The Retaking of Forgehold - 4E

Charwoman Gene

You have all stopped in the town of Fallcrest to look for some kind of work to keep you all going. You see the following sign attached to a post in the town square.

The Great Merchant Houses of Deluna and Verhaun are currently for brave and hardy individuals to help reclaim the ancient trade city of Forgehold. Founded by the Dwarven King Rolvik ages ago, the city was a nexus of trade amongst the dwarves and it is here that Nerath's great Dwarven Road ends. When Nerath fell, so did Forgehold. The resources this city holds cannot be left to enrich the goblins that infest its ruins. We will fight to take back the city and you can join in the prosperity! Contact Dagron at the Debauched Unicorn Tavern to sign up.

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Charwoman Gene


Quest: Recovering the dragon hide
and returning it to Teldorthan Goldcap.

Quest: Bounty on slain kobolds.

Quest: Bounty on Proof of complete wipe of kobolds.
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First Post
Aelek walks into Fallcrest with his companions. It's been a few weeks they have been together, but it seems they had no luck to find a profitable contract. They worked on a few job together, just to tell they had enough gold to live, but they are always short of gold.

So it is without much of a surprise that he head to the townsquare, where public announcement are made. Wolfheart spot the sign an walk over it.

"Mal. I think we got something here. Rich employeer, possible loot and that only to fight goblins. Seems something we can handle. It worth the trouble to go see how much they offer for that. Anyway, the contact can be found at the Debauched Unicorn Tavern, and I am hungry and could take a some beer. And I'm quite sure Angel too."


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Angel shrugs at the idea of hunting down goblins in some long lost ruins built by dwarves, as she carefuly look around her. She makes sure not to miss any suspisious character around or possible hiding spot. After figuring the place looks safe enough, she sais:

If anything, I need a long warm bath and a confortable bed. my feet are killing me....
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Mira looks around at Fallcrest excitedly, it was something new after days of traveling, and the possibility of adventure was in the offing. The others might have been doing this adventuring for money, but she was doing it to be with her brother, and for the fun of it, not that fightig was so much fun, but proving you were better then other people definitely was. It was a lot more fun than being a waitress in a tavern, what she had been doing before Mal had returned home for her. Always hearing stories instead of living them was simply not what she wanted to do with her life.

"It sounds exciting, a whole ruined city to explore, just think of all the things there are to find? And it was home to the dwarves so it could be really beautiful." she says excitedly. "We should definitely do it."

"I'm up for a bath too, but lets go easy on the drinking, you guys are nofun in the morning, and than get all mad at me we its time to get moving again."


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"Drinking doesn't change my mood in the morning." answers Wolfheart "But being awaken early in the morning on a day we had plenty of time to relax, that change my mood. We had only six hour of road to do and you awaken us only one hour after dawn. Just remember I like to relax when we have no contract and there is no cult that want to lynch me in the region, which is too damned rare."


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[sblock=OOC] do I get some additional knowledge about Forgehold with a history check of 28?[/sblock]

Arden narrows his eyes while reading the announcement and comments, half-lost in his thoughts: Forgehold...Hm...there sure could be something of great interest for my researches hidden in the ancient halls of the lost city... Anyway, for the time being, I would be pleased with a bottle of decent wine...
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"It wasn't an hour past dawn, Aelek, it was an hour past noon." the blonde girl says blandly, though her ever present grin does seep into her voice. "You can tell dawn from noon because the sun is right over head at noon, and at dawn its still kind of dark since the sun is way out in the east."

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