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The Portal


Berethani is thoroughly exasperated. Raising his voice above the din, he speaks in Rymus's direction: "Good sir, realize that we've just been transported away from our home planet on a one-way journey to try and save our world -- and yours. I think we could be excused for being a bit disorganized and crabby. Please, forgive us.

"That said, would it not make sense for Xiophanes himself to meet with us, explain what he'd like us to do, and then transport us to Lindor? I'm sure we would all like to meet the guy -- er, archmage -- who made this incredible journey possible. And," Berethani smiles cannily, "I'm sure a mage of his erudition must have some ideas on how we can best deploy ourselves most effectively."

Frankly, I'm all for fast-forwarding past the organization part directly to us being in Lindor fighting goblins and orcs. "Roll for initiative" always gets things moving in the right direction, eh?

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First Post
Thinking to himself Orginized...yeah I guess that'll work sounds like we're also missing some healin' capability if we're gonna be fightin orcs..
As he gets over to where the fighters are gathering he walks up to Johnny stating Don't be forgetting that while we're gettin orginized some o'those healing types could be usefull 'specially since not everyone here is not skilled at defending themselves.


First Post
At Maiu's question, Rymus gestures to the same doors as he just did a moment ago, with a vague hint of impatience.

In response to Berethani's query, Rymus smiles.
"You do realize that you're only one group of many, right? Others who arrived here before you have already left, and Xiophanes actually IS speaking to some of the travelers... you just don't happen to be in that group. That being said, between maintaining his powerful spells, speaking with groups such as this one, and coordinating the whole effort, Xiophanes is so busy that he's been selling the small amount of spare time he has left for 50 Gold Pieces a minute, if you make an appointment. If you don't, you have to buy someone else's appointment... which you'll have to anyways, unless you'd care to make an appointment for three weeks from now, because as I recall, he's booked solid until then."

ooc: incidentally, under the current organization, the 'mages' consist of both users of Arcane and Divine magic.

Willow Aura

First Post
Aelynn smiles at Berethani. "Don't worry about that. I specialize in Transmutations, and I don't plan on doing much school-hopping." Then, as an afterthought, she added, "Other then the normal, that is..."
Aelynn shrugged at Astor's remark. "I wouldn't know, but judging by the way dwarves are portrayed in books, they might very well be. I'm not an expert." she said.

Ranger Rick

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ferretguy said:
Thinking to himself Orginized...yeah I guess that'll work sounds like we're also missing some healin' capability if we're gonna be fightin orcs..
As he gets over to where the fighters are gathering he walks up to Johnny stating Don't be forgetting that while we're gettin orginized some o'those healing types could be usefull 'specially since not everyone here is not skilled at defending themselves.

Johnny, stops and looks into this man's face. "How would you be healing? What. Magical healing, well than please join the mages over there in the corner."

Looking at those walking out the door Johnny Bellows, "Why are you leaving? You mean you come all this way to save Earth and now you are quitting? Are you that yellow that a few slides has scared you? Bah! here is hoping you do not get your throat sliced while your are curled on the ground dreaming of your mommy!"


First Post
Stepping out from the front rank of the 'mages' corner is a midsized man wearing chainmail and carrying a heavy wooden shield marked with a eye centered in a star. A mace swings at his side as he steps forward and raises his hands; "Whoa now, hold on. I'm guessing you used to be a drill sargent back in the day, there dwarf-man, but you have to accept that we aren't army recruits. We all freely gave up our lives to come here and try and save both our worlds. Now some of us may have been fleeing possible criminal prosecution or otherwise bad situations;" and for an instant his eyes flicker towards the people going for the door, "but now that we are here, we work together or we all die. Now the briefing says we have to keep the peasants of Lindor alive, magnificent seven style, we've got two months to build fortifications and take control of the situation. No need to go running off half cocked or to be making trouble among ourselves the very first day. The way I see it, we've got to figure out some quick strategic goals, get all the info from this here native mage, and then we can decide who goes where and does what." Barely pausing his flow of words he turns to Rymus, "Now then, mister mage-man, you say you don't have any maps of the city, what can you tell us about that black tower? Do you know where the savage races are coming from? How about a map of the world? And don't tell me you don't know any of this; Your boss is going to all this trouble to get help, I'm sure he's taken the time make sure we can survive long enough to not only pay him back but also give us some tools to fix his problems. You say hobgoblins are the smart ones who are running the whole show on the other side, where are their home territories, what do they fear, any diseases or poisons that affect them but not us? And finally how are we getting there? Another mass teleport spell? A whole lot of boats? Do the enemy have boats? What about underwater dwelling races?" Finally running out of breath, he pauses and rests his gesticulating hands on his hips.


First Post
In the fighter line Ansila will obey anyone who seems to know what they are doing.

Once things have settled down, he will turn to the person next in line and introduce himself "Hi. My name is Ansila, a Monk". He then looks expectantly waiting for a response.

[OOC: Endovior. Did I get a response to my question about how we get to Lindor?]
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Morgan Talthos

First Post
I listen closely to the dwarfs coment then start killing my self laughing when the fit is over I grab the door and open it.

"I don't take orders from you. I'm a carpenter and a fighter plus Rymus just told all of what needs to be done so if you dont mind i'm going to go do it. Anyone eles who feels like coming along can. Rymus thanks for the information I look forward to working for you."

With the final word I exit the door and start looking for a staircase down to the shop Rymus was talking about to get a map of the area.

Maiu Tanta

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Miau stops suddenly and turns to face Johhny. Maius face is red and she is absolutly furious. "how dare you persume that the few people who are heading to the door and are willing to leave and get things started are WUSSYS, instead of waiting here and getting organize by class is absolutly stupid . iam so insulted. " Maiu walks over to Johhny, bends down and slaps him accross the face. maiu stands up and walks towarsd the door. opens it and steps half way in and out and says " i am leaving i don't care who fools me or anything. See Yah." Maiu leaves the room and goes out side.

OOC: OK, I'm outta here. Some of us are attempting to get organized and actually play the game, but Maiu and Morgan are engaging in disruptive behavior, name-calling, and juvenile behavior. This is simply pathetic. How old are you guys -- twelve? Thirteen? Grow up!

EN World generally has a high caliber of people posting, but you two are not living up to those standards. I suggest you take a long, hard look at your behavior in this thread and ask if you'd like to be treated that way.

Endovior, please remove me from this "game". And next time you want to run a PbP, try to take control of the situation and reign in the disruptive players before they make things spiral out of control, as they have done here.

Voidrunner's Codex

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