if you want me to do a little more just let me know...

Droidi wakes up with the dawn, pondering his mom’s advice: “Go seek out an item of great power, an artifact! There are ways you can use one... secret ways... that will make you, like me, a GOD! But beware- the path to an artifact is fraught with danger. You may be betrayed by lesser beings (for such as us have no need of friends), besieged by horrible monsters, attacked by guardians who would stop any from taking the item you would use. Show no mercy to any creatures that oppose you, and be steadfast in your quest and all you desire may fall into your grasp.”

That Decanter of Endless Gloom- that was his first attempt, but finding it? Impossible, at least without powers currently beyond him. Bah! Other opportunities will come. And the animals are his friends.

He drops from the tree he slept in and wanders slowly towards town on his lizard, looking for animals as he does so. Nothing of note pops up, but you never know; maybe tomorrow. He gets to the Drinking Dwarves and is surprised to find Captain Clambake there, already up and drinking rum. “Arr,” Clambake calls in greeting, tipping his captain hat at the orc-disguised druid. Droidi orders breakfast, noting with curiosity that Clambake barely touches his own meal.

It takes an hour for the rest of the party to gather, and about another hour for them to eat a hearty breakfast. Then the group sets out for the harbor, chatting amicably as they do. By now they’ve all bathed and washed their clothes, and though the locals still look at them with suspicion, our heroes are in a good mood. It only brightens when they spot an old friend thought dead on the street- Horbin the Holy, who they thought was lost in the Isles of Mist! A joyful reunion ensues, leading directly to a return to the Drinking Dwarves. The group catches up, and Horbin tells them that the Gloom’s assault on his senses and will was so severe that he’s not entirely certain how he got out. He remembers- vaguely- a ship, tattered and ghostly, and being pitched overboard. Then he recalls being fished out by a fishing boat and taken here. A few days’ convalescence has seen him as good as new, but he had little hope of finding a friendly face here. He’s happy to have beaten those odds, that’s for sure.

“Arr,” Clambake nods. “Luck is with us.”

Horbin eats a few eggs and some fish stew, the whole group takes a few moments to down another beer or four, and they wobble out the door towards the harbor again. The group finds their way there relatively quickly; the sun is not yet overhead by the time they get to the docks, and there they see a fascinating and disturbing sight.

Strange grey and yellow fungi-like growth is choking the water and it looks like it has grown over most of the ships too. A number of sailors are clustering around idly, spitting and talking about it. The party notes that the entire harbor is covered in the stuff, and it even seems to spill over into the open ocean to a small extent, where the waves wash it out to sea. Droidi leans over to scrutinize it and declares that it’s a type of fungus that typically grows underground: why it seems to be flourishing so well here, in the sun, is a mystery to him.

A few inquiries of the sailors about the whereabouts of the harbormistress lead our heroes to a lighthouse. Krunkshank knocks at the door and a window slams open above them.

“WHAT THE F**K DO YOU F**KERS WANT?” a female voice yells at them. “WHO THE F**K ARE YA??” A face appears, squinting out at them- and she snarls out again. “WELL, SPEAK UP YOU DUMB SH*TS! I don’t f**king have all f**king day! Speak up or get your little sh*t bastard asses away from my lighthouse! I’ve got lotsa f**king work ta do, and no time for a**holes!”

“We want to help with the harbor,” Krunkshank calls up.

“WELL WHY DIDN’T YA F**KING SAY SO, YA F**KING IDIOTS!!” the harbormistress yells. “I’ll be right f**king down, ya a**holes!” A moment later the foul-mouthed woman emerges from the lighthouse. She’s dressed practically, with a long scar across one cheek. Her hair is cropped severely short and she peers at the party as if she’s examining a gull’s droppings. “Well?” she demands crossly. “What the f**k do you think you know about all this f**king sh*t??” She gestures violently at the fungus growth.

“Well, ah, it shouldn’t be growing here,” Droidi begins, but she cuts him off.

“Well, no sh*t! Ain’t you the smart one! Tell me something I don’t f**kin’ know, you stupid a**hole!” Krunkshank chuckles inwardly. This woman talking dirty to him like this is really turning him on. “Well?” she goes on. “Ya got anything f**kin’ new to tell me, or are you just trying to see how much of my f**kin’ time you can f**king waste?”

