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The Seas of Blood (a piritical game) - Full


Alright Bront see if you'd hire this guy (assuming he passes muster with Phoenix)

Trav'nul was raised in his tribe of half-orcs in the Berdrage Mountains. He grew up much as did all members of the tribe, fighting and raiding. Until the raided too far into Felengar and the raiding party was overtaken by a Felengarian army unit. Trav'nul was captured and put on trial. His punishment was slavery, and was placed aboard a Felengarian naval galley, The Golden Spear, as a rower. Trav'nul served four long years as a rower, longer than most, his great strength and hearty health kept him alive when many of his fellow rowers, mostly human Felengaian criminals perished. Though he was a slave, he felt that he was treated not unkindly. He did what he was told to do and did it without complaint. The captain of the ship, Joseph Derchold, wasn't cruel, he needed slaves to row his ship into combat and felt that this was a way for men to redeem their lives a pay back their debt to society rather than a terminal sentence. Few made it through their sentences to achieve freedom because of the brutal nature of the slave holds however. Captain Derchold would often inspect the slaves and pat Trav'nul on the shoulder, laughing, telling him to take it easy as the coxwain was complaining the ship was listing to port!

Then came the raid by the pirates. The Golden Spear was hauling a load of payrolls and someone must have tipped off one of the local pirates, as they normally had good sense to leave military vessels alone. But they came loaded for bear and attacked hard and fast. As the pirates boarded the Golden Spear, they opened the slaves galley and released the slaves to get them to fight with them. Most of the men were very tired from the hard row they had just had trying to get away. Trav'nul, though was still strong. As he stood now free of his chains, he thought about his situation. He hadn't liked being a slave, but he had been treated better than a slave would have been in his tribe. And the captain was decent man and would visit them occasionally and from what he had heard from other slaves, they weren't beaten as they were on other ships. Trav'nul came to realize that Captain Derchold was truly his new tribe chief, and this ship was his tribe. So as the chains came off, Trav'nul decided to do what he could to help his tribe. Up on deck, things were chaotic and the fighting was intense. Bodies were scattered everywhere, neither side had a clear advantage in the fight. Suddenly the hatch to the slaves rowing area opened. The pirates cheered for they thought that the tide would turn in their favor now. But from the hold only Trav'nul emerged, with a bloody sabre taken from a pirate. He charged down upon Captain Derchold and the Captain thought the end was nigh, but Trav'nul felled the Captain's opponent in one blow. He then bellowed a tribal chant from his youth and flew into a battle rage that quickly turned the tide for the Felengarians and Trav'nul was the first one over the ropes onto the pirate's ship. Captain Derchold had a policy of taking prisoners, and was a bit horrified to find that there were none to take. Once his sailors had found and calmed Trav'nul down, they found that not a pirate had survived on the other ship. They had a few prisoners who had the good sense to surrender when they were still on the Golden Spear, but the pirate ship was empty.

Captain Derchold called the slave before him. "What is your name?" the Captain asked. "Trav'nul" came the reply. "Why did you fight with us?" Trav'nul thought a minute before replying "The Captain has been kind to me even though I am a slave. This ship has been my home for four years. I have leaned how to speak your language here, and how to row very well. I was defending my home, my tribe" he added meekly. This time it was the Captain who had to pause to think. "Trav'nul, in light of the bravery and loyalty you have shown to this ship, this crew, the Felengarian crown, and most of all to me, I hereby declare your sentence to be fulfilled, you are no longer a slave." Trav'nul couldn't believe his ears, this was wonderful. "In addition" continued the Captain "Based upon your performance here, I would like to offer you a position as a marine aboard this vessel, if you wish to take it." Trav'nul was conflicted and overwhelmed, he had been given his freedom, he could go back to his people in the mountains now. But here he had the opportunity to serve this kind man further. His years at sea had open Trav'nul's eyes. He had always been a bright lad, the tribal elders knew it. The exposure to human culture showed there was much more to life than the mountains. So he accepted the position as a marine.

Over the next several years Trav'nul learned how to live on a ship, above decks. He was constantly learning new things. The Captain would instruct him in language, the security chief taught him better discipline in combat. They both worked very hard to get him to not kill every enemy outright. That concept took a while but Trav'nul eventually figured out they wanted prisoners, not just bodies. In his old tribe prisoners were just those that survived, but Captain Derchold sometimes wanted a man captured and disn't want to wait and see if he survived. He also found that he mere presence was enough to make some give up. The sailors taught him to swim and climb the riggings. Over all, the crew was very accepting of him. They had been there and saw him fight for them and save their lives. It didn't hurt that Trav'nul was affable and gregarious, nor that he was quick on the uptake. He wasn't like many of their expectations of a half-orc. Trav'nul became one of the most decorated marines in the Felengarian navy and was designated Captain Derchold's personal bodyguard. Trav'nul served for 3 years under Captian Derchold and was very happy.

