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The Sunless Citadel OCC (Calling lonesoldier, Randomling, and Argent Silvermage)


First Post
Ok, this is my first time dming a pbp so if I screw up majorly, tell me, and I'll try to fix it to the best of my abilites.

The adventure is going to be for 4 first level characters (though if one or two more want to join I've no problem beefing up the adventure). It's going to be a 28 point buy system, and all characters gets 100 gold to spend. Any race is allowed unless it's ecl is higher than 1, though I might need you to give me the stats on the race if I don't have the book. Also all characters will start out in a town called Oakhurst, how or why you got there though is entirely upto you.

We'll get started as soon as atleast four slots are filled up, and characters are made. Hope to hear from you.
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First Post
Vigwyn the Unruly said:
I'd love to play a dwarven cleric. Any room for one?
Nope, no room for a dwarven cleric even though you're the first post lol. ;)

Ok, sarcasm outta the way, yeah Dwarven Cleric will be fine.


First Post
Okay, I'm interested, but I'd like to know what books are allowed to draw from. I'm thinking a Grey Elf Wizard. It's been a long time since I've played an arcane caster.


First Post
Hmmm interesting build eh? Let's see what I can do to please everyone...but mainly myself.
Warmage, human, male, w00tness.

Rashford Nailmond

Male Human Warmage 1
True Neutral
Representing Barsallas

Strength 	14	(+2)
Dexterity 	10	(+0)
Constitution 	14	(+2)
Intelligence 	14	(+2)
Wisdom 	8	(-1)
Charisma 	15	(+2)
Size: 	Medium
Height: 	5' 6"
Weight: 195 lb
Skin: 	Pale
Eyes: 	Green
Hair: 	Black; Straight; Beardless

Total Hit Points: 8

Speed: 20 feet [armor]

Armor Class: 14 = 10 +4 [scale]

      Touch AC: 10
      Flat-footed: 14

Initiative modifier:	+0	= 0 [dexterity]
Fortitude save:		+2	= 0 [base] +2 [constitution]
Reflex save:		+0	= 0 [base]
Will save:		+1	= 2 [base] -1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld):	+2	= 0 [base] +2 [strength]
Attack (unarmed):	+2	= 0 [base] +2 [strength]
Attack (missile):		+0	= 0 [base]
Grapple check:		+2	= 0 [base] +2 [strength]

Light load:	58 lb. or less
Medium load:	59-116 lb.
Heavy load:	117-175 lb.
Lift over head:	175 lb.
Lift off ground:	350 lb.
Push or drag:	875 lb.

Languages:	Common Dwarven Halfling

Morningstar [1d8, crit x2, 6 lb, one-handed, bludgeoning]

Scale mail [medium; +4 AC; max dex +3; check penalty -4; 30 lb.]


      Armor Proficiency (medium)	
      Battle Caster

Skill Name	Key		Skill		Ability		Ranks		Misc.
		Ability		Modifier		Modifier				Modifier

Appraise 	Int 		2 = 		+2
Balance 	Dex* 		0 =		+0
Bluff 		Cha 		2 = 		+2
Climb 		Str* 		2 = 		+2
Concentration 	Con 		6 = 		+2		+4 	
Diplomacy 	Cha 		6 = 		+2		+4 	
Disguise 	Cha 		2 = 		+2
Escape Artist 	Dex* 		0 = 		+0
Forgery 	Int 		2 = 		+2
Gather Info	Cha 		2 = 		+2
Heal 		Wis 		-1 = 		-1
Hide 		Dex* 		0 = 		+0
Intimidate 	Cha 		2 = 		+2
Jump 		Str* 		-4 = 		+2				-6 [speed 20]
Know.(arcana) 	Int 		6 = 		+2		+4 	
Listen 		Wis 		-1 = 		-1
Move Silently 	Dex* 		0 = 		+0
Ride 		Dex 		0 =		+0
Search 		Int 		2 = 		+2
Sense Motive 	Wis 		3 =		-1		+4 	
Spot 		Wis 		-1 = 		-1
Survival 		Wis		-1 =		-1
Swim 		Str** 		2 = 		+2
Tumble 		Dex* 		4 =  		+0		+4 	
Use Rope 	Dex 		0 = 		+0

* = check penalty for wearing armor

Zero-level Warmage spells: 5 per day

First-level Warmage spells: 4 (3+1) per day


    * Extra feat at first level (already included)
    * Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
    * One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)


    * Core class from "Complete Arcane"

    * Sorcerer-like, with limited spell choice focused on military applications

    * A warmage has access to all spells on the warmage lists

    * Add intelligence bonus to all spell hit point damage ("warmage edge")