“Look,” says Horbin, “we’re here to help. We want to know what you know about it.”

She glares at him, spits on the ground. “Oh great, another bunch a’ useless f**king help!” She sneers at them. “Well, I can tell ya this- it ain’t normally like this in MY f**kin’ harbor. I keep a clean place, and this is REALLY PISSING ME OFF!!!”

“Yeah, we can tell,” Horbin deadpans.

“Arr,” adds Clambake somberly.

The harbormistress sighs, shakes her head, pulls a flask from her pocket and takes a big swig, then offers it around. Krunkshank snatches it up and takes a drink of the fiery liquid himself, then passes it around to the braver members of the group, all of whom discover that the harbormistress is a drinker of strong drink. Meanwhile, she continues cussing at them as she fills them in. Apparently the fungus has only recently appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and it has closed the harbor. Ships can neither enter nor leave, and it’s now actually growing on some of the ships trapped at the docks, weakening their planks. “It’s no f**king good,” she concludes.

A few inquiries from the group, however, offer one small insight. Apparently, one of the clerics from a local shrine to a deity called Old Grandmother was investigating the situation. The party gets directions to her church and then sets out to find it. “Yes,” Vito slips into the conversation, “our friend Zenvo asked us to look into things here. If we can take care of your problem, I hope you’ll think kindly of him in the election.”

“That little f**ker, huh?” harbormistress Bentricle snarls. “Aye, he plays a mean bottle for such a little bastard, don’t he? Well, either way, you fix this damn problem and I’ll give ye what reward I can. Of course, my office has pretty f**kin’ limited resources, especially now. I’ve had to compensate several of the traders that f**king come through here for their time, so funds are low, but I have something you sh*theads would prolly like that we normally reserve for f**kin’ emergencies. Clean this gods-damned mess up and it’s f**kin’ yours!”

Encouraged by the thought of a reward, the party sets out for the shrine to Old Grandmother....

Next update: our heroes continue their investigation, and- as all city and town adventures eventually include- head into the sewers!


First Post
Re: Re: A whole plethora of updates, cool!

the Jester said:
Well, if you haven't seen it yet I posted a poll about statting things out in the story hour itself, what's your opinion on that'n? Here's the link in case it falls off the main page: Stats in story hours?

Yep, but you probably knew that already, seeing as how it took me a couple of days to reply here.

As to Captain Clambake and the pirate outfit- well, let's just say that there's more to it, which you'll see as time goes on...

Just as long as we find out somehow.

the Jester

About religions...

For the last several thousand years, the Forinthian Empire has been the ascendant political and religious force- well, everywhere in Cydra. It has spread like the black death in Europe, overwhelming local cultures and forcing the worship of Galador on the whole world.

Galador, the Lord, the Law, the Light: he ignited the sun one million years ago. According to Forinthian dogma, he is the One True God. All others are Bleak, the Galadorian Adversary, the Darkness, the Black Sun. Worshipers who claim to follow other religions are merely deceived. About two centuries ago, Dexter Nadly, the Son of the Light, appeared, and though he was at first denounced as a heretic, soon enough his ways- which were far more tolerant of other religions than the mainstream- took hold. Eventually, he sacrificed himself to save us all from our sins, casting himself into Bleak's Maw.

Of course, the presence and worship of Dexter has led to many fractures in the Galadorian religion. Conservative Galadorians see him as a wise man, a teacher, and an example for all the rest of us to follow. The Orthodox sects revere Dexter as God, as well as Galador (they're the same, and Dexter was dispatched from Heaven to show us the way). And recently, Dexter's descendant, Prayzose, became Emperor of Forinthia and then subsequently began finding himself revered as God-Emperor. So now there are three primary sects with the addition of the Imperial Galadorian sect.

Older religions still exist, of course, though they're mostly driven underground. Sailors revere the Sea Queen, the elves of Gorel have their hidden pantheon, the cannabix and elementalist faiths exist in small numbers, and there are many more, but few are out in the open. Such churches and shrines are typically shut down (or worse) by the authorities as soon as, or soon after, they're discovered.

