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The Order of Initiative in: "Just a Simple Escort"


First Post
Poacher reads over the bards shoulder "I :):):):)ing hate this :):):):). The very :):):):)ing nature of adventuring is to go where you want, be free and smite a bit of evil, or good, depending on ya fancy. But these :):):):)ers wanna tax it all? Well what do they supply in return? Thats what i wanna know."
Feng looks on blankly "What does it say?"
Rizzit thinks "blimy I agree with Poacher for once" shakes his head "No must be too long in the saddle" he mutters
"How can a piece of paper cause so much difficulty?" asks the barbarian. "...and how tough are these idiots in the purple, anyway?"
Poacher speaks to the group "I say we turn the :):):):) around and go back. These :):):):)s can't :):):):)ing shaft us with these :):):):)ing taxes. I mean what the :):):):) is that all about. And anyway. I would like to point out that we are not adventurers but honest caravan guards."
Poacher looks pleased with himself "Yup. We definitely don't count as adventurers. We're guards under the employ of Merchant Walter. A man of good standing in the :):):):)ing community. Yadda yadda yadda."
"Arnt our expenses covered by Walter?" says Feng, looking hard at the merchant.
Beltain addresses one of the Purple Knights "Sire Knight - I would hate to be caught breaking the law of your land, I wonder if you could clarify some points for me? First of all – what is their definition of an Adventurer? At the moment we are guards for a merchant and have no plans to do anything other than escort Walter through the area. The idea of paying through the nose for the privilege is abhorrent to him (and not sure he has enough money). People can have many roles during their lives and people could be (perhaps) classed as adventurers at one point and guards at another."
He continues "Do we become adventurers if we go off pursuing rumours of treasure or perhaps if we seek out monsters but if we stay on the trail and take only appropriate defensive action then I’d say we were just guards. We have to pay any fee at Suzail but how long will it take to get there? Can we get there before the 10 day limit expires? Once registered does one have to keep paying the 300gp per year for life? The Peace-bonding is only applicable to certain areas. Where are these areas and has this been revised after Tilverton’s disappearance and the Orc’s taking of Arabel? Does this only apply to bladed weapons as the writ states? I assume that arrows and bolts are not bladed – sling bullets certainly aren’t."
Rizzit says to the party "I agree with poacher we are guards not adventurers and I have no intention of parting with the little money I have left, and I am certainly not telling them about the orc camps now"
Feng snorts "I've hard won what little cash I have. If they want it (what little I have that don’t cover their fee) they can earn it in Blood....Laskur's Bane is a hard negotiator."
The barbarian continues "This bunch of puffs probably couldn’t even stand toe to toe with an Orc in a fight. How do they think they could take our gold. I'm with Beltain on this one. I'm just a frickin' guard, doin' as I am told. I dare 'em to tell me any different."
Feng looks again at the document "They can wave as much kindling under my nose as they like - I still can't read the stuff."
Poacher whispers "Well i'm not sure we wanna go hurting folk, even if they do dress like big purple veined cocks. I am currently employed as a caravan guard. And later i will find work as a specialized male prostitute. I've never been an adventurer and have never sought adventure, so they've got :):):):) all on me. The :):):):)s."
The Purple Dragon Knight standing before the party speaks directly to Beltain "It is 1000gp for the group, You do not register until you arrive at Suzail, so im not sure what you are referring to regarding a "10 day limit"." He looks over the party and the wagon. "Travelling as you are, it will take you approximately 15 days of travel to reach Suzail." He continues "You are required to pay the annual tax every year you are within the bounds of Cormyr. From this point on, if you are following the Moonsea Ride, you are required to peacebond your weapons. In Cities and Villages this law also applies. Do not worry yourself about when laws have been revised, just know that the law is the law, and ignorance of the law will not be tolerated. Again, the law on what constitutes a adventuring group is clear, any group travelling together on missions are bound by the law. The Purple Dragon Knights are charged with determining the nature of any given group, if we decide you are an adventuring group....then you are an adventuring group and the relevant laws apply." The Purple Dragon night looks at Rizzit "We dont get many Kobolds in Cormyr, and you will indeed encounter suspicion and maybe even hostility, but know this, the people of Cormyr understand that racism will not be tolerated, as long as you follow the law, you will be protected here." The Purple Dragon Knight pauses for a moment "Now, if you are ready we will Peacebond your weapons for you"
Limara smiles "You will receive nothing but compliance from myself, i for one find it refreshing to enter such an orderly and structured region."
One of the Purple Dragon Knights moves to beside Limara "Cormyr is a beautiful region, but even her beauty pales beside your own m'lady" He grasps her hand and kisses it gently "Pls..have a pleasant stay"
Limara blushes, her cheeks taking on the hue of her red cloak...
Beltain moves back to close to the knight molesting Limara, "Here, Sir Guard, you may PeaceBond my weapons" he says, attempting to keep the anger from his voice. He watches the knight closely noting if the man binds all the weapons and attempting to remember how he does it.
"I misstrust and land when there is so great a mantle of law and that law is whatever it's enforcers choose it to be" Beltain whispers to Limara
Beltain addresses the knight "This Lady is my companion, I'll thank you to keep you hands and lips to yourself, unless she requests it" he says with courtesy but there is an underlying firmness in his voice.
Rizzit unstrings his crossbow and stashes it away "I don’t really go in for fighting so you will get no trouble from me...Are there any temples to Sune in this region?"
The Purple knights go round the party ensuring their weapons are peacebonded.
Rizzit continues rabbiting "We killed a band of orcs not too far away, do we earn a reward for that?"
"I Got a Greataxe, a double axe, some throwing axes, a dagger and a longbow and some arrows. You got enough cord for all of these?" says Feng "Oh, and a whole bunch o' Javalins in the Cart. Mustn't be forgetting them. I don't want to frighten the city folk."
The barbarian continues "So - this is the big city? Tilverton? I've never seen so grand a place. You certainly have bigger holes in the ground here, than where I come from. My name is Feng. you will have heard of me?"
Feng puffs out his chest and tries to look unimpressed by the knights
Rizzit says "I say we dump slaphead off there, go some fast shopping and head out of this region before we have to pay anything. Even if that means we split up and meet back up outside the area, 1000gp is too much for the privilege of killing there monsters and solving their problems"
Feng muses "We will be going into areas that are almost totally disarmed. Am I the only one to see the possibilities here?...What we have here is a hard crust. Once we are past this, we can scoop out the nice filling!"
"Shush bro," says Rizzit "Worry about guarding me not doing anything that could get us into trouble"
Poacher sighs "Lets face it guys. We ain't dropping Wally off here. We gotta :):):):)ing take the :):):):) to Suzail. However, as the :):):):)er was awful shy in :):):):)ing tell us about these :):):):)ing laws. And lets :):):):)ing face it, if we'd knew about them before hand we'd have never agreed to guard the :):):):) and he'd now be on some Orc's dinner table along with the Stupid Slut Lasagne they'd be eating. I think the :):):):) can pay the 1000gp for us, on top of what he agreed to give us. What do you say Walter you :):):):)ing sly bastard? You gonna fork out for our adventurers license? Coz it's your fault we're here. "
"Actually Mr Poacher, i think i did mention the Lawful nature of Cormyr" replies Walter.
Sparhawk remains silent. The Purple Dragons Finnish peacebonding the party’s weapons and the party travel on through the checkpoint, continuing on the Moonsea Ride
The party ride for another couple of days and arrive in Half-Hap, a small town.

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First Post
Time of Day: 07:00 PM. - Snowing, Hammer (Deepwinter) 5th, 1373 The Year of Rogue Dragons.
Half-Hap seems to be a small market town.
The buildings are decorated with ribbons. The streets are busy, it seems there has been some sort of festival here. Children dash underfoot and peddlers hawk their wares. Toys and brightly colored scarves predominate the market..
"Ahh, the festival of Bambeen" says Walter "It is a festival that honors life, growth, and children"
Deirdre looks happy for the first time in ages "Shopping time!" she whoops, as she goes and looks at the various stalls.
The party stable their mounts and then head to the market square.
Rizzit waves at the children and throws them some silver pieces
The party look round the various stalls.
"Hey Feng can you lift me up so I can see what they are selling please" says Rizzit, near one of the stalls.
Feng lifts the kobold onto his shoulder. Feng mutters "Polly want a cracker?"
"Thanks bud, now lets see if there is anything good here, and are you gonna buy a horse while we are here?"
"Rizz - I have but 90 gold with me. I will give some thought to a horse, but I think that the nag such a sum would purchase would only mean that I would end up carrying IT, rather than It carry me."
He thinks a moment "Besides, I've yet to see someone be unhorsed from his feet. Perhaps a war dog might be in keeping, tho' - or something more bloodthirsty and vicious."
"Mummy, Mummy..what is THAT?" asks a small Child as it gazes in wonder at Rizzit
Rizzit waves at the little girl. The kobold then buys a large stash of sweets that he distributes to the local children.
":):):):)ing nonce." growls Poacher. One of the children runs past the ranger, who clips the child round the head as he passes.
"Just for that you’re not getting any sweets Poacher" says Rizzit angrily.
"Don't gimme that i'm a friendly Kobold :):):):). You're gonna try and lure the little rugrat :):):):)ers somewhere quiet so you can :):):):)ing touch them then eat them. You :):):):)ing cannibal nonce dog faced :):):):) nugget." Poacher stops a moment, then says "Wow. Being in a lawful country really does make me :):):):)ing tetchy. I :):):):)ing hate this place."
The child screams "MUuuuuuuuummmmy" after Poacher clips her, she runs back to her Mother.
Rizzit goes over and gives the girl some sweets "there there" He looks at Feng "Give Poacher a half orc clip round the ear will ya bud, think he needs to lear some manners when around civilized people"
Feng's eyes glaze with nostalgia "I got clipped behind the ear plenty o' times as a kid - because I was too fast for the bastards to land anything heavier on me."
Beltain speaks "Let's find ourselves a nice in good food, abundant drink and maybe talk of whatever is of interest in the area."
He takes Limara's hand an raises it to his lips - kissing it gently "They have some nice customs here, but overall too much jolly sugar-plum-fairy stuff for me."
Beltain looks very uncomfortable in the well ordered and tightly controlled society "Like being in prison, he mutters to himself", his hand strays to his sword hilt and pulls back, almost as if the peace-string has burned it.
"I wouldn't wonder if you have to be married to share a room" he whispers to limara
The Correllon Cleric slips his arm around Limara's waist, the gesture looks more for his comfort than her protection, "It's too damn peaceful" he mutters, "Something bad is going to happen, I just know it"
Sparhawk says to Beltain "The knights are noble and these borders well guarded Beltain, Take comfort from the peace and enjoy the chance to rest and relax"
The warrior turns to the ranger "And Poacher relax, let us go aside and see to rooms at the inn" Sparhawk is relaxed and smiles to the commoners and children he passes on his way to the inn
Poacher spits back at Sparhawk "I'll come looking for rooms with you on the :):):):)ing day you :):):):)ing apologize for being a disloyal wanker who doesn't defend his :):):):)ing friends."
Rizzit whispers to Feng "I have this odd feeling Spar and Limara are gonna be pain in the asses in this region, just look at the smug smiles they wear today"
Limara turns to Rizzit smiling broadly "yup..... no :):):):) sherlock. I will be gladly following all the Cormiyan laws and do not ask me to lie about the party status either."
She continues "...but dont worry,my weave juggling friend, being in a lawful society is a safe and prosperous experience. Just dont break their laws and you will do fine"
Rizzit shakes his head "I have no intention of breaking laws, lets hope some others in the group can stay away from trouble"
"Maybe a stint in a real prison would do him some good" says Rizzit looking at Poacher.
Limara nods ".. i think it would reflect badly on the party. When we have finally decided on a party name we dont need to have it dragged through the mud..."
Rizzit says "Well then we need some code of conduct rules, not that I can see them being adhered to"
Feng snorts "I got a party name for ya - how about "Righteous swords o' faith"?. The only problem I can see, would be declaring it whilst having your tongue firmly in your cheek?
Limara laughs
"These saps will probably lap it up, however." says Feng.
Coleridge's mood seems to lighten somewhat being in the town amongst the hustle and bustle of the festival. He spends time perusing the stalls and generally taking in the happenings around him, chatting with the townsfolk
He also spends some time listening to the local minstrels from a professional point of view and chatting with them between performances to glean information about happenings in the area.
Limara moves close to Beltain and whispers in his ear " you weren't really jealous of the purple knight were you? " and winks at him smiling...
"Me jealous? No, of course not!" say Beltain blushing in response to Limara's question, his response carries absolutely no conviction.
Limara turns to Rizzit "oh, yes and while we are at it what happened with you and Feng... Feng, why did you go to the orcs? what happened while you were gone you two"
"I did nothing but come along, its up to Feng to tell what happened if he wishes" replies the kobold. Rizzit then turns on his heels and wanders off into the crowd.
The kobold wanders the streets a while, he comes across the constabulary. He enters. A man sits behind a desk, he appears to have been sleeping. On seeing Rizzit he laughs "Where did your mummy buy you that costume?". Rizzit explains he is a kobold and offers the man his help should it ever be need. The man is called Aldo, he is the town constable.
The party spend a while in the market.
Poacher has obviously spent the time thinking..he offers to the group "Names for the group? How about: The Order of the Monster Manual..? The Fiend Folio Rejects..? The Bloody Mummers..? The Shower of Wankers? Gay eye for a Straight Dungeon..? The Ten Foot Poles..? The Anti-Elf League..? How about : The Paper Bag Failed Escapees?"
Poacher laughs. He throws his head back and shouts "WHERE ARE THE WHORES????". Several of the townsfolk look at the ranger in disgust. "I'm going looking for a Knocking shop." says Poacher, striding off.
Feng is approached by a young girl, she creeps closer to him slowly, obviously unsure of him. She hands him a rag doll, then skips off. The barbarian looks down at the doll, he muses on the strange chances of life, and the random kindnesses of children.
Rizzit heads to the bakers and purchases cakes and such, giving some to the local children. He returns to Feng and offers him a cake.
"Is the cake made with the hearts of defeated enemies?" asks Feng
"Flour i think" replies the kobold. "Fancy a beer to wash the pastry down with Feng?"
Feng, feeling at a loose end, follows Rizzit to the nearby Inn
Feng snorts "For some reason, I feel down in the mouth - It has been a while since I last proved my valor on the bodies of my enemies. I need a drink!. Who knows, we might meet someone who can drink enough courage to challenge me to a brawl?"
Feng Sits at his table, cracking his knuckles and frowning into his beer..He Farts, loudly.
"No brawling please," says Rizzit "I get the impression these guys come down hard on troublemakers, two beers please barman and get one for yourself" he says as he clambers up onto a stool
"So what are ya supposed to do for fun? I don't mid telling you, I don't like towns, not one bit..Too many people, too many rules, not enough space. If I had my way, I'd burn 'em all down and start again with forests" states Feng flatly.
Feng suddenly looks like hes had an ides "Hey, what about "The Grey Wolves" as a group name.?"
"I like it, its more like life in the underdark for me, except for the snow and the cold and sunlight"
The kobold continues "We live in very close communities down there, all close together with no privacy"
Rizzit looks earnestly at Feng "You must know kobolds are related to dragons? and every now and then an egg is laid thats a little different, a dragonwrought egg. These are taken to a special place to hatch"
"Wow. I never knew that." says Feng. "If you are born "special" do you get privileges?"
Rizzit nods "We have a saying 'The dragon scale toughens our skin. The dragon done adorns our skull. The dragon heart flames our sorcery. We are the dragon, and for the dragon we live. Long live the dragon.' "
Rizzit continues "I was hatched from a dragonwrought egg, as you must have noticed I am starting to gain new dragon powers. Want to see who can hold their arm the longest in the fire?"
Rizzit walks over to the fire and carefully places his hand in, but pulls it back quick until feng comes over "its pretty hot, sure your man enough bro?"
Feng ambles over to the Fire with studied unconcern. "OK , I'm ready."
"Ok then, first one to pull his arm out buys the beer all night" says Rizzit "1...2....3....and in"
Rizzit puts his arm into the flames.
Feng shoves his left forearm into the flames.
"I smell burning hairs" smiles Rizzit. "This is a great way to remove ticks and any other nasties that get on you while out in the wilds"
Feng watches Rizzit's arm. The kobold seems unaffected by the flames. Feng withraws with a curse.
Rizzit puts his head for a bit for good measure.
"Another beer for me then please" he says.
Feng grinds his teeth in frustration "Barman, give the tricksy little bastard a gallon of beer."
"The trouble is your man enough to do that but not dragon enough" says Rizzit. "you coming to watch the show at the theatre? I'm not even sure what a theatre is so it should be interesting"
"Yep - I cant see that the milksops in this town will have anything more exciting to do, so I'll take in the theatre. It's got to be more fun than burning your own arm off for a paltry bet."
Outside, Coleridge continues to chat with the musicians, discussing his own love of music and poetry... before parting ways with them he gratefully accepts their offer to attend the theater show at 10pm. The bard books a room at the boarding house and then heads to the Tavern.
Sparhawk books a room. Once inside he takes this time to polish his armour and check it for any defects. He then goes to the tavern.

Storm clouds gather above and rain threatens to fall. The vendors are hurriedly putting tarps over their stalls, but the darkening skies have no effect on the gaiety of the townsfolk.
Suddenly a scream is heard out in the street. The party rush to see what has occurred. A woman is leaning out of a second story window. Her face is stricken with terror. "Help" she cries. "Murderer! There's a murderer loose!"
Her cries continue, growing less coherent by the moment The crowd below her window quiets in shock for a moment, and then the peoples voices swell in dismay. Laughter and joy have been replaced by whispers and horror.
A man in the street shouts up to the women "Aldo has been called, he will be here in a minute"
Aldo soon appears on the Scene, apparently he is the town constable, he immediately begins trying to calm people down and usher the commoners away from the area..
Beltain approaches Aldo and asks politely if he can be of any assistance, controlling the crowds, taking a message or anything else to support him? He speaks with the gravitas of a learned man, a cleric, whose knowledge could prove useful and whose presence may help calm the distraught female.
Beltain gives Limara's hand a squeeze as he moves past her "Told you it was too damn peaceful" he whispers.
Aldo calms the local crowd and then turns to the party. He nods at Beltain "I could do with a little help" he says. He pulls out a silver badge and hands it to Beltain "I hereby deputize you", He suddenly spots Rizzit "Hey there, we meet again, looks like you were right, i might need your help after all...you want to be a deputy?"
Rizzit grins a huge smile Rizzit says "I sure do...I have never been deputized before, and a badge" he beams.
Aldo hands Rizzit the Deputy Badge.
Aldo looks at Sparhawk "Will you help?.. Im sure we could certainly use a man of your character"
"You have my full help and co operation neighbour" Sparhawk says to Aldo with a bow.
He turns to Coleridge and Feng "And if you two also would help?" He then walks upto Limara, bows and hands her a badge.
"I'll help....I am Feng..Justice is swift where I come from.... Should I fetch my Greataxe?
Aldo clearly looks nervous and very flustered. He shouts up at the woman "Its me Aldo.. let us in", she looks down, nods at Aldo and disappears from the window.
The door opens and the woman rushes to Aldo, flinging her arms around him, sobbing "He's Dead!, He's Dead!...Upstairs"
Aldo rushes in, he looks back "Erm...Deputies,,um, Follow ME!"
The party rush up the stairs, there are 2 rooms upstairs. They enter the room to the right.
The body of a man lies on a bed, sightless eyes staring at some imagined horror. His throat has been slit. The side of his mouth are cut open, making it look like a clown's oversized smile. Rosy circles have been painted onto his cheeks with blood.
"So Aldo who is the dead guy?" asks Rizzit.
"That," he sighs "is Franco Sertino. Husband to Maria, the lady who let us in"
Poacher barges his way into the room." Let me in to have a :):):):)ing look you bunch of :):):):)s. I'm a :):):):)ing top notch :):):):)ing tracker. I'll tell you what happened."
Aldo looks round as Poacher enters the room "i never deputized you..This is a crime scene"
"Dont go messing up the murder scene :):):):):):):)" says Rizzit. "And last time you tried tracking we walked into a bunch of orcs"
Poacher laughs "Oh :):):):) off. Do you want to :):):):)ing find out who did it? :):):):)ing crime scene! Kekekeke. Wanker."
"infact..where were you half hour ago?" Aldo asks poacher. "Ive already had reports about you m'boy"
"Me?" says Poacher "I was looking for :):):):)ing whores in this two copper piece little :):):):) hole you call home. Now shutup and let me work. Unless you know where i can find a :):):):)ing whore. Otherwise :):):):) your :):):):)ing yap."
"Is the body still warm?" asks Rizzit "And have you got speak with dead Lim?"
Limara shakes her head "Afraid not." Limara walks over and touches the body "Still warm"
Poacher searches the area in a tracker kind of way. But he fails to find any tracks.
Sparhawk looks round "Where is Maria Sertino?"
Maria walks into the room, and breaks down crying.
"Please my lady , can you tell us what you know ?" says Sparhawk.
"Im gonna check the rest of the house" says Aldo, he walks out of the room.
"I came in and he was dead...thats it!!" sobs Maria.
"Was the place robbed?" asks Poacher.
Maria Sertino shakes her head.
"Have you checked?" he asks.
Well, everything appears ok..she says. she walks over to the chest of drawers, opens it and pulls out a nice necklace.. "They woulda took this surely" She puts it back in the Draw. "Giselle, she seems to have taken it badly"
"Was the window already opened?" asks Rizzit
"Yes" she replies.
"Hey Spar. If you're lucky you can wait until someone blames me. Then you can fail to stand up for me and let me hang. Like all of the other times." says Poacher.
Sparhawk says "I doubt this was a mere burglary....not after what was done to the body"
"Aye. That was really :):):):)ing funny that. Kekekeke." laughs the Ranger
Sparhawk gasps as the ranger's insensitivity "Do not expect me to stand for you again neighbour"
"Where's this "AGAIN" come from shitbird?" says Poacher to Sparhawk.
Sparhawk ignores the ranger "Who is Giselle?"
"My Daughter" replies Maria.
"Where is she now? do you know if she knows anything?" asks Sparhawk.
"Across the hall, in the other room"
"I will go talk with her, with your permission of course" offers the warrior.
Maria nods.
Sparhawk goes to talk to Giselle.
Rizzit starts detecting for magic..He dosent Detect Any
"Maria what did your husband do for a living?" asks Poacher.
"We own the local theater"
"hmmm," says Rizzit nodding thoughtfully.
"Have you heard him argue with anyone recently? Does he have any enemies?"
"Not that i know.he was a lovely man"
"Who works at the theatre?" asks Rizzit.
"Various people..theres many....Stage hands, lighting, music"
The two clerics, Beltain and Limara, both spend a time looking at the body. Coleridge also enters the house after pacifying some of the upset locals.
Having entered after the others Coleridge takes in the scene, he suppresses his instincts to try and act quickly, as the others have, he searches the room methodically. But finds nothing.
Suddenly the party hear Aldo shout "In here Guys"
Rizzit, Feng and Poacher rush across to the other upstairs room. Coleridge, Limara and Beltain stay with Maria, and the body.

