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The Xen'Drik Chronicles OOC

Isida Kep'Tukari

I know several of our party is studying magic, but is anyone studying the natural sciences? Or taking a few electives in that field? If so, you may have encountered Se'ket being employed as a bug-handler.

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First Post
Ethan probably knows lots of the Arcane types, and his Uncle teaches Conjuration courses.

That said, he's taken his share of survival courses, and at least will have needed to learn which animals/plants/bugs are edible, and which aren't.


First Post
Telan looks good right now.

Once I have everyone's character sheet, I'll allow a few days for discussion (such as whether or not you want to chip in on party gear, etc), and then I'll run an indepth audit of each character. After that we can begin.


First Post
Reel: I’m really sorry dude But I just got a new project lumped in my lap at work this morning so it looks like I’m not going to have time for this PbP after all.

Arggg sorry to do this to you as I REALLY wanted to play Keldith as well. Oh well I’ll save him for another time I guess.

Happy gaming everyone and enjoy the game.


First Post
Sorry to see you go Sidekick. Good luck with your project, and I hope you can get some more free time soon.

devrimk or kinem, if either of you are still around, there is a slot open.

In the event that the 2 alts aren't around, recruitment is open again to those who wish to make a late entry.


Pohl D'Velderan

[B]Name:[/B]       [COLOR=PaleGreen]Pohl D’Velderan[/COLOR]
[B]Class:[/B]      Urban Ranger
[B]Race:[/B]       Human
[B]Size:[/B]       Medium
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Neutral
[B]Deity:[/B]      Dol Dorn
[B]Region:[/B]     Sharn

[B]Str:[/B] 15 +2  (6p.)     [B]Level:[/B]    4     [B]XP:[/B] 
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2  (6p.)     [B]BAB:[/B]     +4     [B]HP:[/B] 30 (4d8+8)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2  (6p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +6     [B]AP:[/B] 5
[B]Int:[/B] 12 +1  (4p.)     [B]Speed:[/B]   30'
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1  (4p.)     [B]Init:[/B]    +2
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0  (2p.)

                      [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 19              10     +5     +2     +2   +0    --
[B]Touch:[/B] 12
[B]Flat:[/B]  17

                      [B]Base  Mod  Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]  +6              +4    +2   --
[B]Ref:[/B]   +6              +4    +2   --
[B]Will:[/B]  +2              +1    +1   --

[B]Weapon:               Atk  Damage  Crit[/B]
Warhammer +1           +7   1d8+3   x3
Spiked Shield          +6   1d4+2   x2
Shortbow               +6   1d6     x3

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Orc

Favored Enemy (Emerald Claw +2) [Rgr 1]
Wild Empathy [Rgr 1]
Animal Companion (Eagle) [Rgr 4]

Least Dragonmark (locate object 1/day) [Gen 1]
Favored In House [Hum 1]
Urban Tracking [Rgr 1]
Two-Weapon Fighting [Rgr 2]
Improved Shield Bash [Gen 3]
Endurance [Rgr 3]

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 56      [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 7/3.5

[B]Skills:               Ranks  Mod  Misc[/B]
Gather Info +7          7     +0
Hide +8                 7     +2   -1  (acp)
Know Local (Sharn) +8   7     +1
Listen +8               7     +1
Move Silently +8        7     +2   -1  (acp)
Search +10              7     +1   +2  (dragonmark)
Sense Motive +8         7     +1
Spot +8                 7     +1

[B]Spells:[/B] 1 1st Level
Longstrider (2hrs/day)

[B]Equipment:            Cost  Weight[/B]
Backpack               2gp    2lb
Bedroll                1sp    5lb
Belt Pouches (2)       2gp    1lb
Caltrops               1gp    2lb
Case, Map/Scroll       1gp    1lb
Flint & Steel          1gp    0lb
Grappling Hook         1gp    4lb
Lantern, Hooded        7gp    2lb
Oil (3)                3sp    3lb
Rations (6 days)       3gp    6lb
Rope, Silk 50’        10gp    5lb
Sunrods (5)           10gp    1lb
Tanglefoot Bag        50gp    4lb
Tent                  10gp   20lb
Tindertwigs (10)      10gp    0lb
Waterskin              1gp    4lb
Whetstone              1sp    1lb

+1 Warhammer        2312gp    5lb
Shortbow              30gp    2lb
Arrows (40)            2gp    6lb
+1 Chain Shirt      1250gp   25lb
+1 Lt Spiked Shield 1169gp   11lb

P. Bull’s Strength   300gp   
P. Cure Light x3     150gp
             Total  5322.5

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 110lb
[B]Money:[/B] 77gp 5sp
Appearance: Pohl is tall and bulky, with muscles that lack definition but have a lot of mass. His parents claim his arms and thighs are like treetrunks, and Pohl will back up those statements. His blond hair is cut very short, his skin is tan and smooth, and his face has a ruggedness that does not instantly scream out "gorgeous", but many a young girl has swooned at the sight of him. His dragonmark is prominent on his left forearm, and he makes every effort to keep his arm open so that everyone he meets will see it. His dress is very stylish of the times, and he makes sure to keep his chain shirt sparkling and clean.

