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D&D 5E The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Three


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Jeovanna: the shadows


While Carthum, Otiroth and Dain dealt with the first demon- Jeovanna had eyes on the second. The one that had struck her, that now turned to slash at the little thief. She had not stopped laughing. If anything, it was probably worse.


She felt sick. Nauseous. Terrified. It was not merely the monsters that did it. It was memories. Blood everywhere.

Jeovanna wanted the demon in pieces. She wanted her blade to cleave the demon and the stone beneath it.



<Wisdom save-9>
<18 disadvantage to attack- rolled same for advantage and disadvantage>
<17 damage>
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First Post
Dain - The Shadows

The hand of Carthum once again was laid upon him and the power of faith, the power of Suru, flowed into Dain. Pain turned to serenity. Agony turned into purpose. He would not waste the gentle god's healing grace upon him! Already the mighty priest was injured. He had made a choice in healing Dain. He had made a gesture of trust! His eyes flitted to the half-orc briefly, conveying his thanks and his determination not to fail him.

Are you a jealous goddess, Essithea? Do not fear for the allegiance of my heart. Your eyes alone can move my soul...

Jeovanna was raging, and Dain could not but be impressed as she tore into a demon like a woman possessed.

Am I to be out done by this giant of a woman?! If it is meant to be thus, I shall not be ashamed, having seen what I have just seen! But I can add to this tale yet with a strike of my own blade!

Once again his torch left his left hand, spinning in the air like a pinwheel at a carnival. He gripped his ebony blade with two hands, twirling it over his head once with a flourish and a grim smile before bringing it down on the nearest foe left alive. "I say thee NAY, DEMON!"

<Save roll=23>
<To strike=18 (or 16 if I double-used his prof bonus)>


Into the Shadows

The searing heat of magical flames, unrelenting anger and metal colliding with flesh end things quickly. Gargling their own blood, collapsing into ugly heaps of foul hair, flesh and spines, the lair’s guardians tumble to the ground. The blood of both brave and foul meet, trickling together upon a hard black floor.

In a few short seconds of life threatening pressure and the fierce beating of adrenaline fueled hearts, the explorers have learned much. Not only regarding the seriousness of their situation, but also about themselves… and each other. Success is not a given, down here. There is more to overcome than mere darkness in this place, where unknown creatures have been allowed to live, fight, feed and multiply within sealed depths for a time measured by generations.

It could be argued that our young Kalarian souls are the imposters, yet the secrets they might uncover are to be their own… if they are bold enough to face them, wise enough to unite and ultimately, willing to pay the price... of such knowledge.

<300 XP for everyone, a culmination of foes encountered, exploration completed, and truly excellent writing & role playing. Welcome to level 2! Email over your updated sheets at your leisure.

Further investigation of the area will reveal that the rockfall appears impenetrable by normal means. The crack in the wall where you might believe the enemies originated, looks to be a tight fit. Single file, stepping sideways, with no space to swing weapons. You are welcome to take a short rest here, and recover from your recent experience before moving on.>
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First Post
Metea & Carthum: Shadows of the Past

The chapel.

It was a masterpiece. White stone, carved centuries before, rose in every direction, great pillars carved like trees holding up a ceiling painted with visages of the god's great works and at the very peak, the glass orb that held the Light Everlasting.

Carthum knelt at the doorway, just beyond the threshold. The long walk between the many wood pews stretched before him.

He would not move until summoned.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Did you know, my dear? Many years ago, the ceiling of the chapel was decorated with gold... diamonds... silver..."

It was quiet down here. A distant rush of water. The odd squeak of a happy family of rats.

"So beautiful."

Metea had slunk into the catacombs just before sunrise. While the priests prepared their morning sacrament, their blessings to the light, she had gone seeking in the dark.

"They tore it all down to keep the peace."

The catacombs were unlit, and she had no need to light a torch. She walked between the black walls, between the recesses where old bones slept the eternal sleep.

"They destroyed the beauty of their god to satisfy the weakness of greed."

She was not here to visit the dead, not here to pray. She needed to go even deeper.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Carthum. Vessel of the Light of Suru. Rise."

The priest's voice boomed unnaturally across the great chapel. As Carthum stood, his priestly raiment falling awkwardly around green skin and orcish muscles, the cloaked figures in the pews stood as well.

