the new "New Thread" "Reply" "Quote" buttons


First Post
Hey, they're cool and all, but they have weird white pixels all the way around that make them look pasted-in. If the default background color were white this wouldn't be noticeable.

Just pointing it out.

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Penguin Herder
Ack! Now they have black borders! Icky!

Please, give an option to NOT use the new "thread viewed" colored envelope (far left-most icon). The old ones had a nice black dot on them to indicate places where I've posted, and it made my life easier to be able to quickly see where I'd been.

It's annoying to have to look at every icon carefully to see what's been responded to and what hasn't.

Icons which are equally distinct -- not just a white-on-pastel arrow -- would be equally welcome, if for some reason everyone else hates the old, little, harmless envelopes.

thanks, -- N


Nifft said:
Please, give an option to NOT use the new "thread viewed" colored envelope (far left-most icon).

The new ones look... stretched, or something, as well. Not pretty like the old ones :(


Michael Morris

First Post
Ok, what the heck is everyone talking about - I hit refresh and don't see any white outlines.

For the record, Electric Blue uses a different set of icons than Default and I'm working on a more artsy set for PHB now that vbulletin 3.0.0 gold is out and the graphic developer's kit has been released :)


Penguin Herder
Michael Morris said:
Ok, what the heck is everyone talking about - I hit refresh and don't see any white outlines.

For the record, Electric Blue uses a different set of icons than Default and I'm working on a more artsy set for PHB now that vbulletin 3.0.0 gold is out and the graphic developer's kit has been released :)

I think that the PHB buttons have leaked over to Default. While PHB looks pretty clean, those buttons look bad in Default, and (personal complaint) some aren't distinct enough from each other.

I'm using Electric Blue now, since it's still got the old graphics, but before this, I tried Default and PHB.

-- N


Penguin Herder


These are some of the new icons that I'm complaining about. The pink one has a white border, while the off-white one has a black border, so they look bad in both Default and PHB modes. I think that if both had a white border, they'd look okay in PHB, but that non-square icons should not be shared between modes with such different backgrounds.


This guy has a black border, which looks okay in Default, but crappy in PHB. Again I say: keep the icon pools separate!

-- N

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