History: House Tharashk has moved into positions of power through the continent because of their abilities to find things that people need... whether that be people or things. The humans, orcs, and halforcs together have set up a guild of exceeding necessity in this day and age, and Pohl d'Velderan has been right there at the forefront of his family's expansion. A young man of intellect and strength, Pohl grew up in the City of Towers in the warm confines of the House... fully expecting to be a success. An only child, his parents (both dragonmarked members of the House as well) raised him with the expectation that he would be a strong, priviledged, and important member when he grew up. Being raised with this incredibly strong support system, Pohl firmly believed in himself and his future. Upon reaching adulthood, there was no one within the House that didn't believe he was destined for greatness... including and especially himself.

However, Pohl learned a very hard lesson once he left the warm, comforting grasp of his loving family and House Tharashk... people just don't like an arrogant, self-centered jerk. This of course came as a shock to him, as his entire life he was looked upon as a shining star. But now, without the glow of his parents to reflect his "greatness", he is considered nothing more than an obnoxious, self-congratulating, blowhard, but who (unfortunately) can in fact back up a lot of his self-serving claims. As he himself says... "it's not bragging if you can back it up"... but that doesn't keep people from getting pissed at him. But he deals with it with a smile and a condescending nod, because after all... lesser people should be jealous of him. It's only human nature.

Pohl specializes in tracking down other people... and he works hard as a bounty hunter for House Tharashk. If you need someone found, you could do worse by hiring him. He has spent his entire life in Sharn, learning the streets and wards like the "back of his hand" (or so he claims), and is always ready to take a job when it is offered to him. He knows it's just a matter of time before he steps into a place of importance within the House, and he looks forward to the day when his name is known throughout the city.


First Post
Hi Gish,
I'm still around.

[sblock=Appearance] War Machine is a large warforged, and covered mostly in adamantine. Some of his plates have ornaments and his eyes are yellow.

Final decades of the Last War, a movement grew up to abandon national loyality and any pretense of allegiance to a united Galifar. This movement, called the Code of Honorable Devotion, is said to have roots in the political philosophy of the dwarves of the Mror Holds. House Cannith created a loyal soldier type for this movement. Blade was one of them, he served in Breland army.

After the war ended he met an elf maiden named Lessien Oronrá. He desperately fell in love with this beautiful elf. He couldn't name his feelings, but he knew his dreams would never come true. His mood was deppressive for a long time but then he faced the truth: He was a "War Machine" created to fight. Thereafter he changed his name, Blade to War Machine. He took permission to leave his duty, and decided to find out if he is human... or construct.

He finds an escorting job in the Morgrave University. In the ancient ruins of Xen'drik, he hopes to find a way to be flesh and blood. And later, maybe just maybe thinking of living together with Lessien.

It's hard for him but he has to play the "insensitive construct", however his actions speak more than his words. He is a loyal companion. Never judges other people, protects the weak, and tries to help them immediately. He has an honor code, he doesn't flank hisenemy, never strikes a prone opponent, never strikes surrendered foe, never uses ranged weapon. If it's possible he chooses not to fight but when the fight begins, he hails his opponents and tries to engage the most powerful one.

[sblock=Character Sheet]
[B]Name:[/B]War Machine					
[B]Class:[/B]Samurai 1/Fighter 3					
[B]Alignment:[/B]Lawful Good					

[B]Racial Traits:[/B]
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, 
exhaustion and energy drain.		
Cannot heal damage naturally.						
Does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe.					
25% chance ignore critical hits.						
DR 2/Adamantine

[B]STR[/B]	15	2	[6 points +1 Level]			
[B]DEX[/B]	12	1	[4 points]			
[B]CON[/B]	16	3	[6 points +2 Race]			
[B]INT[/B]	14	2	[6 points]			
[B]WIS[/B]	12	1	[6 points -2 Race]			
[B]CHA[/B]	6	-2	[0 points -2 Race]			