Reality came back quickly though. Captain Derchold retired, and the Golden Spear was given over to a new captain, one who didn't consider a half-orc good for anything expect a slave rower. Since Trav'nul had his freedom the new captain could only dismiss him from his ship. Trav'nul tried to find a new captain and a new ship to serve on, but even with recommendations from Captain Derchold, no one could see passed his skin, and no one would let him on their ships, not in the navy, nor in the merchant marine fleet.

Trav'nul was far too civilized now to head home to the Berdrage Mountains. Besides he liked the sea and it's life. He headed south to find some other employment, but at every port he stopped at, the answer was always the same, no room for half-orcs. He finally was desperate enough that he turned to piracy, joined with a pirate crew and set out aboard the Merry Cutthroat under Captain Carnwold. He did well at piracy. He had to let go of some of the restraints he learned as a marine, and he didn't care too much for that. This captain was pretty bloodthirsty. But Trav'nul rose through the ranks quickly enough, few dared to challenge him in combat and so he quickly became the number 2 on board. But he didn't care for the way Captain Carmwold ran his ship (no prisoners) and so left once he had a small stash of loot and started his own ship and recuited a small crew as would serve under a half-orc. His men found him to be a capable leader, once they forgot he was a half-orc and he ran his ship more in a military vien than most pirate ships probably. But he was fair and just and killed only when needed. His captaincy was put to the test when Captain Fontane and the Silver Sovereign sailed into range one day. Captian Fontane of course took umbrage at an upstart pirate and Trav'nul's crew was far less experianced, in a smaller, slower ship. The outcome was the Fontane took his goods, killed his crew and burned his boat. Fontane laughed as he set Trav'nul adrift in the dingy with no food or water, laughing about the inadequacy of a half-orc captain. Trav'nul did not give up though. He had no sail, no water and no food, but he had oars and by all the Seas could Trav'nul row, Four years of rowing trains your body to row, and so Trav'nul rowed and rowed without stop. A lesser man could have never made it back to shore, but Trav'nul did, barely.

Penniless and destitute, he went back and found his old captain. He told Captain Derchold of his problems, that no one would accept him or give him a chance to accept him. That because of it he had turned to piracy and what the outcome of that had been. Derchold looked at the young man searchingly. This half-orc, this savage had turned into a damned fine marine, one of the best he had seen. Only the Seas know how many time Trav'nul had saved his life. So the Captain comforted Trav'nul and said, "Listen my boy, someday you will find another captain like me, in fact you may be a captain again yourself! Now as for piracy, well there is a fine line between a pirate and a privateer. Now you didn't attack and Felengian ships did you? No? Good, then I don't consider you a pirate, and as long as you don't I never will. Remember you were a member of our great navy and respect that always. In the meantime, don't give up and don't despair. I have here a couple of things I no longer need. Why don't you have them" and the captain digs out an old sea chest and hands it to Trav'nul. Opening it Trav'nul finds and assortment of treasures. the old captain pulls out a large axe and says "This monster used to belong to the half-ogre pirate Blaxus, I think he called it the Deck Swabber, and this beauty right here" he says pulling out a breastplate, still shiny and polished though it had been in the chest " Is the armor of old Admiral Northing, he gave it to me when he retired, I was his second in command for many years you know. It did something screwy, that I can't remember now. He was a big man like you so it should fit. And this I won in a game so long ago I forgot from whom. But this bow was reputedly the possesion of the legendary giant pirate Y'goj, who sailed a ship os stone they say. I doubt that a bit, but few men can bend it thought I wager you could." Trav'nul, sring the bow and cna just pull the string to his chin, never had he felt such a pull, his shoulders ached from it. "Yeah I think they called it The Ballista or some such, he he we had smaller ballistas on the Golden Spear! This last one my boy was a gift from my wife. She gave it to me when I recieved my commision. It is a family heirloom called Heat's Trust, and though this ring looks small, it will help protect you. Since I have no children of my own, I bequeth it to you. Oh and there's all kind of little trinkets like that in there, maybe not enough to get a new ship, but it's a start. But take it my boy they're yours. You've done quiet a bit for me and it seems you need a little more help than most to make it. My advice is to head south. The further you get away from the mountains, perhaps people will accept you more. And the further south you are the less chance you have of running into a Felengarian frigate" the old man adds with a wink. The generosity of the captain overwhelms Trav'nul and he picks him up in a bear hug "All right put me down you lubber, now go on make your fortune. Try the port of Loridunne, they have a festival coming up soon. Many many ships will come to that port for the festival, I am sure a captain there will take you on board. Here let me write you a letter of recommendation if you want to get on with a legitimate ship, if you find a pirate crew, well I trust your judgement, it seems you aren't bloodythirsty enough for the worst of them"
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The man with the probe
Other than the potential problem of him not nessessarily liking the fact that Swoops is a pirate, I don't see a problem.