A little girl, maybe seven years old, sits on a small bed, hugging a wooden, painted puppet and singing softly to herself. Her attention is totally focused on the doll. She doesn’t even acknowledge the party’s existence. The room is clean, but the floor is strewn with toys and dolls.
Sparhawk kneeling in front of the child. "Do you like Knuckles?" asks Gazelle to Sparhawk. . "He can dance and sing you know!" she holds up the limp doll
Aldo looks at Poacher "I still got my eye on you sonny Jim, if i find out you were any where near here at roughly the time Franco was murdered, im havin you in"
":):):):) off old :):):):). I'm trying to :):):):)ing help out here." spits back the ranger.
"My Kobold sense is tingling" says Rizzit.
Poacher turns to Giselle. "So why did you kill daddy Giselle? We know you did it. was he touching you??"
Aldo shoots Poacher a Look "POACHER...OUTSIDE NOW...I WANT A WORD"
Feng says out loud "Is this the way townsfolk usually kill each other, or is this killing special?. Lets talk away from the Girl - I'm not such a complete twat that I want to upset her for nothing." Feng steps outside the room.
"Um...i dont EVER remember a killing...this is a peaceful town" Aldo looks straight at Poacher "Until you guys arrived"
Feng snorts "Where I come from, the Murderer is generally the one with the Big Sword, saying "Yeah, so I killed him, who says I shouldn't?"
Feng turns to Rizzit - take this rag doll, he offers Rizzit a rag doll "Get the rag doll to speak to the kids doll - knuckles?. Perhaps the kid can't talk, but knuckles might - to another doll?"
"Where did you get that?"
"A kid gave it to me earlier"
Back in the Murder room, Coleridge talks to Maria "I know this is a difficult time Mrs. Sertino, but we will do what we can to aid you.. can you tell me did you hear anything that may have alerted you to something out of the ordinary? how did you discover this had happened?"
"I came in to do some cleaning...and my husband was like THAT!...I saw no-one suspicious"
"So you heard nothing prior to coming to clean the room? whereabouts were you prior to that?"
"Downstairs in the kitchen making dinner...i heard nothing"
"You say that your daughter Giselle is understandably upset, how did she find out, did she come in to the room, might she have witnessed something?"
Maria nods "I think she did come in, but shes not saying anything..the others are with her now"
Limara says softly to Maria "Maria, go be with your daughter, theres nothing you can do here now"
Both Limara and Beltain look a bit shaken up, as if the scene has really got to them..
"I am going to be with my daugher..i can bear this sight no longer" Maria flees from the room.
"I told you something bad was going to happen" mumbles Beltain, clearly moved by the manor of the death
Coleridge speaks to the two clerics "If the daughter is currently not talking there is a good chance she is in shock possibly from finding her father's body, but she may also have witnessed the killing.. we need to handle this delicately...Coleridge's eye open wide in horror dear god did the mother say the others are with her daughter? not Poacher too?
"yes Poachers in there..Aldo didnt even deputize him"
Coleridge quickly moves thought of the daughter's bedroom, fearing the impact Poacher could have on a child who has already suffered a nasty shock
Aldo is in the corridor seething at Poacher as Coleridge passes "Ive known that man for years..hes not like THAT!"
Coleridge spits at Poacher "What did you do or say to the little girl, you :):):):)ing ignoramus?"
Aldo interjects "He asked..if her Father had been..cough...touching her"
"He also accused her of the Murder. A nice deflection Mr Poacher, i might add"
Coleridge says to Poacher "I suggest you leave here and see if you can find anything outside of significance, or his might not be the only murder we're looking into."
Coleridge obviously fuming at the ranger turns and walks through the curtain into the room.
"Dont leave town" says Aldo to the Ranger
Coleridge addresses Maria in a lowered voice "With your permission i would like to try something using the my melodies to soothe her and try to discover if she witnessed something?"
Giselle sits silently playing with her puppet
Maria nods to the bard.
Coleridge begins to sing a soothing tune, the words are indistinct but it is relaxing and peaceful
Giselle looks at Coleridge a moment, then starts humming the tune..with the doll pressed close to her face. She suddenly screams "...It..was....HIM....HIM....He made me hide it to...i didnt want to.....but he MADE ME"
"THATS ENOUGH.....ENOUGH!" shouts the girls mother, seeing the distress her daughter is in.
Giselle breaks down crying, her mother conforts her.
Coleridge says softly "I apologize i know you have both been through alot this eve, but it has helped us some"
"Hide what?" questions Aldo.
Coleridge once again begins a methodical search of the room, looking for anything which appears out of place or intentionally hidden. Coleridge finds...hidden in the bedclothes, a small, bloodstained knife. It is no more than 4 inches long.
"Ah ha..well done man" says Aldo, clearly impressed
Coleridge looks at the implement "Well we know now what she hid, now we need to find out who this HIM is that made her do it..."
Aldo nods "Ok, give me the knife there, im going to take it down the station. I think we should leave the Sertino's alone now...come on...ALL OUT" He ushers the party out of the Sertino home
Outside in the street, Limara addresses the party "Im going to go get a room now, i need to pray" states Limara Flatly "I wont be attending the Theater tonight, ill see the rest of you in the morning, i will learn some spells that may aid us"
Beltain looks weary "Me to princess..."
Rizzit says to no-one in particular "Maybe there is an evil spirit about that possessed the girl and made her murder her father"
"Im going back to the Constabulary," says Aldo to his deputies "I'll resume the investigation in the morning. If you hear of anything, drop by, i got a feeling im going to be up a while.. Thanx for your help"
Aldo takes the bloodstained dagger "Exhibit A" he says as he marches off down the street.
Coleridge speaks "I can rest later, my minds abuzz at the moment, if the show is still on it may help me to relax and order my thoughts he says to Rizzit
Rizzit nods at the bard "I have suspicions that maybe someone in the show could have a hand in this so would be good to see them, maybe one of them could end up another victim, I would also like to see the toymaker in the morning"
Sparhawk heads back to the theatre....making a point of ignoring Poacher as he walks past him
Feng winks at Poacher, and with a long, slow smile, draws his index finger across his throat, and then stabs the finger at Poacher.
Feng Hurries to catch up with Aldo, he says to the constable "When we prove who as done this, I'll be the executioner. I'll even waive the fee, I feel so bad about the little girl losing her Father in that way. Remember me, I am Feng. If needed, I can botch the first couple o' tries so the Bastard ends up in Hell screaming, OK?"
Feng runs back to the party "Looking forward to the show, little one?" he says to Rizzit. "....hehe, and to think that I was expecting to be bored, here. First a show, then collar a villain to collect a reward. I hope they wont cancel the show just 'cos of the killing." The barbarian turns to Coleridge "Nice trick, Cole. The lawman will have ya eating out of your hand - if you can find another trail to the killer. Did you notice anything special about the knife? A name carved on it, or somesuch?"
Coleridge shakes his head " The knife seemed normal...small, but normal"


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First Post
A que has formed outside the Theater, the doors are opened and people begin making their way inside..
Sparhawk follows the crowd and enters to watch the show..."Mayhap we will find some clues inside" he whispers to Feng
Poacher sighs as he watches Aldo stomp off "So the :):):):)ing :):):):) is trying to stitch me up like a :):):):)ing kipper is he? The :):):):)ing bastards. Though you gotta admit it's a top comedy way to kill someone. Kekekeke. Quite funny really."
Coleridge speaks out loud "Visiting the toymaker may be a good idea, if mrs. sertino is consenting i think i may have another talk tomorrow.. but maybe with Knuckles this time."
Feng, Rizzit, Sparhawk and Coleridge enter the Theater, find themselves seats, and await for the sow to start..
Rizzit takes a seat at the front of the Theater, with the children "hi kids, this is exciting" he says. "Have some sweets while we wait, you know I was thinking of seeing the toymaker tomorrow for some toys, you guys know much about him?"
The kids all look at Rizzit in awe "Guiseppe is the puppet master/toymaker...hes lovely" one of the children says. They then laugh as they throw popcorn at Rizzit. The kobolds long tongue flicks out catching pieces of popcorn in the air.
Sparhawk takes a seat at the back of the room near the door.
Coleridge takes a seat amongst the locals and near the organist, he makes general conversation and keeps his ears open for pertinent chat about the murder or any other unusual recent local events.
Poacher goes off on his extended and increasingly futile search for a brothel. After a while he gets bored, and most of the shops seem to have closed, he decides to head to the Theater.

Limara and Beltain retire for the evening in the boarding house. Both feel strangely affected by what they saw today.
Both go through their prayer rituals before sleeping.
Whilst asleep they don’t notice the small doll moving in the corner of their room. They don’t notice as it climbs up n the bed of the sleeping couple, Silver needle glinting in the candlelight.

Meanwhile, back at the Theater, The party watch several acts, Dancers, Musicians. Then the finale..The Puppet Show. A old man ambles on the stage, he introduces himself as
Guiseppe the Puppet Master. The children cheer excitedly. What follows is a very good puppet show, lots of fun for everyone. At the end Guiseppe calls the children down to the front so they can see his "Star" Puppet "Figlio". At this point the party are completely taken by surprise as they see small puppets appear from under their seats, from behind the organ, under the stage, and from several other areas. Chills sweep their spines. There must be 20+ of them.. Each is a puppet with strings trailing behind on the floor. The light glints off of the vicious little blades and sharp needles they carry. The children, down the front, play with the animated dolls, seemingly completely unaware their parents are being attacked behind them.
"oh :):):):)" says Rizzit.
"You've gotta be :):):):)ing kidding!" exclaims Poacher. "Now i know i ain't a critic. But this :):):):)ing show is :):):):)ing :):):):)." he screams. The ranger runs for one of the doors out of the theater.
Sparhawk glances about nervously at the puppets. He also is over-whelmed with fear, he does not understand this. He makes a run for the double doors out of the theater.
Rizzit is completely frozen with horror in his seat.
The carrionettes swarm over the audience. The animated dolls attack by throwing small silver needles.
One scuttles across one of the seats and throws a small silver needle at Sparhawk as the warrior rushes to the door. As the silver needle flies through the air, there appears to be a magical silver cord trailing from it back to the carrionettes hand. The needle misses Sparhawk.
Feng jumps out of his seat, but he is not quick enough, one of the carrionettes hits Feng with one of his silver darts. The barbarian slumps unconscious in his seat.
Carrionettes on the stage throw silver needles at the terrified audience.
Guiseppe, the puppet master and Figlio, his star puppet, make a hasty exit from the back of the stage.
Another silver needle is thrown at Sparhawk as the warrior runs to the doors, this one hits him in the leg, and he falls to the floor unconscious.
Coleridge is physically sick at the sight, he also stumbles to the door.
Rizzit is hit by a silver needle as he sits in his motionless in his chair..a magical silver cord trails back from the needle in Rizzit's chest to the carrionette on the stage.
Before he slips into unconsciousness the Kobold see’s a carrionette climb onto Feng and stab a silver needle into his barbarian friends neck.
Coleridge moves as fast as he can, he avoids one needle as he gets to the unconscious Sparhawk, who is lying at the Theater entrance, the bard makes a move to outside when another needle hits him in the back. The bard slumps to the floor next to Sparhawk.
Poacher is hit by a needle as he opens the other door out of the theater, the ranger manages to overcome the numb feeling and take a step further, but then he is hit again. He falls to the floor. As Poacher slips into unconsciousness he sees a carrionette approach him, silver needle in hand...the carrionette jumps on the ranger and plunges the needle into the back of his neck.
The party lie unconscious on the floor.

The party awake to find themselves in round, metal cages, suspended from the ceiling by a massive brass chain. Their first movements make the cages sway slightly. Carefully peering out, the sight that greets thier eyes chills them to the bone. They see a giant sized doppelgangers of themselves, fully 30 feet tall!!!. The room must be 40 feet at the ceiling, where their cages hang. One of the doppelganger giants gives you a cold, malicious glance as it walks out of the door, with the others..

As they depart, your perceptions correct themselves. You feel as though you are looking at an inverted, flat, line drawing of a three dimensional object. Your doppelganger body was normal size---its You who have shrunk!. Then, a glance at your body reveals an even more horrifying fact; you are inhabiting the body of a doll!

"This is not turning into a good day" says Rizzit, looking at his dog features "Anyone got any ideas?"
Sparhawk speaks, he looks like a wooden policeman "It seemeth to me , when we do get our bodies back, we will be held accountable for anything they have done in our stead"
Coleridge paces around his cage and gazes out taking everything in “I have a feeling you are probably right Spar, and there seems little we can do at present to prevent things from happening”
Sparhawk nods "We can hope someone realizes Poacher is unusually polite and thus thinks something is afoot…I doubt an imposter will be as foul mouthed as our companion here"
Coleridge taps himself to see what he is made of. Wood and String he deduces.
“If we could find a way to get these cages open we could probably fall to the floor without fear of harm in this form or use our strings to lower ourselves, for all the good it would do us” he says.
Sparhawk grabs the bars of his cage in an attempt to bend them open; he is successful and bends the bars sufficiently to create an opening. About 4 foot below is a table.
Coleridge attempts his bars but cannot summon the strength to shift them. “Nice one Spar” huffs Coleridge “But it seems even as a puppet my strength is no equal for yours”
"How do you casters fair....are you still with spells in this form?" Sparhawk inquires
“I cannot seem to vocalize properly in this form to instill my music with magic…. probably has something to do with the lack of vocal cords” replies Coleridge.
Rizzit nods "I feel unable to tap into my magical powers"
“I don’t know who is to blame, but Puppet or No, He's in a world of hurt!” grunts Feng as he fails to bend the bars on his cage.
Limara looks around her a while before commenting "it seems that i have lost my spells too...what the hells happened to us?" Limara catches a reflection of part of her face on the metal cage she’s examining "..and it looks like I’ve lost the ability to put my make up on too" She grabs the bars of her cage and pulls with all her might. She manages to bend the bars.
Poacher sits sullenly in his puppet form for a while. Then he suddenly stands up and pulls out the waistband of his puppet pants. The toyificated ranger lets out a shriek of anguish. "OH MY :):):):)ING GOD THEY'VE TAKEN MY :):):):)!!"
Limara sticks her head through the gap and looks down at the drop.." do you reckon i can drop to the table from here ?" she asks no one in particular. She turns to Poacher "..i would worry more about having no :):):):):):):):) if i were you..."
Poacher growls "Right this takes the :):):):)ing biscuit. Those :):):):)ing Mattel, toys R us bastards are gonna :):):):)ing pay. I am seriously gonna Kaplunk those :):):):)s. I mean i'm gonna feed the bastards to hungry :):):):)ing hippo's."
Limara nods "yup, i think my justice and your revenge are roughly the same outcome for these , these... :):):):)ers...."
"Have you tried bending your cage bars yet Poacher ?" asks Limara. Poacher grabs hold of the bars…He struggles pathetically but the bars fail to budge.
"What a load of rubbish." Says the ranger/ puppet hybrid in a worryingly "Mr Punch" manner.
"ohhh dearrr" replies Limara automatically.
Beltain remains quiet in his cage. He also attempts to bend the bars on his cage but fails, he slumps to the floor..looking completely bewildered.
Rizzit says to Sparhawk "You should be able to drop down Spar, not like we can bruise is it, and gravity wont treat us so badly"
Sparawk squeezes thru the opening in the bars, and lowers himself so he is dangling beneath his cage, then drops to the table below.
Rizzit calls down "need to find the keys then get something to put on the table to climb up onto"
Rizzit suddenly has an idea. He starts swinging his cage, attempting to bash into Poacher’s cage. "Gonna smash you good Mr Punch" he laughs. It bashes into Poachers cage..as it hits, the clasp at the top of the cage, holding it onto its supporting chain, breaks...Rizzits cage crashes onto the table below. Rizzit takes no damage from the fall, and the cage has broken open.
Sparhawk stands up "Ello Ello Ello" he then shakes his head wondering where that came from.
"Thats the way you do it" says Rizzit, climbing out of the broken cage.
Coleridge makes wild hand gestures trying to indicate he will attempt the same as Rizzit... he then recalls he is able to speak and calls down "look out below i'm going to attempt swinging my cage like Rizzit.”
Coleridge swings his cage from side to side, building up momentum....The clasp at the top breaks and the cage falls crashing down to the table below..
The cage breaks open on the table..Coleridge takes (1) damage from the fall. Coleridge climbs free from the wrecked cage onto the tabletop.
“It seemeth to be raining puppets" comments Sparhawk.
Poacher looks to the two cages that have fallen. He then glances to the door where is body has just left. "Those bastards are getting away with my :):):):)ing :):):):)."
Poacher's face takes on a steely, yet still very ugly determination. He swings the cage too and fro, hoping to break the catch.
Feng also suddenly catches on..he starts swinging his cage.
Both crash down onto the table below. Poacher takes (7) damage from the fall and Feng takes (2).
On the table is glue, string, and various puppet parts. They seem to be in a Toyshop.
The party take in their surroundings.
"Perhaps we can use it to heal, instead of a cure light wounds?" says Poacher, looking at the stuff on the table.
Rizzit looks over at Poacher "Wow this puppet thing has done you good Poacher, that was actually a good idea"
":):):):) off you idiot. It was a :):):):)ing joke. I was going to go on to add that at least then we'll have a healing option. Coz our :):):):)ing clerics are crap. Kekekeke."
Rizzit chuckles
Rizzit says "Well I think 'repairing' ourselves could be an option, carve yourself a :):):):) as well"
"Hey.. good idea.” Replies Poacher “I could carve myself a huge throbbing :):):):)... Limara could drill herself a minge... Hold on.. i don't think there's a Drill bit wide enough here... You'd need a mining drill or something.. Kekeke"
Rizzit ties some of the string around a hammer on the table. He ties one end around his waist and the party lowers him to the floor.
As Rizzit begins to move across the Floor of the toyshop he hears a noise. Out of one of the cabinets comes a Spinning Top, spinning angrily toward Rizzit.
“Getting killed by a childs toy is gonna suck” he says.
Coleridge executes a little pirouette and retrieves a glue pot from the table. He smiles woodenly (he has little choice at the moment) and attempts to throw the pot at the spinning top. The small pot of glue arcs high in the air and hits the Spinning Top, exploding on impact. Glue pours over the top.
Coleridge clasps his hands together expansively and bows
"Great. Now we have a sticky monster." Comments Poacher.
Rizzit watches the Spinning Top still advance toward him “Now I can get stuck to it as well as bashed"
Coleridge place his hands on his belly and then shakes them up and down in a fashion meant to simulate someone laughing at something humorous.
Feng clasps his head in his hands and rocks gently whilst standing... suddenly he stops. “Has anyone seen any o' them shivs or needles that them lil' bastards attacked us with? I guess we'll need 'em if we are to get back into our own bodies again.
Rizzit runs under the table, away from the Spinning Top, under the table are several boxes that he has to negotiate.
Sparhawk attempts to push the chisel that lies on the table, to the edge of the table. "Mayhap we can drop things onto it when it gets closer to us"
Feng and Poacher begin climbing down the string to the floor below.
Poacher says "In the absence of a needle i guess I’m gonna try and grapple the :):):):)ing spinning top. Unless one of you :):):):)ers can find some weapons."
Feng makes an esoteric gesture to the Spinning Top, marred only by the lack of a middle digit.
The Spinning Top stops spinning.. The glue hardening. It topples over, lying still.
Limara looks through the book on the table. It contains schematics for various puppets.
Limara looks puzzled, "weird dream" she mumbles.
Beltain suddenly comes to his senses in the cage. He looks down below and see’s his comrades. He begins to swing the cage. Sure enough the clasp breaks and he falls to the table below. His cage breaking open on impact.
"Am i dreaming?..." Limara blinks and mutters "wake up, wake up" to herself as she see’s the puppet Beltain emerge from his cage.
Limara becomes more alarmed by the second. It is starting to dawn on her that she IS conscious and for some unknown reason she IS actually a puppet, or at least trapped in a puppet. "Think, think... you went to bed and fell asleep with Beltain...Then you wake in a cage inside a very ugly marionette doll..." she muses to herself, running through events as logically as her somewhat simpler mind will allow " ...must have been attacked in my sleep...how long has past? The rest of the group, how did they get here? they went out..." She shouts to the party "What the hell happened when you lot went out last night?...Me n Bel have been bought here from our bed, how did you lot get here, what’s going on?"
Rizzit replies "We got attacked in the theatre by puppets and knocked unconscious, then woke up here like you did"
"What the fu..pardon me, please go on. Puppets? Tell me more...." says Limara.
"That’s all there is to tell" replies the dog puppet that is Rizzit. He continues “We need to find a way to get ourselves back into our own bodies, I dread to think what the puppet master is having us do in town or what harm is befalling our bodies"
Limara continues to ask questions “Who or what was in charge of the puppets?..who is the puppet master"
Coleridge begins to gesture at Limara then shakes his head and begins to talk instead
”The puppet master and the toy maker are one in the same.. guiseppe, gepetto or summat like that... there was just him at the theater the other person Rizzit referred to was his "special" puppet”.
Beltain wanders around the tabletop trying to orient himself and examining each of the items. He turns all the pages in the book hoping to see a scrap of additional paper that may give him a clue as to his plight. He even goes as far as to look down the books spine...
Poacher speaks "Ok. Our first :):):):)ing priority is to find some of those needle weapons. Come on you bunch of numbskulls... Lets get searching before a :):):):)ing animated axe leaps off the :):):):)ing walls and starts to chop us up. " Briefly Poacher looks down at his body and notices something. "Oh :):):):)ing hell. I've got :):):):)ing woodworm. Bastards!"
Poacher grabs on of the tins on the floor and pushes it over to a cupboard. He then gets on the tin and reaches for the handle and tries to open the cupboard to look in side. "Pick an area and get :):):):)ing searching." he shouts to the others. "Why to i keep getting the :):):):)ing urge to feed sausages to a :):):):)ing crocodile?" he mutters to himself. Poacher manages to open the cabinet he is near. It contains paper, cardboard, paintbrushes, screws, wooden pegs, tarpaper, and whetstone.
Rizzit pushes a box over to a set of shelves and starts hunting around on them for anything he can use as a weapon. Rizzit searches the shelves, he finds: Fine cuts of various woods, jars of paint, scraps of cloth, bars of soap, lumps of clay, pieces of chalk, balls of string, and various puppet parts. Also on this shelf Rizzit finds 8 small knives...these look similar to the ones the carrionettes were carrying.
Coleridge moves over and searches the shelves nearer the door for anything of use. He finds a small key, it looks like it would open the cages the party were originally trapped in.
"Good work Rizzit.” Says Poacher “Hand the :):):):)ing weapons out and lets go kick arse. I reckon there will be some :):):):)ing magical device or monster that facilitates the swapping of our bodies and we won't be able to go back till it or him are dead."
Coleridge with the shelf area near the door searched moves over to an area as yet unsearched and again begins to thoroughly search.
Sparhawk speaks "I have but one concern neighbours, we must not mortally injure our own bodies lest we be stuck in these wooden shells fore'er"
“Only one concern? Mine are enough to fill a book, however we must find a way to protect ourselves and, if possible, repair any damage we may suffer.”
Beltain looks around on the table to see if any of the items or the wrecked cages might be of use. He then examines his damage. By using string and glue, and consulting the book on the table, Beltain recons damage could be healed to their doll bodies.
Beltain then breaks apart one of the cages and begins to make a makeshift grappling hook.
Sparhawk speaks out loud "We will also need to start looking for a way of escaping this place neighbours, we do not know how long we will be left alone, nay we do not even know if we are still within the town"
Rizzit hands out the small straight Razors to everyone, everyone except Beltain who is still on the table.
Feng Smiles woodenly
Limara descends from the table, whilst Beltain is working away making the grappling hook.. Limara goes to check out a Dolls House in the shop window, she walks past the front door to the shop. Its handle is out of reach and it appears to have a lock.
Feng & Sparhawk proceed to different Cabinets to search them.
Just before she enters the Dolls House a Dart flies toward Limara from the cabinet Sparhawk is approaching. The dart misses her and embeds in the side of the dolls house.
Just then Sparhawk notices a Teddy Bear moving in the cabinet in front of him...Also a Kite on the wall seems to be moving. Feng notices a ball on the shelf infront of him, roll out toward him.

