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The Rerisen Tower(DM: Iron Sky, Judge: ScorpiusRisk)


Eithal scratches her head again after trying in vain to properly prop up the ladder against the hole in the ceiling, "Whayell, thayat ain't gonna work." She replaces the ladder through the hole in the floor below, and digs through her backpack, producing a rope and grappling hook, "Theyis awta dew." The Goliath ties the rope to the hook and heaves the iron claw up toward the ceiling, but it only manages to strike the joist with an audible, Thud![sblock=Dex]1d20=13[/sblock] "Cayan aniwone gimme a hayand?" [sblock=Translation]"Can anyone give me a hand?"[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Can she use Athletics for this, or does she need dex to land the hook, if so, I'm going to need someone with a better bonus to throw the hook. Once it's caught, Eithal's got two rolls with a +12 each to make the climb.[/sblock]

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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
It seems the joists are flush with the ceiling so getting a grappling hook to catch on one would be a feat of dexterity and strength both.

However, as the hook clangs about, there's muffled shouting through the trapdoor.

"Away you rotting bastards, you'll not take me. I am invincible! Pull the other lads apart or carry them off to the woods for your feast, but the Lord of Beggars fears not you. Find another sap for your parade!"


First Post
We're living mate! We brought those masons you've been looking for! Yim calls up through the trap door.

Meanwhile Kaz continues to read the journal.


"Whayell hellooooo. Yew down't need tah worrih'. Weeyell be up thayah in a lil'ole minute." Eithal hefts the rope again, and yells back, "Yew woodn't hayave a clahmbin' rope laddah woodgieyew?"
[sblock=Translation]"Well hello. You don't need to worry. We'll be up there in a little old minute"... ..."You wouldn't have a climbing rope ladder would you?"[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
"How do I know you're alive? Wait, the dead don't talk, they just moan and bleed and grab Owens and pull him apart while he screams for mercy and then you have to put an arrow into your own man and... I don't suppose you have biscuits down there do you? I just adore the ones with butter. Mmmm, melted butter running down the sides like... like... like the brains when I bashed the rotting corpse's head against the wall and it spilled out but it kept coming and coming and coming..."

[sblock=Journal Entry 3]The next entry is dated for the next day. The parchment is clean with just a few dirty fingerprint smudges around the edges of the page.

The tower is in better shape than we'd expected. We've sent Sasha back to let them know we made it and that it's clear, aside from some bats roosting in the top and a couple feral dogs slinking around the place. I'm relieved I'm not ashamed to admit.

We did receive a bit of training after Muster before they sent us out, but I'd rather not have to use my spear if I don't have to. The Captain almost seemed disappointed that there weren't any bandits here that we'd have to retake the tower from. I think he's crazy, why would you ever want to go to battle? I'll take boring garrison duty over fighting bandits any day.

Anyway, we crossed the bridge without incident. Water was running a bit high from all rain and the bridge isn't in the best of shape, but it was passable. Saw a couple more of those ugly, smelly ravens while we were crossing. Never seen a bird that takes care of itself so poorly as those ones did - bare patches where the feathers fell out, scabs on their legs, bleh. There were a couple at the tower when we got here too, thankfully they flew off into the woods when we showed up - it would have been unpleasant if they were roosting here.

Anyway, get to sleep inside tonight. Got a fire going downstairs, fresh mattresses for the bunk beds, a couple rugs and tables that weren't too bad after we shook them out or washed them. I spent the last couple hours before supper washing the walls and floors up here on the third floor where the bats were roosting. It's unpleasant work, but with all of us pitching in, this place should be pretty livable within a couple days, almost homey.

Now that Sasha is gone, its up to the other two Scouts to patrol the area. Here's hoping that they don't find anything hostile out there when they start searching the woods tomorrow - this could end up being a pretty comfortable posting, even has the crash of the waves on the cliff coming in through the window from way below, reminds me of Daunton.

Yawning too much as a write. At least I didn't pull watch tonight, I'm wiped out and I don't think I could stay up for another four hours. I must say, the way it's looking, mother's journals of the battles against the pirates are going to make my journal look like tamer than the Screamer...


First Post
This one inquires, who is Sasha? Kaz asks turning the page.

We have food down here mate, come down and we'll give you some!
Yim yells.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
[sblock=OOC]It seems simple conversation isn't going to work on this guy. Maybe a more *ahem* skilled approach?[/sblock]


First Post
Kaz looks up from his readings to look to see if there is any other way to open the trap door.

Come on down mate! Yim yells up. Master Mason is here with us! You talk to him, Yim says to Mason.

I don't think we have anyone with good people skills in the party :p

Perception = 19
Diplomacy = 9


Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
"Mason? Mason's dead, I saw him fall off the cliff. The ravens were picking at him the whole way down, right until splash! Gone, gone away, sailing back to Daunton as a meat raft. Reminds me of a song... how does that go... The rest is unintelligible as whoever it is up there talks to himself.

[sblock=Livia]Sounds like this guy has been through a lot. He also doesn't seem entirely... there, who knows what'll do it?[/sblock]

[sblock=Kaz]It seems as though this trapdoor is designed so the only way to get through it from underneath is to break it apart.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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