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[Thieves' World] Murder at the Vulgar Unicorn (full)


I'm going to have to cut out a few games from my list (my veeeerry long list). It has been getting really busy at work and I'm afraid I have much less time to post than normal. I hope you all can survive Santuary without an assassin at your back ( ;) ).

Sorry to bail on you, Toric. No hard feelings, eh? I'll see you elsewhere.

To comment on the quality of play so far, it has been really solid. LOTS of good writing, both from Toric and each of our players.

Good luck!

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No hard feelings at all, Bobitron. If you decide you'd like to return in the future, don't hesitate to ask! I'd be willing to go above five PCs in order to add you back in.

red shadow, that opens up a spot for you. I am also dropping an e-mail to the address you provided to let you know to come back here. If you are still interested in playing, start working on a character and post it here for approval when finished. After I approve it, you can post it up in the Rogues Gallery thread.

With this character, as far as background is concerned and working the character into the current storyline, I figure that he or she will be a person held in Sanctuary's jail system for committing a petty crime. He or she will be offered freedom in exchange for helping the current group investigate the death of Erilissi.

Any questions, feel free to ask.

red shadow

First Post
Hi Toric, here's the character I designed. I chose a Fighter (wonder why, it's a class I never played in so many years of AD&D!) from Aurvesh, but who relies more on his agility and wits than brute force (I thought it was more in line with Sanctuary and TW urban adventures. Besides, it offers more depth to a character). I've already thought of his background, history and personality though I didn't have time to write it down. If this one is OK with you, I'll add it soon.
If you think that our party already has enough firepower and that it would need another class, I have thought of a Savant/performer. An assassin (nisibisi?) or a thief may also suit you, but I don't really feel in the mood for one of those. Let me know what you think of it anyway!

Jalil Ashvan

Culture: Aurveshan
Background: Prizefighter

Class: Fighter
Level: 1

Size: Medium
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Black

Str: 13 (+1)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 10 (0)
Cha: 9 (0)

Reputation: 0

HP: 12

Massive Damage Threshold: 14 (natural) + 4 (armor) = 18

AC: 13 natural (+3 dex) + 4 armor bonus = 17 (+ 2 versus any one opponent = 19)
Initiative: +3

Saving Throws:
FORT: +4 (+2 base, +2 Con)
REFLEX: +3 (+0 base, +3 Dex)
WILL: 0 (0 base, +2 ethnicity bonus against enchantment spells and effects)

Base Attack: +1
Melee: +2 (+4 when using light weapon, due to weapon finesse feat granting Dex bonus to attack)
Ranged: +3

Special Abilities:
+1 AC vs.1 opponent while in light armor (prizefighter background feat)
- 2 penalty check against anyone trying to use sense motive against him (unemotional ethnic trait)

Endurance (Cultural bonus feat)
Dodge (1st level feat)
Weapon Finesse (fighter bonus feat)


Bluff (Cha, CC) +2 (2 ranks)
Climb (Str) +3 (2 ranks, +1 Str)
Intimidate (Cha) +4 (4 ranks)
Jump (Str) +3 (2 ranks, +1 Str)
Sense Motive (Wis, CC) +2 (2 ranks, 0 Wis)
Spot (Wis) +4 (2 ranks, + 2 background bonus, 0 Wis)
Tumble (Dex) +7 (2 ranks, +3 Dex, +2 background bonus)

Aurveshan (S)
Trade Tongue (S)
Rankene (S) (learnt from his masters and the instructors in the arena where he was forced to fight when sold as a slave)

Wealth: 11 sh, 14 pd

Chain Shirt (25 lbs) (+4 AC bonus, -2 penalty)
Short Sword (2lbs) (1d6, 19-20/x2)
Handaxe (3 lbs) (1d6, x3)
Throwing Axe (2 lbs) (1d6, x2, 10 ft.)
Ilbarsi fightning knife (treat as kukri ???, 1d4, 18-20, x2) 2lbs
Dagger (1 lbs) (1d4, 19-20, x2)
Waterskin (4 lbs)
Whetstone (1 lbs)
Oil (for weapons) (1 lbs)
Traveler's Outfit (5 lbs)
Backpack (2 lbs)

Total Weight Carried: 48 lbs (light load)

Background and history to come soon...

red shadow, your character looks good. When you write up a background/history, keep in mind that when your character is introduced, it will be as a person convicted (or maybe only charged) with a petty crime of some sort (your choice for background purposes). He will have been ordered to assist the rest of the group in finding the killer of Erilissi in order to clear his own name.

