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The Shackled City - Golarion Prelude


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The atmosphere at the Lucky Monkey changes gradually from stunned relief, to mirthful excitement as the guardsmen begin laughing and clapping each other on the shoulder. The guardsman who single handedly slew one of the swarms will not have to buy any of his drinks tonight.

Tamecia leans on her staff, trailing blood on the ground from the deep gash in her leg.

Tank you. You did not know me or me girls...but still you came to help us when know one else did. You and your friend are welcome in me kitchen any time. And don’t let Orin be trickin’ you into paying. That cheap bastard would charge his own mother.

Tamecia lets Caytis brace her as she, the girls, and walk toward the Inn.

Marcus takes a seat on a barrel of salt packed sardines while Valinnan cleans and dresses his wounds. Svexyn reclines in the bed of one of Garthun’s ravaged carts staring up at the stars while sipping some water from his flask. When Nia spots Caytis and Tamecia struggling across the courtyard, she rushes to their aid and helps brace Tamecia’s other arm. When they arrive at the east gate, Caytis and Nia gently lower her to the ground next to Marcus. Nia bandages and cleans the Tamecia’s leg while Valinnan finishes up with Marcus.

Thank you child. I’m sorry I was so nasty to you earlier....I’m used to bein’ judged by people like you for livin’ like city folk. I’ll not forget your bravery and kindness. Quite a trick there with the fire...although Orin will mutter about it for weeks once he realizes you burned up his choice meats.” Tamecia grins through obvious pain.

Adofo approaches Marcus and Nia, his heavy falchion resting across one shoulder. His steely gaze passes over the two before spitting over his shoulder and simply stating,

Not bad for a city boy and a backward native girl.

Adofo turns around and marches back to the other guards, obviously prepared to do some heavy celebratory drinking.

Wilbur and Maavu join the group after marching across the courtyard from the gate. Wilbur looks slightly frumpled and disheveled, but Maavu looks exillerated.

I can’t believe it. You did it. You fought them off. I thought we were done for! Thank you. The entire city owes you debt a of gratitude. You saved the entire stock of food. Listen, I don’t have much to reward you with. I have little gold on me and my stock consists mostly of food and some limited medical supplies. But please, take this with my thanks.

Two of Maavus porters place a large crate and a small crate on the ground next to Maavu. Maavu opens the lid to the small crate revealing 6 vials of red liquid packed in straw.

Curative potions imported from Sasserine. I had intended these to go to my private stock, but I think you can make better use of them then I.

It takes both of Maavus porters to pry the lid off the second, larger crate. Inside, you see what appear to be backpacks.

And also, please take these backpacks. Some nobleman special ordered these imported from Absalom. I’ll just claim they were lost in the attack and send out for another order. He can wait another month or two.

The packs seem very well made. After examining them, you can see how they optimally distribute their load across the entire body, making the wearer able to carrier more before becoming encumbered from the weight. Various hooks and straps adorn the packs for things like canteens, tools, and other adventuring gear.

Orin joins the group, laughing and joking, obviously still high on adrenalin.

We did it friends! We did it. I don’t think this place has seen that much action in decades. I never realized how vulnerable this place had gotten over the years. I’m going to have to contact a mason from Cauldron to see about reinforcing the gates and my walls. Can’t let that happen again. Please....take this...its tonight’s earnings. I’m no fool. Without your help, this place would be a boneyard crawling with those things. There will always be a room for you folks here at the Lucky Monkey.

Orin’s purse lands on the ground with the tinkle of gold coins as he turns and walks back to the inn, whistling a jaunty tune.

The doors of the inn slam open, as a steaming, sputtering dwarven whirlwind bursts into the courtyard.


Garthun surveys his wrecked caravan, and then looks at the relatively undamaged food supplies.

You Maavu. This is your doing isn’t it. I’ll have you up before the council for this!”

Garthun turns to regard the group resting in the courtyard.

And you! You let those creatures have a party with my goods while you protected this fool’s bags of rice. Do you have any idea how much gold each one of those shattered bottles of wine was worth??? Thats imported from Cheliax. Not exactly stuff your grandma makes in her bathtub.

Garthun notices that Marcus is sitting on one of his few intact barrels.

“And you! Get off that....” Garthun squints as he reads the label. “SARDINES? Gods save me. Those damn bugs ate all my cigars and wine, but leave me with stinky fish. You’ll pay for this Maavu. You and your damn heroes here will pay for every last broken bottle and ruined smoke. Mark my words.
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
As Garthun commences his rant about the replacement of his ruined goods, Val looks up from his work on Marcus' wounded leg.

"Come, sir, come. We'll do no such thing, nor will our kind hosts. You chose to stay at the Monkey, the Monkey was in the path of the beetle swarm. There is no blame here; indeed, were it not for the efforts of everyone here, you'd have no worries about the state of your goods for they'd be in the bellies of the beetles. Along with your noble self.

