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The Swords of Imarr: Midnight at the Meat & Gristle


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>A dark-tanned man - Kartislander, by the look of him - pushes aside the Gristle's double doors as he enters the tavern. Two Marrakeen dancing girls have just finished performing on the counter-top, and are climbing down to collect some coppers from impressed patrons. At a table nearby a pretty dark-haired girl with a rapier at her belt is seated with a muscular young barbarian - she's looking in his direction and meets his eye a moment, but apparently was looking for someone else, for quickly looks away.

Further off, Denther spots the man he's come to see - the sage, Bernard the White, has requested the man-hunter's help in recovery - of an item, not a person. An amulet, apparently, presumably ensorcelled, and located in catacombs beneath this tavern. What kind of threat to its recovery might require Denther's particular skills - and sword - he can only guess at. Bernard mentioned that a third person would be accompanying them, and sure enough the Sage is in conversation with a hooded female, clad in black steel breastplate and with a heavy sword at her side. The woman has noticed Denther, but Bernard's gaze is on her, and he seems oblivious to all else.<

Ah, Marrakeen girls. theres nothing quite like them when it comes to personal ardor. But the collars they wear show they already belong to someone else...
Denther makes a quick mental note of the woman and barbarian in the corner. 'Allies, or foes?' he ponders quietly.
Denther quietly sidles up to Bernard the sage and his heavily armored companion. "Greetings to you, ancient one*," nodding slightly to the heavily armored woman "and to your... female friend."
As the woman rises to her feet and her hand goes to her scabbard "Easy, as long as you are not on the overkingdoms wanted ledgers, I am no threat to you."
To Bernard "You sent for me in that I might help you recovering something of yours, is this not so? I must say in all candor that I am for familiar with tracking men than _things_ but, as times are a bit thin at the moment, I will more than happy to help. For the right price."

* OOC: I am assuming that this type of address would be an honor one of his age and station. If this is not correct, please amend or correct as appropriate.

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Turning to Alyx, Hrothgar "loathe though I am to admit it, this place becomes to crowded for my tastes." He says as the new comer approaches the couple across the way. "As joining or hindering them, it appears we would come out the losers on that. What with two blades to one. Your fast with that pig sticker of yours, but a pig sticker it remains." Hrothgar tells Alyx with a grin, to take some of the sting out of the remark.

[Tag the group]


Faoiltiarna said:
Faoil carefully digested his words. The last time she had agreed to follow someone into the environs beneath the city, she had been betrayed and nearly enslaved by the demon Zorn. Her grey eyes studied Bernard's face for any trace of malice emotionessly. Finally she nodded her head and stated flatly, "I so swear Wise One, upon the graves of my husband and foster parents."

Bernard nods gravely, seemingly satisfied.

"Then I shall tell you, oh child of Imarok..."

At this point Denther enters the tavern and Faoil rises to meet him.



mps42 said:
Denther quietly sidles up to Bernard the sage and his heavily armored companion. "Greetings to you, ancient one," nodding slightly to the heavily armored woman "and to your... female friend."
As the woman rises to her feet and her hand goes to her scabbard "Easy, as long as you are not on the overkingdoms wanted ledgers, I am no threat to you."
To Bernard "You sent for me in that I might help you recovering something of yours, is this not so? I must say in all candor that I am for familiar with tracking men than _things_ but, as times are a bit thin at the moment, I will more than happy to help. For the right price."

Bernard looks up as Denther approaches.

"Mr Mosie, you've come. Good. Please sit down. You too, Lady Faoil."

(Once they sit)

He turns to Faoil.

"The barbarian and the girl thief over there watching us are not familiar to me, but I suspect they are on the same quest as ourselves. Copies of the map are in circulation, and time is of the essence. Mr Mosie, I can pay you two hundred gold for a night's work - dangerous work, 'tis true, but you will not have far to travel..."



rangerjohn said:
Turning to Alyx, Hrothgar "loathe though I am to admit it, this place becomes to crowded for my tastes." He says as the new comer approaches the couple across the way. "As joining or hindering them, it appears we would come out the losers on that. What with two blades to one. Your fast with that pig sticker of yours, but a pig sticker it remains." Hrothgar tells Alyx with a grin, to take some of the sting out of the remark.

Alyx watches Denther go over to join Bernard and Faoil. She smiles bitterly.

"I fear you're correct..."

She blinks.

"Pig sticker?! Hey!"

Alyx scowls in mock anger, then bursts into a grin.



Rajero Turn 1

The message boy was late reaching Rajero the Swordsman, and it's already an hour after nightfall as he moves swiftly up Beggars' Alley on the way to the Meat & Gristle. Alyx the Picklock, a casual acquaintance and skilled thief, wanted him to meet her there at dusk on a matter of import...

At last he reaches the old tavern's double doors and enters, ducking to avoid bumping his head on the low doorway - at 6'5" of lean muscle, the red-haired warrior towers above most Imarrans. The long slender blade of a western Katana is sheathed in his baldrick.

Inside the tavern it's quite crowded, Rajero sees an old grey-robed sage conversing with two sword-wielders at a far table, but then closer by his gaze falls on Alyx, clad all in sombre black - doubtless with a leather jerkin beneath, he knows - seated with a black-haired barbarian youth of the northern mountains. Alyx seems considerably relieved to see him. She beckons urgently.

"Rajero! Over here!"


First Post
"Good evening gorgeous. It's been quite some time since we last saw each other, I was begining to ponder whether you forgot about me," Rajero says with a full smile while giving Alyx a warm hug. "And who might your friend be?"


Alyx the Picklock smiles slightly and gives Rajero a quick hug, clearly she's tense.

"Sit down, quick."

(after he sits)

"Rajero, meet Hrothgar. Hrothgar, meet Rajero."


First Post

200 gold eagles for a nghts work? Sounds too easy but I might as well listen that doesn't cost anything.
"Greetings and well met Lady Faoil. I hope our partnership shall bring us all waht we desire.
"As for the lady and the barbarian in the corner I, too, noticed them looking your way as I came in, Master Bernard. If they seek the same as we, it may be prudent to enlist their aid, rather than constantly looking over our shoulders."
As he sits, Denther waves down a barmaid and orders a small glass of Spiritwine and a small plate of food.



On Denther's request a curvaceous dark-haired slavegirl in a revealing leather costume brings over good wine and food, Bernard pays her a gold coin with a dismissive air while he ponders Denther's words.

"Enlist their aid. Hmm. The three of us should suffice, and I'm sure they cannot be trusted... Yet if they are a threat..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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