The Wayfinders - Expedition to Tempest Isle

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Dr Simon

Kraken shrugs and nods at Doral's idea.

"Seems as good a plan as any, eh?" he says. "Sorry I ain't got more useful sea-magic than getting angry, eh? Still, maybe useful when we ambush the ambushers." He looks quizzically at Doral. "You fellas are mercenaries? Any more of your lot who can help out in a fight? Reckon we're gonna need all the blokes we can muster."


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Midian Rightson, human druid

Kraken shrugs and nods at Doral's idea.

"Seems as good a plan as any, eh?" he says. "Sorry I ain't got more useful sea-magic than getting angry, eh? Still, maybe useful when we ambush the ambushers." He looks quizzically at Doral. "You fellas are mercenaries? Any more of your lot who can help out in a fight? Reckon we're gonna need all the blokes we can muster."

"I don't know how many we could gather, but whoever's in the camp now would be helpful; at least, anyone they don't need to evacuate the ship."


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Whisper shakes her head. "I think we should meet with the captain and tell him what's going on, then let him decide what to do with his ship and his crew. That seems the most ethical way to handle this."

She looks at Doral. "I suppose there's no reason you couldn't go tell him, then come back and tell us what he's planning to do in response. I'm just wary of a situation where he wants to know more about what we want to do, forcing you to go back and forth several times. So lets do it this way. You go ahead and tell the captain, alone, what we learned. Then stay there and help him as needed until we arrive. We shouldn't be too far behind you."

(all this discussion takes place as we're traveling, I assume :))


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OOC - Left my notes at home today, so going off memory of what I had written down.

Doral races back to the camp ahead of the others. When he reaches the perimeter of the camp a lone sentinel greets him and ushers him in to the Captain's tent. The camp is nearly deserted now as most of the sailors and mercenaries are aboard the ship and ready to sail with the coming of dawn. Captain Irestone and Ruoark are going over last minute details when Doral is shown in. They listen gravely as he fills them in on the conversation with the cultist and the approaching attackers. The captain sends the sentinel to light a small signal fire to alert the ship of danger after hearing the tale.
Captain Irestone then says, "We should board the ship immediately and set sail. My ship is a fish in a barrel here at anchor in a bay. What ever this "horror" is, I'm sure we can out maneuver it in the open water. If you want to stay and fight off this land assault, I could come back for you after a day or two. I'll not leave it there as bait though, not only is it my livelihood, but also our only way off this accursed isle."
Ruoark frowns at this and says, "Right now the element of surprise is the only advantage we have. If we fail to repel the land attack it could be disastrous. With no way to retreat to the sea our only option would be to head into the jungle. That's their domain. This island is fair sized though, we might be able to lose them in the depths, but how do we get back to the ship or signal them if we miss the rendezvous?"

Deuce Traveler

Doral shows off his bird-etched token. "This is a magical device that's simple for anyone to use and that I carry in my right breast pocket. It allows me to send a message to you via a sort of messenger bird. I, or someone else in our group, can use it to tell you that it's safe to return."

Turning to Ruoark, Doral asks, "Can you prepare your men to help? We can move ourselves to ambush the ambushers, but I fear that we may not prevail without you surprising the enemy from their rear."


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The captain nods in satisfaction, "That token will do, it should be able to find us as long as we stay in the general area. We'll head out to sea immediately and await your signal."

Ruoark says, "Half of my mercenaries are aboard the ship, there are four still here in camp along with three of the captains men. We can come up behind them, though not with any sort of stealth. We'll need lights once we leave the camp. We have cold-lamps available at least, easy to shutter and hide their light if need be."


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"Here are my thoughts," Whisper puts forth.

"We shouldn't have any forces here at the beach. We've no idea the number and power of the forces they're sending here, and they have the advantage in any battle of attrition. We should leave a scout or two to watch from a hidden vantage, so we can gain knowledge about their army, but not confront an unknown force head on."

"Doral, can you muster that invisibility spell again? The one that will cover us if we're near you? I think that, plus an illusion of us walking off to one side, could give us an advantage in the ambush. They're likely to expend their most powerful attacks all at once in a massive first strike. If that's wasted against an illusion, while they reveal themselves to us, the fight should go much more smoothly."

Dr Simon

"Reckon you should leave a few campfires burning too, eh?" puts in Kraken. "They'll be expecting you all to be sat round havin' a brew. If they run into a false camp, we'll see 'em better shown up 'gainst the fires."

"Here's my thoughts on an ambush. I've got these magic slingstones, that the old shaman charged with thunder and lightning. Reckon I'd try a few of them first, and me shattering spell. Then maybe the deadfella chant. I can call on the blessings of the spirits to put a bit of fire in our guts, then I reckon it's time to whip out the old sword and get chopping. Least, that's what I can bring to the party."

Always sluggish to coordinate detailed plans in PBP. Kraken can bless everyone, then I think it's probably best to use as many rounds of missile fire and/or rangeed spells as we can - Kraken's got some thundering and shock sling bullets that might work (few things have Sonic resistance...), plus some thunderstones if there are casters. Shattering worked quite well last time, and perhaps a turning attempt or two as well. These undead/khyber golem things hit hard, so I advise keeping mobile and avoiding melee as much as possible. If forced, he'll go into frenzy to protect the arcane casters.

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