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The Rerisen Tower(DM: Iron Sky, Judge: ScorpiusRisk)


First Post
Livia frowns and grumbles for a while as the work starts, then heads off into the woods looking for materials that might do well, perhaps some good trees.

[sblock=ooc]Nature check 1d20+10=18[/sblock]

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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
For several hours, the group works on getting the basic foundations of the bridge repaired.

Kaz slips through the trees, watching for more of the walking dead, while Fredrock and Eithal get to work with the Craftsmen, partially under the direction of the Master Mason and part Yim's direction based on the flow of the river.

Livia finds some trees that would make suitable plank material for reconstructing the bridge.

Corvus is in the thick of it, trying to keep spirits high, but it seems the clash with the dead has put him off a bit and his presence seems to do little to assist things.

The foundation stones are pretty much stabilized and reset with a decent stockpile of materials to finish up. Its getting towards early afternoon, the mist burned away revealing the red rocks and cliffs of the far bank. After a quick meal, everyone gets back to work.

[sblock=Round 2]5 successes, 1 failure. Good start.[/sblock]


Fredrock continues working after only a short break, prefering to get the job done sooner, rather than later. Though it is tiring work, the stout dwarf is up to the task.

[sblock=endurance] base = +10, no shield makes it +12, but using the same skill twice brings it back to +10 (still my best skill to use)
Endurance (1d20+10=30) (of course, with that roll, any skill would have sufficed ;)[/sblock]
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First Post
The foundation of the bridge in place, Yimayngurr decides to spell Kaz for a while in scouting for enemies. Rather than patrolling, the half-orc sets up an advance look-out position in an improvised tree platform, just down the road from the bridge that gives him a good view of the area. He crouches down, hidden amid the branches, remaining silent and immobile while he watches for any potential threats.

[sblock=roll]Stealth (1d20+10=26)[/sblock]


First Post
Taking the idea from Yimayngurr, Kaz sets up in a tree on the opposite side, a bit closer to camp; wrapped in shadows watching for the enemy.

[sblock=stealth = 28]


First Post
Livia returns to report her findings to the workers, then leads a few people back toward the stand of trees, keeping careful watch for trouble. But she somehow gets turned around, and has trouble finding it again. Her manners have already failed to endear her to her companions, and it isn't too long before she starts getting peevish complaints and sour looks from the others.

[sblock=perception roll]Perception 1d20+10=14[/sblock]


Eithal finds that wooden pilings are needed, but there's no wood left in the rubble. Teak would be ideal, but where would one find a teak tree here.... She scans the area and recognizes (to her astonishment) a large teak by its leaves and silhouette. She cannot hope to find Yimayngurr and Kaz, so she simply prays that this is not the tree in which they chose to hide. She raises her axe and starts swinging.

[sblock=Checks]Nature = 1d20+8=20 she could have found a Joshua tree with a roll like that :).

There's no way Eithal's going to beat Yim and Kaz's stealth checks with only a +6 Perception.[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Corvus, having had little luck rallying the troops, decides to lead from the front, jumping in with everyone else and helping with the bridge.

[sblock=Athletics success]Athletics: 1d20+6=20, success.[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Though Livia has trouble finding those ideal trees, Eithal finds some that are just as good. Corvus and Fredrock - with Fredrock doing the work of 3 men - get right to it while Kaz and Yim keep watchful eyes out.

The bridge is complete, to the point where the group has just gotten the wagon half-way across the bridge when a massive flock of ravens swarm around the broken ruin atop a distant cliff, the same forbidding figure from the mist appearing in their midst. With a gesture from the figure, the water in the river suddenly rises, rushing onto the bridge.

[sblock=Seperate non-skill challenge Perception DC 20]You catch a glimpse of the figure before it vanishes into the flock of ravens.

People scramble for something to hold onto as the newly rebuild bridge buckles and pieces wash away. The figure on the cliff explodes into ravens again, the flock swirling high overhead like a tempest as the group struggles to keep from being washed into the water...

[sblock=Round 3]So far the group is at 11 successes(nat 20s are worth 2 successes), 2 failures, doing great. Now is the final and most important round however. More of the foul ravens circle high overhead, the water thunders under the bridge, threatening to wash PC and NPC alike off into the brink.

For the final round, there is another option called a desperate gambit: you can take -5 on a check, but if you succeed, it's worth 2 successes(3 on a natural 20).[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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