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First Post

Beltain calls to the others to watch out for the moving items and scans the room from his vantage point to see if there are any other items moving
”What is wrong with this soddin' place - everything is out for our...whateverit is we have.” Snorts Feng “...An I'm not sure that Gruumsh would actually welcome a puppet servant in the afterlife - someone has to pay, bigstyle for what has gone on here.”
Poacher says "We need to find a :):):):)ing way of reversing this :):):):)ing body swap process. Now we have weapons those needles are our next priority. That and fist :):):):)ing big ted over there.”
Sparhawk moves to attack the animated Teddy Bear. He lunges with his razor but misses. Sparhawk shakes his head in wonder "What would my old preceptor say, I am a trained knight fighting an teddy bear??"
Beltain calls from the table “I think that your preceptor would understand why you are fighting it, strange though it may be, but he would not understand you missing the bloody thing!” Funny, he thinks to himself, I can still smell Poacher's fragrance from here, it must be my imagination - mustn't it?
The Kite flies across the room
Poacher says out loud as he runs toward the animated toys "It's a good job i've got 'Eagle Eyes'. Though I’m worried my rubber thumbs will be the first thing to fall off, then i won't be able to use my :):):):)ing weapon."
Coleridge also runs toward the animated toys.
Feng attacks the ball but misses. The ball bounces at Feng, hitting him in the chest for (1) damage.
"Do you suppose we may get out bodies back simply by removing the pins from the necks of our real bodies?" says Rizzit out loud.
"Oooh. Never thought of that. Good :):):):)ing idea though. .. Eh.. You're still a :):):):). Don't think i'm being nice. Kekekeke." Replies Poacher.
Rizzit retorts "Maybe if Poacher jumped on the fire we could see if the destruction of his puppet forced him back into his old body"
Beltain moves over to the string ready to descend to the floor. Then he relaxes and adopts a Zen posture to consider the essence of his substance. His brain follows the annular rings and the subtle constituents of his body. Ommmmmm.
The Teddy Bear ambles toward Sparhawk, hitting him twice for (2) damage.
Meanwhile inside the Dolls House Limara has a look around. On the bottom floor she finds Dolls House furniture and a normal size biscuit that has been placed there for some reason. She moves upstairs. She shouts to the rest of the party in the shop "..more sweets" she exclaims "normal size, not toy size. Wonder what there in here for.. Theres no one in here ... ill come and help you lot and search it afterwards"
“The sweets may be a lure - follow them to the spiders web....” replies Beltain from the tabletop.
Sparhawk attacks the Teddy Bear again, but again misses his furry adversary.
The Kite flies over..it stops and hovers above Beltain.
Poacher continues to run across the shop floor to help his fellow Puppets. As does Coleridge.
Another Dart shoots out of the shelf behind the teddy bear. It hits Coleridge for (2) damage.
"What the :):):):) is up with Beltain?” says Poacher “He's behaving all weird. Mind you, he's being less of a twat. May be he's emerged from the oppression of his masculinity that being in coitus with Limara has left him with. Maybe he has reached a holy epiphany which give him wisdom beyond the physical world and the knowledge of the very gods that hey seeks to emulate?"
He continues, "Maybe he has been enraptured with a holy fire that will lead him to purify the world of sin and hardship?"
He concludes "Narr.. Stop being a :):):):) Bel and help us twat these :):):):)ers."
Rizzit rolls his wooden eyes "We seem to be getting our arses kicked by a load of toys, what we gonna do if the kids turn up"
Feng tries to co-ordinate his wooden limbs - a very inadequate replacement for his usual mighty thews.. He strikes out with his razor and pierces the ball for (3) damage.
”Take that you bouncing twat!”
"Well done Feng, you achieved something so far I have not been able to" says Sparhawk.
Feng inclines his head “The secret is, to step over your own strings!”
Sparhawk sighs "This weapon doth not feel right in my hands.....nay my hands do not feel right"
Poacher spits "Perhaps the weapon doesn't feel right in your hands Sparhawk, because you're not using it to stab one of your friends in the back you disloyal :):):):)."
The ball bounces at Rizzit, but misses.
Beltain begins to climb down the rope, the kite hovers above him..
Limara storms downstairs and out of the building as fast as her puppet prison of a body will allow. She emerges from the dolls house. As she does, another dart flies off the shelf at her. It hits her for (4) damage.
The teddy bear yet again strikes twice at Sparhawk, but fails to connect.
Rizzit lunges at the ball. He swings the razor wide of the mark nearly giving Feng a trim. "Feng has hit the ball" he yells.
Sparhawk again lunges at the teddy bear. This time he hits and causes (2) damage.. Stuffing starts spilling onto the floor from the teddy bear.
The kite attempts to ram Beltain off of the string he is holding onto, it misses.
Poacher attacks the ball with his razer. He hits for (1) damage. :):):):)! I only nicked it. You'd have thought i'd have been better at attacking balls. I've had a little practice. Kekekekekeke."
“Nice hit” shouts down Beltain.
"When i :):):):)ing need complements about my :):):):)ing performance from the :):):):)ing Holy :):):):):):):) of Antioch i'll :):):):)ing ask for the, Just concentrate on killing your :):):):)ing kite Dalai Dan." Spits back the puppet ranger.
Limara shakes her head “This is ridiculous.... this isn't the realworld...it make believe!!"
Beltain shouts back “This IS the real world until we can make it NOT SO. We are fighting for our very existence - believe it!” He then shouts back to Poacher “Dalai Dan - that has a nice ring to it - why thank you Poacher - you do have a softer side!”
Coleridge tilts his head to one side quizzically and grins woodenly at the giant teddy before him.. he then lashes out wickedly with his razor. The puppet bard hits for (3) damage…more stuffing falls onto the floor.
Coleridge claps his hands appreciatively then sidesteps in a bouncing fashion to the side of the teddy.
Feng strikes the ball with his razor. He pierces it for (1) damage. The ball deflates.
“What a let down!” Feng Grins in Triumph.
Sparhawk is hit twice by the teddy bear for (3) damage.
Rizzit moves to the teddy bear and attacks…he misses.
Sparhawk slashes back at the Teddy Bear with his straight Razor, he hits and the bear crumples to the floor, the rest of its stuffing spilling out on the floor.
The Kite rams Beltain as he climbs down the string. It hurts him badly (7). But Beltain remains holding on to the string.
Sparhawk shouts "These enemies are causing us much trouble, mayhap we should leave this place as soon as the kite is vanquished"
"What about checking upstairs" shouts Rizzit.
Limara shouts as she runs toward Beltain "Smashing the kite up is the next item on the agenda. After that we should vote on whether we chase after our bodies or explore this place more. I think that Poacher has a valid point about finding the sleeping dart needle thingies... we might well need our bodies unconscious to take back control of them........hang on Bel honey, im on my way.."
Feng nods “Yep, we need to find the needles before we leave this place. I don't plan to spend the rest of eternity as a lump o' wood.”
"The plan has merit, the said needles may indeed be the key to restoring us to our former selves" says Sparhawk.
Poacher runs toward the back door "I say we check the back door. I reckon it leads to up or down stairs."
Limara shouts up to Beltain as she reaches the table "Bel... let go of the rope and drop to the floor. Spar jumped from there and took no damage, you'll be ok from there ..We could all try n grapple it when it attacks, once we have it on the floor we can destroy it easily."
"OK, im dropping to the floor" says Beltain, trusting in Limara's good judgment. He lets go of the string and falls to the floor safely. He looks above at the kite and then runs under the table. Limara joins him under the table. There are a few boxes pled up here. The kite will have difficulty attacking them there. "Bel, keep under cover until the rest get here ... then you can get a razor from Rizzit." She says.
Limara shouts to the group.."Whats the plan.. are we all gonna try and grapple it or are we just gonna try n hit it when it sweeps down on someone?"
Rizzit also runs towards the table.
Feng puts his head down and runs as fast as he can towards the table also. “Do we think these are animated by some Wizard (Spit!) or possessed by some spirit? It will matter if I am to attempt this. Lim, Belt, any Opinions?” he says as he reaches Beltain and Limara.
Sparhawk runs towards the table to try to aid with the kite
The Kite flies across the room...Hovering 5ft over Poacher and Sparhawk..
Sparhawk looks at the kite, then at Poacher...he raises an eyebrow and calmly says "You realize your dog is probably going to eat you like this?"
“Anyone fancy making a kinda Voluge with a stick, a razor and some string? I might give us some reach on this kite - but I intend to Grapple it should it come within reach, so....” offers Feng. No-one replies.
Beltain says “I think that the toymaker managed to animate the toys, maybe by accident. Figlio is special and may control the others in some way or have special powers but that the rest are fairly mindless. Perhaps some basic survival drives and like undead a hatred/jealousy of humankind. I suspect that killing the toymaker will disrupt the "spell" but this is JUST A GUESS." He continues “Just wanted to say feng" Beltain stumbles on, "I am honored to have you in the party, your heroism in the face of danger (some would say foolhardy) is a lesson to us all". Beltain turns away embarrassed by this show of emotion.
"Good idea. Hide under the table till the :):):):)er comes within reach. Then jump on the bastard." Poacher runs and joins the others under the table.
Rizzit says "Maybe Figilio is somehow possesed by an evil spirit and in fact controls the toymaker and makes him do all this"
"Or maybe he's just a :):):):)?" chips in Poacher.
Limara nods "..both sound viable options right now."
”In either case he has to die - but after we get our bodies back!” says Beltain.
Coleridge makes a dash back across toward the shelf he previously searched
“I think i saw something which may be of some use over here” he calls to the others as he makes his dash.
"The sooner we get out of this , the better" Beltain tells Limara, "There is something very wrong about this place, Princess" he adds, smiling at her
Beltain looks around to see if any of the darts humming out of the shelves, walls, doll's house etc. have come to rest on the floor unharmed. If they have they might make a good missile weapon against the kite. If only, he thinks, I could reach the top shelf of that toycase to the south and grab the catapult.
Poacher glances over to Beltain, suddenly he realizes that the Consecrated Clodhopper is having an internal monolog. What a wanker. Thinks the Ranger. Only Twats have internal Monologs, he muses, only right :):):):)ing nob-ends.
Limara, Feng, Rizzit, Beltain and Poacher huddle under the table. Coleridge runs toward one of the shelves and Sparhawk continues to run toward the table with the kite hot on his heels.
“I say we try and grapple it when it gets near” says Feng.
Limara nods "Feng, when you make your move i will back you up, if you succeed i will grab it too. If you fail, i will try n slice it instead"
“Game on, Princess!” replies Feng.
Beltain shouts “Come over here Spar - force the thing to follow you - then we can jump it!”
Poacher laughs at Limara "You'll :):):):)ing back him up? That'll be the :):):):)ing day you :):):):)ing useless :):):):)ing slut. You're about as supportive as a :):):):)ing dose of :):):):)ing syphilis you :):):):)ing :):):):), Sparhawk, who's a :):):):)ing traitorous :):):):) could do better. And he'd stab me in the :):):):)ing back as soon as look at me."
Feng smiles woodenly “Poach me ole fruit - I'd never stab ya in the back - I'd want to see your eyes and feel the last breath on me face as the blade went in….BECAUSE I AM FENG!”
Beltain goes to give Limara's hand a squeeze but realizes that it just isn't the same if you are made of wood. His face is a wooden mask... He looks at Poacher “You just have to admit that the smell from your new form is a distinct improvement.”
Limara looks over at Poacher.."..you are a sad and wretched creature, all you do is belittle or insult your own comrades. Why do you hang around with us if we are all so disappointing or useless? "
Sparhawk moves under the table hoping to draw the kite with him. "Poacher I have no intention of stabbing you at all, In fact the less I have to do with you the better neighbour"
The Kite moves across the room, hovering over Coleridge.
Poacher spits back at the others "I belittle and insult you because you are a bunch of useless :):):):)ing :):):):)s who couldn't find their arse with both hands and an atlas. I hang around with you because i once :):):):)ing thought that there was the :):):):)ing vaguest chance of making a profit out of this debacle. And anyway, it's all academic now coz we're stuck together in puppet purgatory. And as for you Spar you righteous :):):):) hole, it make no change when you're having nothing to do with me. You never :):):):)ing have you turncoat :):):):). Not even when i stood by you and healered your :):):):)ing stupid spavined nag. Or when i :):):):)ing backed you up with healing in a :):):):)ing fight when even the useless :):):):)ing :):):):)s we call clerics couldn't heal you? All you :):):):)ing do is stand by and let these shower of :):):):)s attack me and you raise not a :):):):)ing finger. Well :):):):)ing you you turncoat :):):):)ing! You you AND the horse you rode in on." The ranger puppet the runs out from under the table toward the fire place.
Coleridge continues to run determinedly towards the shelves in the strange lolloping gate of marionettes everywhere. The kite hovers menacingly above him. Suddenly it drops and rams Coleridge for (6) damage.
Poacher suddenly shouts from near the fireplace. "You're all a bunch of :):):):)s. Die you mother:):):):)ers!" The puppet that is Poacher picks up a poker and carries it to the fire. He sticks the poker into the base of the fire, The Deeply disturbed Ranger then heaves on the lever and flicks burning matter out of the fire. "DIE PIGGY PIGGY DIE!!!!"
Beltain shouts to Coleridge “Back here Cole - or perhaps we could join you half-way? Someone do something about Poacher!”
Sparhawk states flatly "We musts help Coleridge...I think Poacher is beyond any help we can give him"
Feng nods “I agree - First we help Cole, then I'll see to Poacher. Cole Run to Us - I'll meet ya.” Feng runs from under the table toward Coleridge.
"I'm right behind you Feng" adds Beltain, following.
"Maybe we should capture the kite and question it" muses Rizzit.
"Do you speak 'kite' then?" asks Limara.
":):):):):) if that helps" states Rizzit.
Coleridge turns and runs towards his companions... his veneer severely cracked from the battering of the kite he leaves a trail of flecked paint and splinters in his wake.
He shouts back to the others “Theres a sling shot up on that shelf i was hoping to use it to fire marbles or something at the kite, but any more battering from that thing and i think i would have split along my grain”
Feng winces “You've got to look after your wood, man.”
Sparhawk moves next to Feng shielding Coleridge, he holds his razor readied "You hold it, I will hit it neighbours" he says with the steeliest wooden look he can muster.
The kite flys toward the party and swoops down to attack. Feng attempts to grab hold of it, but he misses. Limara manages to hit it with her razor as it swoops down and damages it for (1). The kite rams into Feng causing him (4) damage.
Feng attempts to go into a rage….he is unable to.. “This damned cold blooded body cannot rage!”
Rizzit strikes out at the kite but misses.
Poacher turns from the fire and runs in his crazy, puppet gate across the room. Giggling gleefully like a maniacally motivated manikin.
Limara says "Poacher has lost it ... he's a firestarter, twisted firestarter."
She sways to imaginary music...
"OI POACHER....." she shouts. "You’re the trouble starter, punking instigator…. You’re the fear addicted, danger illustrated…. you’re a firestarter, twisted firestarter,… you're the firestarter, twisted firestarter…. I'm the bitch you hated, filth infatuated…. Yeah, I'm the pain you tasted, fell intoxicated… you’re a firestarter, twisted firestarter,… you're the firestarter, twisted firestarter…. You’re the self-inflicted, punk detonator…. But who’s the one invented, twisted animator…. You’re a firestarter, twisted firestarter,… you're the firestarter, twisted firestarter…. starter... starter... starter... "
Limara looks round to Coleridge..." what do ya think ?"
Beltain looks at Limara and wonders if its all got too much for her.
Limara mouths "wake me up..please" but no one can see it.
Coleridge lollops around to get to a better vantage point to strike at the kite. Coleridge bows lazily to the kite then lashes out wickedly with the razor. He misses clumsily with the awkward tool in his wooden grasp.
Beltain also misses.
“Good effort folks - we'll down this sucker this time.” Says Feng.
Sparhawk strikes, but misses. He sighs "I hope your aim is better than mine Feng"
Beltain looks at Feng expectantly, waiting for the barbarian warrior to launch himself at their foe. Beltain then gives Limara a reassuring pat on the bottom but is embarrassed at the knock of wood on wood. This is a nightmare – please let it be a nightmare – he thinks.
Poacher begins to sing a frenzied song as he runs away from the small fire he has caused..
"WATCH OUT!...."
Feng strikes at the kite, but fails to hit. “Slippery sucker!” he looks over to Poacher “:):):):)in Mad bastard threw me off me stroke.”
Limara tries to attack the kite, but also misses. "Curse this gloss varnish..cant get a good grip on this blade"
The kite flys up in the air, obviously about to ram again...as it moves the party puppets take their chance to strike!..
Sparhawk, Limara and Beltain all manage to hit as the kite flys up.. It falls back to the floor…a crumpled mess. With all the animated toys seemingly dispatched, if they could, the party would, breath a sigh of relief!.
The small fire Poacher started...burns out..
"Methinks we should check up the stairs, mayhap we will find some answers there neighbours" Sparhawk states as he heads to the foot of the staircase
Coleridge moves back over to the shelves towards which he was previously headed.. Once there he begins to slowly climb up to retrieve the slingshot and assesses its potential use as a ranged weapon in his current form. He deduces that it would need two of them to hold and one person to pull back, if they were to attempt to use it as a weapon.
Rizzit also moves over to the stairs and climbs up them.
":):):):).” Says Poacher, seeing his fire die out “Maybe setting a fire upstairs might work."
Poacher looks at the coat hanging on a peg on the wall. He jumps up and yanks on it. It falls to the floor. He deduces it must be Guiseppes coat that he wears whilst working on puppets. Poacher searches the pockets. All he finds is a sheet of sandpaper and some chalk. He looks at the backdoor. It has a handle that is out of reach and it appears to have a lock.
Sparhawk watches the party for a moment then also starts to climb the stairs
Feng vindictively punctures the helpless ball before climbing the stairs after Rizzit.
“Nice work people. I'll volunteer to hold the slingshot with someone else, if someone fancies their luck with the whole shooting idea?”
Limara follows Beltain over to the bottom of the stairs and climbs them with him.
"We could trap the stairs by putting the roller skates on the steps about half way up...if we are chased by a human we could lure them back down onto it.."
Beltain replies “We need to get out of here and into the town. I'm worried about the amount of damage these constructs could do to my body in a short length of time and to yours too”
Poacher finally gives up the ghost of independent action and runs over to and climbs the stairs with the others.
Coleridge calls out "Hey wait up...and anyone fancy giving me a hand carrying some of this stuff or should i leave it?"
Coleridge slowly makes his way over and up the stairs after the others balancing as much as he can on his little wooden arms
“OK Cole, I'll give you a hand with the slingshot” says Feng.