Which is why the level of freedom of religion found in Poppin surprises our heroes. "Who's Old Grandmother?" wonders Vito, and Horbin has an answer.

The old religion of Pesh had a pantheon that was a family of gods. Much like Pesh's political system- a cantrium, ruled by a family whose oldest member is in charge- the members of the divine family are ranked from oldest to youngest. Old Grandmother, naturally, is the eldest of them all.

The group finds their way to the shrine devoted to her by late afternoon. It's small but well-tended, and since Pesh is a powerful merchant state and member of the Free Trade Alliance (FTA) it seems that merchants and the like must make sacrifices there, for its trappings are obviously those of a wealthy faith. A wan-looking human boy of about 15 years is dusting shelves and the like as our heroes arrive. "Hi there," Captain Clambake greets him cheerfully, "We're looking for Mistress Jahn."

The boy's face falls and he look like he's about to cry. "She's not here," he says softly.

The party questions the lad and determines that she was investigating the "curse" on the harbor. Well, yeah- that's what the harbormistress told them. Nothing new there. What is new is that Toufe, as the boy is called, knows a little bit about what she'd found out: the fungus was coming from the sewers, somehow. The group exchanges distasteful glances: didn't they just get clean for the first time in months? Damn. "She's been gone for a few days, now," Toufe says, his voice cracking. "Oh, please find her!" After pumping the lad for information, our heroes learn that, whatever the source of the fungus, Mistress Jahn thought it lay at the bottom of the sewers- the place all the sewage drains to.

A few more inquiries and the party determines that Toufe is not the adventuring type, nor does the shrine have any other clerics or potions. But the kid tells them of a place called the Bubbling Beaker where they might be able to find a few magic potions or wands for sale, so- as evening falls- they seek it. There, they meet a jolly fat wizard named Mogul. He has piercings in his nose, ears and neck, a shaved head and well-oiled skin. He's possibly the friendliest person to adventurers that they've met since arriving in Poppin. "Mogul has potions, yes!" he cries, rubbing his hands together. "Mogul has a few wands, too, and he will make more for you if you wish. Oh, and scrolls! Mogul will make items to order if he can, as long as your money is good, yes!"

Though he can't make healing potions himself, it turns out that the dark-skinned man has an arrangement with the local clerics who can, and he's the one guy in town to sell such items. So the party buys out his stock of healing potions, taking a few other items for good measure. They briefly consider buying a wand of identify, but Captain Clambake can manifest that power psionically for free so they decline. The group sells him an almost-depleted wand of haste, takes a few more potions off his hands, and departs. By now it's full dark, so they head back to the Drinking Dwarves to fortify themselves, deciding to head into the sewers in the morning. There are more election posters everywhere, including many from Ooluts about his open party.

At the Dwarves they are treated to another stirring performance by Zenvo, who seems adept at playing bottles with differing levels of liquid in them, and they spend a few gold on food and drink. Longburns, the bartender, remembers them and treats them well- after all, adventurers or not, they're spending a lot in his establishment- and what will prove to be a profitable relationship for all involved continues to cement itself. Droidi leaves town for the night again, and the group eventually staggers back to the Mulled Mead to sleep off their drunken stupor.

Twelve hours later, they've found a manhole cover leading into the sewers. As they descend into it, the locals watch them curiously and the group overhears someone mutter something about "stinking adventurers."

Into the sewers, then...

Next time: Horbin gets a nemesis, our heroes find out what happened to Mistress Jahn, and I get to use the name of my favorite demon prince.....

the Jester

The best use of a shatter spell to date in my campaign- and it was AGAINST the pcs!

“It stinks down here,” Krunkshank growls through his hand as the party drops into the sewers.

There are two walkways, one about 5’ above the other. The effluvia itself flows along sluggishly about 3’ below the lower walkway. The party decides- for the moment- to stick to the lower walkway, and they begin their exploration. They have virtually no idea of where they’re going, though.

The sewer drips with moisture, and a cloying warmth is in the air. The group is uneasy as they travel along, hoping to avoid any nasty slips into the filth. Horbin casts water breathing “just in case,” but the thought of breathing- THAT- is sickening to all of them. He also lays a water walk on the group (except Droidi, who asks the priest of Dexter to instead enchant his giant lizard mount). As they move along, they debate whether the water walk will work on sewage, and eventually decide that it’s a mixture of water and less savory solids. So yeah, it’ll probably allow them to walk on the surface, but they’ll get poop on their shoes. Ick.