Quick suggestion, perhaps Fontain was either the pirate in question, or one of the pirates who escaped but he noticed in particular, so he's got a score to settle with him.


No that was part of my concern as well. I added a section to resolve this, part of his story I had originally been considering. But I fused them well enough I think. My goal was to make him interesting enough for me, but make him acceptable to Swoops.


Alright Bront, here is your Mr. Arrow ;)


Trav'nul was raised in his tribe of half-orcs in the Berdrage Mountains. He grew up much as did all members of the tribe, fighting and raiding. Until the raided too far into Felengar and the raiding party was overtaken by a Felengarian army unit. Trav'nul was captured and put on trial. His punishment was slavery, and was placed aboard a Felengarian naval galley, The Golden Spear, as a rower. Trav'nul served four long years as a rower, longer than most, his great strength and hearty health kept him alive when many of his fellow rowers, mostly human Felengaian criminals perished. Though he was a slave, he felt that he was treated not unkindly. He did what he was told to do and did it without complaint. The captain of the ship, Joseph Derchold, wasn't cruel, he needed slaves to row his ship into combat and felt that this was a way for men to redeem their lives a pay back their debt to society rather than a terminal sentence. Few made it through their sentences to achieve freedom because of the brutal nature of the slave holds however. Captain Derchold would often inspect the slaves and pat Trav'nul on the shoulder, laughing, telling him to take it easy as the coxwain was complaining the ship was listing to port!

Then came the raid by the pirates. The Golden Spear was hauling a load of payrolls and someone must have tipped off one of the local pirates, as they normally had good sense to leave military vessels alone. But they came loaded for bear and attacked hard and fast. As the pirates boarded the Golden Spear, they opened the slaves galley and released the slaves to get them to fight with them. Most of the men were very tired from the hard row they had just had trying to get away. Trav'nul, though was still strong. As he stood now free of his chains, he thought about his situation. He hadn't liked being a slave, but he had been treated better than a slave would have been in his tribe. And the captain was decent man and would visit them occasionally and from what he had heard from other slaves, they weren't beaten as they were on other ships. Trav'nul came to realize that Captain Derchold was truly his new tribe chief, and this ship was his tribe. So as the chains came off, Trav'nul decided to do what he could to help his tribe. Up on deck, things were chaotic and the fighting was intense. Bodies were scattered everywhere, neither side had a clear advantage in the fight. Suddenly the hatch to the slaves rowing area opened. The pirates cheered for they thought that the tide would turn in their favor now. But from the hold only Trav'nul emerged, with a bloody sabre taken from a pirate. He charged down upon Captain Derchold and the Captain thought the end was nigh, but Trav'nul felled the Captain's opponent in one blow. He then bellowed a tribal chant from his youth and flew into a battle rage that quickly turned the tide for the Felengarians and Trav'nul was the first one over the ropes onto the pirate's ship. Captain Derchold had a policy of taking prisoners, and was a bit horrified to find that there were none to take. Once his sailors had found and calmed Trav'nul down, they found that not a pirate had survived on the other ship. They had a few prisoners who had the good sense to surrender when they were still on the Golden Spear, but the pirate ship was empty.

Captain Derchold called the slave before him. "What is your name?" the Captain asked. "Trav'nul" came the reply. "Why did you fight with us?" Trav'nul thought a minute before replying "The Captain has been kind to me even though I am a slave. This ship has been my home for four years. I have leaned how to speak your language here, and how to row very well. I was defending my home, my tribe" he added meekly. This time it was the Captain who had to pause to think. "Trav'nul, in light of the bravery and loyalty you have shown to this ship, this crew, the Felengarian crown, and most of all to me, I hereby declare your sentence to be fulfilled, you are no longer a slave." Trav'nul couldn't believe his ears, this was wonderful. "In addition" continued the Captain "Based upon your performance here, I would like to offer you a position as a marine aboard this vessel, if you wish to take it." Trav'nul was conflicted and overwhelmed, he had been given his freedom, he could go back to his people in the mountains now. But here he had the opportunity to serve this kind man further. His years at sea had open Trav'nul's eyes. He had always been a bright lad, the tribal elders knew it. The exposure to human culture showed there was much more to life than the mountains. So he accepted the position as a marine.

