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Trouble in the Heartland...Maiden Voyage


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Congratulations! You have won an all expense paid cruise on the riverboat "Illinois Queen". Still hard to believe, but that's what the letter said. And to prove it, you spent the last night in the Mark Twain Hotel, again, free of charge, and now you're standing at the pier, looking at the riverboat, about to board.

According to the literature that came along with your prize notification, this boat is one hundred years old. It sure doesn't look it though. Apparently the "complete refurbishment" that the boat went through was successful, because it looks as bright and shiny as a new car. You swear you can smell new rolling off of it in waves. But at the same time as you're getting that "new" feeling, you're also getting a feeling of being in the past, or connected to the past somehow.

This is to be her maiden voyage, odd as it seems. One hundred years to the day after her first maiden voyage. And you get to be there, along with 19 other lucky winners, and hundreds of guests willing to pay for the priviledge.
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You'll be following the same itinerary as the original trip. 12 days to Memphis and back. Twelve days just rolling lazily down the river, or up the river on the return trip. There's supposed to be some really good bands on the boat, and stops in St. Louis and Memphis for other entertainment.

At any rate, you're shown to your individual staterooms, which turn out to be slightly larger than a closet, with a set of bunkbeds, a chest of drawers, and a small bathroom. They're very nicely furnished, but are definately on the small side.

You feel a vibration run through the boat, and step out on deck. From your vantage point (you're all on the fourth, top, or sun deck) you can see the large single paddle wheel spinning rapidly as the boat backs out of her berth. It's about 10am so you have an hour before lunch is served. The sun is shining, a cool breeze is beginning to flow over the deck, and you've not a care in the world.


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I unpack my things, amazed that most of it even fit in the dinky room. I then proceed to take a walk around the boat, not really looking for anything, just wasting time while I wait to eat.


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Tom leaned heavily onto the deck railing, ignoring the gawkers and wanderers about him. With half-lidded eyes he stared out into the shifting waters which lie about the boat, not really registering any of it.
He had already taken care of his luggage - not that there was much to really take care of, honesty. Two changes of clothing and a baggie of tolietries were all that he had crammed into the dusty suitcase he'd discovered in the attic. Stowing it away once aboard had proved just as easy. Open door. Toss suitcase inside. Close door. Ta-da!

Sighing loudly, Tom pushed himself up out of his half-slumped position. Tugging once on his cap to pull it a little more firmly on his head, he began to walk off, thick-soled shoes scuffing faintly on the deck.
Time to go find something to do. Preferably, something involving a beer.


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Joseph puts his camera around his neck, keeps a pad of paper on him, and shuffles aimlessly around the ship looking for interesting things and people, asking them why they came on the voyage, and taking all photo oppurtunities.


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Most everyone on the Illinois Queen is on deck, watching the water and the shoreline slip quietly by. Lunch is served from 11am to 1 pm, and the food is good. The bars in the Texas Lounge (3rd level) and Forward cabin Lounge (2nd level) open at the same time. Your beer selection is rather limited, the only american beer they have is Samuel Adams. Everything else is imported.

All of the tables in the dining room have assigned seating, of course all the "winners" are seated together in the far corner of the room. Even in your best clothes, most of you look a little out of place among the paying guests.

Around 1pm you get word that Heartland, a very popular local country western band is setting up in the viewing area (1st level), and should kick off a concert at around 3. By the time the band starts playing, many of the guests have retired indoors, getting out of the heat and humidity one would expect from August in Illinois.


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I unpack my stuff, amazed that it even fit in the room. But what do you expect from military personal? Then I proceed to practice martial arts for an hour or more. I set up my laptop and proceed to map out the boat the best i can, after i finish that I decide to go and get something to eat and drink.

Zach surveys the crowd in the dining area with limited interest. He turns to the diners in the immediate vicinity, addressing no one in particular: "So... do any of you actually remember signing up for a contest? I sure don't. I certainly wouldn't have done it sober in any event... must be a promotional thing. Anyway, I think I'm headed to the 'Texas lounge' to see if I can find a nice import to start the night off... anyone care to join?"


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Joseph looks up at Zach, cocks an eyebrow, shrugs, and says "I suppose one should never look a gift horse in the mouth, although it is rather strange that I have a ticket, so few good things ever come my way. However, I would be more than willing to have a drink with you, sir." Joseph gets up at this point, and starts walking toward the Texas Lounge.


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Mila: Directed toward Zach, "Well, hun you look a little young to be drinking, especially since it's only Noon. I prefer to wait til nightfall to start drinking. But suit yourself, I'm not on the job here. I'd like to see if they've got a pool table or darts, anyway."
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