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First Post
The party emerges upstairs. There are several rooms, divided by beaded curtains.
Poacher runs up to the purple beaded curtain and looks through. He chitters crazily while doing so.
Rizzit goes to look through another of the beaded curtains. It appears to be a storeroom.
Poacher looks into what appears to be a bedroom. On the bed lies a cat. It seems Poachers chattering has awoke him..
Beltain turns to Limara. "Don't worry Princess, this is just a dream, although if its yours, mine or some mad gods, I really don't know. But we still have to think our way out of this, because if we don't we may not wake up"
Feng nods “I reckon Belt is right - the gods are toying with us.”

Beltain looks in the room and spots the beaded curtains dividing the rooms. He says to Limara “Those bead curtains - couldn't we cut them and use the glass balls as ammo?”
Limara nods "..good thinking Bel honey..."
Sparhawk moves towards the curtains when he hears the cat hiss at Poacher
The cat jumps off the bed and claws at Poacher through the beaded curtain, luckily the beads impede the creature’s attack and it misses the puppet Poacher.
Limara turns to Coleridge and Feng “You move the catapult, and i'll load and fire.” She laughs "ok boys...which pussy is the target ??”
Beltain moves behind Limara, Razor at the ready.
Rizzit saunters woodenly over towards Poacher.
Limara turns to Beltain "bel, you are a love.... can you guard us 'Catapelters' with your blade, we're gonna be easy targets.."
Feng shouts to Poacher “C'mon Poach - Run this way ya puppet!”
Poacher heeds Feng’s advice and runs up the corridor, Feng & Coleridge are still maneuvering the Slingshot round the corner.
Rizzit watches Poacher run “You :):):):)ing coward Poacher, every time i go to help you, you just run away and leave me in trouble, this is the last time” He looks back to the beaded curtains..the cat eyes him, a little dog puppet, then emits a hiss.
Sparhawk moves into position next to Rizzit, hoping to draw the cat out so the slingshot will have a clear shot at it when it is positioned.
The cat leaps through the beaded curtain and attacks Rizzit. Rizzit dexterously avoids the cat’s attack. Around the cats neck is a pendant with the words “Gatto”.
Rizzit turns to the policeman puppet standing next to him “Thanks Spar, nice to know someone here has the balls to stay put in a fight.” Rizzit strikes out at the cat with his razor, but misses. “Well what a surprise.” He states woodenly.
Poacher turns round and see’s Gatto the cat attacking Rizzit and Sparhawk. He mutters “:):):):)” and runs back to aid them.
Feng and Coleridge continue to drag the Slingshot into position...Limara and Beltain follow behind.. They can hear the sounds of combat round the corner.
Sparhawk lunges at Gatto with his razor, the cat avoids the blow.
Gatto again claws twice at Rizzit and also attempts to bite, but once again Rizzit manages to avoid all the attacks “BUTTERPAWS” he shouts.
Sparhawk looks up the corridor and notices Feng and Coleridge just appearing round the corner with the Slingshot. He shouts back at them "Aim for the cat neighbours, try to avoid me please"
“I am immortal, tremble pussy” taunts Rizzit.
Rizzit stabs at Gatto again with his razor, this time he hits good, the small blade penetrating deep in the cats belly.
"Nicely done neighbour" says Sparhawk.
“Thanks Spar, from you that is truly a compliment”
“Well done Spot!….Um I mean Rizzit” shouts Beltain from the end of the corridor.
Poacher runs to the fight and attacks Gatto. The puppet ranger slices the cat. Gatto slumps to the floor, still breathing, but bleeding heavily.
Sparhawk looks at the unconscious cat "Very well done all, mayhap one day i can hit in this form" Sparhawk sighs.
The party searches upstairs. There is a bedroom area, a storeroom, and another small room containing a bookcase.
Poacher enters the bedroom area. There is a table. He climbs up on to a chair and then hops over. On the table is a book and a key ring with two keys. The book appears to be a diary.
“Read it out” shouts Feng. Poacher obliges.

I have created a son! It does not matter that he is made of wood, cloth, and paint; he is my son. I have named him Figlio. He is not like other marionettes. He can walk and talk on his own. I am so proud!

Figlio begged me to make him some friends. How could I refuse him? Strangely, they are not like him. They move and talk, but they are flat and emotionless, like dolls and not children. Figlio seemed disappointed at first, but he will get over it, im sure. He’s such a good little boy.

Figlio was hurt badly today. Two dogs tore him in half. I used some glue and string and was able to fix him up just like new. I have told him to be careful around the fireplace, though. If he becomes too badly burned, I would not be able to repair him. I suspect that fire is the only thing that can really harm my little boy.

I have discovered a horrible secret. The friends of Figlio are all bad boys. They stole silver needles from the silversmith. They stick people with the needles and they go unconscious. Figlio and his friends wrestled me to the ground and used the needles on me. I didn’t mind. Young boys need to roughhouse with their father. They would never really hurt me. Figlio even stuck a needle into my neck. Then he got really mad and said “Why can I not control you” Oh, that prankster! He is truly my pride and joy.

Figlio has been a bad boy. He captured a grown up and put his mind into the body of one of his wooden boys. How naughty! Figlio says that the only way the man can escape is to drive a silver needle into the neck of his true body. Then they will trade minds again. I sent him to bed early for being so bad.

I am worried about Figlio. He isn’t happy very often. Tonight at the show he told his boys to capture all of the adults at the theater. Figlio says its really better this way. We can take much better care of the children than their parents could. He also changed his name to Maligno, declaring that he is now the ruler of Half-Hap. Figlio says that, as ruler of Half-Hap, nobody can leave unless they kill him first. That boy has such imagination!. He wants me to call him Maligno, but he will always be my Figlio. We had to leave the theater quickly, there was some adventurers there. Figlio says he has to capture these bad men. I wish he wouldn’t play sheriffs and thieves so often. I hope these bad men don’t hurt my little boy.

Sparhawk searches the backroom. In the huge bookcase he finds a old scroll. It looks out of place in the books on the shelves. He opens it and reads.

These signs were foreseen by Hyskosa, a Vistani most gifted with The Sight. Spread word of
these wherever you travel. Only the truehearted can stop the fall of the night of evil.

“In house of Daegon the sorcerer born,
Through life, unlife, unliving shall scorn.

“The lifeless child of stern mother found
Heralds a time, night of evil unbound.

“Seventh time the son of sons doth rise
To send the knave to an eternity of cries.

“The light of the sky shining over the dead
Shall gutter and fail, turning all to red.

“The bodiless journey to time before,
Where happiness to hate makes land of lore.

“Inajira will his fortunes reverse,
And all shall live with dreaded curse.”

Rizzit searches the storeroom. He finds various household objects, there is a large chest here. It is locked.
Beltain gives Limara a quick hug. “Throw the keys down…Rizzit may need them” he shouts up to Poacher. Poacher throws the keyring down to Beltain.
The smaller of the keys does indeed fit the lock on the trunk in the storeroom. The puppet party all assist in opening the lid of the trunk.
Rizzit rummages through the contents.

Inside is: Various items of clothing, a small leather bag containing 300gp, and a Platinum ring set with a large diamond, surrounded by a circle of smaller sapphires and rubies...

Coleridge looks at the ring. It seems to have runes inscribed "hmm does anyone recognize the runes inside the ring?"
The puppet Coleridge continues to speak “It sounds by the content of Guiseppe's diary that our assumptions about the silver needles were correct, now we just need to find those needles so we can get our bodies back” He pauses a moment “And i wonder why Maligno was unable to control the puppeteer as the puppets seem to have been able to everyone else”
The party search the storeroom and find various mundane household items. They find a small bag, rather large to them, and decide they can use it to transport the stuff found.
Beltain speaks up “Let's get on and try and find our bodies, I hate to think what kind of abuse those puppets may have put them to.” He glances significantly at Limara, and would have raised an eyebrow - but, sadly, the wooden face doesn't allow this.
Sparhawk nods "I agree Beltain, we musts find our true bodies"
Limara quickly reads the diary and scroll..."We need to find the silver needles to get our bodies back first. If we haven't got the needles we cant get our bodies back"
”The diary and scroll explain about the transference?” asks Feng “We need to keep them as evidence, just in case the law around here want to charge us for whatever our bodies have got up to. And I agree - first find the needles, then back to our bodies, then to smite whoever is really responsible. I'd consider transferring Maligno into a body just so i can beat the crap outta him.”
Feng grabs hold of the slingshot “Lets go folks - the honorable artillery company will follow as quickly as we can.” He indicates to Coleridge to give him a hand.
Limara mumbles under her breath..."More Vistani visions, bloody time spies.....i see no mist ...:):):):), i was asleep..no.. no.. no....no way, no bastard way... " she stops abruptly, realizing that she is talking out loud.
She turns and replies to Feng "Good idea Feng, evidence is good...... its sounds like Guiseppe is completely mad in his diary, i dont know why Figlio cant control him, summoned creatures cant normally control their masters...But it seems that Guiseppe didn't summon anything as it he doesn't say he can use magic. He thinks its some sort of miracle of the gods that gave his puppet life. But as Guiseppe is good and his puppet is most certainly evil, it sounds more like a curse than a miracle..."
She concludes "I say Guiseppe is good, i mean was good... he is now completely La La, bonkers, insane.... "
Beltain interjects “Well, if he is mad we should try and save him - but only if we can do so without endangering ourselves. After all it's his actions that have lead to the slaughter of parents in the town and goodness knows what else.”
Limara sighs "I have a feeling that Guiseppe isn't going to co-operate with us... guess we will have to play it by ear. "
Beltain nods Yep - We can't afford to be too nice...
Poacher jumps down from the table "Ok. Well this is a right :):):):)ing debacle an' no :):):):)ing mistake. So the demented old toymaker :):):):) has :):):):)ing created a :):):):)ing army of monsters puppets and they're taking over all the adults. :):):):)ing fant-:):):):)ing-tastic. Well guys. We need to :):):):)ing show those wooden souled bastards what being human is all about. We need to find the silver :):):):)ing needles and :):):):)ing quick."
He grabs hold of the old scroll and reads it "And this :):):):)ing Poem looks like some sort of prophecy. Lets analyze it, maybe it's got some :):):):)ing answers in their?"
He reads out aloud 'The lifeless boy of stern mother found..." .. Lifeless boy... Puppet.. Stern mother found.. Wood is stern.. and you find it... That's Figlio. ' Heralds a time, night of evil unbound'... Ok Figlio being made :):):):)s things up.. Well that's happened."
He looks up at the party "What about the next verse? ' Seventh time the son of sons doth rise...' The son of sons? Who's that?...'To send the knave to an eternity of cried'... Well i'm :):):):)ed if i know what that means. Anyone? How about you Cole? You're supposed to be good at this :):):):)?"
The party bundle all the items found so far into their small sack. Convinced that nothing else of importance will be found upstairs, the party goes back downstairs.
“Right guys any ideas about how we open the door? Or do we try the window?” says Beltain .
Poacher holds the old scroll in his hands "Come on guys. We need to :):):):)ing look at this :):):):)ing poem thingy. What the :):):):) does it mean?"
Feng replies “If you want me to critique this :):):):)in doggerel, someone is gonna have to read it to me - in toto. I can't read.” He says as if by way of explanation “I'm not a poof.”
He continues “Are the silver needles special silver needles, or would any do? If any would do, I vote we hustle over to the Silversmith and nick some, pronto. In the absence of any other plan, I vote for that right now.” He Pats the slingshot handle affectionately “I reckon we could go out of the window. At least we can open that with Mr. Singshot, here. The question is, before we go, do we booby trap the place to kill any of these twisted :):):):)s when they return?. I know you say the toymaker is not responsible - but frankly I don't give a :):):):). Nobody makes Feng into a puppet without blood flowing? OK?”
Sparhawk shakes his head "Let us not waste time setting traps, justice can be decided upon whence we have been returned to our bodies, Neighbours keep that catapult at the ready, I shall endeavor to climb up and see what I can see from the window"
Sparhawk moves over to one of the display tables in the window of the toyshop and begins climbing.
Poacher cant believe the parties apathy "So you bunch of :):):):)ing :):):):)s are determined to completely :):):):)ing ignore the prophecy? Well :):):):) the lot of you. "
“Sorry Poacher,” replies Rizzit “Its a natural defense mechanism, my brain just filters out anything that comes from your mouth, assuming its just gonna be *spam*”
"Well at :):):):)ing least think about the :):):):)ing poem you :):):):)."
“Can we do anything about it? do we really care?” asks the toy dog.
Poacher huffily trudges over to the tins of paint and examines them. Wondering if they are oil based paints.
Rizzit watches Poacher “Well, I see what you may be thinking, how do we burn that felatio fellow without getting burn ourselves.”
"Tie the :):):):)er up and chuck 'im on the fire...." blurts out Limara. "And as for the prophecies, its Vistani visions... i doubt they're relevant to this current situation. "
“Whats a vistani?” asks Rizzit.
"The vistani are gypsies... and they practice the art of soothsaying, reading the future..." replies Limara.
“Come on let's find a way out of here” says Beltain “We need to find the silver needles before the puppets do awful things with the borrowed bodies - OUR bodies!!!” Beltain addresses the group "Setting traps is a bad idea - we may well have forgotten something that we need in this horrid place so we may have to return. You hear that Poacher? We may have to come back here if we want to free our bodies"
Coleridge tries to fathom the intricacies of the prophecies or to recollect if he has encountered anything like it in his travels before, but his head feels fogged in… ill equipped to the task... he bangs the side of his head in frustration only to produce a sad knocking sound. “Sorry i can't seem to focus or think in this new form.. i agree we need to get out of here, and heading to the silversmith may not be a bad idea if that’s what they did themselves... as for setting traps i don't see any merit in that idea, what if its us.. well our bodies that come back first we'll only be damaging ourselves” He looks up to the window “How looks it up there Spar?”
Sparhawk hauls himself up onto the table. He then lowers down some string for the others to climb up. He examines the windows. They are secured by knurled window locks. He has trouble undoing the locks with his puppet hands but eventually he succeeds. He pushes on the window frame and it opens outward. He sticks his puppet head out of the window and looks around. He sees the cobbled streets of Half-Hap. It is dark....and quiet....he sees not a soul about.. 3ft below the window ledge is the street. Sparhawk thinks it would be easy to drop down...and escape the toyshop..
Beltain heads over to Spars table and climbs up to join him at the window, "I think it's time to leave" he says "AND I really don't like the way Poacher's mind is working - I think he is about to do something very, very stupid. Princess, can you get the rest of the up here?" he shouts down. He cuts a length of string from one of the puppets on the shelf and dangles it over the edge "To pull the catapult up" he explains
Poacher moves the oil paint tin to one side then looks around the tins of paint for any turpentine or white spirit. He then checks the rags to see if any are oily, separating those ones out. "Ok. Here's what i'm going to :):):):)ing do. You :):):):)s head out and find those :):):):)ers.. But i reckon you should hide near the outside of this shop. Coz when i set the :):):):)er alight and those :):):):)s come running then you can :):):):)ing get them. This :):):):)ing baby is gonna :):):):)ing burn. BURN BABY BURN!"
Rizzit snarls at Poacher "You :):):):)ing idiot Poacher, we are not burning houses down in this town. The whole place could go up"
Sparhawk calls down from the table "Poacher I see no point in setting fires....even if people do come running we stand no chance in this form, and remember we are made of wood and that doth tend to burn easily neighbour" Sparhawk takes another look out the window "I have the window open neighbours, let us make good our escape and begin our search"
Feng Nods "I'm for getting out as soon as possible too - as for Poacher - he can do what he damn well likes - if it flushes the bastards back here, it's a good plan. I just want time to get to the silversmiths for the needles before we get ready for them scumbags"
"Me too, i want outta here..." says Limara, moving to the table.
All the party, except Poacher, exit the toyshop via the window. The night air is cold, and all seems still.
Meanwhile..inside the Toyshop, Poacher finds some terps. He determines he has everything he needs to start a fire..

