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The kender game begins, leave your sanity at the door.


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OOC: At the rate people are dropping out, I may need to start recruitment up again soon.
IC: The human Erasmus was talking to seems to be convinced that the kender weren't such a Bad Idea after all, and explained that they weren't injured, and whatever this vampire was, he hadn't been there for long while Elijah tries to heal the hobgoblin. Unfortunately, the goblinoid was not injured in any way, so the spell didn't do anything.(They do notice that the goblin has a look of terror on his face, which wasn't there before he fainted.)

The markings that the nameless kender can't remember do not appear to summon a demon, or behave in any way differently then normal writing.

The human Melvin encountered, seeming to have some gnomish blood in him, answered the questions equally rapidly. "There was a vampire? All I saw was a kender mage of the black robes, though come to think of it that does seem odd. The fastest route to the elven lands would probably be to cross the strait I don't know the name of into southern ergoth, traverse it, and then sail into Qualinesti lands, though come to think of it a map would probably help you better then I can. And I have no clue what flying creature you are talking about."
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OOC: Elijah (Erasmus' bard cohort) was attempting to heal the hobgoblin, while Erasmus talked with the human.
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"Did someone say 'map'? Yes a map would be very helpful. Is there any way that we can help this town before we leave?"

Mavin and Tavin seem to be everywhere.


OOC: Who is still left? Tavin the Loremaster, Mavin the Arcane Trickster...


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OOC: Along with Mavin and Tavin, we have Melvin the archery freak, Erasmus the noble half-breed cleric of branchala and lead diplomat(And his bardic cohort Elijah), and a white-robed sorceror without even a name.


"I'm pleased to hear none are injured. Branchala's blessings be with you." Erasmus says to the human, before returning to the other kender.

"What have you done to this poor creature?" The cleric asks the assembled kender, surveying the prone hobgoblin.

"Nothing at all, I swear." Elijah replies. "I just magiced myself in here, and thud, this chap fell over. Not very polite, if you ask me..."


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OOC: Since none of the kender have responded since Erasmus rounded them up, I guess I'll move the plot along a little.

IC: As the kender stand over the unconscious(And very terrified) hobgoblin, a spooky-looking gray mist, with an evil feel, begins to envelop the party and the hobgoblin. A disembodied voice in the mist(That sounds an awful lot like a death knight) begins muttering something about kender vampires, and making the kender know fear, like some boring afflicted kender. A shadowy shape can be seen out of the mist, who's body shape mirrors the vampire that the group drove off earlier.


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"Hmm, strange weather in these parts. " Melvos exclaims. "Funny, that looks a bit like that pointy toothed fellow from before"

He readies his crossbow to shoot at anything which appears to be solid.



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Feeling uneasy in this strange mist, the nameless wipes his hands all over his body, and surrounds himself with a crackling electricity field. [Vivid Discharge]

"Vamp-what? Fear? Which language is this?"
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Voidrunner's Codex

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