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The Sea's Righteous Might


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Swift Rock Bay

Swift Rock Bay is nestled in a natural harbor of volcanic rock, carved out by eons of storms and waves. The natural curvature of the bay provided the much desired protection from buffeting ocean waves for the original settlers, and the village grew to a town and then to a small city over the period two hundred years. Now the port town serves as a major stopping point for ships and travelers moving between the northern and southern parts of the continent of Kaddan, and is the only point from which ships will set out for the Ichidan Islands.

Swift Rock Bay is much like any other harbor town, with dock yards, wharf warehouses and offices, stinking markets, rough bars, and enough seedy action to satisfy the most corrupt tastes. The city is naturally stratified into upper and lower class neighborhoods by the bowl shape of the Bay, with the wealthier, cleaner parts of the city near the top, where the Midden Road meets the city boundaries and spills into the bowl, down to the lower portions of the city, where vice and shadows rule. East on the Midden Road takes you to past the Rakeen Plains, on to Seth Downs and then to Gale’s Notch, and eventually to the gates of the Brimrock Enclave in the Ixtapa Mountains, many hundreds of miles across the continent.

At night, the lower portion of Swift Rock Bay is slave to the passions of sailors, whores, gamblers, thieves, and miscreants of every type. During the daylight however, the streets and bazaars are bright with the promise of fame, fortune, and hope. Hawkers summon freelance mariners to crew ships both large and small, and merchants display wares and baubles from the Silvestri Forests from the north or the Redthorn Jungles from the South, or pearlescent jewelry and coral knives from the Ichidan Isles, just over the horizon to the west. Goods from inland, shipments from Gale’s Notch or Caldessa herself, are available to those who have the coin.

Work is easy to find in Swift Rock Bay. Mariners are always needed, and often ships will take on additional help to protect shipments from pirates who roam the Crescent Seas. Inland, caravans frequently move from Swift Rock Bay to Gale’s Notch, and are eager to avoid the predations of the Taheen Raiders sweeping out of the Rakeen Plains.

Recently, rumors of a new string of islands, possibly even a new continent, have been filtering through the dockyards and wharf bars. One ship, The Sea’s Righteous Might, is said to be hiring a crew to set out for these new islands, and Captain Peliad Kestor is looking to augment his crew with fighters to protect against both pirates and the savagery of the unexplored isles…

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Iggy Glenfannon

Iggy Glenfannon

Iggy Glenfannon is a tall, bony man with a hook nose and bushy brown eyebrows. His voluminous green robes conceal a lanky, lean frame, and a pair of round spectacles rest on his nose. Iggy looks out over the gathered crowd of adventurers gathered before him, all responding to the advert he had posted about town requesting the aid of explorers. He peers down at a list he has prepared, squinting in the bright light of the noonday sun.
“Now, thankya all for your interest… ya unnerstand when I tell you I canna hire the lot of you. No. I’ve considered your qualifications, and I've decided to hire the following people. If your name is called, please report to The Sea’s Righteous Might at dawn two day’s hence, and be prepared for a journey of not less than six months. Captain Kestor has your signing bonus, and I suggest you spend the lot of it. There’ll be no bars nor women to take your money where we’re going.”


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The Sea’s Righteous Might

The Sea’s Righteous Might is a three-masted clipper built by an odd conjunction of Elven wood-lore and Dwarven ingenuity. Sailors who have crewed her swear by her maneuverability and speed, and speak in awe of Captain Kestor. Peliad served in the Caldessan Navy for more than 30 years before he retired to The Sea’s Righteous Might, and he spent every copper he had, and then some, during her construction. Now he sails primarily between Swift Rock Bay and the Ichidan Isles, carrying luxury goods and wealthy passengers. The routes are beautiful but routine, and Peliad has been getting bored with the repetition.

