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The Unusual Heroes: Journal Of A Half-Drow


Little_Buddha said:

And if he knows either of those things, how did he find out? :)

Well, that's also another question I want to know the answer ;)

And why did the succubus flee, instead of killing him them, but I think Doc won't be able to answer that one :)

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The succubus dropped her illusion to intimadate the drow. Doc saw her in her true form, batwings and all. She tried talking to him seductively and fired off a spell. Doc guessed what it was and played his part. She didn't feel like she could defeat the whole party when the "not" charmed Doc attacted her.

Doc knows it's a monster but not that she is a Succubus .. lol.


Drak said:
Doc knows it's a monster but not that she is a Succubus .. lol.

A very beautiful mosnter with bat wings who tries to seduce him. What can she be? A troll? A kobold? ;)



First Post
Rossal found it wasn’t very difficult to locate Ziona since he could mentally call out to her without their enemies hearing. This tactic proved quite useful for finding Doc as well. It was easier to find Varr, however, since he wasn’t as silent as he hoped in his full plate. The four companions regrouped and began discussing what had happened, and what their next move should be.

“Varr, do you know which way Solstar and Aarack were taken?” asked Doc.

“Yeah…there was a tunnel to the left of where we were fighting. I saw the drow take them down the passage, but I dared not follow, lad. I was invisible, thanks to that magical dust, but they could hear me when I moved too much,” replied Varr.

“Yes, their Silence spell worked to your advantage,” said Ziona.

“Silent or not, I say we rush the blasted drow!” said Varr excitedly.

Doc’s nod showed that he, too, would like to feel his sword rip into drow flesh.

“Well, our numbers are fewer than when we began. We can’t run into their city or even a camp of drow without a plan,” sighed Ziona.

Just then, a figure emerged from the shadows of the cavern.
“Yes, you do need a plan.”

Startled, Varr, Doc, and Ziona quickly turned around. Rossal poked his head out of Ziona’s cloak in curiosity.

“And I suppose a drow would like to help us devise one,” Doc remarked sarcastically, drawing his weapon.

The drow’s face could not be seen through the hood of his green cloak, but his accented voice and tassels of white hair gave his race away. He stood straight and proud with a sword on each hip.

“At ease, my friends,” he began pulling back his hood. “I am an ally in this place of evil.”
His smooth ebon face showed no anger, and his cool lavender eyes showed that he spoke the truth.
“I am Drizzt Do’Urden. I have been watching you for a short while now.”

Ziona stood, staring at the heroic drow that her father had told her stories about since she was just a girl. This was Drizzt Do’Urden! The drow who left the evils of the Underdark to make a life for himself on the surface! Ziona could hardly believe he was here.

“How have you come to be here?” she said, half whispering.

“I had heard rumors of a drow that had escaped to the surface, like myself,” Drizzt began. “Not knowing whether to believe the stories, I decided to find out for myself. Guenhwyvar and I were making our way to Ashabenford when we heard that the drow had been taken into the Underdark.”

“That drow is Zellian,” Ziona replied. “I am his daughter, Ziona, Priestess of Eilistraee.”

Drizzt looked at Ziona for a long moment, perhaps guessing at her heritage, when Doc intervened.

“Let me get this straight. You’re some sort of ‘good’ drow who suddenly appears out of nowhere, and wants to help us rescue our friends just because you’re a gentleman? Why do I find this hard to believe?”

“Calm yourself, lad,” said Varr. “I have heard of Drizzt Do’Urden. He is an honorable elf if ever there was one!”
Then, turning his attention to Drizzt, “This one here is Doc Midnight. A good fighter and a good friend to have at your side.”
Then, pushing out his chest proudly he added, “I am Varr Battlehammer, and it is an honor to finally meet you.”

Drizzt had to grin when he heard the last name.
“Battlehammer…yes, you must be some relation to Bruenor. Well met, my friend. If you don’t mind my saying, though, you may want to leave behind your armor. I have found that it makes you rather loud here in the Underdark.”

“I cannot!” shouted Varr.

Ziona, blushing somewhat, said, “We have already explained this to Varr, but he’ll not be without his armor.”

“Very well,” Drizzt said with smirk, “we shall have to take a less traveled path to rescue your friends. Are you prepared to begin?”

Ziona, imbued with new vigor and glow, was ready to rescue their friends and find her father.
“Absolutely,” she said.

At that moment, Rossal appeared from Ziona’s cloak and landed on Drizzt’s shoulder. Drizzt, taken by surprise at first, relaxed when he saw the psudodragon.

“Oh, forgive me. This is Rossal,” smiled Ziona.

“Well met, Rossal,” said Drizzt. “I see you travel with an interesting companion as well.”

Rossal climbed along Drizzt’s arm and flew back to Ziona. Drizzt took out a small, black figurine that appeared to be in the shape of a cat, which he used to summon a large, black panther.

“This is Guenhwyvar. She will assist me in creating a diversion. When the drow see the two of us, they will be more focused on capturing us than with fighting you.”

