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The Malazan Book of the Fallen: The Burning of Kindle

Voda Vosa

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It's really easy:
Take my attack for example: I'm trying to get a higher attack result than the enemy defense. If I score a hit, the enemy must make a toughness save against my damage (5, so it's 15+5, the save DC is 20.) if he saves, he ignores the damage, if not, he gets an injured condition. Also, Helicrates Gladius paralyzes and absorbs physical attacks. So if the enemy is hit, he must also save vs paralysis (DC= 10+4: 14. Note that toughness DC are 15 + dmg bonus, whereas other saves are vs DC= 10+ power rank/effect bonus). If Helicrates is hit, he substracts 2 (from his absortion ability) from the damage bonus of the enemy attack.
If the remaining bonus is +0 or greater, Helicrates makes a normal Toughness save against the remaining damage bonus, other-wise he ignores the attack’s damage completely. After absorbing damage, as a reaction, he can immediately use Boost on a particular trait or Healing on self.

So what happened was that Durzo hit, but the baddy made his save.
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Walking Dad

First Post
Teth (Tough +6, Fort +7, Reflex +, Will +11; Defense +4)

Even as his bracers weren't able to completely stop the bolt, their magic and a quick step keeped Teth from harm, but the attack still ruins his aim as his incantion wildly misses the cloaked woman.

Initiative (1d20+1=14)

Toughness save (1d20+6=22)

Accurate +2 Blast (Fire, Autofire, Penetrating) (1d20+8=9)

Warren Telas (35 PP):

Blast (Fire, Autofire, Penetrating) +4 (16 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Line) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Cone) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Obscure (smoke) (smell and sight, Selective) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Fire Control +8 (1 PP)
AP: Environmental Control (Heat, Light) (Independent, Total Fade) +5 (1 PP)

Immunity Fire (10 PP) (already active)
Strike (Aura, Fire) +4 (4 PP)


First Post
I have a better grasp than I thought...:p

Helicrates sword slices through the air as the woman side-steps the swing, her cloak fluttering around her. The crossbow falls to the ground, clattering loudly on the cobbles, and she draws a long-knife from the recesses of her cloak. Her grim smile disappears as she screams, Durzo's arrow having found it's target in her left shoulder.

The cloaked man's head snaps round, eyes narrowing on Durzo as he is backlight by the sudden flickering of light from a nearby window. It seems someone has taken this inopportune moment to light a candle in their home.
"There!" he snaps, pointing sharply at the soldier, "Another one!"

[sblock=Durzo]Your second arrow not only hit, but it hurt too! The woman failed her toughness save. Unfortunately, you also became visible as the one who has yet to attack notices you - you're so good at stealth! That was a baaaad roll :eek:[/sblock]

A second throwing knife flies out of the alleyway ahead, spinning towards Teth but this one rebounds harmlessly off his wards and falls to the ground.

To recap - there are three attackers but one has remained hidden in an alleyway up ahead, near Durzo's position. Two are standing near Teth, Helicrates and Candour - Helicrates has charged the woman and swung for her, unfortunately missing her but one of Durzo's invested arrows has found its way into her shoulder blade.[/sblock]


Hearing his first target speak, Durzo realizes he better shoot him again. He curses the back lighting and shifts again into the shadows, using that ability of his to hide in plain sight. He lets fly another arrow from the darkness, this time back at the man who spoke.
[sblock=Actions]Move Action: Hide again Stealth (1d20+14=21)
Standard Action: Ranged Attack (1d20+9=23) with Magic Bow with Accurate Arrow (+2 more?)
Damage: 6 (+4 for Surprise Attack, not anymore maybe)[/sblock]______________________

Durzo’s CS

Voda Vosa

First Post
There's something wrong in Durzo's stats. He can't have an attack bonus beyond the campaign power level, and if he does, he must trade off defense (or was it toughness?) I think.


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Durzo's arrow whistles through the night air, the cloaked man's calm expression suddenly changing as he realises it moves towards him unerringly. The arrow strikes him squarely in the chest, the force of it shattering bone and burying the head deep. Flecks of blood cover his mouth as he splutters, bleak surprise on his features, as he topples backwards and hits the ground.

Nearer to Durzo's position the hidden knife-thrower steps into the street, his cloak parted to reveal a brace of throwing knives, of which two rest in gloved hands.

[sblock=OOC]I took into account Durzo's revised attack and damage....my chap was simply rubbish with his saves :eek: so he's out...
Teth and Helicrates, you guys have still to act before I can have my guys retaliate...assuming they survive much longer :p[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
The warrior takes another swing, this time more aimed. He uses his training to fuel the blow with extra power.

1d20+5+2(all out attack)18 to hit, DC 20 (+5 dmg). Helicrates takes -2 to defense until his next turn for using all out attack.

Walking Dad

First Post
Teth (Tough +6, Fort +7, Reflex +, Will +11; Defense +4)

New flames erup from Teth's hands, but there seems to be some other magic around, as he finds it very difficult to hit anything...


Blast (Fire, Autofire, Penetrating) +4 (1d20+6=15)

Warren Telas (35 PP):

Blast (Fire, Autofire, Penetrating) +4 (16 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Line) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Cone) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Obscure (smoke) (smell and sight, Selective) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Fire Control +8 (1 PP)
AP: Environmental Control (Heat, Light) (Independent, Total Fade) +5 (1 PP)

Immunity Fire (10 PP) (already active)
Strike (Aura, Fire) +4 (4 PP)


First Post
Helicrates sword scythes through the air, driven by the warrior's impressive strength, striking the woman's side and cutting through what little leather armour she was wearing. She reels backwards, striking her head against the wall behind her.
Seemingly dazed, she is unable to avoid Teth's sorcerous blast. The power of Telas scorches her face and upper body, the woman falls to the ground. She appears to still be alive, her chest rises and falls slowly. Ragged breath is drawn through blistered lips.

Further ahead, the third attacker turns and dashes towards the alleyway.
"Not so fast, assassin" rasps a familiar voice behind you.
There is a dull clunk as something metallic falls on the cobbled street, Candour strides forward. The damage to her papery skin across her forehead evident.
"A scraping of otataral on your blades?" she sneers, "Not enough to stop the Bone Witch!"
Stretching out a hand, Candour hurls virulent sorcery towards the running figure. Grey sickly tendrils snake over the cobbles quicker than the eye can follow and envelope the last attacker, quickly smothering a scream. With her other hand, Candour gestures to the burnt woman and further power strikes her. The woman screams harshly, in a manner that has less to do with pain that seems possible given her injuries.
As the sorcery ebbs away, all that is left of the two cloaked figures is polished bone.
The undead witch points at the man Durzo shot.
"That one is not from Kindle, he is no Knife of the House of the Blades"

[sblock=OOC]Otataral is a rare ore, mined and controlled exclusively by the Malazan Empire. It is the antithesis of magic, and exerts a powerful deadening effect on sorcery and the mages who come into contact with it. A common punishment in the Empire for all criminals, mage and mundane alike, is to be sent to the Otataral Isle to mine the ore. Most mages sent there go mad, as do many others. The long-term effects of otataral on the human body is not really known.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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