Oh, and did you choose an "heirloom" item? I allowed everyone to choose one item valued at up to 100 sh that could be considered an heirloom item, maybe something acquired from family or something acquired for performing some service, etc.

Everyone else, are you all still with me? Only bkmanis/Carvar has posted in the last week. I know the game pace had been slow but I had hoped to pick it up to at least two posts per week.

red shadow

First Post
Jalil (character complete with history, personality and heirloom)

Jalil Ashvan

Culture: Aurveshan
Background: Prizefighter

Class: Fighter
Level: 1

Size: Medium
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Black

Str: 13 (+1)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 10 (0)
Cha: 9 (0)

Reputation: 0

HP: 12

Massive Damage Threshold: 14 (natural) + 4 (armor) = 18

AC: 13 natural (+3 dex) + 4 armor bonus = 17 (+ 2 versus any one opponent = 19)
Initiative: +3

Saving Throws:
FORT: +4 (+2 base, +2 Con)
REFLEX: +3 (+0 base, +3 Dex)
WILL: 0 (0 base, +2 ethnicity bonus against enchantment spells and effects)

Base Attack: +1
Melee: +2 (+4 when using light weapon, due to weapon finesse feat granting Dex bonus to attack)
Ranged: +3

Special Abilities:
+1 AC vs.1 opponent while in light armor (prizefighter background feat)
- 2 penalty check against anyone trying to use sense motive against him (unemotional ethnic trait)

Endurance (Cultural bonus feat)
Dodge (1st level feat)
Weapon Finesse (fighter bonus feat)


Bluff (Cha, CC) +2 (2 ranks)
Climb (Str) +3 (2 ranks, +1 Str)
Intimidate (Cha) +4 (4 ranks)
Jump (Str) +3 (2 ranks, +1 Str)
Sense Motive (Wis, CC) +2 (2 ranks, 0 Wis)
Spot (Wis) +4 (2 ranks, + 2 background bonus, 0 Wis)
Tumble (Dex) +7 (2 ranks, +3 Dex, +2 background bonus)

Aurveshan (S)
Trade Tongue (S)
Rankene (S) (learnt from his masters and the instructors in the arena where he was forced to fight when sold as a slave)

Wealth: 11 sh, 14 pd

Composite shortbow (+20 arrows)
Short Sword (2lbs) (1d6, 19-20/x2)
Handaxe (3 lbs) (1d6, x3)
Throwing Axe (2 lbs) (1d6, x2, 10 ft.)
Ilbarsi fightning knife (treat as kukri ???, 1d4, 18-20, x2) 2lbs
Dagger (1 lbs) (1d4, 19-20, x2)
Waterskin (4 lbs)
Whetstone (1 lbs)
Oil (for weapons) (1 lbs)
Traveler's Outfit (5 lbs)
Backpack (2 lbs)

Heirloom item: Chain Shirt (25 lbs) (+4 AC bonus, -2 penalty)

Total Weight Carried: 48 lbs (light load)

