The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.


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Alek said: HUGE wave of nostalgia washed over me at that name, and I don't know why. And no you don't Bhryn, its an addictive, pointless waste of time that slowly tears your soul to shreds and leaves you a hollow husk of a normal human being.

qouted for truethery IMO! My brother has it on his computer and it seems that all he does is play that, glued to it for hours just to "Get that last stat" or "farm this certain item" or "OMG we're going to spend five hours dieing over and over again doing th same thing as a group of x amount of people"

Yeah I know some people like. I'm friends with a few.....I just don't understand it :p

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Ruthia said:
Momija...think thats how it was spelt. Anyone know what happened to that character?

Momiji had herself a computer meltdown/Isp messup a year ago i think... prolly just moved on from ISRP after the lengthy break.. chances is that shes not getting back to the keyboard though, havent even seen her on MSN since then o_O


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Aeschylus has...that is to say...not many options of rooms allowed to be in. The t-tavern just seems it were...frown on And Sigil is just not his sort of place at all, oh dear me, no!


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Tabita said:
Momiji had herself a computer meltdown/Isp messup a year ago i think... prolly just moved on from ISRP after the lengthy break.. chances is that shes not getting back to the keyboard though, havent even seen her on MSN since then o_O

Yeah, last time I typed to Momiji, she had about 5 seconds on a computer that wasn't her own. That was months ago, though.


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Alek said: HUGE wave of nostalgia washed over me at that name, and I don't know why. And no you don't Bhryn, its an addictive, pointless waste of time that slowly tears your soul to shreds and leaves you a hollow husk of a normal human being.

I don't have the time for it, that's what prevents me! XD that and I enjoy a social life.

I know, Neo is a name really associated with 'Old Wiz'. Dussssty.

Seems Ted really did drop off the face of the earth :( shame, he was fun to talk to...


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Yes, he vanished off to college, actually. Me and him had a personal history together, and he let me know that he would be going to several years of college, then university, without the safety of a computer. Even when he had access to it, his life was far too complicated - what with work and school and other such things. He e-mails me on occasion, but they are gapped six months apart, and with very little to say other than 'I exist'. ^_^

And...and...fooey. *snuggles her Aeschylus squeaky doll sadly*


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personal history

Oh sweety, I know THAT feeling far too well :(

...and no, Richard OR Xanto, I won't let you bully me! I'll tell him... eventually... just let me get my courage together >_<

*hugs for Akea!*


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C'mon guys... Im only seventeen, and some of these names make me feel old... >.< Frig, how long have I been on this site?

(starts calculating)

Five or six years....
Does that make me a Grognard?


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Drindin said:
C'mon guys... Im only seventeen, and some of these names make me feel old... >.< Frig, how long have I been on this site?

(starts calculating)

Five or six years....
Does that make me a Grognard?

How do you think feel? I've been around since 94.

Heh... I miss... Aspen.

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