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The Western Reaches: Voyage to Stonekeep [Closed]

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"Ahh, I see, more adventurers here test their mettle against the feral beasts to the north? You'll be the third group this month." The Guard announces with a matter-of-fact tone in his voice. "If it wasnt for, uhm, for all the bandits attacking... the guards, I mean I would be heading for the ruins myself. All those damn badits though..." The guard looks down to his age-worn boots. "There's no use in lying, Jack." A voice calls out from a small grouping of apple trees. An old man plucking apples smirks at the blushing guard. "You guards are near useless. All of you kind who haven't been killed are still cowering behind the menial task "warding off bandits", the same bandits that in fact haven't been seen around Oakthorne for atleast a decade. I suggest you greet these folks with an open hand, considering they're just trying to accomplish what you have yet to." Jack speaks up "You... should, uh. Be more,""I suggest you get back to your post." Jack turns to leave but pauses for a moment as if about to speak on his own behalf, but continues on trudging off towards the center of town.

"Morning. The names Gerd. You wont find much welcom here, the folks don't take kindly to outsuders around here. I've seen you a couple times around town, Elf, but you two, seem to have just arrived." Gerd politely smiles, nodding and stares blankly at the three travelers -- than, like a bolt of lighning he realizes, "Oh right, I suppose you'd like to be directed towards Phineus Blackroot, afterall he did post the bulletin calling mercenaries to dispose of the nuisance to the north. And for you, Giant, I suppose he may be able to supply you with the infromation that you seek."
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Lucrezia looked warmly at the old man with a nod glancing to Searcion before restoring her attention to the man. "We'd be very grateful, if you wouldn't mind telling us where he'd be?"


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"Ah, yes, it's really no problem, I'd be more than happy to help, considering you wont find much anywhere else in this town. If you're looking to find Phineas, I'd suggest checking his office in Town Hall, first floor I believe." Gerd politely smiles, nodding and stares blankly at the three travelers -- than, like a bolt of lighning he realizes, "Oh right, If you need anything else, even a room to stay in, my home is in the farmlands, just west of here." Gerd bows then directs his arms to the large cropping of buildings a few hundred yards and slightly down hill from where you stand. A small path curves through the meadow, and disappears into the buildings below.

"Good Luck!"


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"I believe that it would be most helpful if we find this Mr. Bogg." replied Searcion, "We can then finally be on our way to do whatever deed that must be done. Unless anyone has any problems or other matters to attend to, i suggest that we search for him as a group, it couldn't hurt at all." he says as he looks from Lucrezia, to Amarock and back.

Blind Azathoth

Go with them. What harm could it do? Perhaps this Bogg can offer you answers... and even if not, perhaps you could join these other two for a time. It might be nice to try something you actually have a chance of succeeding at, for once...

Amarok bows his head. "I will join you," he declares.


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She looked to Amarok slightly astonished and then smiled brightly, ""On our way then?" She looked to each them before setting on the old man once more "Thank you again."


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The morning sun ascends into the sky as the newly formed band of mercenaries follows the winding path into the small village nestled in the break in the forest. Small homes come alive now that their residents have awoken to work under the light of day; each home supporting a small patch of crops, only enough to feed the village it would seem. The path cuts into the acute slope that ends at the foot of the village, exposing the rich black soils of the forest. A working man pulling a small cart filled with apples cuts out infront of you from his humble dwelling, his mind on the day's market and not the strange group of peoples following him.

As he passes large markerstones identifying the entrance to the village you see a few of the townsfolk greeting him and waving, but when their eyes rest onto the three adventurers their kind hellos and waves soon turned into hushed conversations and questionable glances.

As you approach the center of town you can see a few lavishly designed buildings flanked by less-elaborately designed homes. Directly north of the town's center lies one of the lavishly designed buildings, a small jail is built into the side and a pair of stocks lies just west of the stairs to the entrance. You can only imagine that this maybe the Town Hall, with the enigmatic Phineus Blackroot awaiting inside.

"Hey yous." You hear a hushed tone calling at you. An older man wearing worn out and mismatched clothes beckons you to come to him. In his hand is a folded piece of parchment and a small bottle of mysterious liquid with a white scroll attached to it. The almost maniacal look on his face is enough to frighten small children and animals. He stands crouched in an alleyway, un-illuminated by the light of the sun.
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He glances at the old man, very hesitant as to approach him or not. His ragged clothes and disturbing look on his face made Searcion unsettled.

"He doesn't seem to want to cause harm, perhaps he just in need of some help, much like Amarok, Lucrezia or I.... or perhaps not..."

"Yes?" Searcion whispers with a questioning tone.


First Post
"I can tell you're not from around here... and not just by your clothes." The old man forces a raspy laugh out from under his breath. "Folks around here usually call me "Old Man" or "Dirty Beggar" or "Fiend", "War-monger" and occasionally "Pervert", however that's not my point for calling you here." The Old Man rifles around the pockets of his rough-hewn coat with his free hand, producing a small package wrapped in simple brown paper. "If I was a betting man, and I am, I'd put all my money on the assumption that you three are here in response to the ubiquitous bulletin posted in every hamlet, hovel, and hollow this side of the Broken Mountain. And, once again, if I was a betting man, which I still am, I'd put all my money on the assumption that you are, in fact, trying to find a 'Mr. Phineus Blackroot." The Old Man grins to reveal two rows of pearly whites.

"Ah, no need to be amazed by my astounding feats of assumption. Anyway." The Old Man looks down to his hand, holding the parcel. "Ah yes, almost forgot. This right here is your free admission to the office of Mr. Bogg." He points to the parcel. "You see, he rarely has time for visitors, considering the numerous hours of toiling work he is subjected to, due to the fact that Clyde 'The Pompous Ass' Flagstone is still in office." He dangles the small package in front of you. "But..." He swiftly pulls the package away. "I'm going to have to ask you a favor." The Old Man stands up, takes a deep breath, and begins pacing back and forth in the narrow alleyway. "I'm and old man, ready for, well, 'retirement', but in that there lies a problem. A man in my profession simply does not retire. I'm proposing that you help me tie up some 'loose ends' and rectify problems that have yet to be delt with, and I am more than willing to offer you up this package and whatever money I might make from it." The Old Man's teeth take center-stage yet again. "I'll give you the package now, as long as one of you is sworn to the tasks I have awaiting."

"You may be asking yourselves "Hmm. I wonder what could be inside the package that the good looking and kind Old Man is holding?" ,well I can't tell you, but, I assure you that Phineus will be more that willing to speak to you as soon as he realizes that you have this here package." For the third time, the smiling old man's teeth dominate the lower half of his face.

"Oh, the name's Gar.. No, Chu... No, you can call me War... Yes, Warren."

"Any questions?"
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