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[The One Ring] The Marsh Bell


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Oh kind and gracious sir, what a wise and generous greeting. flatters Hobnob, as he bows slightly I've grown often and tall indeed, to ply our trade we've sojourned with seed, dwarves without beards would be hard to believe, thus we are? Hobnob allows the riddle to hang in the air, as he waits for someone to guess.

[sblock=ooc]Since you have introduced yourself formally - always a good thing! - make a Courtesy roll. Since you have Courtesy 3 that's 1d12+3d6 - if the d12 rolls an 11 it counts as 0 (so only the d6's count) and if it rolls 12 it's an automatic success. Your target number is 10 - since he's only a guard and not some great lord, he's easy to impress, plus you roleplayed that wll. [/sblock]

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total 16, but no 6's rolled, so it is a success but it isn't impressive?


But from now on please use either the forum dice roller or invisiblecastle.com...

The guard takes off his helm and scratches his head. "Well, you're finely spoken, no mistake. Be welcome to Esgaroth, whatever you are! But what are you, if not a Dwarf? You trade in seed - a bird? No, you're clearly not a bird. No beard, finely spoken, trade in seed..."

He ponders a moment, then his face lights up. "Ah, of course! Shorter than a dwarf, with a childlike face, begging your pardon, and courteous enough to charm the treasure out of a dragon! Just like in the story! You're a BURGLAR! No, no, that's not it... What were they called?"

"Ah, yes! Be welcome to Esgaroth, sir Hobbit!"

He bows slightly, and steps inside the building, taking his spear with him. There's a grinding noise as the drawbridge slowly lowers, revealing the long bridge leading out to the floating city. The guard appears back in the doorway and unhooks the chain for you to pass. "What are you trading, if you don't mind my asked?" he calls out as the wagon begins to roll. "Seeds of some sort, was it?"

[sblock=OOC]The guard rolled his Riddles skill against a target number of 12 - slightly easier than average, since Bilbo Baggins is pretty famous around these parts.

Normally I wouldn't call for a roll for something like this, I'd save that for actions that have consequences - like introducing yourself to a powerful patron. (Or if there was actually a chance the guard might bar your way.) I just asked for one here to illustrate the system a bit.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Dice]I notice that if you're using the board's dice roller, with a "streamlined" display it doesn't show you what each die rolled. With the full display you can see that the guard rolled an 8 and a 5.

Is everyone ok with using the board's roller, or should I use invisiblecastle.com?[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: I had used the forum dice roller, the roll is in the post with the riddle. I use both invis. castle and the forums roller, both work great. I have no preference between them.

Ha ha! Well I'll be. Hobnob chuckles aloud holding his stomach with mirth. Indeed sir, we are Hobbits who trade in Pipe-weed. Might you have a spot of advice, that could save us a few hours of daylight in our journey?


First Post
I had used the forum dice roller, the roll is in the post with the riddle. I use both invis. castle and the forums roller, both work great. I have no preference between them.

Ah, there it is. Sorry.

Indeed sir, we are Hobbits who trade in Pipe-weed. Might you have a spot of advice, that could save us a few hours of daylight in our journey?

"Agh, I've seen Dwarves smoking that foul stuff. How can you stand it? You won't find many buyers here, I'm afraid! Still, you might try the house of Glóin - he's the envoy from the Lonely Mountain, so he'll know all the Dwarven traders. You'll have more luck selling to them, I think."

A few spatters fall from the lowering clouds overhead. "Good luck to you!" he calls as he ducks back into the guard tower to avoid the oncoming rain.
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Ah my good sir, I think you may be mistaken. Hobnob takes a long draw from his pipe, This is the finest pipe-weed in all the land. If you don't delight in smoking, it makes a fine chew as well. Wouldn't you say Gin? Hobnob looks to Riggins for backup with the sale.

When Riggins finishes chatting up the guard, Hobnob leaves a small amount of pipeweed with the guards for them to sample, before moving on towards the house of Glóin. The hobbit seems nonplussed by the rain, just as happy to be chatting with the guard as he was before it started.

Once away from the tower, Hobnob looks to Riggins, That place was huge, must have seen us coming from a long ways off. I hope to change that guards mind about our product, everyone who passes by talks with him, and I'd like him to speak favorably of us and our pipeweed.
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Riggins finishes securing the back gate of the wagon as Hobnob greets the town guardsman. When he is done, he comes around the front of the wagon and listens to the exchange.

"Well met good Sir. A fine one with riddles, you are! I am Mr. Hobnob's traveling companion, Riggins Magby. At your service!" He says with a bow.

"My good Sir, I think you'll find yourself changing your mind about pipeweed once you've tried the fine product from the Shire. It's been said, Sir, that this is the favorite pipeweed of Gandolf the Grey! Don't you worry, Sir, we are here to set up permanent shop here in Laketown, you'll have plenty of chances to try the finest pipeweed around."

After the two make their way on from the guardhouse, Riggins gives Hobnob a concerned look, "I've never traveled this far from the Shire, Hobbie. Everywhere I went with Pa, we were welcomed with open arms, for pipe smoking is common in the north and south."

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
As Vardolos seems to be caught up musing over the comings-and-goings of the humans, Authiel hesitantly looks for someone who might know where they are headed.

"Excuse me, we are strangers to these lands and are seeking the quarters of a certain Gloin. Might you direct us in the proper path to reach his dwelling?"

OOC: Not Authiel's strong suit, but keeping things moving.

Voidrunner's Codex

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