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D&D 5E The Lost Citadel: a new apocalyptic 5E setting from Green Ronin

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I enjoyed the story.

At the risk of sounding excessively shallow - I am not a big fan of the art. I did not think it mattered to me, but it is causing me to pause on backing. I'm almost more troubled that the art is causing me to consider not backing than my actual distaste for the art!

Awesome Ari, is Requiem, in Bells the 'first chapter' or just a short teaser story? Backed by the way :)

It's the first short story in the Tales of the Lost Citadel anthology (which is also available as either part of the Kickstarter package, if you wish, or will be for sale separately after the KS). Mercedes' story is also part of the anthology (so as you can see, we're going for a variety of tones, to show what's possible with the setting).

I'll likely do more with the characters in additional stories later, if the IP does well enough to support additional anthologies. (In a perfect world, we're hoping for a series of anthologies that use short stories to tell the advancing tale of the city itself, a la Thieves' World.)

And thank you for backing!
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I'm sorry to hear that, man. Art's such a subjective thing, but it's a shame it doesn't appeal to you. I hope you can decide you like the concept enough to get past that, but if not, it's not like you owe us your backing.

It's the first short story in the Tales of the Lost Citadel anthology (which is also available as either part of the Kickstarter package, if you wish, or will be for sale separately after the KS). Mercedes' story is also part of the anthology (so as you can see, we're going for a variety of tones, to show what's possible with the setting).

I'll likely do more with the characters in additional stories later, if the IP does well enough to support additional anthologies. (In a perfect world, we're hoping for a series of anthologies that use short stories to tell the advancing tale of the city itself, a la Thieves' World.)

And thank you for backing!

Yeah I backed the full package, great stories both. Looking forward to getting the lot, Thieve's World is a favourite of mine.


Wow, you've basically cloned my homebrew setting. Except mine is humans-only. :)

Can I ask how the zombies work? Was the zombie apocalypse a one-time event, or do all (or just some?) corpses animate after death?

Some people still rise as the Dead, in a manner that--to characters in the setting at least--is utterly unpredictable. (That is, they have no real way of telling who'll rise and who won't, though there are some tendencies they're aware of and take into account.) Entire government divisions and ways of life are built around the constant collecting and disposal of corpses--"The Undertaking"--throughout Redoubt to prevent an outbreak within the walls. (Not always successfully, of course.)

(The story of mine linked above is about a Taker, in fact, and opens with a scene of him and his team making their rounds.)

Latest stretch goal just reached! Next is this poster map. C'mon, you know we all need this, right? :D (And this is only one side; it's double-sided!)


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