"So let's have no more talk of payment! The Master of Drink is calling us to celebrate our victory . . . let's not make Him wait 'ere we heed the divine call to worship!"


First Post
Marcus stays fairly still while Val bandages him up a bit. "Damn little pests. For such small things, they sure do manage to cause some pain."

He acknowledges Adofo with a grunt of "Thanks," even if it is a bit of a back-handed compliment.

He gives Maavu a nod and accepts the offered items. The backpack is pretty nice... definitely better than the one he carried here.

He looks to Garthun with a sour expression, remaining on his barrel-seat. "It's your own damn fault, dwarf. Your greed and your laziness brought this on you. Hell, I'll bet your worthless, cowardly excuses of men are about to become beetle-food any minute now! If you'd bothered to get your lazy ass out the door, you might have had some goods survive. Like I said, you've only got yourself to blame. Have fun loading the remains of your stuff," he finishes, spitting onto the ground for punctuation. He waits for Val to finish with the bandages before walking back into the Lucky Monkey.


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Nia offers Tamecia a quick smile at her words and says in her lilting, accented Common, "No matter where you livin' you are always one of us... So long as you choose dis place of your own will, de rest of us do not have to agree or unnerstand for it to be the right place for you. If de others be rude to you from time to time, it just be because dey want you back."

She laughed at the dwarf's outburst...oddly not taking offense at all at his words. In that moment she no longer seemed (or at least was trying to seem) like an old woman wearing a young skin, but rather the carefree girl she might have been had she followed a different path.

Then the moment was gone, and Nia looked at Tamecia, suddenly all business again. "Tell me...is dere anyone you know who might be out to get dis place...or you and yer husband?"

Fangor the Fierce

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Svexyn was relaxed now, enjoying the thought that he would live to get home to take care of his mother. The assault was unnerving at first, but it would seem that with enough help, they managed to survive. He casually looks over at the exchange of words from the others, oblivious as to the exact words, but from the mannerisms and movements, he can deduce the dwarf was not happy.

He then sits up, stretches, and begins to remove all of the nails and extra boards that helped to fend off the bugs. His work was never done for the day...


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Caytis Maggerin, half-elf magus

Caytis smiles humbly at the shows of gratitude, but generally keeps quiet until they've all gathered together.

"I can't say I've done a bang-up job putting your lessons to use, Marcus, but I can at least help with some of the clean up," he says. He whisper-hisses strange words, and the beetle gore and dirt of the battle seem to evaporate from him. He turns his attention to the others, and one by one helps to clean them, as well.

OOC: Prestidigitation

When the dwarf comes out to chastise the lot of them, Caytis merely sighs, letting Val and Marcus express both of his sentiments, both for more drink, and for the dwarf to swallow his belly-aching.

HP: 10/10 AC: 15 AC(T): 12 AC(FF): 13 Init: +02
BAB: 00 CMB/CMD: 00/12 ACP: -1 ASF: 00 Spot: +05


Saving Throw Total Base Mod Misc Special
Fort: 03 2 +1
Ref: 01 0 +2 -1*
Will: 03 2 +1

* -1 Reflex (Wyrm Blooded trait)
** Conditional: Immune sleep, +2 vs enchantments, +4 vs acid

Weapon Attack Damage Critical Special
Quadrens +2 1d6 19-20/x2 1 pt bleed on crit
Quadrens, Spell Combat +0 1d6 19-20/x2 1 pt bleed on crit
Composite Shortbow +2 1d6 20/x3 Range 70 ft.

* Conditional: +1 attack with Arcane Pool enhancement.

Arcane Pool: 4/5 remaining

Spells Prepared:
* 0 Level (3): Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Light
* 1st Level (2, DC 15): Shield, Shield[/sblock]


First Post
Garthun sputters with impotent rage. There is little he can do and he knows it.

Just you wait until we get back to Cauldron. I have connections. I know people!

He grumbles into his beard while he picks through the meager remains of his caravan.

Tamecia grimaces in pain while she thinks. She turns her head toward Nia while she speaks.

No, I can’t tink of anyone that would have a grudge against Orin or dis place. Despite being thickheaded sometimes, Orin is a good man. You heard him. If you are brave enough to make it here, he gives you a meal and a safe place to lay your head. He’s followed the teachings of Desna all his life. Even has a small chapel in the inn. A missionary usually maintains the shrine, but she left a week back for some business in Cauldron. Sweet girl too, wish you could have met her.

She shakes her head, seeming to refocus on the question at hand

He’d never turn a traveler away. You could say its against his religion.

Tamecia chuckles to herself.

Now...its time for me and me girls to go to sleep. Nia, you and your friends are welcome to whatever you can find in the pantry if you are hungry. Lesia and Nessa will show you to a room. None of you sleep outside tonight.