“A diversion? Why not just go in as a group and attack them instead of skulking around like villains?” asked Doc.

“These drow are more powerful than the ones you’ve been encountering along the way,” said Drizzt. “When they come forward to attack Guen and I, that is when the four of you should free your friends.”

“We can’t allow you to fight a legion of drow on your own,” Ziona said, concerned.

“Do not worry about Guen and I. We will be fine. We survived out here for quite sometime before going to the surface. When the time is right, free your father and your friends and leave the Underdark,” Drizzt said, his lavender eyes showing his seriousness.

Ziona looked at him, silently thanking Eilistraee that he was there.
“Thank you for what you are about to do, Drizzt Do’Urden. You are truly a hero,” she said softly.

Drizzt looked at her for a moment, then turned to lead the way.

“Let’s be off.”

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First Post
Drizzt lead the group down a dark and quiet path. The companions found themselves holding their positions often, and remaining motionless and silent for long moments. Drizzt was an accomplished adventurer, and his talents as a ranger allowed them to avoid any complications on their way to free their friends. It was no wonder the party hadn’t noticed that Drizzt had been following them earlier. If it were not for his occasional hand motions guiding them along, they would not have seen him now. Guenhwyvar was also out of sight and completely silent. The two made an amazing team.

Finally, after a long, silent moment, Drizzt motioned for the companions to move forward. Because the Darkvision that Solstar had cast on them only went so far, Drizzt had to explain to them what dangers lurked ahead.

“I can see one of your friends in a cell with Zellian,” he said, “But the other is nowhere to be seen.”

Ironically, it was Aarack who had been put in the cell with Ziona’s father. The two cellmates not only stayed clear of one another, but of the jailer, who poked at them with a sword if they got too close to the bars.

Aarack was fuming with anger. He sat in the corner farthest from Zellian, giving every creature around him a look of disgust. He was also disturbed to find that the sword the jailer held and poked the prisoners with was his Drow Bane. How he wished he could tear the head off the jailer’s shoulders with it!

Back in the passageway, Drizzt finished describing the area to the party. He instructed them to wait for the diversion, and then to make their way through the adjacent passageway to the cells. The only thing in the party’s way would be a small hut.

“There is another cavern that branches off from the one that your companions are being held in. I believe it houses two creatures known as wyverns. Avoid these creatures as best you can,” Drizzt warned.

Varr, feeling the battle so close at hand, readied his axe.
“I’m ready to put some drow on ice!” he whispered.

“Make your friends your priority, not the attack, or you may not live to see the surface,” Drizzt said solemnly.

Before they spilt and set the plan into motion, Ziona approached Drizzt.

“I cannot thank you enough for this,” she began.

“I know what it is like to be captive in the Underdark, Ziona. I could never allow one of my kind to be held here,” he replied.

Ziona understood his meaning. Her father had taught her that being a drow did not mean being evil. He taught her the ways of Eilistraee, and how the races could be united in peace. He also told her of Drizzt Do’Urden, and how he held himself to higher, more honorable standards than the drow that crawl beneath the surface. Ziona felt great hope and renewed spirit standing at Drizzt’s side, and knew that they would rescue her father this day.

“May the blessings of Eilistraee follow you, Drizzt Do’Urden.”

Drizzt looked in her pale eyes for a moment, nodded, then silently crept down the passageway. Ziona turned and joined the group in the next corridor, waiting for a sign of Drizzt’s diversion. After a few moments that felt like an eternity, it came.

The party heard a loud growl, and could hear the cries of an injured drow. Unable to fight the temptation, the party risked looking around the corner and saw Drizzt spring into action.

It seemed in a single motion Drizzt had managed to pull both scimitars from their sheaths and cut down two enemies without hesitation. The party watched in awe as Drizzt and Guenhwyvar worked side by side, tearing down the wall of drow that were now attacking them. Ziona could hear the drow screaming out threats of all sorts, among them “take him alive…that one’s worth a fortune” and “sacrifice him to the Spider Queen!” Drizzt was undaunted, however, and continued his deadly dance of sword play. It was truly an incredible sight to behold. Then suddenly, the companions watched as Drizzt and Guen stepped back, and dropped Darkness on the wicked drow.

Now was the time to act! Varr, Ziona, and Rossal used the last of their Dust of Disappearance, and Doc activated his Ring of Invisibility. The four of them began making their ways towards the cells that held Zellian and Aarack when they realized the wretched drow jailer had not joined the fray.

Doc ran up to the jailer with his sword and made a connection with the side of the drow’s head. Not expecting the blow, the jailer stumbled back and swiped at the air with Aarack’s sword, clipping Doc slightly through sheer luck.

Ziona noticed a female drow emerge from the hut, and quickly approached her. Swinging her morning star, Ziona smashed the drow Priestess in the side of the face. After recovering from the surprising attack, the Priestess of Lloth took out a glowing red mace and swung in Ziona’s direction. Luckily, Ziona was able to avoid the blow.

