The Meeting Place - Discussions and so forth


Jaya Ballard Balla'th

I could've sworn there was a list of races that were made up... blue fuzzies and winged things, so forth, so on... and were PCs only with permission from moderators? Or I could be delusional. 9 hours of ranting and whining customers can do that... ._.

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Alien Races

Right you are Jaya. I'm sorry I forgot where it was.. but after searching the old boards, I've found them heh...

  • Elves in Space
  • A Cat like Species
  • The standard Grey Man
  • A Bear Like Race
  • A species that grows through cloning
  • A species that subsists on a diet of Blueberry Juice
  • A species that must have a life support bracelet
  • A species that looks like Rats
  • A Winged Human species

  • Now, if you have an idea for an alien race that isn't here, just send me a note with the alien specifics. Those interested in helping out, send me an email and let me know what race you're going to work on, or if you have your own race.

    The kind of information I'm seeking is the following:

    Where they are from
    The name of the alien
    What they look like
    What makes them good or bad
    What their goal is

    Basically.. items that will help another person play that alien race.

    We did have a suggestion by another patron regarding the ideas on aliens... Nugan suggested leaving it to 1 or 2 regular looking aliens.

    Another patron said:
    Aliens- Personally I'd say leave aliens out of it. Introduce different forms of life.. Perhaps given to creation through mutation, apocalyptic events, spawns of hell... That sort of thing. Or, if aliens are around, keep 'em low key. That way we can play off of the whole "conspiracy theory" idea.

    So what are your opinions on those things? Should we focus on perhaps mutated races with the odd alien race or two? What would make the room more enjoyable for you?

    I want to hear your suggestions folks. :) Bear in mind that the TMP is a Night Club set in an upper middle class section of Manhattan in New York City. I'd like the races and such for the room to make some sort of sense.



First Post
Ooh..sorry about the reference, then, I wasn't aware of that >.<

And..didn't Danny have a list of the aliens made, complete with names, quirks, and all that stuff? I swear I remember seeing one survived off of orange juice or something

Forgive the brief reply. Hands are still a bit shaky o_O Took me plenty long just to write that..ick.



Aesynil said:
Ooh..sorry about the reference, then, I wasn't aware of that >.<

And..didn't Danny have a list of the aliens made, complete with names, quirks, and all that stuff? I swear I remember seeing one survived off of orange juice or something

Forgive the brief reply. Hands are still a bit shaky o_O Took me plenty long just to write that..ick.

Sorry Aesy... there weren't any aliens made up with names. The one you're thinking of wasn't orange juice. It's blueberry juice. :) I came up with that one after thinking about a friend who's got a love for blueberry juice. ;)

~ Reesa


First Post
*Blames it on disease!* Funny thing is, that was stated in that thing you posted >.<

I believe what I was thinking of was Dantain explaining the reasoning behind some of the blueberry juice, or life-support bracelets. It was all confusing. And made sense...but really made none at all.



Here's something else that might add some flavor: what about some slang particular to the setting? Nothing too obtuse, though. We want newcomers to be able to figure it out.

For example, humans might refer to aliens as XTs (ex-tees), short for extraterrestrials. (Not ETs! We don't want to conjure up images of "phone home!")



Originally posted by Ssussunriyh
Here's something else that might add some flavor: what about some slang particular to the setting? Nothing too obtuse, though. We want newcomers to be able to figure it out.
That's a great idea, adding a common vernacular could make the setting more realistic. I like the XTs idea, it makes sense.

As for the aliens:
I agree with Nugan to an extent. There should definately be both good and evil alien races, only having one or the other could be a detraction.

As for Reesa's question:
Originally posted by WizO_Reesa
So what are your opinions on those things? Should we focus on perhaps mutated races with the odd alien race or two? What would make the room more enjoyable for you?
I like the mutated races idea, maybe a goblin-like race that dwells in the sewers? Those could be interesting to play, a sewer mutant trying to make their way in 'normal' society, could open up RPing possibilities. Just a thought.




Would you want to create some of those races Thar? You could send me your ideas in email. (

I like the ideas about Slang. Let's collaborate some ideas.. maybe write me what you think and then I can get them out here?




Put on your thinking caps!

Things are moving forward nicely for The Meeting Place. I am opening up some discussions now on some items. We want to know your opinions, so let's hear them. :)

We had discussed the drinking age a while back and what should be allowed. What do you think?

What would you like to see as the legal age limit for drinking in 2030 NYC?

The Bot has been decided upon. It will be the vending bot you guys suggested. Now that we know what the bot will be, we need to know what to name it.

What interesting name would you like to call the TMP Vending Bot?

The next thing is drinks TMP sells. Someone had suggested making up your own drinks, much like they had for the Cantina. Adele likes the idea, so we're going ahead with that.

What drinks would you like to see? Be creative. Design the drink, give it a name, ingredients, descriptions.. :)

That's it for now. Get the ideas out there for everyone to discuss... then I'll send it to Adele for approval. :)



Rhane Arturant

Hmm, wondering..

I used to role play on an IRC channel that had a bot and whenever a patron would type the bot's name in a sentence the bot would react by looking over or something.

Anyhow, it would react to a set of commands like if you typed "Warrior punches barbot" then the bot would respond with something like "Barbot takes the blow, then smacks warrior upside the jaw."

When ordering different things, it would also come up with different responses depending on what you would order, some of them were downright hilarious. I was thinking maybe that something like that could be fun, but I wasn't sure whether that would be available on IChat..

As for names I'm a little stumped, I can't do names for things.. "Rhane" came about because I was stuck for a name and just happened to look out of the window.. where it was raining.. *facepalm*

I dunno.. Vander the Vender? ;)


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