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First Post
Beltain takes Limara's hand and hurries away, "We must get to the Silversmiths before something terrible happens to our bodies" he says, adding under his breath "Not that they haven't already. The Silversmiths is in the next lane, by the far corner," he tells the others "Let's go Poacher can - I'm sure - look after himself"
Sparhawk lowers his voice to a near whisper "Let us take the path behind the theatre, there may be some evidence or clue near the stage door neighbours"
"Lead on Spar" SAYS Rizzit following behind.
Feng mutters “You know my motto guys? "In adversity, malice. In victory, revenge!. Am I gonna get busy with the revenge thing, soon. And bad luck to the next :):):):)in toymaker that crosses my path - it will be a sad day for him...and his :):):):)in' cat. I got a whole new use for a spinning top, thats all". Feng grumbles viciously.
Coleridge follows on behind aiding Feng in carrying the slingshot. "A good idea Spar, lets keep our eyes and ears open, things look deserted at the moment but that could change and any further information can only help us"
Sparhawk speaks “The silver needles are of upmost import, Howe'er it would seem to me that the puppet master and his puppets would have entered, and most likely , left the theatre via the stage door...which is oft located at the rear of the theatre. By taking this route we may find some clue or evidence that said puppet master or his toys left behind, that said this path also keeps us off the main streets and out of the way too"
He looks about "Mayhap now we are out of the toy shop , we can use our size to our advantage too, we are rather small and thus can be inconspicuous"
“We may also get needles from killing puppets with them, lead on Spar” says Rizzit.
"At the moment, I don't want to find the puppet master and our bodies" says Beltain, "Because if we do, there is little that can be done to rectify the situation. Now when we have those silver needles, then we can start to turn the tables. And don't forget, friend Poacher is somewhere trying to screw it up for us. If he starts a blaze and if it spreads to where are bodies are then we are in deep sh---" his voice trails off and he flashes a look at Limara "in deep trouble" he goes on.
They continue to proceed slowly down the street.
Sparhawk stops and raises his hand to signal a halt to the party "Keep your eyes open neighbours, methinks i saw some movement atop the buildings....but cannot be sure. Howe'er I feel we are being watched.” He eyes scan the rooftops “Let us continue with caution.....and keep our eyes open" Sparhawk waves his hand forward.
Feng grips his side of the slingshot. "Get one ready, Lim - Anything that wants a piece of us is gonna get a free gift right down the kisser".
"I don't see anything" grumbles Beltain
"I so miss my magic" says Rizzit sadly
Coleridge scans the rooftops trying to make out anything Sparhawk may have seen "I don't see anything either Belt, maybe Spar's just a bit jumpy, but then again aren't we all in our current predicament
Coleridge moves forward keeping pace with Feng maintaining the slingshot in readiness should the need arise
The party continues slowly down the street, keeping a look out. In the distance they hear a cat screech, and dogs barking. Just then 3 dogs come into view a little distance down the street. One of the dogs is a pitbull... Bullseye. The dogs growl, baring their teeth. They begin to run toward the puppet party.

Limara pulls back on the elastic of the Slingshot. Marble in place... Feng and Coleridge use all their strength to hold the Slingshot upright and keep it steady.
Sparhawk sighs "Great ...If Poacher hath not caused us enough trouble...now his dog is going to eat us!"
“I would be more like justice if he swallowed Poacher.” Says Beltain.
Rizzit yabbers “We are small and not skilled with these weapons, the Kobold way of battle is to swarm an opponent and attack from all sides."
Feng snorts “Who gives a kobold's chuff how the kobolds fight? I can't remember the last great empire forged by those mighty adversaries!” Feng watches the dogs approach. “If it looks like they’re too tough - dogs can't climb, but we can!”
The white dog with black spots moves forward, cautiously at first..like it doesn’t quite know what to make of the puppets..he bares his teeth and snarls..
The collie dog runs straight at the party, attacking. Rizzit and Sparhawk strike as soon as he gets in melee range. Both Sparhawk and Rizzit fail to do any damage, but the dog also fails to harm them.
Bullseye runs toward the party of puppets snarling..
Limara unleashes her loaded marble at poachers canine companion.. The marble shoots past Bullseye.
The collie dog bites and harms Rizzit.
Beltain stabs at it with his razor. He hurts it. The collie yelps in pain.
Feng Drops his Slingshot and readies his razor.
Sparhawk also stabs at the collie, but misses. Sparhawk looks at his razor in his wooden hand and sighs "Just to hit something would boost my confidence no end" He says sighing again
Rizzit manages to stab the collie also, but he does little damage.
Coleridge and Limara also cease using the slingshot.
Bullseye runs forward and attacks Limara, she avoids any damage. She strikes back but misses Poachers pet.
The black and white dog bites and injures Feng.
Coleridge lollops toward Bullseye, he tilts his head to oneside, then lashes out wickedly with the razor. He misses the pitbull.
"Well Princess, we seem to be making a dog's breakfast of this" Beltain says with a smile to Limara.
Limara laughs " i hope that was not a vision sugar... "
"It was a rather poor attempt at humour, I'm afraid" he responds, "Actually this place scares the hell out of me!"
"Well maybe now you can all appreciate what its like to be little for a change, its not nice looking at crotches all day" says Rizzit.
Limara seems to spot something "err is it just me or it it misty ??? "
"Doesn’t look misty to me" says Rizzit
"..at the ends of the streets.." says Limara..looking past the dogs..
Sparhawk lunges again at the dog infront of him.. He completely misses and the razor slips from his puppet hand..
Sparhawk looks up at the sky mouthing the words WHY ME!!!!!!!
Rizzit again successfully stabs the dog infront of him, but again it does little damage.
“Think me razors blunt”
"I'll distract him, you hit him neighbour....t'would seem to be all I am useful for in this wooden body" says Sparhawk.
Bullseye attempts to bite Coleridge but misses.
Limara stabs at bullseye. Her blade pierces his flesh..the pitbull yelps out in pain.
"go find Poacher... go on" she says to the dog, hoping it will run off so she doesn't have to kill it. She takes no joy in killing peoples pets.
"It's him or us at the moment Limara, and i've no intention of him chewing me to splinters just yet" says Coleridge as he strikes at Bullseye. The razor misses the dog. "Although with my present ability to fight, all i can hope for is to give him a nasty bout of indigestion"
The party notice, someway down the street, a plume of smoke rising in the air..from where the toyshop was. Down the street comes running Poacher...
Limara says out loud "oh no... the town is starting to burn.... This could cost us our bodies, as well innocent peoples lives. Something must be done...."
"Trying to search a burning town as a wooden puppet is gonna be fun" says Rizzit.
Coleridge shouts to Poacher as he comes running up the street "Poacher see if you can call off your flea bitten mutt, it's got to be worth a shot even in your new form, it's not as if he can ignore you more than he already does”
Feng looks at the state of his wooden body "I'd better find the real Feng soon - I'm falling to bits".
Sparhawk looks at the razor at his feet, he then looks back at the dog towering over him..he launches himself at the dog, but trips over his own wooden feet, and crashes to the floor.
Poacher shouts "Bullseye HEEL! HEEL YOU :):):):)ING :):):):)! HEEL :):):):)-DOG HEEL!"
"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..." Poacher pauses for breath, even though he has none."...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL"
Bullseyes ears prick up as Poacher shouts at him..the Pitbull whimpers..
Feng attacks with his razor but misses.
"Can we all please stop playing with the nice doggies and kill them" says Rizzit
"Get the mangy mut Princess" Beltain calls over
"Yeah, 'cos I can't hit 'em for toffee" snarls feng.
Limara strikes at Bullseye, but fails to hurt Poachers companion.
Poacher continues to run as fast as his little wooden legs will carry him..the puppet ranger shouts as he runs "BULLLLLLLLSSSSEYEEE!"
Bullseye turns and looks at the puppet Poacher running down the street..the Pitbull looks confused...
Sparhawk looks up at the collie dog snarling overhim. First he had dropped his razor, then tripped over his own puppet feet...thing were not going well...
Beltain also struggles to hit the dogs.
Sparhawk gets to his puppet feet and lashes out at the collie with his bare wooden fists.
Coleridge in a firm voice says "Bad Dog!" and lashes out with his razor once more. He fails to hurt Bullseye. Coleridge lets his head flop forward against his chest in frustration.
Rizzit stabs at the dog on him, his tiny razor pierces the dogs flank…it runs away yelping.
"The mighty warrior Rizzit strikes yet again"
Feng attacks again, but fumbles his razor, and drops it on the ground.
Rizzit looks over "nice collection of razors we have here on the floor"
"Yeah, hope the dogs walk on 'em - it's the only hope I have of cuttin' the :):):):)ers" replies Feng.
Bullseye runs towards Poacher, snarling. It bites at the puppet Poacher and hurts him.
Rizzit watches as the pitbull runs to attack the puppet Poacher "Bullseye has gone mob the spotty dog guys" he shouts to the others.
Limara moves to flank the dog and attack it ..
"Bullseye you little :):):):)er. SIT! :):):):)ING SIT I :):):):)ING TELL YOU! SIT :):):):)DOG SIT" implores Poacher as the pitbull snaps at him.
Coleridge hurries over to join the growing swarm of puppets attacking the spotty dog. Coleridge tries once more to make an effective attack with his razor. He misses.
"At this rate we'll either be splinters or the dogs will die of old age, they age seven times faster than humans you know" mutters Coleridge somewhat maniacally
Sparhawk picks up his dropped straight razor, and moves toward the spotted dog being attacked by the rest of the party
Bullseye snarls at the puppet ranger, then turns on his heels and runs down the street, back toward where the toyshop was.
Limara attacks the spotted dog and hurts it badly. "GO HOME DOGGIE.....IN YA BOX" she shouts desperately hoping the dog will see sense.
Poacher runs toward the party...looking back down the street he sees Bullseye running off..into the cloud of smoke coming down the street.. "I :):):):)ing tell ya. That :):):):)in' dog'll be the death of me. Kekekekekeke. Does anyone have a light?"
Beltain slashes at the air - missing the spotted dog completely "One more good hit is all it needs! Rizzit, you seem to have adapted to this body better than anyone else, reckon you can manage one?"
Coleridge swipes at the dog but misses "It seems i'm destined not to have a career as a fighting puppet"
Rizzit stabs again at the spotted dog.. His razor penetrates… the dog slumps to the floor..bleeding.
"Who's the puppet now then"
"Well done Rizzit. I'm in awe of your fighting skills!" Praises Beltain.
"Its nothing" says Rizzit with a huge wooden smile.
"Now" says Beltain, addressing the whole group, "Let's head for the silversmiths in quick order, before the town cats decide to stick a paw in, perhaps they have heard of the Puppet shop cat's fate"
“Especially now that moron has set a fire” says Rizzit looking at Poacher.
"Let us move out “ says Sparhawk “But keep your eyes open, I am still certain I saw movement on the rooftops"
The party make their way to the Silversmiths, Coleridge and Feng dragging the oversized slingshot. They pass the Theater on the way. In the distance the party hear dogs barking..


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First Post
Rizzit turns round to Poacher "Why the :):):):) are you following us Poacher? you wouldn’t listen to anyone and still set a fire, you could be responsible for the deaths of many innocent people in this town, I for one am sick of your presence, you are worse than the creatures that have done this to us. I am so sick of you :):):):)ing things up for other people you worthless piece of :):):):). You just do as you please without considering others, what if Spars real body gets burnt in your fire? I am the only one with a real body that can stand fire but none of us as puppets stands a chance if it takes hold and we get trapped" Rizzit snarls at the puppet ranger “I tell you I am so :):):):)ing mad at you this time I have a mind to chop you into :):):):)ing matchsticks right now"
"And I don't think there is any that would try to stop you Rizzit" says Coleridge. The bard turns to Poacher "You have shown wanton disregard for everyone and everything around you Poacher, when it was just your mouth shooting off that was different, you were as inept with that as with your bow, but now it is your actions which willfully endanger others and ourselves"
Feng snorts "So... what you're saying is...Poacher is a worthless but-wad and a tosser to boot?. This aint front page news, Rizz"
Rizzit nods.
"You want that we off him right now?" asks Feng.
Rizzit nods again "yeah I have had enough, he needs stopping before he sets more fires"
Feng drops the slingshot and moves towards Poacher - is eyes fixed in a hard stare. "I reckon we should tie the bastard up and drop him in his own fire. End of the road, Poacher - time to die".
Limara flicks her razor open...
Beltain smiles a little - not his normal smile - this one does not seem warm but there is fire behind it.
Poacher looks back at the rest of the party "I do as i :):):):)ing please without considering others? You :):):):)ing hypocrite! Mister, :):):):) you all I’m off to wander like a :):):):) around the dungeon! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. "
Poacher continues to rant "You're :):):):)ing attacking a comrade in cold blood! Mwahahahahahahahaha. That's an evil act! I win! You're doing evil! I :):):):)ing knew it! Evil i tells you! EVIL!"
Poacher prepares to defend himself. As he does so he cackles insanely. Repeating the word 'evil' over and over again. The few marbles that he has left appear to spill liberally upon the ground.
Feng seems to hear the call of his violated cojones as he gathers himself for the charge..."Why don't you beg for mercy, Poacher. It won't stop me, but it will be a laugh to off you while you're on you're knees."
Poacher babbles "Evil! Evil! Evil! Evil! Evil! Kekekekekekekekekek. EVIL!"
"Don't you have any shame, Poacher? Children are likely to be harmed or even killed but you mad antics" shouts Beltain "Aren't you sorry for what you've done?"
Limara interjects "..comrades.... you lost the privilege of calling us comrades Poacher. We have all given you more than one chance to kerb your ways, but you have spurned them all. What’s more , its not cold blood... quite the contrary,our blood is boiling.."
Coleridge looks directly at Poacher "It seems like the majority has spoken Poacher, you will be tolerated here no longer....Nor will we allow you to inflict yourself on any other hapless beings.."
"Neighbours “ says Sparhawk “Whilst I understand your motives, I will not be party to murder. If Poachers antics have caused injury or death to anyone in this town then it is up to the local magistrate to pass justice upon him. I do not condone his actions but will not stand here whilst you all commit murder....yes that is what this is neighbours cold blooded murder and for shame on you, I was under the impression that there was some honor within this party...I see not, when five of you are willing to surround and kill a former companion in cold blood"
"You call it murder, we call it justice.” Interjects Limara "...and don’t forget that we were made deputies by Aldo, so we are acting within the law.... "
"No Limara , you are a deputy not a judge, you do not have the right to pass sentence.....and if thou wishes to be fully within the law, pray tell me the charges against Poacher which warrant this town passing the death penalty?"
Limara retorts "Poacher has raped, stolen and defiled people whilst being a group member. He does what he pleases, being both lawless and evil. Now he has endangered us again and the rest of the town. "
Sparhawk shakes his head "You are no judge and as a deputy surely your first duty is to the letter of the law....which let me remind you states everyone is subject to a fair trial"
"You are outvoted Spar... and i do not have to answer to you. My duty is to my faith and as far as I’m concerned i am acting within the law."
"It is not a question of votes Limara...You do whatever, I will not be party to murder, and if you get hauled in , my honor will permit me to stand forth and say what i know"
Limara replies "Rizzit and Feng, Coleridge and Beltain feel the same ... why do you defend a man that has no redeemable features. ?"
" I am not defending Poacher, I am against your methods"
Limara nods "I will be reporting everything that has happened, to Aldo... i hope you will be there to witness it... if we don’t all burn to death that is.."
"Good and if you are dragged in for murder, my vow of honor will see me testify against you" replies Sparhawk. "I am making my point clear , and will have no part of this.....any way you slice it , it is murder, and 5 against 1 ?.....I see how much honor is left here. I am a Knight of the Garrison to the Throne, and I stand by mine oath the day I received my spurs and my sword...I believe in honor and in justice, but I will not be party to a murder nor to a lynch mob
Beltain continues to question Poacher “What have you got to say for yourself Poacher? Don't you understand innocents could die because of your action?”
Poacher continues to caper mockingly. "Evil. Evil. Evil. Evil. Evil. Evil."
Coleridge moves forward razor glinting evilly "Looks like i will once again have to take the practical, necessary course... I take no pleasure in this Poacher, but you have become a liability to us and a danger to all around you, the actions i take against you are no different than i would against a monster endangering others" Coleridge completely fails to connect as the ranger continues to caper in front of him
Feng moves forward and strikes at Poacher, Poacher avoids the attack.
Poacher cackles as he turns to run "Hahahahahaha. You attacked me in cold blood you EVIL types. MURDER! MURDER! EVIL! EVIL!…Aaaaaaargh! Help! Help! Murder! Murder!"
Coleridge, Rizzit and Feng all strike at the puppet Poacher, their knives cutting at his wooden frame.
Poacher collapses in a heap of wooden limbs..
Coleridge, Feng and Rizzit all feel exhilaration as they hack Poacher down...for the first time in puppet form they feel truly alive!....it feels goooood. The smoke from the fire Poacher started seems to be spreading...there also seems to be a fog....
Beltain grabs Limara's hand and calls to the others "Come on, leave the pitiful toy. We must find a way into the Silversmith's and regain our bodies". He starts off fast to the South East half-pulling Limara.
"I really, really hate this place" he mutters under his breath "and the fog most of all"
Coleridge heads on toward the silversmith, his head filled with conflicting emotions of regret and exhilaration and glee... he cackles briefly somewhat reminiscent of poacher "kekeke" before letting his head flop forward and bang against his chest as he runs
Sparhawk stops looking at his companions, he can scarce believe what he has just witnessed. Sparhawk walks back and drags Poachers wooden form back under cover of the tree "Rest well my troubled friend, I hope you will be safe here and I can return you to your proper form for a proper burial" he stands and salutes his fallen comrade , then heads to the silvermiths
Beltain turns to Sparhawk “Poacher was an evil. cowardly bastard and would curse you from his grave, if he had one, for trying to corrupt his memory, Sparhawk. Remember him as he was not as you would have wanted him to be. Give him some credit for sticking to his ideals without swerving - you can respect that - just as you should hate what those ideals were. If you want to remember him then remember what he said of you "And as for you Spar you righteous :):):):):):):):), it make no change when you're having nothing to do with me. You never :):):):)ing have you turncoat. Not even when i stood by you and healed your :):):):)ing stupid spavined nag. Or when i :):):):)ing backed you up with healing in a :):):):)ing fight when even the useless :):):):)ing :):):):)ers we call clerics couldn't heal you? All you :):):):)ing do is stand by and let these shower of :):):):)s attack me and you raise not a :):):):)ing finger. Well :):):):)ing you you turncoat. :):):):) You you AND the horse you rode in on."
As the party leave Poachers wooden corpse, Sparhawk notices it is suddenly surrounded by sparkles...the puppet corpse then implodes into a pile of sawdust...
Limara shakes her wooden head... "it is a shame that he would not or could not control his actions....we could not let him destroy us all with his lawless and evil actions......'I'm sorry it came to this poacher, goodbye'.." Limara drags the sack behind her as she trudges off after the others.

The party proceeds to the Silversmiths... In good time they arrive there. The door to the shop swings ajar.. it seems someone has been here, The party enter. Inside the Silversmiths the puppet party do a thorough search for anything of interest, specifically the Silver needles the party had witnessed the carrionettes using. They find a box that is full of them, a 100 or more Silver Needles. No-one is inside the silversmiths. Eager to find their bodies they exit the shop and place the needles in the sack..
Outside the silversmiths Beltain muses “If I had just got a human body after being in a wooden body for ages I would want to taste the delights of true living.” He glances significantly at Limara. “My second choices would be the Baker or the Brewer or perhaps the tavern.” Beltain smells the air "The fire is spreading and we need to move fast but" he pauses "should we not pause and repair such damage as we can before we continue?"
Sparhawk shakes his wooden head "Let us make haste and find our true bodies neighbours, there is little we can repair, and we not much use in these tiny wooden bodies.....unless of course you want to add fuel to the flames"
"Well felatio wanted to rule the town so maybe try the constabulary first?" says Rizzit.
Limara hands Beltain the sack. " Can you carry this for me sugar, that way i can be ready to fire the sling if we need to. Thanks" Limara gets a marble loaded ready in the sling and follows behind Feng and Col as they walk down the road.. "Ok boys we're loaded and ready....if we are heading for the constables abode i think we should check all the buildings on route, it would save time... and my 'ikkle feet" She continues "Spar is right, we do need to get this done fast... the fire will burn down more of the town the longer we take.............ok, just grasping at optimistic straws here but, as it said that the only thing that will destroy 'Felatio', nice name Rizzit, is fire...he's got to be rather worried about now "
Beltain looks down at the sack, suddenly thrust into his hands, he shrugs and slings it over his shoulder. "Thanks Princess, glad to be a help" he adds pretending to be annoyed
Coleridge speaks "It would be my guess that Figlio is gathering the people who are now possessed by the evil entities somewhere so he can organize his next action.. he will need somewhere quite large to gather people together, somewhere like the theatre or the town square would be my guess. I'm in no hurry to get in that theatre again so i'm going to check the town square."