Rossal flew straight to the cells and took out his specially crafted lock picks, immediately going to work on the lock. He made sure to notify Aarack mentally that the party was there, and that he was sharing a cell with Ziona’s father. Aarack was eager to escape the cell, and prodded Rossal on.

Varr made his way to the jailer and, crying out in dwarvish, attacked with his trusty Frostbite.

Doc, now visible after attacking, was struck by the jailer, who was still using Aarack’s sword. Angry and undaunted, Doc came in for another swipe, scoring a hit on the jailer, who spat ugly Underdark words at him.

Meanwhile, inside the hut, Solstar struggled to put his remaining garments on, and looked outside the hut to see Doc attacking the jailer, and the Priestess swinging her mace wildly. Realizing his party had arrived, Solstar’s stringy words erupted in a volley of Magic Missiles, striking the Priestess in the back. Fighting to put his boots on, he mumbled, “She wasn’t very impressive anyway!”

Cries of pain and the clash of weapons mingled with the occasional roar came floating from the globe of Darkness that Drizzt and Guenhwyvar had disappeared in. From the opposite side of the cavern, a sinister and sickening sound of tearing flesh could be heard from the wyvern’s cave.

Rossal was still struggling with the lock when he noticed the shiny key ring that dangled from the jailer’s hip. Excitedly, he flew over to the jailer and began to sting him. Unfortunately, Rossal’s poison seemed to have no effect on the drow. However, Doc’s rapier and Varr’s axe were having a devastating effect on the jailer.

Doc tumbled to and fro, trying to keep the drow at bay. He had hit Doc several times now, and Doc still didn’t feel completely recovered from his last encounter with the demonic Cleo.

The jailer, intent on maiming Doc, continued his attacks.
“You will not escape me,” he spat in crude common.
“I will, and I’ll look good doing it!” said Doc, taunting the drow.

Ziona swung her morning star again, scoring another hit on the Priestess, who, clinging to consciousness, quickly ran and disappeared in the blackness of the corridor.

Solstar, now fully dressed, cast another swarm of Magic Missile which hit the jailer with force.

The jailer, turning to attack the tumbling Doc Midnight, struck his target again. Ziona, seeing her friend bleeding, began to cast. When she was finished reciting her silky words, Healing Circle helped restore the health of Doc, Varr, Rossal, Solstar, and even herself.

Doc, feeling invigorated, tumbled towards the jailer and landed a powerful hit. Varr, ranting and raging, scored several hits, and dropped the drow to the stone floor. Rossal flew over to the expired drow and took the key ring from him. He hastily unlocked the cell, allowing Aarack and Zellian to exit.
Aarack ran over to the wicked jailer, took back his sword, and cursed the drow. Doc, seeing that Zellian had no weapon, gave him a rapier to wield.

Ziona cast her healing spell again, this time effecting Aarack and Zellian as well, which sent Aarack into an angry tirade. Cursing, he joined Solstar at the iron chests near the hut.

“We must hurry!” cried Ziona. “There’s no telling how much longer Drizzt can keep the other drow occupied.”

“Ziona?” called Zellian. “Is that you, my daughter?”

“I am here, father,” she cried, putting invisible arms around him.

Meanwhile, Rossal brought the key ring to Solstar, who unlocked the first chest. Poisonous gas spewed from the chest, knocking him and Rossal unconscious. Varr, seeing his friends fall, called out to Ziona and went to their aid.

“Poor lads,” Varr remarked, taking the keys and unlocking the second chest. “Just not as tough as a Battlehammer.” A puff of gas came from the chest, and Varr fell over next to his companions, unconscious.

“Oh, Varr!” exclaimed Ziona.

Taking the keys, Ziona approached the cell of one of the other prisoners.

“Do you have the capability of opening the chest from afar?” she asked what appeared to be a magic user.

“Of course I do.”

Ziona unlocked the cell, and the mage Knocked the chest, sending a plume of gas out into the air. It quickly dissipated.

“If you could do that,” questioned Doc, “why didn’t you just cast your way out of your cell?”

“And have the entire drow community tear me limb from limb? Don’t be so foolish!”

Aarack was already using a potion to remedy Solstar’s poison. Ziona cast Fairie Fire on Varr and Rossal so Solstar could administer potions to them as well. Aarack, close to Ziona when she cast, went into a fit of curses again.

“Let’s be rid of this wretched place once and for all!” he shouted.

The party gave invisibility potions to those who needed it and began fleeing down the corridor that Drizzt had explained would be the best escape route.

Before they all could reach it, however, the sound of chains snapping in a nearby cave caught the attention of the party…

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Realizing his party had arrived, Solstar’s stringy words erupted in a volley of Magic Missiles, striking the Priestess in the back. Fighting to put his boots on, he mumbled, “She wasn’t very impressive anyway!”

I think that Ash said it best, "First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me. Blow."

- Xaltar

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