Over the next several years Trav'nul learned how to live on a ship, above decks. He was constantly learning new things. The Captain would instruct him in language, the security chief taught him better discipline in combat. They both worked very hard to get him to not kill every enemy outright. That concept took a while but Trav'nul eventually figured out they wanted prisoners, not just bodies. In his old tribe prisoners were just those that survived, but Captain Derchold sometimes wanted a man captured and disn't want to wait and see if he survived. He also found that he mere presence was enough to make some give up. The sailors taught him to swim and climb the riggings. Over all, the crew was very accepting of him. They had been there and saw him fight for them and save their lives. It didn't hurt that Trav'nul was affable and gregarious, nor that he was quick on the uptake. He wasn't like many of their expectations of a half-orc. Trav'nul became one of the most decorated marines in the Felengarian navy and was designated Captain Derchold's personal bodyguard. Trav'nul served for 3 years under Captian Derchold and was very happy.

Reality came back quickly though. Captain Derchold retired, and the Golden Spear was given over to a new captain, one who didn't consider a half-orc good for anything expect a slave rower. Since Trav'nul had his freedom the new captain could only dismiss him from his ship. Trav'nul tried to find a new captain and a new ship to serve on, but even with recommendations from Captain Derchold, no one could see passed his skin, and no one would let him on their ships, not in the navy, nor in the merchant marine fleet.

Trav'nul was far too civilized now to head home to the Berdrage Mountains. Besides he liked the sea and it's life. He headed south to find some other employment, but at every port he stopped at, the answer was always the same, no room for half-orcs. He finally was desperate enough that he turned to piracy, joined with a pirate crew and set out aboard the Merry Cutthroat under Captain Carnwold. He did well at piracy. He had to let go of some of the restraints he learned as a marine, and he didn't care too much for that. This captain was pretty bloodthirsty. But Trav'nul rose through the ranks quickly enough, few dared to challenge him in combat and so he quickly became the number 2 on board. But he didn't care for the way Captain Carmwold ran his ship (no prisoners) and so left once he had a small stash of loot and started his own ship and recuited a small crew as would serve under a half-orc. His men found him to be a capable leader, once they forgot he was a half-orc and he ran his ship more in a military vien than most pirate ships probably. But he was fair and just and killed only when needed. His captaincy was put to the test when Captain Fontane and the Silver Sovereign sailed into range one day. Captian Fontane of course took umbrage at an upstart pirate and Trav'nul's crew was far less experianced, in a smaller, slower ship. The outcome was the Fontane took his goods, killed his crew and burned his boat. Fontane laughed as he set Trav'nul adrift in the dingy with no food or water, laughing about the inadequacy of a half-orc captain. Trav'nul did not give up though. He had no sail, no water and no food, but he had oars and by all the Seas could Trav'nul row, Four years of rowing trains your body to row, and so Trav'nul rowed and rowed without stop. A lesser man could have never made it back to shore, but Trav'nul did, barely.