The party decides to split to search for their bodies.
Beltain goes to check out the Brewers, Limara waits outside. Rizzit goes to the constabulary, Coleridge & Sparhawk head to the Town square, Feng goes to the bakers.
Beltain enters the Brewers. Inside he is shocked to see a familiar figure. Feng. The half orc moves slowly, jerkily, around the shop. He hasn’t noticed the puppet Beltain. Beltain slips back outside…eager to find the puppet Feng.
Feng emerges from the bakers..he shrugs "Nuffin in there" He sees Beltain signaling maniacally to him from outside the brewers.
Feng runs over, he notices Beltains agitation "Whats wrong" he snorts. Limara steps out of the shadows in the street and goes to join Beltain & Feng outside the brewers.
The Feng body moves in jerky movements and mutters away to himself, unaware of Feng, Limara and Beltains puppet bodies watching him..he seems to be going through phrases, as if trying to learn them "Would you like some beer?", "A pleasant day dont you think", "Are you new in town?", "Yes, i agree"
Feng can hardly contain his anger...he moves forward and throws a Silver Needle at his giant body. The needle hits, but the half orc Feng seems unaffected. He lurches angrily forward toward the Beltain, Limara & Feng puppets.
Limara also throws a silver needle at Feng, she also hits, this time, the half orc slumps to the floor unconscious.
The puppet Feng rushes forward to his unconscious body...he stabs another silver needle into his neck.... Suddenly the puppet Feng collapses on the floor...all is still for a minute, then the Half-Orc Feng opens his eyes ".....Im...Back." Feng stands up and Roars "NO SOMEONE WILL PAY…I AM FENG!"
"Carry us to our bodies Feng... you are quicker and stronger than us..." suggests Limara.
"Yes...good idea Limara" says Feng as he moves forward and scoops her up in his large half orc hands. He also picks up Beltain.
Rizzit enters the constabulary. He also sees someone he recognizes…. Coleridge. Coleridge seems to be in the same state as Feng. He moves in jerky movements. He seems to be just looking about the place, and mumbles jumbled phrases to himself “yes I’m sure I can help you with that”, “No, not at this time”. The puppet Rizzit leaves the constabulary before he is seen, he decides to go find Coleridge to inform him he has located his real body. Rizzit makes his way to the town square, Coleridge had stated he was heading there. In the town square Rizzit spies several children playing. Across the other side of the square he spots Coleridge and not far behind him Sparhawk. Rizzit waves at Coleridge, motions him over.. Coleridge spots the small dog puppet and tries to move across the square unseen. As he moves his wooden joints clatter and grind.
"Hey Puppets..." one of the children shouts, spotting Coleridge.
Coleridge runs toward Rizzit shouting "Run for it Riz, I don't fancy being some brat with Attention deficit's play thing"
Rizzit and Coleridge run. . Suddenly, A young girl is right behind Coleridge and Rizzit. Both Coleridge and Rizzit recognize her..Giselle Sertino. Her hand comes down and swoops up Rizzit "Ahhh..a doggy...you come meet Mr Knuckles"... She marches off...back to the square...and her friends
Coleridge turns and sees Rizzit being carried away by the young girl. He aims one of his silver needles and throws it at her, it hits her and she falls to the floor unconscious, dropping the puppet Rizzit to the ground.
The rest of the children gasp in horror and run from the square.
Rizzit gets up from the ground and runs back to Coleridge. Sparhawk also runs across to join them. Coleridge speaks with urgency "Those other kids are probably gonna let knuckles or Figlio know that were about so we need to hurry. I'm sure the little girl is gonna be fine if that’s what you're worried about, i mean our bodies are up and about aren't they and it was the silver needles that did us too"
Rizzit explains to Coleridge that he has spotted the bards real body in the constabulary. The three puppets rush off to find him.
They get to near the Constabulary when a man steps out of a doorway. He is holding a lit torch "More puppets!!...you evil little bastards...ive killed three of ya now...your next...Why do you torment my village!!...What madness is this" He lurches forward, torch in hand, by the glazed look in his eyes this mans nerves are frayed to the limit..he is on the threshold of madness.
Sparhawks reactions are quick, he throws a Silver needle at the man approaching them. The needle sticks in the mans leg..he falls to the floor unconscious.
The three puppets enter the constabulary. The human Coleridge is still there, moving in jerky movements, mumbling “Yes, I’m sure I can sort that out for you madam”
Colereidge looks in shock seeing himself “They don't seem to be adapting well to using our bodies, either that or they're really bad actors. And is that really what my voice sounds like? i always imagined it to be higher than that" Coleridge throws a silver needle at himself. The silver needle trails a magical silver cord, It hits and the human Coleridge, who falls to the floor unconscious. Coleridge were it possible would be shaking visibly with excitement, as it is his wood just makes a sad creaking sound.
Coleridge moves over to his inert human form and stabs himself in the back of the neck with one of the needles as he saw the puppets do in the theatre
Rizzit watches Cols body to see if the needle has worked. The puppet Coleridge Collapses to the floor..After a while the human Coleridge opens his eyes..
"Is that you Col?" asks Rizzit nervously.
Coleridge nods....he looks himself up and down...taking stock of his body...making sure it is ok.
"Great news, now lets go find some more of us" says Rizzit, heading out of the constabulary.
Sparhawk nods his puppet head "Great Coleridge....let us see if we kind the other bodies , perhaps you can carry us we can cover more ground that way. It also might be prudent to act as though your body is still possessed if we see anyone"
Coleridge walks over and picks up the puppet Sparhawk before exiting the shop in pursuit of Rizzit and in search of the others bodies "A good idea Spar, I think i saw enough of its actions while it was practicing being human to be able to mimic it"
"I have faith in your acting abilities neighbour"
Coleridge carries Sparhawk out of the shop... They meet up with the others..
Beltain addresses the party “We need to find the other bodies quickly before the whole place burns down around our ears. Let's try the Inn - lots of hedonistic delights there - food, wine and upstairs there are beds.... Then we can find the architects of this horror, the puppet master and his special puppet. They must in justice pay for the terrors they have caused.
Rizzit speaks "Feng and Col why don’t you run round the place and look through the windows to see if you can spot the rest of us"
Feng nods, "Good idea Rizzit...ill carry ya with me..and Limara" Feng jogs off down the street with Rizzit in hand... He runs past the boarding house, the doors are open. He then decides to check out the Astrologers next to it. The door is ajar, Feng enters, holding Rizzit.
In the Astrologers is Rizzit's real body. He is perched atop a chair behind a counter looking at Starmaps. Also in the room is a large Orrory. Feng moves with the puppet Rizzit cupped in his hands. Rizzit throws a silver dart at himself. The dart, silver thread trailing behind hits the kobold. But he is unaffected.
The kobold slowly looks up. His movements appear jerky "With pleasure sir, im sure that can be arranged"
Feng shouts out of the open door "In the Astrologers!!...Cole, bring them"
Sparhawk looks up at Coleridge "get us there asap please neighbour, t'would sound like we have another body to populate"
The kobold Rizzit jumps from the char to the counter top...his movements seem unnatural..
Limara throws one of the Silver Needles..a thread of silver trails behind as it impacts on the kobold on the counter top..Rizzit falls unconscious.
The rest of the party arrive at the Astronomers..
"Go and shove a needle in its neck Rizz..get your body back" advises Limara.
Feng takes Rizzit over to the counter..The puppet Rizzit moves over to his unconscious body. He plunges a silver needle into his neck. The Rizzit puppet goes limp....A few moments later..the kobold Rizzit opens his eyes..
Feng looks pleased to see his little buddy back in action..
"ok, lets check elsewhere see where our other bodies are... lets try the inn next. Feng can you carry me again please." Says Limara.
The party leaves the Astronomers.
"I hope we can find you your bodies soon too my friends and end this nightmare" says Coleridge.
"Its great to be back, lets go" says Rizzit. "We all need to hurry, that fire is taking hold, Once are back in our bodies we need to kill Felatio and try to get the fire under control"


First Post
The party decide to check the inn. As the party pass through the town square they see movement. Four small dolls scurry toward them, tiny blades glinting in the night..
Feng looks like he is going to burst with rage "Unless anyone has any better ideas....im going to smash them into little pieces"
"Sounds like a plan to me bro" replies Rizzit. Suddenly the kobold spots a weasel over the other side of the square. "Hey is that Wizzy over there" He calls out to his friend. Wizzy squeaks.
Coleridge says "We need to close down on these little buggers quickly to stop em using those needles on us again, we all know how effective they can be"
Sparhawk nods "As a puppet already i may stand in good stead against their weaponry, tis a guess but i am willing to risk it"
Sparhawk moves to Feng "Take me into battle neighbour"
Limara throws a Silver Needle at the nearest Carrionette...it hits its target..but has no effect.
Feng picks up Sparhawk and moves toward the same carrionette, he drops Sparhawk to the floor and attacks the puppet. He hits it hard, almost killing it in one blow.
Coleridge moves quickly over to another of the carionettes, drawing his sword and attempting to strike. He fails to hit the small puppet.
Rizzit unleashes 2 magic missiles at the advancing carrionettes. Both his missiles impact, causing damage to the dolls.
The dolls attack, silver needles fly at the party, luckily, none hit.
Feng strikes and destroys the carrionette infront of him..
Coleridge focuses his efforts and swings once more.. this time striking true. He hurts the carrionette in front of him. "I've just got my body back you think me fool enough to relinquish it again so quickly" Coleridge goads the carionette
“Great hits Col and Feng, we are getting our form back" shouts Rizzit before he unleashes another two magic missiles at the attacking dolls.
More silver needles fly past the party, again, none of them are hit.
Feng picks up the puppet Sparhawk, and moves swiftly to one of the incoming carrionettes, he sets Spar down on the floor and attacks the carrionette. His great axe, Laskur’s Bane, connects with the wooden doll, slicing it. But still it attacks.. Sparhawk stabs at the same doll with his little razor, but fails to do any damage. "T'would appear I am going to need my body back before I am to hit anything" Sparhawk sighs, clearly annoyed at his lack of success
Coleridge invigorated to be back in his body and in the heat of combat lets out a barbaric yawp and charges the carionette. Coleridge strikes the puppet with his sword and lets out another wild cry. The puppet dies.
Beltain runs toward the nearest carrionette, pointy blade glinting in the moonlight..
Limara follows Beltain to the carrionette that Coleridge is fighting.
Feng strikes at the doll again, yet again he hits, but still the puppet stands..
Wizzy the weasel, Rizzits trusty familiar, runs up next to his master, sniffing at him..
Sparhawk successfully strikes the carrionette him and Feng are fighting. Killing it. "I am inspired...A hit finally"
Rizzit pulls out his light crossbow and fires a bolt at the last remaining carrionette. His aim is true and the bolt impacts on the carrionette, wounding it heavily.
Beltain stabs away with his straight razor. "Just missed, damn it" says Beltain, "Perhaps you will have better luck Princess" he goes on glancing to Limara who stands by his side. “Hey, Feng, we could use a hand here!" calls the wooden cleric to the barbarian in a rather weedy voice.
Limara strikes, but misses. "..heh, it would appear not Bel.."
Beltain strikes again, this time he hits, and downs, the last animated doll.
Limara sighs "Well done .... now lets find our bodies. This has been going on far too long now.."
Rizzit bends down and strokes wizzy “Wizzy, you remember Limara, Beltain and Sparhawk have you seen them in town?” the weasel squeaks. “Seems not” sighs Rizzit. “Come on..lets go check the inn”

After defeating the carrionettes in the square the party make their way to the inn, perhaps inside they will find either Limara, Beltain or Sparhawks real bodies..
The party enters the inn. A few people are in the bar, chattering amongst themselves. It seems like a completely normal scene. Until you actually listen to the conversations. The patrons appear to be just reciting random phrases. At the bar the party recognizes Dierdre, she turns to face them as they enter. "I’m not sure ive ever heard of that" she says flatly before turning back to the barman. In the corner of the room sits Walter. He raises a beer glass to his mouth, its contents splashes all over his shirt, he appears not to notice.
Sparhawk whispers to Coleridge "T'would seem they mimic humans speech and activity, but have no grasp of its meaning"
Coleridge whispers back to Sparhawk "You're right Spar, but what twisted purpose could they serve? they would have a hard time fooling anyone, lest they thought they had wandered into a town of simpletons. It must be part of Figlio's evil plan... but these are things that we can discuss once we are all returned to ourselves"
Limara whispers quietly "Can one of you carry me upstairs"
Feng nods..."Of Course Limara." Feng picks up Limara in his large hands and carries her upstairs. All of the rooms are empty upstairs, except one. Limara gasps.
Beltain lies in one of the beds with a woman next to him, he jerkily smokes a cigarette.
"Bastard...err, i mean, we need to dart them Feng" spits Limara “And where the hell have I gone?"
Feng looks in astonishment at Beltain "My My Beltain...didn’t think you had it in you"
"And didn’t think it would be in anyone else either...." exclaims Limara. "I'm SO gonna dart the bitch.... you get the woman Feng !!." Limara attempts to frown, being a puppet, she fails. So she stamps her foot instead.
Beltain runs for the stairs having heard the cries from upstairs!
Beltain goes white when he enters the bedroom shocked by the scene that meets his eyes. He gets ready to throw a silver dart at creature inhabiting HIS body on the bed. "How could you stoop so low" he mutters under his breath. Beltain throws a dart, it lodges into the headboard of the bed.
The Beltain in the bed looks down at the puppet Beltain..He begins to jerkily climb out of the bed...
Beltain looks up at the barn door sized figure and wonders just how he missed - perhaps his hand was shaking so much in anger at the wrongness of the situation.
Feng moves and grabs the woman, pulling her out of the bed. The woman continues to mutter as Feng holds her "Yes, that was very amenable thank you"
Limara throws and hits Beltain with a silver needle..Beltain slumps to the floor.
Although Beltain knows that his next action should be to immediately stab the false Beltain - he gives Limara a huge hug first!. The puppet Beltain moves to his unconscious self and stabs himself in the neck with one of the silver needles...suddenly the puppet Beltain falls to the floor...The human Beltain opens his eyes..
Seeing Beltain back to his old self, Feng mutters "Lets get back downstairs"
Beltain nods as he climbs to his feet…his real feet! "Lets be off to find Sir Sparhawk and Limara's bodies. Does anyone have any clues as to where they could be?"
"Methinks we must just keep searching door by door neighbour" replies Sparhawk.
Beltain tenderly picks up Limara "The town is burning we need to find those bodies fast.” The party leave the inn.
Once outside in the square Rizzit notices Wizzy, his familiar. Wizzy is squeaking frantically...obviously wanted Rizzit to follow him. The weasel runs up one of the streets toward the toyshop. Rizzit runs after the weasel, the rest follow. As Rizzit rounds another corner following Wizzy, up ahead he sees two bodies lying on the cobbles outside the tailors shop, which is engulfed in fire. Rizzit can feel the intense heat of the flames on his scales. He indicates to the others to stay back, they would not be able to stand the heat. One of the bodies is that of a child, the other Rizzit immediately recognizes as Limara. He moves quickly to Limara, she appears badly hurt, burnt and unconscious. The child is dead. Rizzit drags Limara down the street toward the rest of the party. Suddenly he spots a child…Giselle..running past the other end of the street. He turns and shouts back to Feng "Damn I see a child in possible trouble, take this potion for Lim Feng." He hands a potion to Feng and runs off after the child.
Feng cradles Limara’s unconscious corpse and walks back to meet the others.. "Limara..we found ya"
Limara pushes a silver needle into her own body’s neck. The puppet Limara limply falls to the floor...The real Limara does not move.. Feng pours the potion Rizzit gave him down her throat...her eyes flutter open..
"ouch...just Sparhawk’s body left to find... looks like you found me just in time, thank you" she says.
"Lets go find Rizz..we shouldn’t be separated here" says Feng to the rest of the party.
Beltain hurries up to Limara, uncertain of the reception that he will get, and casts a cure on her.
Sparhawk looks at the fire taking hold of the houses and sighs "Tis not looking good for my body is it? I don’t think these creatures have the sense to try to avoid the fire"
Feng looks at the policeman puppet "Spar..dont not give up hope yet..but we must be quick before Poachers lil fire destroys the whole town. Seems a child has for definite, been slain by that idiot. Cmon, lets go after Rizzit."
Feng picks up the puppet Sparhawk and runs up the street, he passes the shops that are on fire, he can feel the intense heat. He rounds the corner and looks right. He sees Rizzit disappearing into the Sertino household, Giselle’s home. The place of the murder..Feng breaks into a run..
Rizzit runs into the house. He looks in the front room and kitchen..nothing. He runs upstairs. There are two rooms, he enters the room to the left...Giselle is sitting on the bed. "Hello Mr Rizzit" she says.
Moments later Feng rushes into the Sertino home. Seeing nothing downstairs the barbarian runs upstairs, with Sparhawk in his hand. He turns into the right room upstairs. The parents bedroom. The body that was there has now gone. Standing in the room is the human Sparhawk "A good deduction my friend" he says bluntly as Feng and Sparhawk enter.
The puppet Sparhawk throws a silver needle at his human self, it misses. The human Sparhawk slowly and jerkily draws his sword.
Feng rushes forward and attempts to grapple Sparhawk, but fails to gain a hold. Sparhawk lashes out at Feng, hurting the half-orc. Feng grabs hold of Sparhawk, but the human breaks free of his grip and hits Feng slices at Feng again with his sword. The puppet Sparhawk again throws a silver needle at himself, this time it hits, but the human seems unaffected. Again, Feng attempts to grapple the possessed human, again he fails to get a hold. Sparhawk responds with a mighty blow on the half orc, Feng is badly wounded. "RIZZIT!!" he shouts, knowing somewhere in the house is the kobold. The puppet Sparhawk, in desperation, throws another needle. Part of him is impressed at how his human form is getting the better of Feng, the other part of him is worried as hell.. The needle flies through the air, hitting Sparhawks leg. The human Sparhawk collapses to the floor unconscious. Feng looks down at him, dripping blood.
The puppet Sparhawk rushes forward and stabs a silver needle into his neck...moments later..Sparhawk awakes in his own body..
"Lets get the hell outta here" grumbles Feng, looking at his wounds. Rizzit comes into the room. “What the hell!” he states as he spies the state of Feng. “Giselle is in her bedroom, she seems ok. Id suggest we get her outta here”
Feng, Sparhawk, Rizzit and Giselle leave the Sertino home. The rest of the party meets the others outside.
Coleridge speaks "We are all restored at last, let us now restore some balance to the town and remove whatever dark force is causing this"
"Here, here!" agrees Beltain will a great deal of feeling.
Feng snorts "dunno about you guys..but i wanna get out of here...what’s stopping us leaving now?"
Beltain, looks relived at seeing Sparhawk returned to his natural body. “Now perhaps we can leave this vision of hell” he states.
“But where is Maligno” asks Limara “And we need to rescue Walter and Dierdre”
Feng snorts again. “lets try leaving" He walks down the street, toward some of the thick fog that seems to pervade the town..
"nope...that wont work...” mutters Limara "You're wasting your time ... i think we will have to wait for the fog to clear..."
Feng ignores her and walks through the thick fog at the end of the street. He disappears… The half orc continues to walk, the fog clears…To his left he notices the Alchemists shop... Somehow he has been transported to the other side of town…it seems there is no escape! Feng rushes across town, back to the others.
Limara looks solemnly at the half orc "OH :):):):)".... "i was right... we are in Barovia... we don’t leave until we make the mists clear"
Beltain turns to Limara "My Lady" he says "Do you fancy a visit to the local theatre?" he asks drawing his sword.
"At a guess, i would say that Figlio is the cause, kinda... So if we destroy him then perhaps the mists will clear.. " She looks concerned.. " yes Bel, that would seem a good place to start. “You do all realize if we get this wrong we could be stuck here forever.."
Limara gets a cigar out, lights it with a tindertwig and .... after a moment .... blows smoke from her pouting lips. “Let me heal you Feng, before we continue” The half orc manages a small smile as her healing magic rushes through him. “Ok, now lets get to the Theater” he spits.