Jalil was born in a very poor family of Aurveshan peasants, so poor his parents had to sell him, their elder son, to be able to earn food for the other children. So, when he was only 13, Jalil had to go and work for a (in)famous Rankene gladiator owner. For several years on, he had to cope with the dirtiest tasks in the arena (picking up dead bodies, cleaning of every kind), considered and treated as a slave though he was not really one. During those years, he had to learn to avoid being bullied, beaten or raped and he quickly developed a skill for keeping out of trouble, and when not possible, to fight back as hard as possible. Worse than the prisoners sentenced to fight in the arena were the gladiators who chose to fight for money or for fun. Most of those were perverted Rankene, like the noble who ran the arena and enjoyed the blood and gore of the fights, as well as some young boys’ company. Fortunately for Jalil, his quickness and wits earned him the friendship of an old Ilsigi prisoner, a seasoned gladiator who took him under his protection and taught him how to fight. More than that, he taught Jalil how to fight accordingly to his skills and abilities. The first lesson was that when you fight, you don’t fight for fun but to save your life. And life is worth every trick or hit, however dirty it can be. Jalil never forgot that, and although he’s rather kind and doesn’t like violence, when forced to fight, he fights quick, fierce and pityless.
Jalil managed to live that way till recently, until the night he learnt from other gladiators that his crazy “owner”, having learnt the bonds between him and the Ilsigi fighter, Hambro, had scheduled a fight to death in the arena between the two of them. Not willing to know the outcome of this fight, and suspecting that Hambro may well decide to cheat and let Jalil kill him, Jalil decided that the only thing to do was to escape. He did that with the precision and ruthlessness Hambro had taught him: the following night, after strangling a guard with a chain, he slipped into the owner’s quarter and, as coldblooded as ever, he cut his throat open and watched him die. He stole a good load of money, as well as the best chain shirt he could find and a few of his favourite weapons, and then rode away. With a few shabooz, he managed to buy a trip with a caravan down to Sanctuary to put as much distance as possible between him and his murders. He arrived in sanctuary just a few days ago but somehow managed to get himself into trouble. That happened when a man, Rankene by birth and arrogance, openly insulted him after bumping into him in the streets with one of his bodyguards. It was one of the rare occasions where Jalil lost his temper, and without thinking he drew his axe and ilbarsi knife to cleanse the offence. After getting rid of the bodyguard, he would certainly have killed the Rankene if it was not for the watchmen who arrived and arrested him after they were able to make him come back to his senses…

The most striking features about Jalil is that he's quiet, very very quiet. He seldom speaks and does so only for important matters and with as few words as possible. He always remembers Hambro's words: "I've often been in trouble for having spoken, but never was sorry for keeping my mouth shut". His behaviour matches this. When not busy with a task of some kind, he remains still, only the movement of his iron grey eyes showing that he's still alive. He learnt that it was the best way to remain out of trouble and, if need be, to benefit from surprise. Though he still looks like a kid, this behaviour, along with his chain shirt, fighting gear and trained muscles, can make him look dreadful. But even if he's trained to fight and is ready to kill, Jalil is not at all a born-killer. Keeping to the Aurveshan tradition, he's very respectful and rather kind and generous, especially towards the weak and the children. One of the few thing that can make him lose his temper is seeing a kid being beaten or abused, probably because he himself suffered from such things when young.
As quiet as he can be, he can also use intimidation, a skill he was forced to develop to survive among murderers and gladiators, when it serves his purpose. He knows that the best way to win a fight is to avoid it, wether by making your opponent retreat in fear or wait for a more favorable opportunity. For Jalil can also be very patient. He could bear insults or abuse for several weeks without complaining, but only to avenge more efficiently later... and that can be quite a surprise to some.
As such, Jalil often relies on his show of weapons and armor; as well as a mean demeanor, to deter opponents or thieves who could think his boyish face and small size make him an easy prey.
When sitting still, he spends a lot of time sharpening his weapons with whetstones and oil, a task he's familiar with since he was in charge of the gladiators weapons.
Due to his history, Jalil is strongly prejudiced against Ranke and his people, whom he finds arrogant and decadent. But he doesn't hate them and is open-minded enough not to judge all by the same standards.

Not very tall or square, Jalil can seem rather "light" for a trained fighter. But looks is deceiving. All bones, sinews and nerves, Jalil agility and wits make up for his muscles and, in the blink of an eye, he can change from a contemplative youth sitting on a tavern's bench to a warrior in fighting stance wielding a handaxe and wicked Ilbarsi fighting knife. Sometimes he tries to look as mean as possible to keep troublemakers away, but in more peaceful conditions, he can also play on his boyish looks and small size to go unnoticed.
Jalil keeps his raven black hair gladiator style: very short and well kept so no opponent can grab him by the hair during a fight. Above his high cheekbones, his iron grey eyes often seem to be lost in dreams, as if he was looking to another world, but suddenly can shine with a deadly and intimidating gaze if need be.
He's got the typical features of Aurveshans, with a sallow skin, small flat nose and pointed chin.

red shadow

First Post
Hi Toric, I posted my completed character (with heirloom and background/history). Have a look at it and if you're OK, I'll post it in the definitive character section and wait for you to find a way to introduce Jalil into the story.


First Post
Still here. Just had some family emergencies keeping away from the computer.

Hopefully things are settled now, and I can get back to a regular posting schedule.

Not a problem, Draco.

red shadow, your character looks fine. Go ahead and post him in the Rogues Gallery thread. I'll work on getting you into the game shortly.

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