    * At levels 3, 6, 11, and 16, add an evocation spell to the repertoire

    * At level 7, gains Sudden Empower feat

    * At level 10, gains Sudden Enlarge feat

    * At level 15, gains Sudden Widen feat

    * At level 20, gains Sudden Maximize feat

    * May wear light armor; at level 8, medium armor

    * May bring a light shield

Level 1:
	Class 	Warmage	
 	HP rolled  	6 	

Rashford Nailmond's Equipment:

      Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)  36 lb
      Backpack                                              2 lb
      Flint and steel                                        1 lb
      Pouch x1                         
      Rations (1 day) x2                                  2 lb
      Sacks x1                                               1 lb
      Torches x1                                             1 lb
      Waterskins x1                                        4 lb
      Spell component pouch                           2 lb      

      Total                                                     49 lb
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First Post
Oh, forgot the books ^^;;; I'll allow just about anything, but again, if I don't have the book, you'll have to send me the information

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
[b]Brother Ulfgar Badenburg[/b]
LG Male Dwarven Cleric 1 of Heironeous
XP: 0

Init: +2

AC: 15 (+3 armor +2 Dex)
FF: 13
Touch: 12
+ 1 dodge bonus against Giant-type
HP: 10

Speed: 20’

[b]Attacks[/b] [BAB +0]:

Longsword +3 1d8+3 (1d8+2 if 1-handed) slashing 19-20/x2
+1 to Atk against Orcs & Goblinoids

Light Crossbow +2 1d8 piercing 19-20/x2
Feat reminder: Rapid Reload (reload is a free action)
+1 to Atk against Orcs & Goblinoids

Dagger +2 1d4+2 slashing or piercing 19-20/x2
+1 to Atk against Orcs & Goblinoids

Fort +4
Ref  +2
Will +4
(+2 racial against spells, spell-like effects)
(+2 racial against poisons)

Languages: Common, Dwarven

3 attempts/day

Darkvision 60’
Stonecunning (+2 to Search for unusual stonework, auto Search check when w/in 10’)
Stability (+4 to checks against being bull rushed or tripped)

[b]Skills (ACP -1):[/b]
Appraise additional +2 racial for stone or metal
Concentration +6 (4 ranks, +2 Con)
Craft additional +2 racial for stone or metal
Knowledge [Religion] +4 (4 ranks, +2 Con)

Str 14 (+2)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 10 (+0)

Rapid Reload
Martial Weapon Proficiency [Longsword]
Weapon Focus [Longsword]

Longsword (15 gp)
Light Crossbow (35 gp)
20 bolts (2 gp)
Dagger (2 gp)
Studded Leather Armor (25 gp)
Backpack (2 gp)
Bedroll (1 sp)
Grappling hook (1 gp)
Hempen Roap (1 gp)
Sack (1 sp)
1 lb. Soap (5 sp)
Waterskin (1 gp)
Wooden Holy Symbol (1 gp)
Spell Component Pouch (5 gp)
Explorer’s Outfit
8 gp
12 sp
10 cp

Cleric Domains:
Good—Cast good spells at +1 CL
War—Specific bonus feats (included above)

Spells Per Day: 3/2+1
Save DCs: 12/13 (13/14 for good spells)

Spells Prepared:
0—detect magic, detect poison, light
1st—protection from evil*, bless, shield of faith
* denotes domain spell

Age: 62
Height: 4’2”
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair: long, bearded, auburn
Eyes: green
Skin: Caucasian
Deity: Heironeous


Ulfgar Badenburg is a young (by the standards of dwarfs) cleric of Heironeous. Ulfgar chose this religious path due to his strong sense of loyalty and desire to do good in the world. The church of Heironeous values these ideals, as well as a discipline rooted in the ways of warfare. The church elders recognized great strength in the young dwarf and guided his training to include instruction in this discipline. As an acolyte, Ulfgar divided his time between learning the ways of goodness and almost military-like training in the use of his deity’s sacred weapon, the longsword. In his spare time, he practiced loading and reloading his crossbow—over and over again—until he could do it with lightning speed.

Upon completion of his studies, the young Brother Ulfgar was sent out into the world to use his might to advance the causes of goodness, and thereby bring honor to Heironeous. After months of travel, the cleric has found himself in the town of Oakhurst. Surveying the town in the morning sun, his right hand subconsciously caressing the hilt of his sacrosanct longsword, Ulfgar thinks, “Here. Here is where my work begins.”
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First Post
Only see one problem with him, and other than that I like him though he is dry. You've spent to much gold. All characters only get 100 gold. You've spent alot more than 100

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Ivellious said:
Only see one problem with him, and other than that I like him though he is dry. You've spent to much gold. All characters only get 100 gold. You've spent alot more than 100
Oops. I could have sworn you wrote 300 gp. My mind must have played a trick on me. I'll fix it up when I add the background.

Umm... I'm not sure what you mean by "dry"...? :confused:

Voidrunner's Codex

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