Penniless and destitute, he went back and found his old captain. He told Captain Derchold of his problems, that no one would accept him or give him a chance to accept him. That because of it he had turned to piracy and what the outcome of that had been. Derchold looked at the young man searchingly. This half-orc, this savage had turned into a damned fine marine, one of the best he had seen. Only the Seas know how many time Trav'nul had saved his life. So the Captain comforted Trav'nul and said, "Listen my boy, someday you will find another captain like me, in fact you may be a captain again yourself! Now as for piracy, well there is a fine line between a pirate and a privateer. Now you didn't attack and Felengian ships did you? No? Good, then I don't consider you a pirate, and as long as you don't I never will. Remember you were a member of our great navy and respect that always. In the meantime, don't give up and don't despair. I have here a couple of things I no longer need. Why don't you have them" and the captain digs out an old sea chest and hands it to Trav'nul. Opening it Trav'nul finds and assortment of treasures. the old captain pulls out a large axe and says "This monster used to belong to the half-ogre pirate Blaxus, I think he called it the Deck Swabber, I know we kept trying to get you to use a sabre, but I know the weapon of your youth fits best in your hand. And this beauty right here" he says pulling out a breastplate, still shiny and polished though it had been in the chest " Is the armor of old Admiral Northing, he gave it to me when he retired, I was his second in command for many years you know. It did something screwy, that I can't remember now. He was a big man like you so it should fit. And this I won in a game so long ago I forgot from whom. But this bow was reputedly the possesion of the legendary giant pirate Y'goj, who sailed a ship of stone they say. I doubt that a bit, but few men can bend it though I wager you could." Trav'nul took the massive piece of wood, seven feet long and as think as his wrist, strung the bow and was just able to pull the string to his chin, never had he felt such a pull, his shoulders ached from it. "Yeah I think they called it The Ballista or some such, he he we had smaller ballistas on the Golden Spear! This last one my boy was a gift from my wife. She gave it to me when I recieved my commision. It is a family heirloom called Heat's Trust, and though this ring looks small, it will help protect you. Since I have no children of my own, I bequeth it to you. Oh and there's all kind of little trinkets like that in there, maybe not enough to get a new ship, but it's a start. But take it my boy they're yours. You've done quiet a bit for me and it seems you need a little more help than most to make it. My advice is to head south. The further you get away from the mountains, perhaps people will accept you more. And the further south you are the less chance you have of running into a Felengarian frigate" the old man adds with a wink. The generosity of the captain overwhelms Trav'nul and he picks him up in a bear hug "All right put me down you lubber, now go on make your fortune. Try the port of Loridunne, they have a festival coming up soon. Many many ships will come to that port for the festival, I am sure a captain there will take you on board. Here let me write you a letter of recommendation if you want to get on with a legitimate ship, if you find a pirate crew, well I trust your judgement, it seems you aren't bloodythirsty enough for the worst of them"


Trav'nul is a large man, nearly seven feet tall and 250 pounds of muscle. Years of rowing have given him enormous shoulders and arms. His grayish skin, jutting jaw and protruding teeth leave no question as to his race. Yet, his coarse black hair is neatly cropped in a miltary fashion. And his outfit (blue jacket with gold brocade, white pants with green trim, a green tricorner hat, and polished black boots) greatly resembles a Felengian naval uniform, complete with a sabre at his side, and is always spotless. The huge greataxe slung over his shoulder reminds people that he is, though a half-orc. The last piece of the dichotomy is that Trav'nul speaks common perfectly in the distinctive clipped accent of Felangaria.

Name: Trav'nul
Class: Barbarian 5/Fighter 2/Rogue 1
Race: Half Orc
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 6'10”
Weight: 250
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Gray

Ability Scores: Str: 18/Dex: 14/Con: 14/Int: 12/Wis: 13/Cha: 12
HP: 82 (1d6+5d12+2d10 +16 Con)
AC: 22 (+2 Dex, +8 armor + 2 def)
Init: +2 (+2 dex)
BAB: +7/+2
Saves: Fort: +9/Ref: +5/Will: + 2
Move: 40’
Weight Allowance: Light 100, Medium 200, Heavy 300, Pull 1500, Lift 300.

Deck Swabber Greataxe +3 +14/+9 1d12+9 20/x3
The Ballista Composite Mighty (+4) Long Bow+1 of Distance +9 1d8+5 20/x3 range 220 ft
Military Sabre +11/+6 1d6+4 18-20/x2

Racial Abilities:
• Darkvision: Half-orcs (and orcs) can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and half-orcs can function just fine with no light at all.
• Orc Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-orc is considered an orc.

Class Abilities:
Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding, Fast Movement, Illiteracy, Rage 2/Day (7 rounds), Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +1

Endurance, Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Unarmed Combat, Imporved Grapple

Skills: ( Ranks + Misc.)
Balance +9 (5 + 2 Syn)
Climb +10 (+12) (6 + 2 Syn w/rope)
Intimidate +9 (8)
Jump +10 (6 + 2 Syn)
Knowledge:War +6 (5)
Listen +5 (4)
Prof: Sailor +5 (4)
Prof: Gambler +5 (4)
Spot +5 (4)
Swim +10 (6)
Tumble +10 (6 + 2 Syn)
Use Rope +7 (5)