First Post
The party make their way to the Theater "Which entrance?..front or back?" asks Feng.
”I suppose both, if we can coordinate, we don't want them to escape” replies Beltain.
"Good plan...ill go in the back" nods Feng.
The young girl Giselle speaks "Where we goin Mr Rizzit?...i dont have a bedtime anymore..i can stay out ALL night!!"
Rizzit looks at her "lucky you, do you know where that nice puppet master and his boy are, I want to go play with them?"
"Theyll be in the Theater!" she replies. She stares at the flames of the burning buildings "That big fire is coooooooooool!!!!!" She looks back at the party "Hey...how come you big guys here anyway...? i dunno where my mummy or the rest of the old folks have gone.” Rizzit speaks softly to her "We are trying to find them dear, in case the flames burn them. Could you wait for me in the Inn please, I will be over soon.” He turns to the rest of the party "lets go to the Theatre guys, I want to play with the puppets"
Giselle skips off in the direction of the inn.
Feng and Rizzit go to the back entrance of the theater, the rest of the party move to the front entrance.
Sparhawk turns to his comrades at the front entrance "Let us finish this atrocity once and for all neighbours" he waits a few seconds to let the others get into position at the back of the theatre, then kicks the doors open. Inside, on the stage is Maligno and Guiseppe. Also on the stage is 3 carrionettes and a wooden dragon that is moving about. A huge sign above the stage says "Sir Arduin and the Wyrm". They are apparently performing a play for the children. Maligno is dressed in armor and is fighting the wooden dragon. The 3 carrionettes are dressed as a Damsel, a king, and a court jester.. Everyone turns to look at the party..
Feng opens the back door and snarls “Time is called - Laskur's Bane is the truest critic that ever closed a play.”
Feng kisses his blade "Now, for VENGENCE!"
Maligno makes a run for the stairs that lead down to the audience. Guiseppe runs backstage out of sight.
Sparhawk draws his sword and runs inside. Feng follows, his huge axe busy in his hands, and his veins already beginning to bulge with rage!
Coleridge also rushes inside and readies himself before recklessly engaging the carrionettes... he begins to sing a strange lament whose lyrics seems to lift and bolster his nearby allies
Beltain prepares to enter the theatre but still has a chance to cast an admitting glance at Limara. "Wow, what a stunner" he thinks to himself. For no reason he also thinks of Poacher, gone but not forgotten, that will take some time. He thinks that although Poacher will not be a loss for the party, it does leave a gap that needs to be filled. "Come on Princess" he tells Limara, "My sword aches to chop some wood!"
Limara mutters a few words and a longsword made of pure force springs into existence" The spiritual weapon strikes at Maligno, hitting the evil puppet, but it seems to do no damage.
At the back of the theater, Rizzit pulls out a potion and drinks. An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds him.
At the front of the theater, Beltain moves to stand next to Limara. He raises his hands and blesses his allies.
The evil puppet Maligno throws a silver needle from the stage at Coleridge, the needle whistles past the bard. Another needle is thrown at Coleridge by one of the carrionettes, it hits the bard, but he manages to shake off the paralyzing effect.
Sparhawk moves to the stairs descending from the stage, to cut off Maligno’s advance, he strikes at the puppet and hits, however, his sword seems to do no damage. Sparhawk stares in disbelief at the puppet.
"oh bugger... weapons dont seem to damage it... " says Limara.
Beltain nods to Limara "Bugger indeed, if Spiritual Weapon doesn't hit it then I don't think that Rizzit's Magic Missile will either, both are pure force. Perhaps we need fire? Cover the little bastard with oil and 'Burn baby burn'? Any ideas Princess?. Also" he goes on "I think that the other little monsters are probably the biggest threat. One prick from their silver needles could lead to paralyzation and another body swap. No way do I want that."
Beltain watches as the children scatter in terror, heading for the exits. “At least the children are getting out. Soon we will be able to firebomb him without a chance of hurting them."
Beltain looks directly at Limara “Um", he coughs nervously "About the incident in the inn with the young lady. It wasn't me... I just hope you know it wasn't me doing that..." he finishes rather lamely
Limara smiles "By the time you've finished scrubbing yourself clean, you're gonna be so red raw..."
"You are damn right!" Beltain agrees "I feel as if my body is tainted"
Feng moves through the corridors in the back of the theater. Suddenly he sees an old man running up some wooden stairs, the puppet master!, he hefts his Big axe in his right hand and sprints up the wooden steps after Guiseppe. "Fengs Coming!"
Rizzit shouts "Feng dont kill the old man he is not the force of evil here, just a lonely man who wanted a son too much"
Coleridge continues his recitation...
"Well! If the Bard was weather-wise, who made the grand old ballad of Sir Patrick Spence"
"This night, so tranquil now, will not go hence unroused by winds, that ply a busier trade"
"Than those which mould yon cloud in lazy flakes"
"Or the dull sobbing draft, that moans and rakes upon the strings of this Aeolian lute"
"Which better far were mute"

Coleridge retrieves an oil flask from his pack as he speaks, and then throws it at the demonic puppet. I misses and explodes on the floor, igniting. Sparhawk and Coleridge are splashed by the oil, and slightly burnt.
Limara redirects her spiritual weapon to attack one of the carrionettes. The weapon strikes, damaging the evil wooden puppet. She gets an oil bomb from her backpack.
Beltain calls to the children to come out of the theatre. Indicating the doorway behind him.
Rizzit rushes through the corridors at the back of the theater, he runs past the stairs that the puppet master and Feng disappeared up. He continues on, emerging onto the stage. He sees a wooden toy dragon trundling across the stage toward him. The kobold sorcerer utters a few words and two missiles of magical energy dart forth from Rizzit's fingertips, the missiles strike unerringly.
Beltain casts a Spiritual Weapon spell and targets on the same doll as Limara. The magical weapon hits the puppet, who is now very damaged.
The wooden dragon, amazingly, breathes a cone of fire at Rizzit. The kobold is only slightly hurt by the flames. Behind him, the wooden walls of the theater catch alight.
One of the carrionettes throws a silver needle at Beltain, it hits and Beltain slumps to the floor unconscious.
"oh no.... not again..." sighs Limara.
Rizzit is also hit by a silver needle, the kobold also succumbs to the needles effects and falls to the floor unconscious.
Maligno stabs at Sparhawk with a tiny razor.
Coleridge is once again hit by a silver needle, and once again he resists its effects.
A few of the children run past Limara..and the unconscious Beltain out into the street.
Sparhawk grabs hold of Maligno and grapples the puppet to the ground. "Now I have you" Sparhawk says to the puppet with contempt.
Feng follows after the puppet master, Guiseppe, upstairs. He comes into a room, a small bedroom, there is a door open opposite. He rushes through. He enters a large storeroom area, filled with props and theater gear. Backing away from him, begging for his life, is Guiseppe. "Nooooo....Heeelp...."
Feng sneers, raises Laskur’s Bane his trusty greataxe, and brings it crashing down on the old man. Guiseppe dies instantly. Feng stamps on the dead man before turning back downstairs. “FENG COMES!….SAVES SOME FOR FENG!”

Downstairs, Coleridge continues his poem

"For lo! the New-moon winter-bright!"
"And overspread with phantom light"
"With swimming phantom light o'erspread but rimmed and circled by a silver thread"
"I see the old Moon in her lap, foretelling the coming-on of rain and squally blast"
"And oh! that even now the gust were swelling"
"And the slant night-shower driving loud and fast!"

Coleridge then retrieves another flask of oil from his pack and launches it at the carionettes further on the stage. It hits one of the carrionettes, but the vial fails to break open.
Limara’s spiritual weapon once again strikes at the carrionette. This time the carrionette is hacked down.
Limara bends down and pulls the needle out of Beltain, nothing happens. Her lover is still unconscious.
Another needle flies from the stage at Coleridge, this one lodges into his arm, yet again Coleridge fights off the effects. Another needle flies past Limara as she attempts to awake Beltain. She looks up and then over to Coleridge "Dont let those pricks bring you down Col.."
Coleridge turns and winks at Limara before facing down his foes once more.
Sparhawk continues to grapple with Maligno on the stairs leading down from the stage.
Feng appears in the doorway at the back of the stage. He sees Rizzit lying unconscious..the wall next to the kobold is on fire. The animated wooden dragon is trundling away from the kobold. Feng goes to his friend. The flames scorch the barbarian.

Coleridge moves closer to his target all the time continuing his oration drawing the stanza to a close

"Those sounds which oft have raised me, whilst they awed"
"And sent my soul abroad"
"Might now perhaps their wonted impulse give"
"Might startle this dull pain, and make it move and live!"

He moves closer to the stage and pulls out a tanglefoot bag. He takes aim and throws it at one of the carrionettes firing from the stage. The bag flies through the air and impacts on the carrionette. It explodes and goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air.
"Beautifully done" says Limara from the doorway.

Limara redirects her spiritual weapon onto another of the carrionettes. The weapons strike is accurate and hurts the little wooden puppet. She steps into the room, draws her bow and shoots at the carrionette that is covered in the tanglefoot glue. The bolt hits the puppet.
Coleridge turns and nods in approval at the ladies shooting skills.
The wooden dragon turns and a jet of fire shoots 20ft from its mouth. Feng is again burned.

Just then...the party notice translucent figures...seemingly rising up from the floor in the theater..many of them.
"Leave here"..the ghostly figures hiss. The figures appear to be spirits. By their look, their ghostly apparel, the party deduce they are the adults of Half-Hap. Or indeed, they were when alive!.
Coleridge shakes his head and mutters to himself "It's never easy is it"
"guess not" says Limara
"How can we leave while this evil being who has wrought so much damage to your town still holds sway" says the bard to the ghostly figures
"We will stop Maligno leaving....the fire will destroy him" hiss the spirits "Drag your friends to safety...."
Limara replies "You can guarantee this without our help ?"
"He cannot harm us…He will pay for what he hs done" the spirits moan..
Limara ushers a child near her out of the theatre. “Ok if this is to be the towns justice, then so be it" she starts to pull Beltains body back through the door... "c'mon Col.."
The spirits swarm over Maligno, the rest of the carrionettes and the animated wooden dragon. One of the doors into the theater slams shut. As if by its own accord.
Limara shouts to "Feng, drag Rizzit out the back door and head around here"
Coleridge nods and also shouts "Grab Rizzit Feng lets let these nice folk deal with their problem”
Feng gathers up his unconscious friend and swiftly leaves the theater.
"He killed us...our children are without their parents....he will BURN!" the spirits scream. One of the spirits moves his hand in a swaying motion...one of the torches from the theaters walls falls to he floor, flames engulfing the bench..
"Who do you want us to take your children to ? " asks Limara.
"To safety...." they hiss..
Sparhawk lets the spirits swarm the puppet and releases his grasp, he takes a step back and formally salutes the spirits then heads to the door.

The party exit the Theater...Outside they watch it being consumed by the flames. The children scatter. Some stay to watch the fire, others flee down the side streets. The party are sure you can hear the cries of many, coming from within. Before long the theater collapses in upon itself.
Rizzit and Beltain awake.
Feng watches the flames begin to die. He looks around him at the carnage “I don't know about you people, but I don't know what my body has been doing while I "GOT WOOD.” These prissy lawful types will probably not give us any benefit of the doubt - specially since all the evidence is now ash - I reckon it's time for a quick exit.”
The party notice that the fog seems to have cleared from the ends of the streets..
Beltain gets his bearings and sighs a big sigh of relief "You are lucky, I, and others, have a pretty shrewd idea about what my body was up to. What I need now is a bath, a LONG bath, to cleanse myself and take away memories of this nightmare"
Rizzit dusts himself down “We need to round up all the survivors and take them to people that can look after them.”
"Agreed Rizzit, we must go house to house in search of survivors" Sparhawk heads towards the stable and coach house "First I must check upon Faran" says Sparhawk.

The party search the town for survivors. They find a few, Aldo, Deirdre and Walter are all safe. They had been possessed but had been returned to normal once Maligno had perished so it seemed. Unfortunately, none of them had any recollection of what had happened. It becomes apparent that approximately half the adult population had been lost in the chaos. Wheather burnt by the great fire, or killed by Maligno and the carrionettes. Unfortunately, none of the townsfolk remember anything about the carrionettes.

The population of Half-Hap gathers in the town square to watch the fire burn out. All the central building are completely destroyed.

Beltain addresses the party as "Before we go I would like to give Poacher's body a decent burial. Although he went off his head towards the end, he did help us out, however unwillingly, on a number of occasions. Did anyone find his body?” The party all looks at each other. Apparently not.

Coleridge addresses the townsfolk to the square "Come i know this is a difficult time but you must look for your loved ones... many have perished here and there will be orphans who need care and support too"

Sparhawk leads the party’s mounts into the square. On seeing Aldo, the warrior approaches him and describes what happened in the constable’s town.
After hearing his version of events Aldo replies "Mmm..interesting...sounds a little far fetched to me. Its fairly clear to me what happened here. It was that Poacher chap, he killed Mr Sertino, he torched the town...now he has made his escape, or perished in the fire. Simple deduction my man, simple deduction"
Rizzit looks at Aldo in disbelief "Well done Aldo I can see why you got the sheriffs job now, I believe we may have killed Poacher but until I see his body I will not be sure"
Sparhawk stands tall "Aldo , I stand before you as a knight and a nobleman....Poacher had many faults but I assure you he did not murder Mr Sertino, nor do I believe he had any escape, my so called companions made sure of that. You will believe what you wish sheriff, the main concern now is finding all survivors and making the town safe, also we must find homes for the orphaned children....I offer my help in any way I can to this end neighbour"
Limara looks on quietly at all the events around her. She notes the mist has gone and smiles to herself.

Once the fire had completely burned out, and all survivors located. The party help search the burned building. The whole central area of town is completely destroyed. In the theater, in one of the large storage rooms. Many bones are found.

Aldo addresses the gathered crowd, he cannot hold his emotion... "The children must be looked after" All the adults nod in agreement. "We must rebuild...but we must not forget". He grits his teeth "It is my opinion that the perpetrator of this devastating fire has indeed been killed by his own actions...many bones are inside the theater..it seems many died there. Why he did it...no body knows...but he will surely suffer in the afterlife" Aldo turns to the party "I can safely say that without the actions of these people, our town would have suffered a much larger fire..we thank them for alerting us to the danger, and for assisting with the sertino murder enquiry. We owe them our thanks. He continues "We also owe them our thanks for rescuing people..many more would have perished were it not for their aid..They are forever welcome in Half-Hap"
The assembled crowd clap solemnly

Beltain is avoids looking at Limara, he seems very ill at ease. "Um, Princess, the fogs have lifted and this nightmarish episode is behind us -- I hope..." he pauses, "Despite the honest welcome from these townsfolk I would as soon put some miles between this place and us. But it is 2am and so maybe we should retire and start out early on the morrow? After a talk, and a bath" he adds. Beltain takes Limara's hand in his and looks her straight in the eyes, "Can we put this place behind us?" he asks.
"Thy plan sounds good Beltain, let us get some rest and make a start first thing on the morrow" says Sparhawk.
“Huh! Thanks are easier to raise than a reward, I'd say.” Spits Feng. He looks at Aldo "Aldo - I don't suppose you'd like to commit these fine sentiments to paper? - I'd hate to be stopped by the Purple dragons and blamed for this fire at some later date - carrying a testimonial would save you being called as a witness."
Aldo replies to Feng "Do not worry, i will inform the Purple knights that you aided this town greatly"
Beltain also turns to Aldo "I believe what you say is true. The criminal that started this fire is dead and paid the price in full for his terrible actions. We are just lucky that the fire he started did not claim more victims, although there may be more to this story, let us close the book on a very sad episode and pray that nothing like this happens again. Half-Hap deserves to resume its life of peace and tranquility so that it can recover and for time to heal its wounds..."

The party retires to the Inn. They find it very difficult to sleep, their minds full of puppets, needles, cats, teddy bears, and dogs…a strange surreal nightmare…. When they wake in the morning they cannot leave the town fast enough. They ride out of the town. It is still snowing.

Sparhawk draws his cloak around him to ward off the chill "Neighbours put the trouble of the last town behind you....focus on what is ahead, we will in time have the leisure to recount the mysteries and horrors of half hap....for now let us finish this journey" Sparhawk pulls Faran slightly in front of the party and continues in silence.

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First Post
The party travels on down the Moonsea Ride. The mood is somber. For several days hardly a word is said. The snow continues to fall, the cold seeps into the bones of the party. Rizzit particularly hates the cold.

One afternoon the party hears a shout from somewhere to the west.. "Please dont hurt me....Please please" It was a mans voice.

Rizzit and Coleridge ride toward the source of the noise. There are many trees in the area, large outcrops of rock and the heavy snowfall obscures their vision.
Sparhawk looks to the west trying to determine where the voice came from "Show yourself neighbour, we mean you no harm"
The party hear the voice again "No...NO...i dont want to DIE!!!"
"The glare off this snow, i can't see a damned thing" says Coleridge, his eyes scanning the area.
Beltain rides after Coleridge and Rizzit. He follows the sound of the voice. Hum "yes...it came pretty much directly west of you... not that far" he thinks, He makes a hand gesture to those who can see him indicating the direction and with his thumb and forefinger indicates it isn't that far.
Feng stands firm in the back of the wagon. Walter and Dierdre cower down “Oh what now…WHAT NOW!” Walters voice trembles. Feng calmly strings his bow and nocks an arrow. “I'll stay back here - it is not beyond the most primitive of ambushes to try to draw off the enemy with a ruse to loot their baggage train - I'll stay here!” the Barbarian shouts.
Feng scans the area. He spots a creature to the east, The opposite direction to where Beltain, Rizzit and Coleridge had ridden. It stands behind a tree...he’s never seen one of these beasts before.

Feng begins a dance of savage joy. “Its over there!” He points his bow in the direction of the beast. The mighty bow creaks as the barbarian's mighty thews compress the limbs into a semi-circle.
He looks down at the cowering Walter and Dierdre “Stay down little ones - I don't want my arra to take yer heads orf!”
Limara spots another of the creatures to the west, behind a tree Beltain is heading toward..to late!..it steps out.
Beltain is convinced that the strange creatures mean the party harm and wonders where the distressed man is now. Has he escaped?.
Limara shouts "These are new to me too, they are attacking with intelligence, they are trying a flanking maneuver"
“So - Feng gets to see what their brains look like!” shouts back Feng.
Sparhawk looks this way and that from the back of Faran, assessing the beasts, his military mind taking stock of their actions and movements
"What manner of beasts are these?, never have mine eyes seen the like, nor have i heard tell of such things"
"I'm afraid i do not recognize these creatures either" says Coleridge.
"Can anyone see the man they were trying to kill?" calls Beltain

Feng fires his bow at the Leucrotta that is near Beltain. The arrow thuds into the snow about 10ft infront of him. The barbarian flings the bow from the wagon in disgust. “I was never meant to be an archer!”
Beltain shouts back to Feng “I can remember when you were always at the front in any fight. Dealing it out, rage burning - come to mention it didn't you have an axe, someone's bane?”
"Fear not Beltain! Laskur's Bane feasts today!"
"What are you going to do.... throw it ?, or does it have an extendable handle..." mutters Limara.