When the Caldessan Cartographer’s guild approached him with the plan of sailing beyond any charted region he leapt at the chance to put his ship and his skills to a real test, a test he felt was finally worthy of him and his ship. That the guild offered him enough money to pay off his debts tenfold was also no small gain, and Peliad instantly sent word to his officers to begin calling trusted sailors to crew The Sea’s Righteous Might.
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The Clam Shell

The Clam Shell is as upbeat an establishment as there is in the lower portions of Swift Rock Bay. The chef, Gilly Ulston, is known for the spiced dry rubs and hot mustards he uses to spice his seafood, and for reasons unknown he only stocks Elven wines from the Kale Valley Vinyards. Beers and Ales are cheaper though, and flow freely during those days between arrivals and departures, usually with a bowl of breaded clam meat or spiced 'zard nuggets. Most sailors would not think of spending their signing bonus anywhere else other than the Clam Shell, feasting on Gilly's blackened seabass with a mug of Kale Valley Honeyed Blackberry wine to wash it down.
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Jaleph Bigthumbs Halfling Sorceror

Jaleph hears his name called as one of the adventurers and smiles in a self-satisfied manner. He nods at the others who were called, and heads immediately for the Clam Shell. Upon entering, he shouts out "Ho there, a flagon of ale and two plates of todays special for me, then!" He turns and says conversationally to whoever happens to be there, "Hummph! Finally going to get myself out of this stinkin' town. No more dayjobs, and no more 'Oh please, come kill this rat for me, Jal' noise. I'ts a proper magician's job at last!" With that, he sits down and begins feasting.
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Marisa Calathar, Cleric of Wee Jas

The person Jal is speaking to is a woman with long, flowing red hair. He may or may not recognize her from the crowd where Iggy was announcing names. She smiles at his comments as she sips what appears to be some of Gilly's elven wine.

"Eager to leave town, are you? For me, this city is just a rest stop onto more adventurous shores. My name is Marisa, and I noticed that I will be joining you on the Sea's Mightous Right." She turns to the waitress, and asks her "might I get a plate of today's special? This might be the last time I've tasted civilized food in a while."

"So, you're a sorcerer, eh? I've always been fascinated in some of the arcane mysteries. Myself, I have been blessed with being touched by Wee Jas" she says as the thumbs her necklace with Wee Jas' holy symbol at its base, "so it is hard for me to understand how the arcane touches others."

"What have you heard about our destination? I've heard all sorts of tall tales... they say a new continent awaits us! Isn't this exciting?"


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Jaleph Bigthumbs Halfling Sorceror

"Wee Jas, eh? Ye're not gonna kill us in our sleep eh? *chuckles* Nah, I'm just jokin' missy. A pleasure it will be to have someone along who understands death, and can keep me from it should it suit ye. As for understanding of the arcane arts, ye want a wizzerd fer that job, I just call the spells and they come to me, no understanding about it." He eats some more, drinks his ale, and calls for another before continuing. "I know no more of the lands we are to find than I was told earlier today. Though, as I was sayin', anyplace has got ta be an improvement on this stinkin' city. Though the voyage to get there sounds like no kind'o fun a' tall. Oooh, just the thought of all that up and down and side to side almost makes me lose my appetite," he finishes as he tears into his feast again.


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Marisa Calathar, Cleric of Wee Jas

"Wee Jas, eh? Ye're not gonna kill us in our sleep eh?" As Jal chuckles at his joke, Mari raises an eyebrow, then cracks a grin. A jovial fellow, for sure she thinks. "A pleasure it will be to have someone along who understands death, and can keep me from it should it suit ye." "Ah, if that's your desire, then I shall try my best, though you should realize that death need not be feared, but rather embraced."

As Jal voraciously chows down his food, you hear Mari's stomach growl. She looks around for the waitress, commenting "wathcing you eat is really making me hungry. Where's that waitress?"

As she's looking around for the waitress, she scans the room, trying to see if any of the others who signed up for the Sea's Rightous Might have entered the tavern.


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Jaleph Bigthumbs Halfling Sorceror

"Ah, can't stand to see a pretty young maiden go hungry. Here, fill yer stummick with some a this, I can wait till that lazy barmaid gets back here for my seconds" With that, he pushes his second plate over to her.


A dashing young man enters the Clam Shell, perhaps overdressed for this place. He is blonde, and his bangs hang over his right eye. He has tan skin. He wears a rapier and punching dagger on his belt, and wears stylish studded leather armor. His purple cape is made of some fine material.

He opens his mouth and says, "Bran Olvant, Treasure Hunter Extraordianairre, in service of the Cartographer's Guild, has returned. Gilly, the usual, blackend seabass and Blackberry wine of course. I have another job." He nods at the rest of the group, recognizing some of their faces from the meeting with Iggy. "Good day, may I seat please?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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