The stench would be overwhelming, but these guys are adventurers, and let’s face it: they’ve fought troglodytes and filth birds, traipsed through troll lairs full of droppings at least as nasty, been exposed to weird alchemical pools of suspect nature- they’ve been around stank before. It isn’t pleasant, but they’ll be all right. Some of them cover their noses with cloth, but some of them don’t bother. Heck, some of them are dwarves; they’ve eaten dwarven food, so they’ve probably smelled it cooking, right? There can’t be much worse in the world than dwarven food. Even this stinky hole in the ground can’t compare to a kitchen for a dwarven army on the move.

The passages stay relatively straight, but seem to slope slightly downward. There are side branches here and there, but mostly the group stays on a straight path. And then there light falls upon a huge tower of nastiness, a pile of poop and worse, almost like a shrine looming out of the center of the sewage- but who on earth would build a shrine here? And-

“Is that a body?” Bolfol whispers.

Indeed, on the top of the bizarre pillar of excrement is what appears to be a dismembered body. The shock of seeing it distracts our heroes for a moment, and then a pervasive sense of doom falls over them... and things in the sluggishly-flowing sewage start moving towards them.

Vito screams, “LOOK OUT!” and casts a spiritual weapon.

Chaos breaks out. Captain Clambake, using his psionic abilities, runs up the walls, clinging to the ceiling like a spider. Droidi backs his lizard up, whipping his dagger out, calling out, “What? Where?” But Horbin sees the movement, and smashes his holy mace into the thing in the effluvia- and it splits in two.

“Dexter’s nadlies!” he screams.

Krunkshank blasts a fireball forward into the muck, making the stench much worse than before, and the entire group barely suppresses an urge to retch. Then he leaps atop the mound of crap that first drew their attention- and realizes with horror just how unstable it is. It wobbles and collapses, and he drops down onto the surface of the liquid with a strangled cry. Worse, a glistening pseudopod extends from the mixture and grabs him, burning him with acid and trying to envelope and consume him! He screams, and near Droidi more sickening, wet pseudopods thrash out at the lizard and snap its neck in a single set of powerful blows. Captain Clambake hurls a flask of alchemist’s fire at the creature that’s attacking Droidi’s mount, then throws his shield at the hideous ooze holding Krunkshank- and watches in horror as his returning shield dissolves with a hissing sound! Horbin and Vito both call upon their deities for bursts of sound, trying to stun the oozes, but there are too many of them to get them all- and the mindless beasts don’t even slow down.

Krunkshank struggles free of the disgusting embrace of the creature holding him and staggers a few feet away across the surface of the brown water, then channels elemental fire and flame strikes the creature, but this time the fire sets off an explosion of sewer gasses. The ooze burns and crisps, dying, but he and several other party members are also badly hurt. Droidi roars in rage at the monster that slew his animal companion, draws in a deep breath, and spits out a cone of billowing, corrosive gas at it. Tendrils emerge from it, smashing him back further. The druid cries out and falters, dropping to one knee on the slimy walkway.

But the fight is getting better for the party. At least one, maybe two of the oozes have been destroyed. It seems that only two remain. Droidi hurls a flask of acid at the thing attacking him- and then, to the entire party’s horror, a humanoid form seems to rise up from it, a part of it. Glaring, it roars, “JUIBLEX WILL DESTROY YOU!”- and casts a spell, shattering Horbin’s symbol of Dexter! Horbin screams, his eyes going wide as the monster slips under the surface of the muck.

A searing light from Krunkshank finishes the other monster, but the one that shattered Horbin’s holy symbol is gone. Clearly, it was badly wounded; but just as clearly, it remains a threat.

“I am so pissed off,” Horbin says through gritted teeth...

Next time: These two old men on a porch point and laugh at our sewage-covered heroes, Horbin stays pissed off, the election gets closer, Vito makes some friends, and where does that sewer go anyway?

Meanwhile, I'll post the cleric of Juiblex in my Rogues' Gallery forum for anyone who's interested!
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