Common, Half-orc, Gnoll

Gear: (Total weight: w)
8,800 gp Mighty (+4) Comp Longbow +1 of Distance- The Ballista
13,350 gp Mithril Breastplate +3
18,320 gp Great axe +3 -Deck Swabber
8,000 gp Ring of Protection+2-Heart's Trust
Military Sabre
3 tailored uniforms
Letter of Recommendation
Two iron strong boxes with very good locks
10,000 in gems, jewels and coins
-5,000 gp coins
-1,500 gp ruby necklace
-1,000 gp emerald ring
-1,000 gp ruby tiara
-1,000 gp sapphire broach
-500 gp mother of pearl hair comb

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The man with the probe
Sorry, been kind of out of it. Need to ship some e-bay stuff, and just got back from the dentist after being out of town last week. I'll try to folow up tonight or tomorow :)


First Post
Fenris said:
Alright Bront, here is your Mr. Arrow ;)


Trav'nul was raised in his tribe of half-orcs in the Berdrage Mountains. He grew up much as did all members of the tribe, fighting and raiding. Until the raided too far into Felengar and the raiding party was overtaken by a Felengarian army unit. Trav'nul was captured and put on trial. His punishment was slavery, and was placed aboard a Felengarian naval galley, The Golden Spear, as a rower. Trav'nul served four long years as a rower, longer than most, his great strength and hearty health kept him alive when many of his fellow rowers, mostly human Felengaian criminals perished. Though he was a slave, he felt that he was treated not unkindly. He did what he was told to do and did it without complaint. The captain of the ship, Joseph Derchold, wasn't cruel, he needed slaves to row his ship into combat and felt that this was a way for men to redeem their lives a pay back their debt to society rather than a terminal sentence. Few made it through their sentences to achieve freedom because of the brutal nature of the slave holds however. Captain Derchold would often inspect the slaves and pat Trav'nul on the shoulder, laughing, telling him to take it easy as the coxwain was complaining the ship was listing to port!

Then came the raid by the pirates. The Golden Spear was hauling a load of payrolls and someone must have tipped off one of the local pirates, as they normally had good sense to leave military vessels alone. But they came loaded for bear and attacked hard and fast. As the pirates boarded the Golden Spear, they opened the slaves galley and released the slaves to get them to fight with them. Most of the men were very tired from the hard row they had just had trying to get away. Trav'nul, though was still strong. As he stood now free of his chains, he thought about his situation. He hadn't liked being a slave, but he had been treated better than a slave would have been in his tribe. And the captain was decent man and would visit them occasionally and from what he had heard from other slaves, they weren't beaten as they were on other ships. Trav'nul came to realize that Captain Derchold was truly his new tribe chief, and this ship was his tribe. So as the chains came off, Trav'nul decided to do what he could to help his tribe. Up on deck, things were chaotic and the fighting was intense. Bodies were scattered everywhere, neither side had a clear advantage in the fight. Suddenly the hatch to the slaves rowing area opened. The pirates cheered for they thought that the tide would turn in their favor now. But from the hold only Trav'nul emerged, with a bloody sabre taken from a pirate. He charged down upon Captain Derchold and the Captain thought the end was nigh, but Trav'nul felled the Captain's opponent in one blow. He then bellowed a tribal chant from his youth and flew into a battle rage that quickly turned the tide for the Felengarians and Trav'nul was the first one over the ropes onto the pirate's ship. Captain Derchold had a policy of taking prisoners, and was a bit horrified to find that there were none to take. Once his sailors had found and calmed Trav'nul down, they found that not a pirate had survived on the other ship. They had a few prisoners who had the good sense to surrender when they were still on the Golden Spear, but the pirate ship was empty.

Captain Derchold called the slave before him. "What is your name?" the Captain asked. "Trav'nul" came the reply. "Why did you fight with us?" Trav'nul thought a minute before replying "The Captain has been kind to me even though I am a slave. This ship has been my home for four years. I have leaned how to speak your language here, and how to row very well. I was defending my home, my tribe" he added meekly. This time it was the Captain who had to pause to think. "Trav'nul, in light of the bravery and loyalty you have shown to this ship, this crew, the Felengarian crown, and most of all to me, I hereby declare your sentence to be fulfilled, you are no longer a slave." Trav'nul couldn't believe his ears, this was wonderful. "In addition" continued the Captain "Based upon your performance here, I would like to offer you a position as a marine aboard this vessel, if you wish to take it." Trav'nul was conflicted and overwhelmed, he had been given his freedom, he could go back to his people in the mountains now. But here he had the opportunity to serve this kind man further. His years at sea had open Trav'nul's eyes. He had always been a bright lad, the tribal elders knew it. The exposure to human culture showed there was much more to life than the mountains. So he accepted the position as a marine.

