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D&D 5E things I changed for my game

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First feature: you may make a wisdom medicine contest against a targets constitution save, if the target fails, they are unconcious for a number of minutes equal to your wisdom medicine modifier, you must be able to sneak attack the target, if the target takes any damage, they awaken.

I would play an assassin. Its about the only class that works with all of these options. A contested skill check to inflict the unconscious condition on a target for minutes? Who needs to damage anyone? Just knock out targets one at a time, tie them up and cut throats at your leisure.


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Wizard, you clearly didn't get the entire point of this thread, to help me REBALANCE these ideas, no one has been helping me do that in this thread so far.

Wizard, you clearly didn't get the entire point of this thread, to help me REBALANCE these ideas, no one has been helping me do that in this thread so far.

To be fair, even though you didn't ask people to help you rebalance your houserules in your OP, some people have been helping you do so. They have pointed out that the assassin changes are big combat bonuses where others get situational and smaller benefits. They know your assassin is out of whack, and have told you so, but you seem to have some form of idea of what an "Assassin" is that is rather unusual, and so we're not sure what to suggest as alternatives that will fit with your image of the class.

People have also pointed out how your rest rules severely change the balance of the classes, since all classes other than some Rogues have resources that recover through long or short rests.
For example a major feature of the Fighter class is its Action Surge and Second Wind. These recover per short rest meaning that they're generally available every couple of fights - compared to spells which are recovered much less often. In your rules, whereas spellcasters recover some spells during the overnight camps, Fighters don't get their short-rest-based resources back unless the party actually stops for an entire day.
We know that this messes up the balance due to changing the default at which the classes were balanced at. People have mentioned this. Again, we're not entirely sure why you made the change, so we're not sure what would fit with your ideas when we try to suggest changes.


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I changed it, unless its not there, I pretty much just gave quick rests all the features of short rests minus the HD healing, it should be there... My concept of the assassin is more or less a single target killing machine, good at dealing damage and sneaking, not so good at the rest of things. I also gave the ranger at will hunters mark and +wis to damage against favorite prey, at will hunters mark comes in at level two. Capstone is drop a favorite to zero HP instantly but lose the ability to cast spells until a long rest is finished.

I changed it, unless its not there, I pretty much just gave quick rests all the features of short rests minus the HD healing, it should be there...

No, thats not what your rule says at all. It states that it allows the recovery of spell slots and nothing more. So no action surge, wild shape, divine channel, superiority dice etc.

My advice is to have short rests be 8 hours and long rests be 1 week. Allow HD healing on an overnight rest, but restrict the recovery of HD and HP to a full weeks rest.

In other words use the longer rest variant (but allow exhaustion to come back on a short rest instead of a long rest).

My concept of the assassin is more or less a single target killing machine, good at dealing damage and sneaking, not so good at the rest of things.

As others have pointed out, its hideously OP and youve exchanged non-combat abilities (useful in the social and exploration pillars of the game) with brokenly powerful combat abilities.

Leave the class alone.

I also gave the ranger at will hunters mark and +wis to damage against favorite prey, at will hunters mark comes in at level two. Capstone is drop a favorite to zero HP instantly but lose the ability to cast spells until a long rest is finished.

Considering low level hunter rangers are already ridiculously potent in dealing damage, this is an undeeded boost.

If you wanted to do anything give them a slight boost at levels 6, 11 and 17 (a boost to combat ability at level 11, and exploration pillars at the other levels)

The reason WHY I removed the out of combat abilities and gave in combat abilities is that the subclass is titled ASSASSIN, not infiltrator, not fisherman, not knife swallower, ASSASSIN. They should be focused on combat.

So what does your assassin do if combat isn't an option? If I was a player in your game and needed to reach a heavily defended target, sometimes disguise is a better idea than stealth.


First Post
that works for the ranger, the assassin has been left alone. The beastmaster hunter instead gets the ability to set his beastial buddy to a command, a command would be a course of action, changing it would take an action, so if you set it to attack, it just mauls everything that is unfriendly to the party, including NPCs, meaning you can't just leave it on attack mode and have a bonus party member as it may end up mauling that valuable NPC you wanted to leave alive, it has half of the rangers HP as well, rangers also have three attacks at twentieth level, just at some point they get a third attack.

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