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They're back: Return of the Slivers. [Updated 24/8-2005: Beware the Overlord!]


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Wolf72 said:
ooooh! other than defense of the 'realm' so to speak, ... population control comes to mind
Something like that. There's a reason why there is only one hive per plane at a time... :]

Edit: The overlord has been finished, I will post it wednesday.
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well there's one way to deal with a sliver infestation ... open up to another plane with a different hive and watch the sparks fly. Mind you, I don't think it'll be a good place to live, but it'd be interesting to watch.


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Wolf72 said:
well there's one way to deal with a sliver infestation ... open up to another plane with a different hive and watch the sparks fly. Mind you, I don't think it'll be a good place to live, but it'd be interesting to watch.
Wont work unless you are in Hive 1 when you cast the gate spell and open it to a location inside Hive 2. But if you manage to do this, the larger hive usually wins, unless the smaller hive has an Overlord, because then, all bets are off.

Fun fact: A Sliver Queen needs to roll better than 8 on her will save to resist a Sliver Overlords ability.


Hmnn. Pitched sliver battles must be great fun to run. :]

Tomorrow is Overlord day! :p Great fun will be had for all... especially for all slivers involved. :]


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Bow before the overlord!


Sliver Overlord
Gargantuan Aberration (Extraplanar, Psionic, Sliver)
Hit Dice:
36d8+432 (594 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 60’ (12 squares); climb 60’;
Armor Class: 33 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +36 natural); touch 7; flat-footed 32;
Base Attack/Grapple: +24/+62 (+4 grapple bonus)
Attack: Claw +42 melee (3d6+22/19-20/x2)
Full Attack: 4 claws +42 melee (3d6+22/19-20/x2) and 4 bites +37 melee (2d6+11) and 3 tail slaps +37 melee (2d6+11)
Space/Reach: 20’/15’
Special Attacks: Command sliver, frightful presence, psionics, spell-like abilities,
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/epic, resistance to acid 15, cold 15, electricity 15, and fire 15, spell resistance 37,
Saves: Fort +24, Ref +15, Will +28,
Abilities: Str 45, Dex 13, Con 35, Int 20, Wis 26, Cha 22,
Skills: Balance +24, Climb +56, Concentration +33, Escape Artist +24, Jump +22, Knowledge (arcana) +26, Knowledge (psionics) +26, Knowledge (Tactics) +26, Listen +31, Move Silently +22, Spot +31, Swim +41, Tumble +22,
Feats: Ability Focus (Command Sliver), Alertness, Agile, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack (-24/+24), Superior Initiative (epic),
Environment: Any
Organization: Hive (several thousand slivers of various types and one overlord)
Challenge Rating: 22
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Always Neutral
Advancement: -

‘The end of evolution.’

If sliver hive was a military organization, the sliver overlord would be the general of its armies.
The overlord is a massive creature about the same size as the sliver queen. Its skin is enveloped in patterns in all the colors of the rainbow. The overlord has no less that four heads, and four of the scythe-like claws common among slivers. Three long whip-like tails trail behind it.

A master of melee and tactics, the sliver overlord is a formidable opponent. And once you add in the ability to dominate other slivers, it is easy to see that it is a deadly foe. The overlord starts combat by hitting its opponents with the most powerful spell or psionic ability it has, before closing for melee. If it meets any opposing slivers, it attempts to get control over them as swiftly as possible.
The sliver overlords natural weapons are considered epic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Command Sliver (Ex): Once per round as a free action the sliver overlord may attempt to gain control over an opposing sliver within 120’. The targeted sliver must make a DC 36 will save with a –4 penalty on the save or instantly change sides to that of the sliver overlord. The effect is an instantaneous mind-affecting ability that does not end at end of turn. The save DC is charisma based.
Frightful Presence (Ex): A sliver overlord can unsettle foes by her mere presence; the ability takes effect automatically whenever it attacks or charges, and affects all non-slivers within a 360’ radius of the sliver overlord with less HD than it. A potentially affected creature that makes a will save (DC 34) remains immune to its frightful presence for one day. On a failure, an affected creature becomes panicked for 4d6 rounds if it has 4 or fewer HD, while creatures with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.
Psionics: At will – body adjustment* (heals 8d12), concussion blast* (DC 18, 9d6 force), defensive precognition (+7 on saves and AC, 20/minutes), empty mind* (+11 on will save), force screen* (+8 shield bonus to AC, 20 rounds); mind thrust* (20d10, DC 26), offensive precognition* (+7 to attack rolls, 20 minutes), psionic daze* (DC 17, 23 HD); 3/day – breath of the black dragon* (20d6 acid, DC 22), suspend life; 1/day – assimilate (DC 25), decerebrate (DC 23), true metabolism (20 minutes), ultrablast* (20d6, DC 23); These are as manifested by a 20th level psion. The save DC’s are Cha based.
* This is an augmented power.
Spell-like Abilities: At will – fireball (10d6 fire, DC 19), lightning bolt (10d6 electricity, DC 19), scorching ray (3 rays, +21 ranged touch), true strike; 3/day – cone of cold (15d6 cold, DC 21), mass bull’s strength (20 subjects, 20 minutes), mass cat’s grace (20 subjects, 20 minutes); 1/day – greater teleport, horrid wilting (20d6, DC 24), mind blank, spell turning, wail of the banshee (DC 25); These are as the spells cast by a 20th level sorcerer. The save DC’s are Charisma-based.


Comments? Critique? Questions? Snackrifices?


Long live the Queen!!! Long live the Queen!!! ... Long live the ...erk, yes overlord, by your command overlord :confused:

so if you could isolate an overlord and a Queen who'd win in a straight up fight?


Wolf72 said:
so if you could isolate an overlord and a Queen who'd win in a straight up fight?
Overlord. Once she's within Dominate range, there's an aproximate 30% chance that the Queen will fall under her sway and instantly end the battle. As a free action. :]

And the Overlord is nashty! :) If you give it 5 rounds to buff up, it becomes even nastier! :]

When do we start getting half-slivers and original slivers? :]


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Solarious said:
Overlord. Once she's within Dominate range, there's an aproximate 30% chance that the Queen will fall under her sway and instantly end the battle. As a free action. :]

And the Overlord is nashty! :) If you give it 5 rounds to buff up, it becomes even nastier! :]

When do we start getting half-slivers and original slivers? :]

Wolf72: That depends on a lot of things, the queen is able to boost her will save by +11 with one of he psionic abilities (empty mind). So unless the overlord gains control on the first round of combat, it could go either way, particularly when you take the poison of the queen into account. But my bet is on the queen. :]


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Wonderful job on the Overlord, and well worth the wait. Hell, it would be worth two waits for a monstrous abomination such as she.

Woe be unto the being who stands before the Overlord...

Excellent job, once again.


First Post
MetaruSonikku said:
Wonderful job on the Overlord, and well worth the wait. Hell, it would be worth two waits for a monstrous abomination such as she.

Woe be unto the being who stands before the Overlord...

Excellent job, once again.

Thank you. *bows*

I have finished the half-sliver template, but I am not entirely satisfied with it... :\

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