Over the next several years Trav'nul learned how to live on a ship, above decks. He was constantly learning new things. The Captain would instruct him in language, the security chief taught him better discipline in combat. They both worked very hard to get him to not kill every enemy outright. That concept took a while but Trav'nul eventually figured out they wanted prisoners, not just bodies. In his old tribe prisoners were just those that survived, but Captain Derchold sometimes wanted a man captured and disn't want to wait and see if he survived. He also found that he mere presence was enough to make some give up. The sailors taught him to swim and climb the riggings. Over all, the crew was very accepting of him. They had been there and saw him fight for them and save their lives. It didn't hurt that Trav'nul was affable and gregarious, nor that he was quick on the uptake. He wasn't like many of their expectations of a half-orc. Trav'nul became one of the most decorated marines in the Felengarian navy and was designated Captain Derchold's personal bodyguard. Trav'nul served for 3 years under Captian Derchold and was very happy.

Reality came back quickly though. Captain Derchold retired, and the Golden Spear was given over to a new captain, one who didn't consider a half-orc good for anything expect a slave rower. Since Trav'nul had his freedom the new captain could only dismiss him from his ship. Trav'nul tried to find a new captain and a new ship to serve on, but even with recommendations from Captain Derchold, no one could see passed his skin, and no one would let him on their ships, not in the navy, nor in the merchant marine fleet.

Trav'nul was far too civilized now to head home to the Berdrage Mountains. Besides he liked the sea and it's life. He headed south to find some other employment, but at every port he stopped at, the answer was always the same, no room for half-orcs. He finally was desperate enough that he turned to piracy, joined with a pirate crew and set out aboard the Merry Cutthroat under Captain Carnwold. He did well at piracy. He had to let go of some of the restraints he learned as a marine, and he didn't care too much for that. This captain was pretty bloodthirsty. But Trav'nul rose through the ranks quickly enough, few dared to challenge him in combat and so he quickly became the number 2 on board. But he didn't care for the way Captain Carmwold ran his ship (no prisoners) and so left once he had a small stash of loot and started his own ship and recuited a small crew as would serve under a half-orc. His men found him to be a capable leader, once they forgot he was a half-orc and he ran his ship more in a military vien than most pirate ships probably. But he was fair and just and killed only when needed. His captaincy was put to the test when Captain Fontane and the Silver Sovereign sailed into range one day. Captian Fontane of course took umbrage at an upstart pirate and Trav'nul's crew was far less experianced, in a smaller, slower ship. The outcome was the Fontane took his goods, killed his crew and burned his boat. Fontane laughed as he set Trav'nul adrift in the dingy with no food or water, laughing about the inadequacy of a half-orc captain. Trav'nul did not give up though. He had no sail, no water and no food, but he had oars and by all the Seas could Trav'nul row, Four years of rowing trains your body to row, and so Trav'nul rowed and rowed without stop. A lesser man could have never made it back to shore, but Trav'nul did, barely.

Penniless and destitute, he went back and found his old captain. He told Captain Derchold of his problems, that no one would accept him or give him a chance to accept him. That because of it he had turned to piracy and what the outcome of that had been. Derchold looked at the young man searchingly. This half-orc, this savage had turned into a damned fine marine, one of the best he had seen. Only the Seas know how many time Trav'nul had saved his life. So the Captain comforted Trav'nul and said, "Listen my boy, someday you will find another captain like me, in fact you may be a captain again yourself! Now as for piracy, well there is a fine line between a pirate and a privateer. Now you didn't attack and Felengian ships did you? No? Good, then I don't consider you a pirate, and as long as you don't I never will. Remember you were a member of our great navy and respect that always. In the meantime, don't give up and don't despair. I have here a couple of things I no longer need. Why don't you have them" and the captain digs out an old sea chest and hands it to Trav'nul. Opening it Trav'nul finds and assortment of treasures. the old captain pulls out a large axe and says "This monster used to belong to the half-ogre pirate Blaxus, I think he called it the Deck Swabber, I know we kept trying to get you to use a sabre, but I know the weapon of your youth fits best in your hand. And this beauty right here" he says pulling out a breastplate, still shiny and polished though it had been in the chest " Is the armor of old Admiral Northing, he gave it to me when he retired, I was his second in command for many years you know. It did something screwy, that I can't remember now. He was a big man like you so it should fit. And this I won in a game so long ago I forgot from whom. But this bow was reputedly the possesion of the legendary giant pirate Y'goj, who sailed a ship of stone they say. I doubt that a bit, but few men can bend it though I wager you could." Trav'nul took the massive piece of wood, seven feet long and as think as his wrist, strung the bow and was just able to pull the string to his chin, never had he felt such a pull, his shoulders ached from it. "Yeah I think they called it The Ballista or some such, he he we had smaller ballistas on the Golden Spear! This last one my boy was a gift from my wife. She gave it to me when I recieved my commision. It is a family heirloom called Heat's Trust, and though this ring looks small, it will help protect you. Since I have no children of my own, I bequeth it to you. Oh and there's all kind of little trinkets like that in there, maybe not enough to get a new ship, but it's a start. But take it my boy they're yours. You've done quiet a bit for me and it seems you need a little more help than most to make it. My advice is to head south. The further you get away from the mountains, perhaps people will accept you more. And the further south you are the less chance you have of running into a Felengarian frigate" the old man adds with a wink. The generosity of the captain overwhelms Trav'nul and he picks him up in a bear hug "All right put me down you lubber, now go on make your fortune. Try the port of Loridunne, they have a festival coming up soon. Many many ships will come to that port for the festival, I am sure a captain there will take you on board. Here let me write you a letter of recommendation if you want to get on with a legitimate ship, if you find a pirate crew, well I trust your judgement, it seems you aren't bloodythirsty enough for the worst of them"