[B]Armor:[/B]	Total	Base	Armor	Shield	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc
AC	20	10	9	0	1	0	0	0
Touch	11							
F.Foot	19							
[B]HP:[/B]32 [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=587276]3d10[/url]		
Init.	1							
Speed	30 ft.										
BAB	4											
Grapple	6											

[B]Saves 	Total	Base   Mod  Misc[/B]								
Fort:	8	5	3									
Ref:	2	1	1									
Will:	2	1	1									

[B]Weapon	Attack	Damage	Critical[/B]								
Katana*	+8	1d10+3	19-20x2									

[B]Feats & Traits[/B]
Quick 			(Trait)
Adamantine Body	
Ex.Weapon (B.Sword)	(Samurai Bonus)
P.Attack 		(Flaw:Shaky)	
W.Focus (B.Sword)	(Fighter Bonus)			
Imp.Bull Rush	
Imp.Sunder		(Fighter Bonus)	

[B]Languages[/B] Common												

[B]Skills	Rank	Stat	Syn	Total[/B]							
App.	0	2		2								
Balan.	0	1	-5	-4								
Bluff	0	-2		-2								
Climb	4	2	(-5+2)	3								
Conc.	0	3		3								
C.(Wpn)	6	2	2	10								
C.(Arm)	7	2	10	19								
D.Sc.	0	2		-								
Diplo.	0	-2		-2								
D.Dev.	0	2		-								
Disg.	0	-2		-2								
E.Art.	0	1	-5	-4								
Forgery	0	2		2								
G.Info	0	-2		-2								
H.An.	0	-2		-								
Heal	0	1		1								
Hide	0	1	-5	-4								
Intim.	4	-2		2								
Jump	7	2	-5	4								
Know.	0	2		2								
Listen	0	1		1								
M.Sil.	0	1	-5	-4								
O.Lock	0	1		-								
Perform	0	-2		-2								
Prof.	0	1		-								
Ride	0	1		1								
Search	0	2		2								
S.Mot.	0	1		1								
S.Hand	0	1		-								
Spellc.	0	2		2								
Spot	0	1		1								
Surv.	0	1		1								
Swim	0	2	-5	-3								
Tumble	0	1	-5	-								
U.M.D.	0	-2		-
U.Rope	0	1		1

[B]Equipment			Cost	Weight[/B]	
Adamantine Katana*		1112	6	(Crafted by War machine)
Adamantine Body Enchanted +1	1000	0
Warforged Repair Kit		50	1
Tongs of the armorer		2055	5
A.Tools* (W.Smith)		55	5
Climber Kit			80	5

Total				4352	22
* Masterwork


First Post
devrimk: I'm sorry, but War Machine is unacceptable.

First, I know almost nothing of your character. You've given him a goal, which is a good start, but everything else about him screams generic. Where did he see action in the Last War? What led him, a being created to follow a movement abandoning national loyalties, to fight in Breland's army? Are any of his war buddies still around? Does he have any enemies? Friends? How old is he? Why does he think the secret to becoming flesh and blood is in Xen'Drik?

devrimk said:
War Machine is a large warforged, and covered mostly in adamantine. Some of his plates have ornaments and his eyes are yellow.
This is too vanilla. You could be describing any warforged with the adamantine body feat. How big is he? Is he tall but slender or short and stocky? What ornamentation does he bear? The Brelish heraldry on his chest, or perhaps dwarven script for "Strength and Honor?" Be more descriptive.

Third, where's his personality? Warforged are acknowledged as having free will, if not souls per se. Why does he have to play the "insensitive construct?" Again, this is too vanilla. What about his personality makes him unique?

Fourth, grammar is your friend. Know it. Use it. Love it. If you're not a native English speaker, I mean no offense, as English is difficult to learn as a second language. If you are a native English speaker, you have no excuse. Either way, I have difficulty trying to read what you have written, and I can't allow that to detract from my game.


First Post
Is a Monday start good for everyone?

Also, I'm going to assume each PC is at the least familiar with each other PC. You may never have spoken to each other, but you'll have seen each other around campus, in the library, etc.

I'm also toying with the idea of dropping an NPC fighter /rogue type into the group. With the exception of Pohl D'Velderan, and to a lesser extent, Ethan d'Orien, everybody in the group is a lightly-armored caster. In addition, the group currently has no trapfinding skills. This isn't really conducive to survival at low levels. In the event that I do add an NPC, he or she will likely stick around for a few levels, and then meet with an untimely demise or have other duties to attend to. By level 6, you'll have access to leadership, as well as enough spells to be able to handle the occasional trap or to summon tanks.
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