Tamecia hobbles into the inn with the rest of the crowd, while two of her girls show you to your rooms. As you enter the inn, you here the rowdy sounds of a binge underway. Orin is letting the rum and rice wine flow freely as he indulges the appetites of the victorious guardsmen. Still high on victory, the guards are busy telling tales and taking deep swigs from their mugs. Most of the remaining merchants and porters opt to go to sleep, their nerves shot from the evening’s activities.

The girls lead you to some private rooms in the back. Nia is provided a small room to herself, while the men are led to a bunk room. While simple, the linens are clean and the beds are stuffed with fresh straw.

The morning arrives with little fanfare. Those who participated in the revelries seem to be dragging a bit and paying Cayden Cailean’s tithe. Tamecia enters the main room, the night’s rest seeming to have re-energized her. She carries a large platter of what appears to be large black bowls of meat. Her girls carry steaming bowls of stew, different from the one you had the night before. She places one of the black bowls in front of each of you and the girls distribute the stew amongst the early risers. She leans over Caytis as she hands him his bowl and winks.

I bet you thought I was kidding....Or maybe you just wish I was.

You quickly realize the black bowls are the upturned carapaces of fire beetles that have been roasted with garlic and olive oil. Despite its strange appearance, the dish smells heavenly. The stew itself has chunks of meat you are fairly certain once belonged to the smaller ember beetles. It has been cooked with an assortment of local beans, rice, and some strange spices you don’t recognize. You have a feeling Tamecia could make just about anything seem appetizing.

After your meal, the caravan begins to get ready to leave. Garthun has managed to pull together one cart of goods from his previous caravan that he is driving himself, as none of his men returned last night. He continues to grumble when ever he sees you or Maavu, but says nothing. The rage is evident in his smoldering glances.

Before too long, Adofo sounds the horn and whats left of the caravan, leaves the Lucky Monkey behind. The rest of the journey home is mercifully mundane. Before long, the mountains loom in the distance. Not long after that, Cauldron is visible, perched atop the ancient volcano that once defended it from demonic hordes. Man made keeps and towers can be seen built into the ridge of the caldara. The city flag flies from the top of each one.

The caravan snakes it way slowly around the base of the volcano as it makes its ascent. Despite approaching the city from the east, the looping path eventually brings the caravan to the South Gate. Everyone is charged a 1cp gate tax then allowed into the city proper.

The paved cobblestone streets Cauldron feel hard and sure beneath your feat. The bricks vary in color between white and black. The light sparkles off the stones in an attractive, if peculiar way. Its as if they contained large amounts of crushed glass. Most of the buildings have a very open architecture, to allow the breeze to blow through and keep the structures cool during the daytime. Retractable shutters allow the buildings to be closed at night to keep out the night insects and rain.

The caravan breaks up, each merchant going their seperate ways. Maavu flips you a final salute as he moves towards his warehouses. Garthun flips you a salute of a different kind as he drives his cart in the opposite direction.

You lead your tired beasts of burden to the Drunken Morkoth where The Cardinal greats Valinnan with a giant bear hug.

Good to see you my boy. I see you and your frineds made it back safe. And, you seem to have picked up a few more along the way.” The Cardinal doesn’t even lose a beat when he see Nia’s rough appearance. “Come in, come in. Val, Marcus, Caytis, Svexyn...you three can unload the cart while I properly great our guests.

When the cart is finally unloaded, the group is treated to a roasted fish and an ale by the Cardinal.

Thank you so much for making that trip. I had begun to forget what some of this stuff from home tasted like. Mind isn’t what it used to be. Makes it hard for me to uh...make good recommendations.

The Cardinal mops his firey red hair with a bar rag then leaves a bag of gold on the counter.

Thanks again Val, you and your friends deserve this.

Inside, is 300gp

OOC: You now have some free time to talk amongst yourselves and do things in the city. When you are done, Chapter 1 will begin.

Walking Dad

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In the shared room, the others learn a valuable lesson. Don't share a room with Wilbur unless you are really tired, which is luckily the case, so you can fairly easy ignore his speak and screams during his sleep...

Getting the bug meal, Wilbur smiles and says: "Revenge!" before eating.


Wilbur stares in wonder as the group arrives in Cauldron.
He is silent at the meeting with The Cardinal, unsure how to react or what to say.

Wilbur 2
Wilbur Warrington



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Nia is quiet from the moment the group enters Cauldron, and though she tries to be discrete about it, she gawks like a tourist whenever she thinks no one's watching. More than once she is caught stooping over to scrape at the sparkly bricks, trying to figure them out.

Her silence persists through the audience with the Cardinal. She seems to understand that he's a man of some importance and goes along with the ruse in front of him.

At the end, when he's gone, she asks, "De city is larger den I thought it would be. Any of you know where I ken get de stories?"

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