Trav'nul is a large man, nearly seven feet tall and 250 pounds of muscle. Years of rowing have given him enormous shoulders and arms. His grayish skin, jutting jaw and protruding teeth leave no question as to his race. Yet, his coarse black hair is neatly cropped in a miltary fashion. And his outfit (blue jacket with gold brocade, white pants with green trim, a green tricorner hat, and polished black boots) greatly resembles a Felengian naval uniform, complete with a sabre at his side, and is always spotless. The huge greataxe slung over his shoulder reminds people that he is, though a half-orc. The last piece of the dichotomy is that Trav'nul speaks common perfectly in the distinctive clipped accent of Felangaria.

Name: Trav'nul
Class: Barbarian 5/Fighter 2/Rogue 1
Race: Half Orc
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 6'10”
Weight: 250
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Gray

Ability Scores: Str: 18/Dex: 14/Con: 14/Int: 12/Wis: 13/Cha: 12
HP: 82 (1d6+5d12+2d10 +16 Con)
AC: 22 (+2 Dex, +8 armor + 2 def)
Init: +2 (+2 dex)
BAB: +7/+2
Saves: Fort: +9/Ref: +5/Will: + 2
Move: 40’
Weight Allowance: Light 100, Medium 200, Heavy 300, Pull 1500, Lift 300.

Deck Swabber Greataxe +3 +14/+9 1d12+9 20/x3
The Ballista Composite Mighty (+4) Long Bow+1 of Distance +9 1d8+5 20/x3 range 220 ft
Military Sabre +11/+6 1d6+4 18-20/x2

Racial Abilities:
• Darkvision: Half-orcs (and orcs) can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and half-orcs can function just fine with no light at all.
• Orc Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-orc is considered an orc.

Class Abilities:
Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding, Fast Movement, Illiteracy, Rage 2/Day (7 rounds), Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +1

Endurance, Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Unarmed Combat, Imporved Grapple

Skills: ( Ranks + Misc.)
Balance +9 (5 + 2 Syn)
Climb +10 (+12) (6 + 2 Syn w/rope)
Intimidate +9 (8)
Jump +10 (6 + 2 Syn)
Knowledge:War +6 (5)
Listen +5 (4)
Prof: Sailor +5 (4)
Prof: Gambler +5 (4)
Spot +5 (4)
Swim +10 (6)
Tumble +10 (6 + 2 Syn)
Use Rope +7 (5)

Common, Half-orc, Gnoll

Gear: (Total weight: w)
8,800 gp Mighty (+4) Comp Longbow +1 of Distance- The Ballista
13,350 gp Mithril Breastplate +3
18,320 gp Great axe +3 -Deck Swabber
8,000 gp Ring of Protection+2-Heart's Trust
Military Sabre
3 tailored uniforms
Letter of Recommendation
Two iron strong boxes with very good locks
10,000 in gems, jewels and coins
-5,000 gp coins
-1,500 gp ruby necklace
-1,000 gp emerald ring
-1,000 gp ruby tiara
-1,000 gp sapphire broach
-500 gp mother of pearl hair comb


Can you edit your RG posting of Ramses and put this in instead? Thanks.


Did and done sir.

And to Bront:

O CAPTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead ('cause he failed to post)

Voidrunner's Codex

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