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The Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter IV

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Sielwoodan put another arrow in his bow and point it in direction of the mound "Everyone is ok?" Making sure it won't move again, he finally put his arrow back in the quiver.


Dunstand gives the creature a last kick as he retrieves his daggers.
“Ha, demn plant.”

Now that there is no monster to occupy him, Dunstand take the time to take in the new room.

+9 Search

Whyle studying the room he asks,
“Calenthang, Chastity, are you guys ok?? You two took some big blows for the group back there.”
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Chastity growls in anger and hurt as the creature grabs her, and then steps away quickly when it falls dead. She turns to look at Dunstand. "I've been better, but I'll be fine." She casts a worried glance at Calenthang before cleaning her sword meticulously.


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Drogo lets the flame continue to burn in his hand. It will burn another 2 minutes. He holds it aloft to assist the searchers. "Anyone want some healing? What was that thing?"


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Teleri picks up her arrows and notices that Chasity is favoring her arm. "Chasity? Are you wounded? It's best if you get it healed now before we confront this naga creature. Any hurts will distract you and possibly lead you to your downfall," Teleri warns. "Did anyone bring a healing kit?" she said, cursing at her lack of forethought.


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Dunstands search through the water finds a total of 24 gold pieces and 46 silver scattered throughout the shallow portions, and a gold hair comb set, bent in some places but still valuable. The real prize he manages to find buried beneath some moss in a back corner. Wrapped in a cloak, which is remarkably not wet from the slight submersion it has undergone, Dunstand finds an exquisite longsword. It is forged out of a strange bluish black metal, and the handle is wrapped with black sharkskin. The sword is incredibly well balanced and the metal appears to be oiled.


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OOC: Yarg ayarg. New Chapter. I was wondering why my subscriptions weren't showing up...

Calenthang puts his hand in the air to comfort Dunstand.
"I'll manage," he says none too gruffly, sheathing his sword and rubbing his side. He smiles wryly at Chastity and tries to stay out of the others' way.


Andreas quickly casts another spell, and examines Dunstand's finds for any traces of magic.

"I didn't think to bring a healing kit." He replies to Teleri. "But then, it's probably better that I didn't. I'm not good when it comes to medical matters."


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From his spell Andreas learns that a slight aura of abjuration magic is emanating from the cloak. The sword does not radiate magic, but he does recognize the type of metal the sword is forged out of. It is a rare metal called Vakar. From his studies he knows these types of blades can only be forged by master weaponsmiths, and the oils that naturally exhude from the metal are damaging if one is cut. Moreso, and of more immediate surprise to him, is the realization that the metal Vakar, is extremely caustic to those of full-elven blood, if cut by it's blade.

OOC: For game purposes the Vakar blade functions as a Masterwork longsword, that also gives a +1 to damage. Furthermore if a full-blooded elf is struck with the blade they take an additional 2d6 damage. ;)

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