They all wore the grey robes of Suru's blessed. Priests an paladins, anointed with the trust of the clergy, with the will of Suru, to stand in the light. As Carthum passed them, walking slowly to the great pulpit at the head of the chapel, the cloaked figures, one by one, pulled back their hoods. They turned their faces to the Light Everlasting, to the sunlight peeking in through the stained glass windows.

He stood before the high priest.

~ ~ ~ ~

Soon enough, she could not walk, but had to crawl. The catacombs had ended. The tomb began.

Ever since she was a child, Metea had come here. Pried back boards, pushed at loose bricks, dug out soil with her bare hands, little by little, bit by bit. Every time she had visited, she had needed to open the passageway towards the burial chamber itself more.

And even now, she could not get into the tomb itself.

The passageway opened up before the Door. A great wooden door, etched with mysterious symbols, burned and battered, but unopened by all of her attempts. Someone had locked it. Sealed it. With magic.

"My dear. Today the sun rises, but also, the moon sets."

"I don't understand," Metea whispered in response. Or continued to whisper? It was so hard to tell. "I don't want to be alone. I don't want to be left behind."

"You are never alone, not while I am here. And I will never leave you, not while the terms are upheld."

~ ~ ~ ~

The blessed sacraments were long, but Carthum repeated them without hesitation, and without error.

Suru, of course, was a god who greatly enjoyed ceremony, as any did. But Suru did not care about pretty words as much as the others. He cared about deeds.

"The mighty Suru recognizes you as his vessel, to spread his light and shield the weak," the high priest intoned. "Turn, now, cleric of Suru, turn and face the light!"

He would turn, and as it did for innumerable clerics before him, the Light Everlasting gleamed, the rising sun caught the stained glass windows, and Carthum seemed to glow.

~ ~ ~ ~

"They talk behind your back. They whisper about the darkness of your soul. But it is no foul thing to understand darkness. It is not evil to shun the light."

"Take it. Take it, and know that I shall whisper secrets of power, if you whisper secrets of the dark."

Metea blinked in the darkness. She reached forward cautiously, picking up an amulet she had never before noticed, which rested on a loose brick by the door. Her flesh tingled at the very touch. She felt it.


She closed her eyes, holding the amulet tight, and Metea seemed to glow.



First Post
Otiroth: Aftermath

It was over. Their attackers gone, mingled blood on the ground.

But, their comrades were injured! Otiroth moved quickly, some spell-casting to clear an area of any fetid demon blood, give the injured a place to rest.

Otiroth was uninjured, and more than that- his blood was burning, the skin on his back was boiling and itching. But that was his own oversight, and he could keep it quiet. It was uncomfortable, yes, but... invigorating. The others needed more care.

"Well fought, all of you! Please, rest... we can watch for anything that might have stirred during our battle," the sorcerer indicated himself, Metea and Annit, for they were in fair enough shape after the combat...

All had proven their worth! And their resilience...

Carthum One-Tusk: aftermath

Their attackers had been a resilient pair, and Carthum would not scoff at how quickly their fortunes might have changed, had a blade or a claw gone a little bit to the left or right.

Still, Suru's grace had seen them through. The light on Carthum's shield remained, and it would set it down so it could help illuminate the cavern for them. Even with Otiroth cleaning away some of the blood, there was still the taint of death hanging over it.

"The darkness leads on. And we have gotten only a sniff of our true quarry," he murmured. How did they know any of the gemstones remained? If they were used as spell components as Otiroth had indicated, perhaps they had been used up generations before.

The half-orc certainly felt his injuries now, but he could pray to Suru while they rested, and perhaps his god would grant him more of the healing magics, enough to heal their remaining injuries. Before he knelt to pray, he approached Jeovanna cautiously; the woman had seemed, just then, to be mad. He did not want to upset her further, but he could not simply ignore her injuries, either. "Suru's grace, sister. You are formidable indeed. Still, you look like you could use some healing."

And they could all use some quiet, to contemplate what had just happened.

Unlike with the undead, Carthum did not much care if Annit and Metea had a sniff around for some wealth to ferret away... he doubted demons came by their horde honestly.


First Post
Jeovanna- Aftermath




There was nobody else nearby to slash at. Well... there was. But she managed to choke it back, blink a few times, and... brought it under control. Jeovanna swallowed, and then managed a smile at Carthum. "Thank you, priest." She was indeed pretty damn sore.