The partys attention is yanked away from the Leucrotta's when they see a burst of magic. Swirling colors, magical sparkles..At the center is a very tall and gaunt elf with short brown hair and strangely unfocusing yellow eyes, his surprisingly large and pointy ears (even for an elf) are stuffed bulgingly under the woolly Bobble hat that is pulled tightly over his slightly too large head. His face, though obviously young in elven terms, is creased with laughter lines around the eyes, and with the dazzling smile that that almost constantly adorns his features. He clutches an icicle. As the swirling dissipates you see a horse on the ground, at least you think its a horse, the poor thing has been almost turned inside out. The elf speaks "Blackmore! Please don't nudge the Wizards arm like that! He'll Miscast it." Suddenly he looks down and see's the horse "ROBINSON!!"
"Now theres something you dont see every day" Sparhawk states with a raised eyebrow
Walter peers out of the wagon "What the hell??????....WERE DOOMED I TELL YA!"
The Wizard Nosnibor looks down at the disgusting mess that may or may not have once been a Horse. His face takes on a brief anguish, is eyes cloud with Tears. "Oh Robinson! Not again." Then the grief quickly seems to be replaced by a piqued interest. "I wonder why that is?" He mutters to himself. The Gangling elf then looks up and notices his surroundings. "Oh crikey! It's still Snowing. " He turns around to look back into the Vortex as it starts to suddenly vanish. "You're supposed to send us somewhere hot! " He yells at the diminishing astral spiral. He then looks around at the Combat taking place. "Oh fiddlesticks. I say? Are you chaps in trouble?"
Beltain shouts to the strange stranger "Hail, Sir Elf" calls Beltain "From your strange magic I can not tell if you are friend or foes. Who are you and do you come to combat or to aid us?"
"Yes neighbour it doth still snow...as for are we in trouble? well that remains to be seen as yet, t'will not be the first time for this party" Sparhawk says to the strange appearing wizard
"Ohhh. You a party of brave adventurers about some daring do?" replies the stranger.
Limara shouts to him "It depends on what you call trouble .... by the way, I'd defend yourself if i were you, we are under attack from these beasts.." She points to the leucrotta.
"Great a wizard, its going to be good talking to someone with brains in there head instead of their ass for a change" says Rizzit.
"Thanks a bunch Rizzit, we love you too!" shouts back Beltain "And this to a bloke who has just reduced his horse to a pile of goo. Don't raise your hopes too high!"
Coleridge loads his crossbow in readiness and breaks in to a rousing song, inspiring courage in his allies.
The Leucrotta closes on Beltain, it opens its mouth, a mans voice is heard, the same voice the party heard earlier "Nooo Arrrrgggghhhhh"
Beltain dismounts drawing his sword and hits out at the beast. He hits it for (9) damage.
Beltain finally twigs - "These creatures can mimic a persons voice" he gasps in surprise
Beltain’s steed Acer, panics and turns and runs away from the Leucrotta, scared to death of this ugly creature. As the horse flees the Leucrotta tears a huge chunk of flesh out of the hind of the fleeing horse, it collapses, dead i the snow.
":):):):)" says Beltain and goes pale!
Rizzit moves his hands in arcane patterns. An invisible, tower shield sized mobile disc of force hovers infront of Rizzit. "Not a good day to be a horse" he says.
The eastern Leucrotta runs forward to Limara. Limara draws her sword and attempts to hit the beast from the back of Venom Blood. Limara crashes her blade down on the creatures head slashing deep into its flesh. (11 dmg) She glances over at her fellow cleric as the creature recovers from the strike...." Bel , ...oh no ... your horse... "
“That was a nice hit Princess" Beltain calls to Limara "But I think that I'm in for a load of walking in the near future"
Sparhawk slams down his visor and kicks his heels into Farans flanks , as his trusted steed accelerates towards its target Sparhawk levels his lance at his foe. His lance deeply pierces the Leucrotta that is attacking Limara (20dmg)
The stranger speaks again "I do believe that these strange and fearsome beasts are capable of mimicking the voices of their victims to lure unknowing travelers to their dooms. What a dreadfully clever technique. I wonder if their ability is based in intelligence or in a natural, yet base animal, survival mechanism? It's such a same that we cannot capture one for further study. Oh well, at least we can study how many magic missiles it takes to make one stop working. Do not be of poor cheers oh brave adventurers. The Wizard Nosnibor with assist you in your defence. We'll jolly well chase these mummers from these parts and never more will they blight this road with their parodistic proclivities."
The Wizard Nosnibor moves his hand in arcane patterns and two missiles of force fly from his fingers, hitting the badly wounded Leucrotta. (5 dmg), still the Leucrotta stands "With my magic Missile and it's Bristle of a Thistle. I'll turn this beastie into lumps of chewy gristle. SHAZZAMM!"
“Ahh good old magic missile, my favorite as well" says Rizzit.
Limara looks over at the mage with a dead horse at his feet, "and you sir whoever you are, we thank you for your support in ridding the countryside of these foul beasts."
Beltain looks at the dead horse at his feet "It appears Sir Mage that we have more than one thing in common" he chuckles
The Wizard Nosnibor replies "The loss of a pet and indeed a companion is a grievous blow to take. I hope my fellow adventurers who are following me through the portal do not have a similar destiny." The elf briefly looks back at where the portal used to be. "Oh dear. The portal seems to have gone. This is a concern."
Beltain glances over to the elf, a concern for his companions or for himself, he wonders....
Feng glares with dislike at the elf “A wizard? An Elf?…A :):):):)in' ELF!!!!” Feng snatches his Greataxe and vaults over the cart to land in the snow. “A :):):):)IN' WIZARD!”
Feng mutters angrily and begins to work himself into a frenzy. "FENG IS HERE!"
"Oooh. You have a Kobold AND a Half-Orc in your company? How marvelous! I absolutely adore the Draconic and Goblinoid races! They are simply delightful! And that one speaks authentic frontier orcish Patois. And what a positive brute of a specimen he is! Oh this is simply splendid. And Mister Kobold Sir? Did you indicate that you are a fellow of the Wizardly arts? Or perhaps a Sorcerer? How super it is to meet you." Says The Wizard Nosnibor. He looks at the growling Feng with a slightly worried eye.
".I do hope your demi-goblinoid confederate is not offended by my Wizardly presence. Please dear fellows be assured that i pose no risk of menace or omen of ill tidings. Though i must confess myself to be confused by my arrival in this frigid and apparently inhospitable place when my transporter was given specific instructions as to the temperate nature of my destination."
"...FENG....HELP BELTAIN NOW.... HE NEEDS YOUR HELP.........Please.." Limara shouts, her voice softening towards the end.
"Thanks, Princess" calls Beltain "Limara is right, I could do with some help over here - if you can make it!"
Rizzit replies to Nosnibor "You are a very perceptive and obviously clever elf, its an honour to meet you, I am indeed a sorcerer. I also have the blood of a true dragon in the my veins, it seems as I progress in my quest I am starting to see changes in my body, already I may sit within a fire and not be burnt. The time is close now when I must perform my Draconic right of passage. He continues without taking a breath “You must show me more of your magics friend, you may have noticed I am now protected my a magical shield, a great spell if there are mages who may use magic missile to ham you" Rizzit goes on and on and on seemingly lost in his own world, one without inside out horses and big bitey things

Coleridge continues his poem as he wheels his horse round the trees to advance on the creature near Beltain
"Frost's fingers withdrew and let go of the world"
"Winter's heart was melting away"
"When the wizard appeared and his magic unfurled"
"Reaching out to lighten our day"

"Oooh. Thats was a Lovely Poem. Are you a Bard? Do you know Koombahyah?" says Nosnibor.
Coleridge unleashes a bolt as he approaches more to distract the beast from Beltain than with any real hope of hitting it. The bolt flies true however, causing the Leucrotta (10) damage.
"Ouch. Nice shot. That will make that mimicking menace think twice about attacking honest travelers again." says Nosnibor.
The Leucrotta infront of Beltain bites at the cleric. Its jaws clamp down on Beltains arm for (14) damage.
Beltain pauses blood seeping from the deep marks of the Leucrotta's attack. He sways, visibly weakened by the attack "Damn the thing" he gasps "I sure has a fearsome bite. Thanks Feng; I could do with some help, this thing seems to find it easy to hit me and it sure packs a wallop!"
The other Leucrotta bites at Sparhawk, but misses.
Beltain steps back, thinks of Correllon, his lord, and a longsword made of pure force springs into existence. It strikes at the Leucrotta but fails to hit.
Rizzit targets the Leucrotta attacking Beltain. A fiery ray shots out from Rizzits hand, but it misses the Leucrotta. “Damn snow!!..blinded me” curses Rizzit. "I think its best to stick with magic missiles Mr Wizzard for now,this snow is throwing off my aim"
Limara swings her sword again at the Leucrotta attacking her and Sparhawk. She hits (10 dmg).
Sparhawk stabs with his lance the same Leucrotta. He hits for (5 dmg)
"Hold on Beltain!…Feng comes!" A huge vein begins to pulse in Fengs Forehead. " 'N UP YOURS WITH A WIRE BRUSH, WIZARD!"
"Whats your problem Feng ??...what has this wizard done to you ?" asks Limara.
Feng grits his teeth "Limara, I was killed by a :):):):)in' wizard!..I hated them before that, but now? - First things, first".
"...was it this wizard ?... " replies Limara.
"Theyre all cowardly bastards!" spits Feng.
"I hope that doesnt include me" Rizzit says sadly, tears beginning to well up
"You should judge an individual not a profession...and you're the one leaning against the wagon.." says Limara. She continues "...there are many that judge all half-orcs as dirt , and many more that judge gruumsh followers as scum... We all judged you as Feng, nothing else, and we have got along fine. In fact i think we are all starting to make a great team. I do not ask you to change your opinion of mages but Feng, please, can you try and curb your doubts. Look at it this way.... none of us had a problem with rangers , but Poacher was probably the biggest tosser any one of us have ever met !!""
Beltain says "Don't worry about the magic users Feng, isn't little Rizzit your best mate in the party? We will judge Mr Bobble hat by his actions, right now there is work to be done!"
Feng spits back "Rizzit is a sorcerer. There are great differences between sorcerers and Wizards - but for the good of all here, I'll try to curb my natural disgust. The teachings of Gruumsh will be a little harder to square with the continued presence of an elf"
"I suggest that you keep your religious bigotry to your thoughts, i haven't pressed my beliefs onto anyone, nor has Beltain or anyone else and i expect you to do the same....i dont think its a can o worms you want to open.."
Beltain says "I'm sure there is no bigotry in our differing religious thoughts, Princess, just alternative views of the world that we live in. We respect everyone's right to take their own path providing that the path doesn't not conflict with the party or members aspirations..."
"a fair point Bel, bigotry is too strong a word to use.. i withdraw it... " replies Limara.
"Look, I don't want to labour this, but I've seen what can await us if we do not serve our god as we should.... being dead has one advantage". Says Feng.

A cat sticks his head out of the pocket of Nosnibor’s robe, it jumps down to the snow.
Nosnibor releases two more magic missiles. They impact on the Leucrotta attacking Sparhawk and Limara, they cause (6) damage, but still the beast lives.
The Wizard Nosnibor speaks "Noble Orc of mixed race i vervently apologize for the sins that have obviously been perpetrated upon you my other of my profession who who have been both less moral in their choices of action and less sensible in their choices of foe, for it is plain to me that you are a warrior of great passion and fearsome abilities. For my own part i have never found the the demi-orc bretheren of this world to be anything other than robust and loyal companions in battle and in matters of adventure. And i do not see that there will be any reason to change my opinions about you from the brief time i have observed your defence of these good people against these foul beasts. I my my own part can only ask you both humbly and respectfully to allow your opinions of my self to be judged upon my actions and not upon the actions of others of my profession or race whom you have taken umbrage with in the past. If however this cannot be the case with you I will of coarse take my leave of your group once the situation has been made safe for all. Though i would ask if i may be allowed to converse briefly with your fellows with the intent of find my barings."

Feng chews his words as if he'd like to spit 'em over a bush before answering the Wizard. “Keep humble, respectful and polite - and don't even attempt any spell that ain’t involved with killin' these ferals, and you just might live to finish the conversation with my companions, here.” Feng moves toward the Leucrotta attacking Beltain.
Coleridge allows his crossbow to fall from his hands and takes up the fifth wind, the double flute the party had found fairly recently, in a strange ogres lair. He continues with his poem before attempting to use the flute for the first time

"He did tricks to amaze, astound and delight"
"in a world every moment less real."
"He kept us enthralled well into the night"
"with the incredible and the surreal."

Coleridge plays the double flute. He blasts the area with a tremendous cacophony. The Leucrotta seems unaffected.
"I say. He's awfully talented isn't he Pussy? I wonder if he'll sing songs to you?" Says Nosnibor to his cat.
The leucrotta turns and moves fast, circling round toward Coleridge..it bites at the bard. Its powerful jaws buries deep in Coleridge’s flesh (13 dmg).
The second Leucrotta turns and snaps at Limara, but fails to connect.
"Damn! That thing ain't daft - I either need running shoes or a longer handle on my axe - 'cos it's keeping out of range of Laskur's Bane" Feng bellows a challenge at the Leucrotta.
Coleridge grunts in pain and turns to spit blood at the creature before continuing his poem
"The village welcomed him into its heart"
"and extended its invitation to stay."
"Till one day he woke and declared he must part"
"then swiftly and smoothly vanished away."

Beltain takes out a scroll and reads it, curing himself of some of the damage. His Spiritual Weapons hits out at the same time. It hits, hurting the Leucrotta for (9 dmg).
Beltain, feeling some relief, gives Limara a brilliant smile "Maybe our fortune is looking up" he calls.
"This creature here is nearly slain... we should be able to assist you soon." Shouts back Limara.
Rizzit unleashes two magic missiles on the Leucrotta attacking Coleridge. Both missiles slam into the ugly beast for (7 dmg).“Nice shots Rizzit!” exclaims Beltain.
"Thanks, at least those hit it" replies the kobold.
Limara slashes down on the Leucrotta her and Sparhawk are tackling. Her blade is true and hits for (7 dmg). The leucrotta is slain. Limara rides over to Beltain.
"Good hit Limara" Sparhawk congratulates the cleric then pulls on Farans reins to head towards the next target.
"Nice hit, Princess" calls Beltain as Limara's blow fells the Leucrotta, his gaze lingers admiringly on her as she rides toward him.
Beltain calls to Nosnibor "Hail, sir elf, a missile of the magic kind would be useful here too, if you have them still. I think our beast has it in mind to flee!"
"Alas fair adventurers i have no more ability to cast another magic missile than an empty wine skin has the ability to bring intoxication. Sadly i am empty. However a rolling sphere of flame may suffice, i think we're just in range. Fingers crossed Pussy my dear." Nosnibor moves his hands in arcane patterns. A burning globe of fire appears right on the last Leucrotta. The Leucrotta dodges the ball of fire, but the ball of flame remains hovering and burning..
"Crikey! Those Leucrotta are a bit nifty on the move. I'll try my best to catch it soon with my confligatory bouncy ball. I do hope it doesn't get in the way of you melee chaps. What's that Pussy? Oh! I do say, you're right. I haven't introduced my self. How rude. My old Aunty Beryl always said to me: Don't be cheeky! Don't Be Rude. So i beg your humble apologies. I am The Wizard Nosnibor. A traveler from the far off world of Cerilia. I am the former Court Magician to the Baron of Rhoesone and Pussy here is the former Minister of Cat affairs. I am honoured to make the acquaintance of all of you brave chaps, and fair maidens. What's that Pussy? Oh. Yes. Perhaps i should wait until after the fight."

Coleridge urges his horse forward a small distance away from the beast. He continues his verse, but changes the inflection of his voice slightly causing some of his wounds to heal.
"The next spring as we dealt with the annual snow's melt,"
"in the gradually brightening weather,"
"the magician, still tanned and healthy and svelte,"
"came striding on out of the heather."

"Actually, noble wizard" says Beltain, still not sure how to take the cheerful elf, "I am somewhat interested in the Arcane Arts, perhaps you could share your experiences sometime?"
The Leucrotta bites at Feng as the barbarian runs toward it waving his axe. Its powerfull jaws clamp onto the barbarian, hurting him. (14 dmg).
Beltain watches as his Spiritual weapon hits the beast hard (12 dmg). The spiritual weapon fades..
Rizzit launches two more magic missiles, they hit for (4 dmg), but still the creature stands.
Feng howls! “Let me hit the soddin' thing! Mine! Mine! Mine!"
Limara slashes her blade across the face of the last Leucrotta, she cuts it for (8 dmg).
Sparhawk rides over and thrusts his lance at the injured beast. It pierces for (10 dmg). The Leucrotta slumps bleeding into the snow.
"Feng, you really need to get a warhorse.. or something equivalent..." she says.

Sparhawk looks at the dead beast, then at his companions around him..."Shall we go and see what the guy in the funny hat is all about neighbours?" he says quietly
"Well comrades, we did well there these beasts take a lot of killing and" says Beltain, looking down at his partly healed wounds, "Can also deal out a lot of damage" He gives a sigh "I guess you are right Sir Sparhawk. It is time to question the elf who can out-talk Rizzit." he continues almost in a whisper " .......... If we have the stamina for it..."
Beltain walks back to Acer to check that there is nothing he can do for the brave beast. Sadly he removes the leather bridle, saddle and the rest of the tackle and stows it on the wagon.
"Well fought my friends... Sorry for your loss Beltain" Coleridge glances over at Acer and Robinson "not a good day to be a horse" Coleridge shifts in his saddle, wincing from the leucrotta bite, and urges his horse back towards the path and on to meet the new arrival
The Wizard Nosnibor smiles “Well. That was a trill! Cripes Pussy, this world surely is awfully adventuresome." The gangley Elf wanders over to his cat and picks him up, starting over towards the party as he strokes it lovingly.

"SO. As i was saying. My name is the Wizard Nosnibor, originally of the land of Cerilia. I believe from the quick calculations that i've made in my head that i appear to have been misteleported. Mmmmmm. Perhaps the Teleporting Wizard got tha Thaumaturgic Differential Angle equated wrongly. I hope the others are safe. From the looks of it this could still be Icewind Dale. Could one of you chaps, or chapettes please inform me of my where abouts? If that isn't too impolite a question to ask so early in our relationship?
As he wanders towards the party The Wizard Nosnibor looks towards Beltain earnestly. "If you have any question of an arcane nature i would be only too happy to answer them for you brave adventurer. Though with an obviously talented Sorcerer in your midsts i find it hard to fathom that there are any questions i with my learning can answer that he with his innate talent cannot."
Coleridge says "Greetings to you Nosnibor" nods towards the wizard "my name is Coleridge, it would appear you are correct in assuming your teleportation has gone awry, you are no longer in Icewind Dale... these are the lands of Cormyr.. we are on the road to Suzail but are still some distance off from that destination. I must thank you for your aid in our recent combat.. and it is nice to meet another of such eloquence i'm somewhat of a wordsmith myself" smiles at the elf “and although you may not have arrived at your correct destination, it appears you have faired better than your horse"
"OOh. Really? How fascinating? “ replies Nosnibor “So this is not in the frigid north? But in the temperate zone in winter? Well that it's self is some consolation. I do hope the rest of my party get to hotter climes safely. I'd be horrified if poor Blackmore was turned inside out like Robinson. As for my eloquence fair Minstrel, you do me much honour, as unworthy as i am to receive it. When your scintillating web of hypnotic verse is being played mere prose is likened unto cattle trying to emulate the majesty of the Noble Griffon."
Coleridge chuckles "It appears you have something of the bard in you yourself, where were you originally headed ,my fine elf, before your impromptu appearance here?"
The Wizard Nosnibor nods at Coleridge "After arriving in the world from my own i adventured with a Noble company in that far North. Our intent was to travel to more hospitable climes after spending my months in the cold. However, as you have said that plan has gone awry. If my Noble companions are not to follow me, and with my Noble steed alas transmogrified into an unridable state i find myself at somewhat of a loss. I am, my dear sir, a stranger in a strange land. To coin an overly used aphorism. And i may just be at your mercy, to coin another."
"Well let us hope your companions had better fortune in their transference and have not suffered a similar fate to your poor mount... Mayhap it is serendipity that has brought you here to this place and time and you have some purpose to serve here" Coleridge cocks his head and a half smile plays across his lips "I myself would have no issue with you joining us until we reach another pocket of civilization, or until you divine what that purpose may be"
Coleridge ackowledges his companions with a nod of his head " the decision is not mine alone however, and we shall have to see what the rest of my companions feel. Probably best you are a bit wary around Feng, he's the half-orc gentleman over there, he doesn't appear to like you much and is somewhat quick to anger and less than cerebral in his methods of dealing with problems.. but he is a stalwart ally none-the-less"
"You tentative offer is most kind fair Coleridge. And it was well meant. I would be honoured to travel with you troupe, however i see that you work in a most fair and democratic manner and thus will obviously only impose myself upon you if your companions deem it allowable. As to my own skills i can manipulate Thaumaturgic energys to a passing degree, i am an avid amateur chef and would happily spice up your trail rations and would take up little space up in your wagon. But of coarse, i should not try to influence you. You must decide what is best with you comrades."
Rizzit chatters "I would love to have you along Mr Nosnibor, another practitioner of the arcane arts would be a welcome addition to our numbers. With our combined firepower nothing can stand in our way"
Beltain speaks "I would welcome you sir, if you would perhaps give me some instruction in the mystic arts. And perhaps relate the latest goings on in the world of elves?"
"I would be happy to facilitate your instruction in Thaumaturgy sir. Though i would count it as neither mystical or artistry. The genesis of the divine power that you yourself wield, if i am not mistaken, is more based in mysticism and art. Wizardry is more a practical manipulation of the thaumaturgic rules of the universe. More a knowledge than an art if the truth be told. Though again i reiterate that if you require instruction i would be happy to oblige."

Beltain nods "A deep theological point, Sir Elf, perhaps the divine power is based on the mysteries but I would not have said the mystic. But we debate too much, your offer is gladly accepted and I would apprecaite your tuition in the mystic (to me at least) thaumaturgic rules of the cosmos. I welcome your company"
"Well met then sir. I hope i can find as warming a welcome from your companions as i have from yourself and the Lyrical Coleridge."
Beltain goes and sits in the wagon. It is very crowded and uncomfortable with four of them in it. Himself, Feng, Walter and Dierdre.
Sparhawk walks Faran back towards the newcomer , his lance held high resting in his stirrup "Hail and well met 'the wizard Nosnibor' I am Sir Sparhawk , knight of The Garison to the Throne of Athkatla, my trusted steed is Faran. Twould appear luck favours you this day, we are currently upon an escort mission and I for one hath no problem with you joining with us until you find your feet so to speak"
"Lets move out and talk on the road" says Rizzit.
"For :):):):)'s sake! Is it too much to ask to allow me to kill something?” moans Feng. “ I let it bite me, so I could at least rif it's froat out - but no, everyone on a fast horse horns in on my action. Bastard!. Lim, you are right - I'm gonna have to buy me a steed of some sort - this being left behind all the time is getting old.
Oh, and good hitting, all. You must all tell me what it felt like".
Feng bites down savagely on his knuckles until he draws blood. Feng whispers to himself "They steal my kill, then expect me to trail along with a elvish wizard. Still - this situation may have it's advantage after all.
Feng waves his axe around his head in an expansive gesture “FENG WELCOMES THE ELF WIZARD!”
"Greetings Nosnibor, i am Limara, a cleric of the Red Knight. It sounds like your friends spell misfired somehow . I would also be happy for you to join us in our journey. " says Limara. "Feng, i didnt mean to steal your thunder..." she smiles. "Here let me cure your wounds to make up for it"



Below is a Link to the "Nosnibor Letters", its much better written than this...check it out :)

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