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Tonight is Threshold


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Alhazred said:
As for the other comments, sci-fi science and technology don't bother me so long as internal consistency is maintained.

The difference is that in star Trek and Babylon 5, it was made very clear that we were working in another universe/time, with vastly different technology. I have problems with shows that portray contemporary time, tell us to assume that everything we normally know is true, and then use bad science and technobabble. Either make the science fictional, or real. Don't pretend is is real when it is really fictional.

The 4400 is an egregious offender here. About twice per episode, they make science mistakes that aren't even critical to their plot. They could write it in line with the real world without losing any tension or plot, but trhey just don't bother.

Truth Seeker said:
From that, it sounds like you are not expecting for it to last either

No, I mean that it has earned a couple more episodes worth of my time. I don't claim to know how long it will last. I have an ongoing estimaate of how much I myself will watch :)

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Rackhir said:
One note, 80 miles off the US coast is nominally in international waters, but well within the 200 nautical mile "Exclusive Economic Zone" that most countries claim. I'm fairly certain that under international law the NK ship/sub? has every right to be there though. I'm pretty sure the russians parked some of their short ranged SSBN subs were parked even close than that during the cold war.

Every right to be there? Maybe. Able to pose enough of a threat to make a team investigating the most important find in the history of world run for it, destroying the ship? That makes the plot of the last Bond movie look good.

John Crichton

First Post
TiVo-ed it and just watched. Some random thoughts, maybe some nitpicks and reactions to posts so far...

- Being a fan of highly stylised TV/film, they did a poor job giving this show some identity. This show was obviously greenlit due to the success of Lost. Much of Lost's appeal is how stylish it is. It has a look that was evident from the first ep. Add to it is the audio. I would have expected the audio stuff (always a great opportunity for spookiness) to add some real character - it's just my opinion but it didn't. The opening sequence had some flair to it, but that was gone after the main characters were introduced.

- The corpses, fractal, sounds and other visuals were not interesting at all. Almost seemed like they blew most of the budget on the opening 10 minutes.

- The characters weren't bad. I really like Spiner's character and Gugino's character but then again I've liked everything she's been in and she always brings a certain lonely sadness to her characters that is flecked with fleeting moments of joy. Or maybe that's just the casting/editing. :)

All that said, I think that the concept is good and can be entertaining but the execution was not all that great. They have some good actors on the show, 2 I've already mentioned plus Charles Dutton who never ceases to entertain. But somehow they made all the characters and situations seem a bit flat. Goes back to my problem with lack of style. And as for some of the psuedo-science or whatever you want to call it, that stuff never bothers me. I may be somewhat ignorant when it comes to real science but as long as they follow their own internal rules and don't cheat (see B5, Buffy, Farscape) I'm okay with it. It's the characters that matter.

And about the characters - the concept of the ghost/merc is interesting and can be exploited. Putting the muscled pretty-boy with very little charisma, acting chops and screen presence was not a good move. Thusly, I couldn't care less about him. Ramsey is cool. His shortness, attitude and the fact that it didn't seem to matter that he is a little person was appealing. I wonder if the part needed someone with that look or did he win the part? Just one of the things I thought about while I was bored with one of the scenes.

I feel that it's always important to focus on a show's/writer's/concept's strengths. For Threshold I believe it's the concept that is king. I can see how telling someone about the show sounds much cooler than the actual show. That means that something was lost when put to the screen.

Since I have a TiVo that can record 2 channels at once it will stay on the Season Pass for now but it may sit there for a bit until after I catch up on other shows that are more interesting. I'm really hoping that one of the Lost clones turns out to be good, just so there is some competition. The battle between Threshold, Invasion and Surface begins... I guess.

John Crichton

First Post
Anyone else catch the super-obvious Lost connection? I didn't even need to imdb this one (which I often have to) - he was Ethan. Both characters were super-strong and super-mysterious. Doesn't bode well to steal a concept and a guest star...

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