The taste of their victory was soured a bit, at least for her, but she'd not let the others see it, as she'd hate to discourage them, and certainly didn't want anyone worrying about her. "You are all great warriors!" She'd declare to them. Even the two tiny women had tried to help, at least.

Jeovanna would indeed rest, but not sit down- leaning against the stone wall would be enough. Like the others, she could feel a difference.


First Post
you do... adequately. but what you ask... what do you offer in return?

Metea did not especially want to make eye contact with Carthum at the moment... she felt guilty, even though no one had seemed to take notice of her actions during that fight. They'd all been too busy.

Otiroth had put them and Annit on watch. Made sense. She still felt pretty fresh. The tiefling crouched down by the fire pit that Otiroth had made, the charbroiled remains of whatever the demons had collected. She'd shift through it with her dagger- a weapon that, otherwise, seemed to have gotten very little use over the years.

"There are still demons in the dark places of the world," Metea murmured back to her patron. To that voice. "Dreadful creatures. But they had magic... perhaps they use gems as well."

Silence. She was not off the hook yet, but the promise of more information seemed to be enough. Her patron, Metea guessed, may have been waiting a very long time for anyone to find her. The voice whispered to who it could.

She didn't think she'd find much in the ashes. But she could keep an eye on the tunnel at the same time.



Annit knealt and took a few deep breaths as the immediate threats collapsed to the ground. Looking across to Metea she almost smiled a little. Annit decided she quite liked the Tiefling. The rumors of city dwellers were surely not true. She was charming and beautiful, and oozed a sense of danger that was quite captivating.

Beyond an awe of her colleagues in their many shapes and forms however, the youthful rogue held some grave concerns. Companions were injured. They’d already faced a battle that could have easily swung either way. Her own effectiveness was… questionable. Almost embarrassing that thus far her arrows had failed her, and luck with the dagger had not been overly kind. Still though, at least she’d sorted the trap earlier? She might perhaps have known more than the others about this place, but her companions were far stronger. Definitely more gifted. She was glad that it was with them, that she’d do her darnedest to finish this task. Picking pockets and avoiding capture on Kalair’s narrow streets was a whole different world. Down here was… unfamiliar territory, packed it seemed with unfamiliar risks that sought to snuff out their breath at every step.

“Are they going to be alright?” She’d ask, standing to walk over and talk to the priest quietly. The injuries left by the beasts were ragged and ugly, and she only hoped the half-orc might have some healing powers spare. What a magnificent gift, to be able to heal. Dolstian Law seemed so twisted to her now, seeing Carthum’s abilities. How many souls might have lived without suffering, if such power hadn’t been forced underground?

Speaking of underground and power, nearer the cracks where Metea was sifting through Otiroth’s earlier incineration of waste, came a sudden cold draft. It smelled both sweet and treacherous. An aroma of both arcane power and death.

Annit avoided Jeovanna for now, the woman’s ferocity had scared her somewhat. It seemed wise to let the fighter cool off. Instead she turned to Dain. “You’re still bleeding,” she stated but with kindness and concern in her voice. Then her curious eyes moved upon the ranger’s bloody sword. Something changed in her face. A few intricate designs in the damascus steel had obviously caught her attention. For a moment she just stared.

Otiroth’s words snapped her out of it. The young man was right. They needed to stay alert.

Carthum One-Tusk: aftermath

Carthum would take a moment to say the necessary prayers to Suru- as they did not need to rush, no longer being inches away from being slashed by demonic claws, he could take a moment to collect himself, center the spell.

Or perhaps he was simply hesitating to touch the woman's bare flesh? It was neither the time nor the place for any hesitation. But it was probably best that orcs could not blush- not even half-orcs.

<Spellcasting: cure light wounds, healing for 10>

He would then head over to a clear portion of the room to set up a simple prayer circle... though he had no real materials with him that he would lay upon the filthy dungeon floor, it was more a circle in spirit than any truth. He and Dain would need to subsist on normal healing measures- some wrappings and anything else they might have had on them- for awhile. But oddly, his own injury stung far less now than it had before! He could take a quick look at both of their injuries, though.

<Medicine check just to make sure nothing is obviously infected or something- 13>

The priest smiled over at Annit when she came over. "Suru's grace can cure nearly any injury in an instant- if the priest has the focus of spirit to manage it! I think we will be fine. A rest, though, may help!"

And praying to Suru- that would still the turmoil of his mind, he was sure!

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